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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 29, 2024 11:00am-11:16am CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the busy vineyards lie from berlin. nicholas my doodle claims election victory in venezuela. results show my duties, policy winnings on 51 percent of sunday's vote, or the countries opposition for listen, rejects those figures saying they one putting them under collision calls with the government plus fears grow over, escalating tensions in the middle east. israel secured, it's a cabinet, authorizes the response to such a days as strikes in the occupied going on heights. these rank name theatre,
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which gives 12 children and teenagers on has been lost. the british manager, welcome venezuelan president nicholas my door has been declared. the wind out of the presidential race by the countries elect total council with 51 percent of sunday's vote, with 80 percent of the content that is all set the stage for the 3rd time from a doodle who has ruined the country with a firm hand. since taking over from hugo chavez in 2013, the opposition has disputed the results, claiming they have been manipulated by the elect, auto council, which is run by list close to the president. he has my doodle speaking officer, his victory was announced, announced a bob. and i said before, there would be peace, you know,
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and there was and there has been and there is evolve and there will be peace and stability and justice after the 28th of july, from today onwards. peace, stability, and respect for the law and justice involves. the venezuelan opposition has rejected the official resolved which put the candidate at window gonzalez at 44 percent. they claim they won the election in a line slide. i d. sam deal out of those who have been violated. here we go to the point that most of a tally sheets have not yet been delivered to wait domain. so here our message of reconciliation and a peaceful transition is still valid. the type of quote based and we have convinced that the great majority of and this wailings be also aspire to it. so now we
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struggle continues and we will not rest until the will of the venice when people is respected in this way to say i repeat that and has done this, mary, man, i and cut off goes with more on how the position that used to be acting well, they also say shown is a strongly claiming the result of fraudulent saying they have a voting needed to prove their results. clark, quite different from the ones that were announced. they say if you look on silas, which is the making opposition and sound is they want the election by a landslide. they say 70 percent of the vote on uh well they are asking for international uh the international community to this these uh they a now there will be options to, uh, some sort of uh, uh, claim that uh that the, the, the nation of the data was money, if you, late at the, by the government control electoral bore still is right next,
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which is preparing for the possibility. of course, a few, there is a fighting along its northern border with lebanon, according to 2 officials. these render security cabinet has already given the go ahead for the response to a rocket attack and the occupied goal on heights which kills 12 children, is rather blames and lebanese minutes and group has but law. although the group denies responsibility, the security cabinet has authorized the government to decide on the nature and timing of what his bonds and israel's defense minister has vowed to hit its enemy hard. while avoiding an all out war. from all i'm now joined by the, the blues, rebecca auditors and due to some rebecca is rarely officials are fortunately saying the ministry is preparing for cold a few days of fighting. how do you interpret that so well there is, i think a few days of finding is the least that we can expect a response from israel or a further response from israel is expected. it's not a matter of ease,
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but when the security cabinet is ready, security cabinet has given the authority to prime minister benjamin netanyahu and his defense minister, you'll have good luck to make decisions about the scale, scope, and timing of that response. we have seen some limited responses over the weekend, saturday night into sunday, and throughout sunday, and overnight as well in response to what is being seen. so it me here in israel, but also by the us as a rocket launched by his blah, killing 12 children in the occupied golden heights and israel's knowles, in the northern region there on the border. now we, we think there are certain factors that will play into the hands of whether or not this is a couple of days or indeed spilling into something wider, either a big a conflict between israel and has. but i, or even a wider conflict, and that is, of course, with us mediation efforts to try to pre k, to try and make sure that these ready start respond to swiftly too harshly how
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successful they are. and of course, just how israel do end up responding is going to play, you know, is going to have a big effect on whether or not we see a big response from his book. and then uh, this sort of spilling out if you will. mean one is on his won't israel, that any new military adventures and never known could lead to cold, unforeseen consequences. what could that mean as well? it's certainly a warning from iran through israel that if they were to, you know, as i was mentioning, of this scale and scope of their reaction is going to be perceived across their perceived red lines by around that they would indeed then potentially step in to support their proxy has the largest support lab and on in any fight that may break out between the 2. whether or not that's what happens of course remains to be seen . but we're sort of facing a similar situation now that we were facing an april after iran attacked
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a software that is ready soil's uh, sending rockets and missiles drones in to this region. and we are waiting for the response. how was is well going to respond now if they do something similar as i just mentioned, some sort of limited attacks. and i think it's very unlikely that iran would step in if they were to attack civilians and civilian infrastructure inside level. and then we may say a different picture does diplomacy is didn't have a chance, rebecca, to help but diffuse tensions i think yes, diplomacy always has a child, hopefully barish and, and that's certainly what may happen. but the us, i'm from the 2 of many diplomatic efforts trying to make sure that this doesn't spill out. we know that the us has been trying since the beginning since october 8th. and in fact, even before this particular contact for accounts to try to mediate between has blah and israel and living on in terms of the border in the north,
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they suddenly been renewed. if it's ongoing efforts throughout this entire conflict time they are, you know, certainly working hard now to try to prevent, uh, you know, a big response and then an even bigger retaliation from his below the dep. notice for back over to us reporting from jerusalem. thanks so much i of course, if not, some of the stories making headlines around the world. molly's northern tropic rebels say they killed dozens of rivals, soldiers, and bog numbers, and there is in days of intense fighting the out of julian border. the separatists came to have seized alma bagels and trucks. molly's army says at last, at least 2 soldiers, but kinda around 20 rebels. at least 15 people had been killed in a mudslide and southeastern china after good by heavy rain. it's the tail end of type one, gave me that brought to wrenches down falls to remote areas. storm. also back to the philippines and taiwan on the last week, leaving over 40. did you see now melisha has submitted its application for
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membership of the brakes. a grouping of imagining economies, premier and muddy, brought him confounded the application was sent to russia, which caught on the whole so taking care of the group, the organization got, and he has 10 member countries, including present russia, india, and china. in ukraine, anticipation is growing over the immune and delivery of breast and made f 16 fighter jets. they are expected to arrive in the coming weeks and keep says they wouldn't be a game changer in their efforts to depend rushes in base and bought. spec condition is rife where they will be based. many ukrainians are concerned that having the jets in the neighborhood could lead to intensified, crushed into tex. the long wait is almost over. after months of intense training and preparations at 165 digits are about to touch
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down and ukraine. they can't come soon enough for ukrainian president phil automated zalinski. he says the plains are a game changer and no give, keep the chance to break rushes dominance of ukraine's aerospace. but keeping the jet safe will now be a priority in speculation. is rife with that will be stationed ukraine is not confirmed with the going to park the aircraft, but many experts say one air force base in west and ukraine is an ideal candidates . the startled cost in tina face is located roughly half way between keys and the beef. it's home to ukraine, 7th, tactical aviation brigade, and with it so the era underground shelters. it's a logical option. but in the town of thought will cost you anything if just across the river. people are concerned maybe local sites. i appreciate all the support ukraine gets from abroad. but the increasingly fear of being court in most cases, crosses,
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is concentrating such high powered weapons in one place means that the enemy will seek to destroy these weapons. so for us, as residents of the town, this is a higher risk factor. we are very worried to the moment that the finish line, donald coffee and tina has often felt rushes wrath and this conflict in august 2023 ukrainian authority say moscow bombed a corn storage facility in the region. and as recently as mid july keeps, as it shut down 5 russian cruise missiles at 11 drones targeting style row co cmt. net. it's a defense forces in the region site that russia has been stepping up its attacks over the past month, trying to find weaknesses at experimenting with new techniques. so the tools use at the increasing the explosive charge on the right and then use the nice thing that cruise myself with fragmentation, munitions,
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the damage lights on the vehicles were political just left the new one on destiny. not everyone believes the 16 so would be able to turn the tide in this war. but at least they would also give you kind of drugs to try something new to talk to you next, where animal rights activists have been running for weeks against have been to reduce the huge population of wines dogs, demonstrators for your administration could lead to moscow's and once the animals knew, tied instead, decades home to an estimate of $4000000.00 stray dogs, which can be in danger to people, especially children, so forth of the bill. so it would make the streets safer. parliament is due to vote on it. in the next few days to the pilot, someone picks now and swimming in the rivers and has been cancelled again for the 2nd day in a row, mondays drives and then training session was called off off the weekend down pause, effective water quality organizers said they were confident conditions would
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improve before the start of the competition. on tuesday, the drive to the is a 1st and then pick events due to be held in this. and madison's room is due to begin competing next week. mean by day 2 of the bad as 2020 for the big so the much anticipated the ton of us superstar gymnast simone biles, she was competing in the qualifying, runs for the team. an individual disciplines added time to the vault will typically be spectacular. bringing the crowds through its feats, but focus soon shifted to an injury. she picked up in the warm up in front of me, the full time loans. maybe this student stopped the all around the same things. basketball is another every night in which the us are expected to dominate in demands competition against one of the real challenges sub yeah, it was liberal and james, who got us on board. the captain did the way it gives the sub inside that held the
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lead for much of the 1st quarter. but in the end, the americans had too much 5. they wanted a 110 to 84 from back to the ends of global sport to a place where the teenagers dominate. the women street scape board fine o. brazil is the highest level silver med list in tokyo, 3 years ago to bronze with 3. well executed tricks to give her the need before the japanese k attempt to cool the 15 year old at least come, i was in the gold very position before her 14 year old compatriots. good to go. she's of us still the show. it's a stunning loss. one and the reminder of the top study they are following for you president nicholas my doodle has claim victory in venezuela's presidential election, the country is elect total council says he won some 51 percent of the roads, but the opposition disputes the election tally,
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claiming each be manipulated by the neck. total council. that's it for the moment. don't forget, you can always get full stories on our website defense d, w dot com and on social media channels i have them is at the doctor. news i british find the jeep invalid and thanks so much for watching the back again in about 45 minutes from now. you then, by the growing us interagency as the palestinians ever known, we tons expect much living with a bare minimum without civil rights. and with no cost, this is not a good environment. yeah, no, no my children and favorite shadow stats oldest good. on the double you


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