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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 29, 2024 2:00pm-2:15pm CEST

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the the, this is the w news live from the nicholas madera claims election victory in venezuela. results show me the jurors policy winning some $0.51 on sundays. those are the countries of position. the coalition rejects those figures. they say they won in a land slide. also coming up from the program fees grow the escalating tensions in the middle east. israel security cabinets authorizes the response to subsidies as strikes in the occupied the golan heights. israel blamed the attack, which kills 12 children and teenagers. on his beloved and authorities in the
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philippine scrambled to contain an oil spill of the coast of manila c. as in growing the spill could become an environmental catastrophe with numerous fishing communities and the life maintenance in danger. the manuscript was mccain welcome to the program. great to have you with us. but as well as electoral council has declared nicholas madura the winner of sundays presidential election with 51 percent of the vote of the countries opposition coalition has disputed that result. it claims the votes have been manipulated by loyalists. close to the president, nicholas missouri has ruled venezuela since taking over from who they chavez, in 2013, to, sorry, meet the i'm nicholas madura, the re elected president of the boulevard in republic of venezuela. nicholas my do
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to was quick to claim victory in front of children and supporters of to be like door to the council announced he has secured a tut them with the majority of the votes counted the claim. the opposition was also quick to count of monte leave onto the telephone, open equilla, and the word that been equilla has a new president elect needs. it wound up gonzales, who wrote down the opposition a coalition of bodies which united the stand against my doodle claims. it's candidate 170 percent of the vote, and that the electronics council numbers are fraudulent. the stand off condo is a tense, might accounting with all positions supportive, demanding to witness the account. i made allocations of rigging. my daughter was
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10 years of who come on, but she use of his mentor who go chavez all together to solve these thoughts have do independence. relo for the quarter century election authorities and the judiciary off from the under my duty was tom and a mentoring economy has pretty good over 7000000 people to see when, as well as abroad in columbia federal argentina. mexico have reacted with grief and anger. the in today, the defeat of the miserable dictates the nicholas my doodle was obvious enough. today we're going to bend as to whether to be free to people's decision should be respectful. guy. i want to be in my home. i want to be in my country. this is not fair, it's not fair. i wanted
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a free venezuela. this is our last hope we will decide we will decide for the freedom of venezuela either we lose or we, we are going to fight. c many international leaders have also reacted with concern calling on election authorities to release more avoiding data. my doodle, meanwhile, has vowed to hold on to follow and prevent violence. israel says it is preparing for the possibility of a few days of slicing along its northern border with 11 on that's according to 2 is ready. officials, these ready security cabinet has already given the go ahead for a response to a real good attack in the occupied golden heights, which killed 12 children is ro blames the lebanese militant group has beloved for that's attack. hezbollah is denying responsibility, is ready, security cabinets, authorized private as to benjamin netanyahu to decide on the nature and timing of
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a response. and as well as defense minister has about to hit its enemy hard, while trying to avoid an or out tool. so it is around now preparing for this possibility of a few days of slicing. i also dw jerusalem correspondent rebecca rich as well that might look like as well. we've been hearing all sorts of things on your are in the last days since the attack on saturday and a few days of fighting is probably one of the better options, sorry to say, but we definitely expect the response as you've just reported. and we know that the security cabinet, the is ready, security cabinet, had given the power to determine the scale scope and timing of that attacked to the prime minister. benjamin netanyahu and defense minister jo as good alons. now as you just said, you're gone and prime minister netanyahu had both said that his brother will pay the price for this attack. they are blaming his blood or his blood have denied
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involvement. but they say that they will retaliate. and by all accounts everybody, you speak to hit analyst pundits a, you know, people in the security services they all are expecting an attack. in fact, some were saying that they were surprised. it hasn't happened already. we have been seeing some limited retaliations in southern and even further into 11 on suddenly resembling more of this tit for tat metallic tree strikes that we have been seeing over the last 10 or so months. but we are expecting something bigger. and just what that means for the region, whether this will spill out and to a wider conflict, or as you say that the, that some official saying this could be a couple of days really depends on the size of israel's retaliation. and what they choose to retaliate against. okay. and the war and goals are, is of course, also ongoing. israel has ordered a new evacuation of an area in the strip which it had previously designated as a humanitarian say. so palestinians, what more can you tell us about that situation?
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well, over the weekend, an area of this uh, so called humanitarian area, known as on my why fi in the hon unit area pops of that were ordered to be evacuated. is ready military saying that how must have been using it to load rockets from that particular area and they have some other evacuated civilians. and we've been hearing all of a bombing campaigns continuing in the last couple of days and including that in and around that area. we're also hearing today we've been saying from the idea that they have issued a new evacuation order for the parish and no say red caps, they're in the central gaza. so more areas that would seem to have been cleared earlier in this more that are now being according to these are in the military reuse by how most of the areas that they are launching attacks from now, those areas have been evacuated as well. now according to monroe, the palestinians, the you and the agency that looks up about a city and refugees,
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they say that only 14 percent of gaza now isn't under evacuation orders. in fact, many of the remaining 86 percent of the strip is, is, has been ordered to evacuate. so, you know, yeah, obviously are incredibly difficult time and a difficult situation for the civilians. they're desperately trying to seek shelter that we know that no way in gaza is safe. but yeah, as i say on reclaiming that only 14 percent of the strip now not under those evacuation. what is rebecca? thank so much, let's database rebecca versus reporting from to respond. so we're going to go back to our top story now. that's nicholas missouri claiming election victory in venezuela because we can now get some analysis from christopher sabatini who's focused on less than america of the trust them house think tank in london. thank you so much for your time. i'm glad we could secure the connection with you. at the opposition is challenging the election result. it says it's lead edmondo gonzalez,
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170 percent of the vote. so where all of a guessing these figures from exactly from exit polls that were conducted by a firm in new jersey and also the um, the sites that they were able to get opposition observers and to, to observe the vote count issues is we don't really know validity of that sample. neither the, the exit polls or the vote count. let me clearly the, the analysis, the results of their announce last night by the model of the electoral council definitely are in variance with the polling that had a little gonzales 25 to 30 points ahead of me for lots more though. but in terms of these extra poles and these individual ballots, they were able to kind of, we don't know, the sort of statistical validity of those. so i'd be a little bit hesitant to use those as a benchmark. i think this clearly some suspicious things going on. one of them is
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that actually the see any that's the event as well. electrical commissions website is completely down. they have yet to issue official results. and they have yet to sort of show the ballot paper that is produced when, when the electronic system produces a vote. so we really, um, there's plenty of reasons to delta vote, but i'd be a little cautious and trusting those extra polls or the oppositions number. so far, okay, and with the way, hearing that the electoral commission has promised her was release official results in the coming hours. so what would you say we can expect as well, i think we, i really don't think we know right now. i mean, the issue isn't so much of their results. we already know they're claiming that that mode one by 51 percent to 44 percent. the question is actually, if they're willing to produce this paper trail that demonstrates that matches the balance that were collected on the site that was, that were produced by the electronic voting machines and then cali those nationally
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so that we can compare their actual results of they've announced them with the paper trail produced, allegedly those results. and i think we'll see a discrepancy and we're seeing this already with just a burrell and anthony blink. and even the look president lula presented his foreign policy advisor is calling for elect oral transparency. the real trick, the real question here is will they produce those? what are called the asked us those balance. okay. now telling me foreign leaders have been holding off recognizing the results, the left as president of tele gabriel. burke said the missouri regime should understand that the results that published are difficult to believe. so with this kind of international reaction, this kind of pressure, do you think that will have any effect on the situation this whole? or it's difficult to say, nicholas, my daughter is a survivor. he got a survivor closer, less than 2013. he survived what was wrongly denounced as
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a fraudulent selection. 2018 then survived and attempt to build things for the fictional shadow government led by fund. while i go in 2019, you survive maximum pressure sanctions by the trump administration. and you know, he seems pretty resilient to international pressure. he's got his allies there, there. it's not a, it's pretty much the rogues gallery of allied with russia, ron cuba, and the corolla, china. so it's, you may just hunker down and see what we can normalize relations in some way. the other possibility though, is that president of brazil lula has been an ally of his for a long time. president, gustavo petro columbia has been an ally there, both center left governments that may actually have more sway over what he decides to do. because their, their neighbors are in the neighborhood of the cards. all right, well have to leave it louder. thank so much for that analysis. kristof the 17, the last in america x. but a test in house. thank you. now face of an
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environmental catastrophe in the philippines, all growing as the oil from a sunken boat continues to link and to the ocean. the time co sign can bad weather of manila on thursday, killing one crew member, i'm creating the risk of a major oil spill foils me, is the ocean of manila is caused. the fuel is spilling from a sun can tank, which went down in rough seas last week. some of the roughly 1400000 liters of oil on board is leaching out. coast guard teams have been using sprays which help break down the fuel cruise plan to siphon the risk of the oil from the visuals. hold on tuesday at the earliest, but dive is, are attempting to see a leaking valves. fist, local fishing, cruise one to the government to hold those responsible to account setup of. and the problem we have is the data is the only spreading across the ocean. so now
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my, my hope the government finds a solution right away and not the, it's a big loss for us fiction folk. but i think that was um, that are going to allow me to um, and kind of like we have very worried for our livelihoods. because all of the fish that with being taken care of might die has not. and i like that because god is cooling full, the suspension of fishing in manila by to prevent people aging contaminated fish. it's warning all of an environmental catastrophe. if the sun can ships and tie a kind of goes, we're to lake is a quick reminder for you of our top story today. president nicholas madero has claimed victory and venezuela's presidential election. the country's electoral council says he won some 51 percent of the votes, but the opposition disputes the election tally, claiming it's being manipulated by the electoral council. and that's what we have
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time full, but coming up next, i don't commentary. the 2nd part is on documentary, on the dr. down cathedral in paris. and some of it's different states you into that if you can. i'm, i need to make it and thank you for watching the growing up as a palestinian and driven on. we can't expect much living with the bare minimum without civil rights and with no prospect. this is not a good environment. yeah, no, no, my children and favorite shadow starts oldest good. on the w for a long time you would believe.


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