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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 29, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is the w news lies from violin. israel's prime minister vows retaliation against hezbollah. prime minister benjamin netanyahu visited the sites in the is radio occupied go on. heights was 12, children, and teenagers. what killed in an as strike. israel blaine's the lebanese militants . but has a lot to noise. it's involvement also coming up. nicholas madura exclaimed victory in venezuela election. officials say that there is policy on some 51 percent sundays vote, but the countries opposition coalition claims it's one us and the you have not recognized the results. and vandals target from his communications networks
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overnight. so sorry if he's make arrests and what they say is yes, another asset, fine, environmental activists disrupt olympic games in paris. the manual group is mckennan good to have you with us. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu is wanting of a severe response to a rocket strike that killed 12 people in these ready controlled gun heights on saturday. nothing you know who visited the sights of the deadly attack in the druids. village of my fellowship comes on monday. israel blamed the wrong box, lebanese millicent group has belong for the strike on the sports field. and he is ready. the security cabinet has authorized prime minister netanyahu to decide how and when to respond. some residence of the village came out to protest against miss new of his visits,
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accusing him of exploiting the tragedy for political purposes with his round. now preparing for the possibility of facing aisles, dw is jerusalem correspondent, rebecca, riches. what that might look like? well, we've been hearing all sorts of things on your are in the last days since the attack on saturday and a few days of fighting is probably one of the better options. sorry to say, but we definitely expect the response as you've just reported. and we know that the security cabinet, these ready security cabinet had given the power to determine the scale, scope and timing of that attack to the prime minister. benjamin netanyahu and defense minister jo as gallano. now as you just said, your golan and prime minister netanyahu have both said that his mother will pay the price for this attack. they are blaming his blood or his blood have denied involvement. but they say that they will retaliate. and by all accounts everybody, you speak to hit analyst pundits, you know, people in the security services,
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they all are expecting an attack. in fact, some were saying that they were surprised. it hasn't happened already. we have been seeing some limited retaliations in southern and even further into lebanon. uh, certainly resembling more of this tit for tat retaliatory strikes that we have been seeing over the last 10 or so month. but we are expecting something bigger. and just what that means for the region, whether this will spill out into a wider conflict or as you say that the, that some official saying this could be a couple of days really depends on the size of israel's retaliation. and what they choose to retaliate against. okay. and the war and guns are, is of course, also ongoing. israel has ordered a new evacuation of an area in the strip which it had previously designated as a humanitarian say. so so it palestinian is what more can you tell us about that situation? well over the weekend, an area of this uh,
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so cold humanitarian area known as on my west seat in the hon. unit area. pops of that were ordered to be evacuated, is ready, military saying that how must have been using it to load rockets from that particular area. and they have some other evacuated civilians. and we've been hearing all of a bombing campaigns continuing in the last couple of days. and including that in and around that area. we're also hearing today or we've been saying from the idea that they have issued a new evacuation order for the barish and knows the red caps there in the central gaza. so more areas that would seem to have been cleared earlier in this more that are now being according to these are in the military reuse by hamas as areas that they are launching attacks from now those areas has been evacuated as well. now according to monroe, the palestinians, the un agency that looks up about a city and refugees, they say that only 14 percent of gaza now isn't under evacuation or does. in fact,
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many of the remaining 86 percent of the strip is, is, has been ordered to evacuate. so, you know, obviously are incredibly difficult time and a difficult situation for the civilians. they're desperately trying to seek shelter that we know that no way in gaza is safe. but yeah, as i say on reclaiming that only 14 percent of the strip now not under those evacuation. what is rebecca? think so much. let's database rebecca versus reporting from juris when there was a number of cycles. sites the in strength and goals of the united nations as warning. but the key is spreading across the strip senior. you an agency official, save a lot of local law enforcement, and basic supplies is pissing people against one another that's leading to ramp loosing unlawful killings and shootings. the people in garza are constantly on the move seeking safety from the bombings
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the elements and more and more from each other. united nations staff senior lead the entire population has been driven from their homes, many displaced several times, and they warn, desperate living conditions have led to break down some civic quarters and widespread lawlessness. there is a routine, mult justice, extortion of money, family disputes, random shootings, funding for spice and resources. and we see use with sticks, manny barricades. the un says, continued bombardments, severe overcrowding, and shortages of basic supplies are the main drivers of the chaos. shelton, the creation of these conditions has led to the predictable and entirely foreseeable unraveling of the fabric of society and gaza, setting people against one another in a fight for survival. the you wins,
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regional director says nobody is in forcing civic order. so this is the and i'll keep that we talk about and it's extremely dangerous as well. and we need to pay attention to you. we want the police to be back on the street and to bring some order that in this video released by the israeli army, purportedly shows government seizing in a truck in the roof. the area of southern gaza. the when says this is predictable, given the circumstances, and it's up to israel to ensure the steady entry and delivery of daily centrals. this is the legal responsibility of these route, not just to facilitate, i get a unit, but then to facilitate the size distribution, all of that i, none of these things are being happening for 9 months. the un wants and immediate end to the fighting, to help restore public order and begin the moments task of rebuilding homes and
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lives there. i spoke with sign enabling a professor of international politics at lancaster university in the u. k. about the humanitarian crisis on the classic security situation in gaza. but i don't think it's all that surprising that there is a key after all, this is a boy, so there is devastation. there's been devastation going on, so it's $300.00 days is not even longer. so i think that's been pretty important thing to remember, that there is a specific context that play here. now if we're talking about low in order and costs as well, i guess you would initially say that it would be the governing body to the organization that is responsible for the, for imposing goal that, but that would be so much how much is engaged in a struggle a violent struggle against israel, of course israel is, is engaging militarily in the gaza strip. and so makes it incredibly difficult for the date today, organization of security. and those individuals who have, you know,
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freighting is the cause of security forces. have obviously been a walk into the direct struggle against this route. so it's an incredibly difficult thing, but as hers is diverted, results is a way you from the provision of civic safety. what do you say that this was an inevitable situation? the security situation that was saying on the ground now, but i think sadly, yes, it was in the sense that when conflict breaks out and it breaks out and all come skimming the way with a both that is skewed li. this for. busy and it on the ground and imposing barrow and fission of florida olds with the indigenous way of
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doing politics. then it becomes incredibly difficult for, for the normal rhythms of life to continue. and when you've got to read the huge number of people that are struggling for food, shelter that are suffering from malnutrition, from basic health issues, children is struggling with diarrhea. what does the hydrate good? it's 32 degrees in gaza right now, but there is no pain volta. there is a real challenge for people, but if we can talk about security, i mean we saw in our report the, the images provided by israel, of an a truck. it was allegedly come and did by gunman in gaza. what kind of security is the full age deliveries for aid work? cuz as well, that's been a bit of
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a tricky one. in the sense the dots is full. so debate that are being numerous debates and arguments between the u. n and b as raves over what level of security, what level of protection should and can be given to these a calm voice is incredibly important to get the aden now, but you and it's saying that the, the, the aid has been made more challenging because of the, the israeli approach to getting the right level of security in, on the, on the grounds of the trucks. but these ladies are saying, but that this is not the case, but this is come up. and i think both of those is it points to the, the white, the bottle about how this is all being told. this is also a back to about the narrative. it's about what stories each side is, is telling about what is going on. unfortunately is, but people have gone to the $500000.00 people and goes at the, on the brink of
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a pretty devastating salvation. the ones are really suffering right now. so i mean, if we can look to the future, what about in the long term? most is the future of lauren order, and garza, i guess all of that depends on what the next steps also cause that is there is a ceasefire or if there was a continuation of of the state. this quote was the continuation of the state as quote uh, takes the form of pre october's a 7. then we see the is really occupational the is really relocating of gaza. so security would then be be achieved by israel in conjunction with a local false. previously this was the palestinian authority and so much. but if it's a different type of political agreement it's, there is either a ceasefire steps taken towards a 2 state solution towards the step. ready or posting in states that this would be
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the prerogative of a, of a palestinian force or indeed an international force. but unfortunately with the notes, no real sign of a ceasefire in sight. it's incredibly difficult to, to speculate beyond that progressive finding nathan from lancaster university in the u. k. thank you so much for your time. thank you. and as late as the electoral council has declared nicholas medea or the when of sundays presidential election with 51 percent of the voters, but the countries of position coalition dispute stopped results. it says the count was manipulated by loyalist close to the president and class montero has ruled venezuela since taken over from hugo chavez in 2013. so you need the, i'm nicholas madura, the re elected president of the boulevard and republic of venezuela. nicholas my due to was quick to claim victory in front of children and supporters to also be
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like daughters council announced he has secured a took them with the majority of the vote, counted the claim. the opposition was also quick to counter it. warranty we want to tell all open it's willa and the word that been it's willa has a new president elect needs it. moondog gonzales, who wrote down the opposition coalition of bodies which united to spend against my doodle claims, its candidate 170 percent of the vote. and that the electronics council numbers are fraudulent. the stand off condo is a tense, might accounting with all positions supportive, demanding to witness the account. i mean, allocations of rigging my daughter was 10 years of who come on, but she use of his mentor. who go chavez all together to solve these thoughts have
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do independence. relo for the quarter century election authorities and the judiciary off from the under my daughter was tom and a mentoring economy has pretty good over 7000000 people to sleep. venezuelans abroad in columbia federal argentina. mexico have reacted with grief and anger. the where are we doing today? the defeat of the miserable dictates the nicholas my doodle was obvious enough. today we're going to bend as to whether to be free. people's decision should be respectful. guy i want to be in my home. i want to be in my country. this is not fair, it's not fair. i wanted to free venezuela. this was our last hope. we will decide we will side for the freedom of venezuela. either we lose or we,
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we are going to fight. many international leaders have also reacted with concern calling on election authorities to release more avoiding data. my doodle, meanwhile, has vowed to hold on to follow and prevent violence. dw correspondent oscar flank just following the story for us from caracas. he told me more about the situation in the capital. now that the polls have closed or well, the somber this morning here and get out there's a, there's a lot of time on the streets. so after we received the results from the electronic council, giving a call that's my the victory of 51.2 percent lead. after 80 percent of the voters voted loads counted. now these results are still under scrutiny. the ballots printed out by each of the electronic voting machines need to be audited, and that has generated some conflict in various voting centers where the accredited
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voting witnesses were not giving these print outs were simply removed from the voting centers. so there are still a lot of questions to be answered and as of today, the electronic council website has crashed. so it's impossible to receive any information on that regard. now the council president engel, that's my brutal sub yesterday. the suffered a massive package to the system queued out from an enemy country. there is no details on this occupation, but it could be linked to problems accessing the website. despite all of this, before any challenges to the results can be made official. the electronic council is scheduled for quite a new product in the winter later today. okay, and of course the opposition is challenging the election result. it claims, but it's lead to edmondo gonzalez. 170 percent of the vote in a given everything that you said, the power and technical issues. what proof do they have that they want 70 percent?
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besides the polls which seem leading up to the election and the exit polls during yesterday's voting, the results do not match expectations. but additionally, the opposition does have more than 40 percent of these auto auto gl. uh, print print out from the voting machines. and when compared to the other to cancel results, it could show the difference. they are clean now until the other 12 council reveals other detailed numbers. uh, what, uh, what for each voting center does that have submitted? uh, the opposition cannot compare it with the printouts they have as of yet, these results cannot be. and the opposition, disney movies that the government reveal all of the print outs and the detail results they have to avoid these i just mentioned before. okay, so we put the all physician challenging the result and we have for and lead is also holding or recognizing the results. i believe the,
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the leftist president of chile gabriel bar. it says the results are difficult to believe. will this kind of international pressure have any effect on the situation? do you think? i, as we have seen this kind of pressure before, my buddhist government is no stranger to having enemies in the region. however, this outcome was one of the expected scenarios, the and song predicted put a lease and even greater migration of venezuela's that affects neighboring countries, like columbia and brazil, countries that my doodle held as i was until recently. so i'm much more isolated been as well and could bring more difficulties in governance, but with a strong support from the military. as we see, we could also see i'm much more repressive government that could increase pressure on pending investigations regarding human rights violations, higher persecutions,
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and political arrests. and that could result in more sanctions from the us. and the european union dw is of course thing kind of reporting from correct. yes. okay, thank you so much. a quick letting out some of the other stories making headlines around the world and at least 8 people, including children, have been wounded in a stabbing attack in south pull ups in northwest england. police say they obtain the suspect to the taca and that there is no wide a threats to the public department of stuck. his tama has described the attack as the police ok. south africa's former president jacob zoom a has been expelled from the political policy that he once led to my was suspended from the african national congress of to come painting for rival policy and the general election, which sylvia and see lose its majority for the 1st time and such, he is affairs of an environmental catastrophe in the philippines,
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all growing as oil from a sunken boat continues to leak into the ocean. the time cosign can bad weather of manila on 1st day, killing one crew member and creating the risk of a major oil spill. voyles me is the ocean of manila is caused. the fuel is spilling from a sunken tank which went down in rough seas last week. some of the roughly 1400000 liters of oil on board is leaking out. coast guard teams have been using sprays which help break down the fuel. cruise plan to size than the rest of the oil from the visuals hold on tuesday at the earliest, but dive as they're attempting to see a leaking valves. fist, local fishing, cruise one to the government, to hold those responsible to account setup of the problem we have about that is that the only spreading across the ocean center
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my, my hope the government finds a solution right away and not the, it's a big loss for us, fisher folk, but i'm gonna go out and put a delegate to allow me and a boy, if we have very worried for our livelihoods, because all of the fish that with being taken care of might die has nothing like that. because god is cooling full. the suspension of fishing in manila by to prevent people aging contaminated fish. it's warning all of an environmental catastrophe. if the sun can ships and tie a kind of goes with a link to paris now with french security forces, say that they have arrested nearly 50 people for intent to disrupt the olympic games through either sabotaged will protest. interior ministry did not get further details about the suspects, but french media are reporting the 45 members of the environmental for extinction. rebellion have been taken into custody on a monday,
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some telecommunications lines in fronts with targeted, which caused disruption to a number of fixed and mobile services. the w correspondent, lease lillian powers telling me more about these latest acts of sabotage and well apparently there were acts of sabotage and 6 different detective moss regions across france and southern france and in eastern france that happened last night early at around 2 o'clock in the morning, the authorities are looking into who did that for now, we haven't heard any lead of any of the rest regarding these incidents. the internet was, you know, the cables were cocked, the internet net connection wasn't interrupted completely, but it was slow down. we've heard that the internet traffic it should be back to normal again. and it's not clear. yes, if these incidents are linked to the olympics given that of the, the they happened, as i said in other regions and north,
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around paris. and it is in tyra's where the majority of the olympic competitions are taking place over the coming weeks. that's right. and tell us a little bit more about how the investigation is going into. the fall is on friday, which cools such a huge disruptions just before the olympics. the opening ceremony was the license, the as well as the investigation is still ongoing. the powers prosecutor's office in charge of organized crime has taken over that investigation. we have heard of a, an arrest that was made yesterday on sunday opened a 28 year old man in western fronds near all he was arrested by police and police found a several items in his a car including wire, a conscious and, and you were in reverse the universe a key and also keys that would have given him access to technical premises of re road operate to s and cs. now we don't know if this is linked to the incidence on
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friday morning. what we have heard there is that apparently you had that teacher, a book linking him to the ultra left, the movement, you know, that is a doing. i assume a lot that has is known for having done similar actions in the past. and the forty's on all obviously looking into if the reading was linked to what happened on friday, if on 1st of to friday night, me. and lisa is any of this actually impacting bill impacts? i mean is all of this, you know, both ring the athlete. so the speck faces while it doesn't look like it, i've been watching a few competitions over the past few days. they're just getting ahead as planned. mind you with your thought, just i really doing what i can to keep everything away all this way from the competitions. you mentioned earlier, the a few dozen people who were arrested on such a day here in paris including members of the climate group on climate activists. at
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extinction rebellion and they have come out saying, you know, we've only planning to stage a demonstration in paris and not interrupt anything. and yet we were arrested by police. it seems thought your thoughts are really trying to do everything to keep things come for now. that seems to be rocking means may so many reporting from the powerfully. so thank you. are staying with the piracy olympic swimming in? the river sun has been cancelled again for the 2nd day in a row. monday's trast along training session was cooled off off the we can down pulls affected horses, policy organizers said they were confident conditions would improve full the status of the competitions on tuesday of the traveling is the 1st and then pick event to to be held in the sand and marathon swim is all due to begin competing next week. and that is all we have time for, but to stay with us off for a full break level off. takes a look at how coffee is becoming
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a luxury product. drops and heavy rain full taking a toll on thomas stick around so that if you can i'm a new group is mckenna, thanks so much for watching. the
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china climate type of choices. old climate pioneers. one of the world's largest solar power plants is being built in mongolia. almost a said if the countries electricity supply comes from renewables. and yes, china is investing more than ever in coal based pallets on that home. the environment. isn't that a contradiction? the next on d, w,
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poisons, a tennessee piece of these chemicals are in almost every thing and they cannot be removed. and so if i don't think we'll get to grips with the appropriate mr. because the thing is, why is it probably the spiral down to, to control? so one's peace has always peace. yes. in 45 minutes. on d, w, the, this shadows, these are costs and video shed light on the donkey street. devastating colonial har is infected by germany across and he employed scores to post tactic farms and destroyed lights. what is the legacy of this wide spread races, depression?
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today, the screen. we need to talk about here, the stories, shadows of german colonialism, the living room, single pools, green facades, help to the heat, the exploited workforce. raise some brazil's coffee presentations, the sens, trouble brewing, how climate change is impacting the cultivation of all things. what comp, the coffee, the world 2nd most consumed beverage and still ingrained in our lives that it's made it into pop culture as a coffee or some call centers.


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