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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 29, 2024 6:00pm-6:15pm CEST

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the, the, the state of the news long from berlin, israel's prime minister vows retaliation against has belong. benjamin netanyahu visits b is really occupied, go on. heights were 12, children, and teenagers were killed by a rocket strike on a football pitch. israel blames the lebanese military hezbollah denies responsibility. also coming up. nicholas mentor row claims victory and venezuela election official saying my tourist party won some 51 percent of sunday's vote, but the country's opposition coalition claims it one. the u. s. and e, you have not recognized the results and authorities in the philippines scramble to contain an oil spill off the coast of manila,
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fears are growing the spill could become an environmental catastrophe with numerous fishing communities and their livelihoods endangered the welcome to the show on the call for life, israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu, his warning of a severe response to a rocket strike that killed 12 young people. and he is really occupied, go on heights on saturday and, you know, visited the site of the deadly attack and the drew's, our village of mine's del shelves on monday. israel blames the around back. lebanese militant group has beloved for the strike on the sports field, which killed teenagers and children. the israeli security cabinet has authorized that yahoo to decide how and when to respond. some residents of the village came out to protest against that and yeah, was visit, accusing him of exploiting the tragedy for political purposes. we
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asked the w corresponding rebecca river is what that severe response that prime minister netanyahu announced might look like as well. we've been hearing all sorts of things on your are in the last days since the attack on saturday and a few days of fighting is probably one of the better options, sorry to say, but we definitely expect the response as you've just reported. and we know that the security cabinet is ready, security cabinet had given the power to determine the scale, scope and timing of that attack to the prime minister. benjamin netanyahu and defense minister, jo, i've gallano now as you just said, you're gone. and prime minister netanyahu had both said that his brother will pay the price for this attack. they are blaming his blood or his blood have denied involvement. but they say that they will retaliate. and by all accounts everybody, you speak to hit analyst pundits a, you know, people in the security services they all are expecting an attack. in fact,
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some were saying that they were surprised. it hasn't happened already. we have been seeing some limited retaliations in southern and even further into 11 on a suddenly resembling more of this tit for tat retaliatory strikes that we have been seeing over the last 10 or so months. but we are expecting something bigger. and just what that means for the region, whether this will spill out into a wider conflict or as you say that the, that some official saying this could be a couple of days really depends on the size of israel's retaliation. and what they choose to retaliate against those 2 w correspondent, rebecca readers from jerusalem. the gaza an hour. the united nations is warning of a sprint of what they call an r k senior. you one agency officials say the lack of local law enforcement and basic supplies is pitting people against one another. leading to ramp and looting, unlawful killings and shootings. people in gaza are
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constantly on the move seeking safety from the bombings of the elements and more and more from each other. united nations staff senior lead the entire population has been driven from their homes, many displaced several times. and they worn desperate living conditions have led to a breakdown considered quarter, and widespread lawlessness. there is a routine mold, justice, extortion of money, family disputes, random shootings, funding for spice and resources. and we see use um with sticks many barricades. the un says, continued bombardments, severe overcrowding, and shortages of basic supplies are the main drivers of the chaos shelters. the creation of these conditions has led to the predictable and entirely foreseeable
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unraveling of the fabric of society and gaza, setting people against one another in a fight for survival. the winds regional director says nobody is enforcing civic order. so this is the and i'll keep that we talk about and it's extremely dangerous as well. and we need to pay attention to you. we want the police to be back on the street and to bring some order that this video released by the israeli army, purportedly shows government seizing in a truck in the rough area of southern gaza. the when says this is predictable, given the circumstances, and it's up to israel to ensure the steady entry and delivery of daily centrals. this is the legal responsibility of these route, not just to facilitate getting in, but then to facilitate the site distribution. all of that i, none of these things have been happening for 9 months. the un wants in immediate
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end to the fighting, to help restore public order and begin the moment the task of rebuilding homes and lives. and as well as government controlled electoral council has declared the incumbents, nicholas madura the winner of sunday's presidential election with 51 percent of the vote. but the country's opposition coalition disputes. the results it says account was manipulated by loyal as close to the president. nicholas missouri has ruled venezuela since taking over from hugo chavez in 2013. so he, me, going on by the, i'm the coolest madura, the re elected president of the boulevard in republic of venezuela. nicholas my do to was quick to claim victory in front of children and supporters for us to be like daughters council announced he has secured a talk to them with the majority of the vote counted the claim. the opposition was also
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quick to counter it. warranty li onto the telephone, open equilla, and the word that been equilla has a new president elect needs. it wound up gonzalez who wrote down the opposition a coalition of bodies which united the stand against my brutal claims. it's candidate 170 percent of the vote. and that the electronic council numbers are fraudulent. the stand off, close, a tense might accounting with all positions support of demanding to witness the account. i mean, allocations of rigging my duty was 10 years of time on the use of his mentor. who go chavez. all together to solve these thoughts have do independence, relo for the quarter century election authorities. i'm the judiciary off
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from the under. my daughter was tom and i'm gonna think economy has pretty good over 7000000 people to sleep. venezuelans abroad in columbia federal argentina. mexico have reacted with grief and anger. the in today, the defeat of the miserable dictates the nicholas my doodle was obvious enough. today we're going to finish whether to be free people's decision should be respectful. guy i want to be in my home. i want to be in my country. this is not fair, it's not fair. i want to the free venezuela. this is our last hope. we will decide we will side for the freedom of venezuela. either we lose or we, we are going to fight. many international leaders have also reacted with concern calling on election authorities to release more avoiding data. my doodle,
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meanwhile, has vowed to hold on to follow and prevent violence. dw correspondence discussion link eyes following the story for us from caracas. indeed told us more about the situation in the venezuelan capital as well. the somber this morning here and get out there's a, there's a lot of time in the streets after we see the results from yellow troll council, giving a call that's my the victory of 51 point. 2 percent lead. after 80 percent of the voters voted loads counter. now these results are still under scrutiny. the ballots printed out by each of the electronic voting machines need to be audited and that area has generated some conflict. the various voting centers where the accredited voting witnesses were not given. these printouts were simply removed from the voting centers. so there are still a lot of questions to be answered. and as of today,
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the electronic council website has crashed. so it's impossible to receive any information on that regard. now the council president, engel, that's my brutal said yesterday be suffered a massive package to the system queued out from an enemy country. there is no details on this occupation, but it could be linked to problems accessing the website. despite all of this, before any challenges to the results can be made official. the electronic council is scheduled to be quite a new product in the winter. later today was the w corresponded officers lanka in caracas, a quick look now at some other stories making headlines around the world. today. at least 8 people, including children, have been wounded in a stabbing attack in south ports and northwestern. england. police say they've detained the suspected attacker and there's no wider threat to the public. foreign minister care star we're has described the attack as deeply shocking south africa's former president,
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jacob's duma has been expelled from the political party. he once led zuba was suspended from the african national congress for campaigning for a rival tardy in the general election, which saw the amc lose its majority for the 1st time in 30 years. and then the lady, so she italian prime minister george, i'm alone. he has met with chinese presidents eating, paying and beijing. she praise china for playing an important role in managing global tensions. it's maloney's 1st visit to china and she took office almost 2 years ago, monthly. they would come out of their fears of an environmental catastrophe in the philippines are growing as oil from a sunken boat continues to leak into the ocean. the tanker sank in bad weather off manila on thursday, killing one crew member and creating the risk of a major oil spill foils me is the ocean of manila is caused. the fuel is spilling from a sun can tank,
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which went down in rough seas last week. some of the roughly 1400000 liters of oil on board is leaking out. coast guard chains have been using sprays which help break down the fuel cruise plan to site and the rest of the oil from the visuals hold on tuesday at the earliest. but dive is, are attempting to see a leaking valves. fist, local fishing, cruise one to the government to hold those responsible to account setup of the problem we have is about the is the oil is spreading across the ocean and my, my hope the government finds a solution right away and not the, it's a big loss for us, fish of folk, i don't think that was a better good to allow me to. um and kind of like we have very worried for our livelihoods because all of the fish that with being taken care of might die has nothing like that. because god is cooling full,
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the suspension of fishing in manila by to prevent people aging contaminated fish. it's warning all of an environmental catastrophe. if the sun can ships and tie a kind of goes, we're to lake to paris now, where a french security forces say they've arrested nearly 50 people for intent to disrupt the olympic games through either sabotage or protests. the interior ministry did not get further details about the suspects. button french media are reporting the 45 members of the environmental group extinction. rebellion have been taken into custody. on monday, some telecommunications lines and friends were targeted which caused disruption to a number of fixed and mobile services and to the sporting side of the of, and raphael and valves olympic singles career is over after he was beaten by arch
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rival. nobody joke of age in the 2nd round. the spaniard is still in the doubles with carlos, all garage, but whether he'll be seen on a single court again remains in question. the 38 year old rally briefly in the 2nd set, but the serbian for is too strong as an adult. that over want to roll on garage, perhaps for the last time and staying with the parents olympic swimming in the river. san has been cancelled again for the 2nd day in a row mondays. raf on training session was called off after weekend down for is affected water quality organizer said they were confident conditions would improve before the start of the competitions on tuesday. try off on is the 1st olympic event due to be held in the sen. marathon swimmers are due to begin competing next week. the ellis offer me the news for now, but stay with us. after a short break, we bring you a documentary about a group of chemical compounds used in everything from packaging to fire fighting
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foam that may poison the planets for generations to come. i'm the call fairly. thank you so much for your company. by the can you see is what old cars tires have to do with you production? here's a hands on the really indeed the snow on is you to want to a lot of fun.


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