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tv   Planet A  Deutsche Welle  July 29, 2024 7:15pm-7:30pm CEST

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the, the thing and do the same way you expect and more different things from life than your parents do i just want to pursue what that's nice on the side or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, reasonable stopping porters, those nonsense? i was under the dr. joe in the canal. it's time to get your generation with the sleep asked. and then when generation smash,
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watch now on duty and b, w don't. you mentioned this kind of fun. it feels like therapy. the list goes to town in the german city of heidelberg, used to be a bustling us army base housing, nearly 5000 people but it's been close for more than a decade. like many old bases around germany, we usually continue to rock or be torn down. instead, there's many cities up for a makeover in this part of the massive urban experiments. while many of the nearly $300.00 buildings here are set to be referred to as those that don't fit into the plans aren't just going to be demolished, they'll be picked apart and their materials will either be recycled or reduced. this technique is called urban minus a construction trend that's picking up steam around the well. so how exactly does
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it work? and tenant live up to the higher the built in the 1950s as part of the us military's significant cold war presidents in west germany. patrick henry village was an american island on the outskirts of titled like many u. s. army base it as it was basically its own little city, with housing for thousands of soldiers and their families, schools, a church, a bowling alley, and most importantly, that even had american fast food chains you couldn't find in the rest of germany. but after us troops relocated to nearby the spot in in 2012. patrick henry village became a ghost town, leaving behind thousands of american appliances and even outlets. since then, the jury is only been used in part to temporarily house refugees. the city has grand plans to redevelop the village into a shiny new district with housing for thousands offices in green spaces that would
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typically mean mass demolishing and getting rid of these old houses and putting up entirely new ones. but old buildings are only a problem if we see them as such. yeah. yeah. and are mining concepts, isn't it a circular city? is it a case of cause i some stuff with this was mentioned to you in the less than that. i can be sweet. i mean, that's all the guy from voice. you're getting a chuck is hydro bigs deputy mer and heads up in the city planning department. some water shut seduce here. i can just see games and these are sets of all of that 16. i'm going to do some a tie in these annoying shop type on. roughly one 3rd of the buildings will be left standing, gutted and renovated as the rest will be taken down to make space for a denser neighborhood with mixed use buildings. not just housing, but the special thing about this project is that instead of sending the deconstructed buildings to landfill, the goal is to resell for you is or recycled everything that you can see here. from
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literally the ground floor windows, like these could typically be used for changing energy standard. since these were put in, it means that they can't, they tend to be recycled. a tricky process, but it's possible concrete can either be used or recycled as well. but then we've got to find a home for all of these big old american fridges in germany. all those will be tough. so all of this represents a new approach to old buildings and goods. either quit development of they may have gotten as broad as asked by that as to quite a lot me to this was my last listen comes with my not what's improving, how we built things is vital construction accounts for 13 percent of global energy related carbon emissions. and it's not just about putting up buildings and buildings are demolished, they usually end up in landfill. all told construction and demolition account for about one 3rd of all. the waste in europe. projects like the one in the heidelberg
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can do their part to change this. but it didn't actually start here, it started in an office and stood cards about a 100 kilometers. so the 1st step is actually to, to get an idea of what do you have to sign which works for e t a, an environmental consulting company that's partnered with title back to build a database of the cities building stock, starting with patrick henry village. so you need to know exactly how much material you have, what is the properties of the material or the hazardous substances. for instance, you can estimate of buildings construction materials based on its agent location and it's database hope so these like title may i get a sense of reusable and recyclable materials at their disposal on planning new projects. titled back then confirms the estimates that means boring holes and the floors walls and ceilings and making a checklist of everything looked hanging around the former base. it shows you that over 52 percent of the building is x. the concrete mean around 5 percent. this
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metal, and this is like a 1st overview of the inventory. me. this information is track for the whole neighborhood with a breakdown of all 500000 tons of material. look, i know that seems a bit try, but without any of this documentation and all of these databases, the actual mining of urban mining is remotely possible of mining is the systematic management of everything that's mandate. so before everything is coming with um, so how do we manage materials so they don't become waste, but we can use them again as a resource color been mining sometimes called circular construction is a new term and has begun to take off in the last 5 to 10 years, it's not a new principle up until the industrial revolution actually urban mining was very common. me go shout and focuses on the built environment at dutch sustainability,
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consult and see metabolic during the industrial revolution. i think that's what we see with a lot of production processes that production became cheaper. mazda consumption became more common, and we kind of let go, we're using what be already have medical it's urban mining efforts. include partnering with cities, architects and construction companies. i think a very interesting case that we worked on is the building of the dutch national bank. the 14 story skyscraper was entirely disassembled, metabolic, are working with the developer to design a new building from the secondary materials. they've also built in the office park of old house boats. similar been mining projects that popped up from switzerland to belgium. and cities in the us are increasingly building material databases and passing laws that require buildings to be deconstructed, not demolished, but urban mining isn't one size fits all the way we tried to solve the problem.
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he's not the same in different regions in different countries. boucher iran, he go researches the built environment and co leads to un sustainable buildings program in the global south for example, they're just starting has many empty houses, office and shops and some of the global north. but in no way urban mining is pretty big here. even though people don't necessarily call it that when you think offering formal sacraments, for instance, they are very sick in a, in that materials that have been using these informal supplements have been, have had several lives before the end up in um, in these informing areas. and how to bag this process is a lot more bureaucratic, painstakingly documenting every tile in an entire many city by color may seem a little bit crazy, but you never know when it might help. and that's not even the hard part. it's now that the real fun begins on the things that can be directly reused, will need to be sold the or the title's in cushion on the i'm also going to,
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if i think the feet of young stick doors on the toilet and sure thing on bus picking on, i'm a to and i'm a to and come on for like to buy to haven't been unlocked. if it's in that institution had 2nd thoughts on and the pro locks in the courage to some of the been to gotten of the title of the sort of them to buildings themselves will have to be picked apart. and then you need to figure out what to do with the materials. take the 90000 tons of brick and patrick henry village. most of that will be able to be reused to some degree. but for the 230000 tons of concrete, it's a different story with the tone literally for all right and this, and that would combine that and the to life some type as components. my tell you all knowing the tone to refute that some time. that's what the punch last and to the end of this looks like before she didn't for the items vegas, it's a good time for you to add from. i tell you, i, you know, that some feed up even if we start cattle logging and mining, our buildings on
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a grand scale will never be able to entirely eliminate the use of new building for us. it's not just about how we deconstruct what's already here. it's also about rethinking how we built to, usually in the building, you design a building and then you find materials that fits. but if you have to design and with a set of materials, then you really have to shift your way of thinking and really have also a different position as the architect this whole process to be more of a assembler of materials instead of a designer of the building will need to use different materials if we want to make future urban mining easier. with that in mind, it builds with materials that are prime for easy reuse, pencil all of the, and treated wood furniture in their office. they've also designed a circularity passport for new buildings, that logs materials for future reference and tracking. this data could soon be a requirement in germany despite the different contexts. lessons from these
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projects could be useful all over the world if we are going to be building um st. office buildings and the build this out. can we design these buildings so that these buildings could be deconstructed easily? thing 20 or 30 years, or 40 years. but to make this happen in the 1st place, they just might have to cut some red tape, which is something heidelberg planners knew all about the listening really intense eve of person. um, does this my tell you all of us who yeah. me months um basically a pleasure to buy the bike up for this. uh, how about the leasing team? us definitely look up spectrum to the t, but these are my tie engines as soon as i can, and so on. and with an individual or a big binding project, starting the pop up all over the place, governments will have to help coordinate these complicated logistics. and they'll also have to step in to help overcome what might be the biggest challenge cost. so when you look at virgin materials, the day it meant a lot of c o 2 to and if very house of where the environments but they are often
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a lot cheaper. then secondary materials because labor, it's quite expensive. now current system, incentivizing urban mining and making it cheaper, we'll help drive change, but it will still take time. projects like fido bags, patrick henry, village re development or a start, but also showed just how much has to change to get with an a smith of those goals. the name is nothing telling us it guns for you to mention. for me that for the and size of the guys them cutting them into movies, feed of out of anything that you can go off if we need to get westwood and then even to this guys low, i'll buy it and these kinds of things. and so let's just open if i would just let us know in the comments if there are any urban mining projects happening, where you live, thanks. lot for watching and don't forget to subscribe. we've got new videos for you. every friday, the
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for the freeman house on the bas hollows in northern germany. my grandmother emigrated to presume at the age of price as well. i know what makes that fine to them and they can. i come from the disorder and was a journalist in germany where my ancestors integrated from. would like to take here on a journey to 200 years of german immigration and reserves understanding to get a film dialing. moyer, the next on d. w. in the time of crisis, ice, hockey emissions 50 rotates and has a big 3 mean she wants to qualify for the national but there was less time for training because winters are getting shorter. despite that, how can she get closer to realizing her dreams close up?
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in 60 minutes on d, w, the drilling innovation, there's a palestinian and driven on we don't expect much living with a bare minimum without civil rights and with no trust. this is not a good environment. yeah, no, not for my children. and favorite shadow stats oldest good. on the w. what i mean, i know i did, i mean i might just do it and i'm hosting dw new podcasts. thanks. trace amount, but it's not actually about mills. so it has to be traveling around your, i'm facing the history of every day. ok,
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and that's something right around the world. and i need to talk to you back, just a subscriber id. listen to podcasts, and we'll take you along to the right. the 200 years of german migration to present incentive and came to a young, there was nothing in search of a better life. the kid will go down. this is elder rado. this will be 9 years old and, but there are stories of dreams and suffering elements with very painful stories because of all domestic because we've experienced oxygen while i'm not making that i'm and i'm from southern brazil and i was a journalist and.


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