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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 30, 2024 3:00am-3:16am CEST

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the the, this is deal of the news live from berlin, clashes and venezuela following disputed election results. police in the capital, caracas, fired tear gas of protesters, demonstrating against what they say is an attempt by president nicholas month auto . to steal, to vote. that as well as opposition says it has proof that it's candidates one. the election also coming off drews residents in the village where a suspected has below rocket killed 12 children pushed back after israel valves retaliation inside level not airbags and the next goal on heights say they don't want to see
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a wider mid east war and california is largest wildfire so far this year and doubles and size. it's now bigger than the city of los angeles. we ask an expert how people can adapt to be increasing risk of wildfires, the hello and welcome to our show. obviously, been busy in berlin. thousands of protesters have taken to the streets in venezuela, in opposition to what they call an attempt by president nicholas my door to steal the country's disputed election. crowds have been making their way to the meat of florida. is presidential palace in caracas. police in riot gear use tear gas to disperse the protestors. some of whom threw stones and other objects. the unrest comes one day after the opposition and my daughter are both claimed to victory. the opposition says it has proved that its candidate mondo gonzales won the vote
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when he w, correspond to oscar. shanker told us earlier what he had seen. so what we seen a mass of wind, a nationwide protest develop it spontaneously after the approximation of nicholas mode or by the electro counsel. we've seen some of these products as being just 1st near the presidential palace with gunshots. we still don't have the information on how many injured there might be more arrests, but there has been classes with the security forces and police in different parts of the city and of the country as well. of protesters continuously wait till the streets of protest. uh, the results of these election i'm sure that you've seen a number of these protests in the past. how explosive is the situation right now
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based on what you've seen before? the, well, it's a project to see that most of the protesters are coming from the, the port of sectors of the city that usually would not protest. and they are gathering in places that are a strong hold for the, to the small in the past. so these are very different, those other classes that we've seen in other protests. also they developed a spontaneous leave. we have not seen any leader of the opposition to call on these protests or ask people to go out and protest at this time. the oscar, the opposition says that it wants the government control the electoral council to release a tally of the votes. what is the actual likelihood of the council doing well they, they've said that they will do that in time. they have not really disclosed. ready
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how they came up with those numbers. there's a lot of questions about those numbers. even some other of the presidential can olives that weren't independent. they've also asked for those penalties. now the opposition has just announced that they will create a web page where they have all the counties of the voting machines, those pronounced that they received, they have more than 40 percent of them. and they say that that's more than enough to show the overwhelming victory over the long time is what they said. they won't do that tonight and tomorrow they will hold concentrations at 11 o'clock in the morning to support this claim of victory to w correspondent, oscar shanker. and crock us there, over to the middle east now, where is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu is falling retaliation for a rocket strike. that killed 12 young people in the is really occupied golan
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heights on saturday. israel blames the run back lebanese milton group, his belong, which has denied responsibility. danielle, who has visited the truth era village, where the attack took place was overshadowed by protest. green and sarto on the streets of much the towns. presidents of the tiny drews village say good bye to 11. it will go out. it brought him the loss of 12 victims to be brought it up to the deputies. try and design the occupied, goes on heights, the doors and the pod brake. this tragedy has struck us and it has shaken our hearts, shaking the whole world in no hurry enough. we hope the war will end. you know, strategy enough, not should resume on saturdays that day. was the deadliest one. is there any control that jerry? since october 7th is viable names. 11th,
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eat on back to as well. ah militant for fighting the rocket that had a soccer field. but hes will not denied any involvement. this is riley prime minister benjamin netanyahu visited this site of the a tech involved of sylvia responds because we are racing the families who are going through indescribable suffering in finance. these children are our children. i know the engine coolant, they are the children of us, all the state of israel below it cannot and will not let it pass. our response will come both of them and it will be severe. gotcha. the most, everyone bulk of the problem to start visit to the out of drew's blades. many professors demanded nothing. yahoo leave. he is not. well, camino a village. he's a lawyer and corrupt. he's coming to use the bodies of our children to be on tv.
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you know, to allow this to happen to be that lebanon has gone for an international investigation into the deadly going on strike. diplomatic efforts are also under the to contain the fallout from a possible if i need a delegation against his will and prevent a vital vision in conflict. firefighters in the us are racing to contain over $100.00 active fires in the countries west. the so called park fire, the largest in california, this year doubled in size over the weekend, scorching an area bigger than the city of los angeles. firefighters have been working in milder temperatures and higher submitted to, but the blaze continues to grow. so far it is destroyed, more than $100.00 structures and force thousands of people to flee their homes. or earlier i spoke to toy norville. she's a fire science advisor at the university of california agriculture and natural
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resources. she observes and research as well. it fires in the western us, i asked her what's so different about this use wildfires compared to previous ones that we did have significant more rain for the past 2 years. we have more rain which helps promote the growth of vegetation. so that can dry out later in the year this year though, what we did see that's different from last year is that we had more hot and dry weather start in june. where as last year we had cooler weather in june. the month of july this year we had a heat don't sitting over california. and this really just made the conditions out on the landscape, hot and dry and really made all the vegetation very receptive to fire conditions, both human caused and through lightning. and we've heard in the past that these kind of wildfires often are connected with poor forest management. to what extent
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is that still true? so i do want to stress that fire is a natural part of the ecosystem in california. and many of these ecosystems need fire, so we can't necessarily remove fire from the ecosystems. but 1st management is an important factor. pass when practices, along with the absence of fire over the last 100 years, has really created these receptive conditions to larger these larger scale fires. however, in these fires, acted areas, there are really good projects that have been going on throughout the power footprints and throughout the state that include for a spinning student feel breaks fuel reduction projects and prescribed fires that have allowed these areas to fair better. so there's researchers the wonder who has been doing some good coverage on the park fire and new county. and he found that areas that had treatments were burning out lower severities that and other areas
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that don't have treatments. and this is what we want. we want our for, as treatments, not necessarily stop the fires from occurring, but to reduce the severity and create opportunities for firefighters to do their jobs. so sometimes we just have weather in topography that work against us and have situations like what we're seeing and view county. speaking of the weather, we often talk about climate climate change. can we say to what extent it's an increasing factor in the severity or frequency of forest fires? so climate change is impacting the wildfires probably throughout the last decade. we've been seeing a fire susan's moving to november, december, january, where in the past they would typically stop and maybe late know, late october, early november. we're seeing a change in weather patterns just more extended drought. we talked about the heat del, on that side over california this month. and so it is affecting wildfires. it's also
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affecting some of the forest pests that we have going on in the western half of the united states because of shorter winters, we're seeing an increase in life cycles of park beetles, which can then increase the amount of the trees and can feel those wildfire as well, to what extent can fire scientists like yourself and firefighters? we have to respond to these events, to what are you thinking they learn from what's been happening over the past decade . and as these fires increase, as they were changed their scope in part because of climate change, to what extent can they learn and adapt? yeah. so researchers like myself and just firefighters in general, we are trained to learn and adapt and become resilient to wildfires. resiliency is a very complex topic, especially when you start talking about forest resiliency. but we
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don't necessarily, like i said before, take out fire from these ecosystems. but rather we want to be able to allow the re eager systems to recover and maintain function over time. so communities can start adapting and implementing measures such as home hardening or structural hurting. and this is just where you the implement like a new roof or double paned windows or change out vents in order to prevent embers and ignitions from starting a house. fire a homeowners can perform defensible space around their houses. um and this is just trying to uh, eliminate pathways from uh, maybe the forest to a home and prevent embers in that sense. and then when we look at the ecosystem or the landscape scale, implementing these fuel reduction projects, strategically placed, shaded fuel brakes. um and as far as management practices can all help together to
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build resiliency for communities and allow firefighters to do their job. yeah. right, that's fire science, advisor, tory norville in santa rosa, california. thank you very much. thank you. over to the olympics. now. swimming in the river sane has been cancelled again. due to pollution. that means no training session for the mens draft lawn for the 2nd day in a row organizer said they were confident that conditions would improve before the start of the competitions. on tuesday, dw sports correspond to jonathan crane explains why authorities have been struggling to keep the river clean. the river send has a big of a who problem to find out why you have to go down to the power series. the 19th century bill network is where the cities waste and rainwater is collected. water coming from the homes, like from toilets, from kingston, from bathroom and water coming from rain is going in the same tubes under the
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streets and got that getting mixed. the problem is the system cannot use the flow when it rains a lot more it's done when this happens, explains why swimming in the sand has been banned in paris since 1923 when the water is getting up and as a risk of all the floating the city, the van is opening and the water is released. we're going to say to prevent the need for this giant underground. the rest of the wall has been built on the banks of the send body can stall up to 20 elliptic swimming pool of water mixed. we've ran water so that this water won't go in the same and want to create any pollution. but even that system could be overwhelms in case of heavy thunder storms. and that's why games organizers have been looking nervously
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at the weather full cost. if levels of a total lie, the bacteria found in human excrement, the 2 high swimming events can not take place in the sand. there you go. that's it. for now we'll be back soon with more headlines checks out a lot in the meantime, dw. com. thanks for watching the growing up there's a palestinian exhibit known we can't expect much living with a bare minimum without civil rights and with no trust. this is not a good environment. yeah, no. not for my children. and favorite shadow stats, oldest hood on dw the they want to feel different.


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