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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 30, 2024 5:00am-5:16am CEST

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the, the, this is due to the news live from berlin, flashes and venezuela following disputed election results, least in the capital of caracas, fire tear gas at protesters demonstrating against what they say is an attempt by president nicholas my daughter to steal the vote. venezuela's opposition says it has proof that it's candidate won the election. also coming up, drews residents in the village where a suspected his beloved rocket killed 12 children pushed back after israel vows. retaliation inside leaven on areas in the annex. golan heights. say they don't want to see a wider mid east,
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more the hello. welcome to our show. i'm so you can do the in berlin. venezuela's opposition says it has proof that it's candidates, edmondo gonzales, one more votes in sunday's presidential election than incumbents. nicholas, my daughter and my daughter has claimed victory in the poll, but the opposition is accusing him of trying to steal the vote of the nations or also calling on venezuelan election officials to release their ballot tallies. anger is meanwhile, spilling over onto the streets, and my daughter is warning that his government will respond to any violence with force. the security forces far tear gas to disperse the large crowd of protesters in caracas. their crying file over nicholas, my daughter is reelection. they marched down the street funding pups sometimes from
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the highways and roads. they burned tires and set fire to election posters for the authoritarian leader. after 11 years and power, madura was seeking a 3rd secure term in office. this prompted opposition parties to unite behind edmondo gonzalez. in an attempt to unseat my door and made widespread discontent over the country, struggling economy. here are the people. the people are the ones who decide and we decided, cried moondog. i'm not a politician, but really it was the biggest fraud in the world. because everywhere it said i'm going to head one. yeah. and suddenly, overnight to bump my door. 0 one. no, no, no, it can't be all these people are upset with don't agree with the results because they're not real business
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fraud. as far as i'm concerned, i was the we checked everything. there were no madura support only the supports us . 7 the results sparked expressions of concern over regularity from the united nations united states, the e u in several locked in american countries. although venezuela's autocratic allies, including china, russia and cuba were swift to congratulate my daughter. many protesters came from the capitals and published guitar in neighborhood, for some masked young men tore down campaign posters of my door, hung on lamp posts. the strong man has traditionally enjoyed support in the slums. under his watch, up to 8000000 venezuelans, a quarter of the population of fled the country. the opposition says it as proof that its candidate won by a landslide. patients with madura may be running as
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soon as well as opposition leader and motor vehicle reno machado told supporters that their candidate, armando gonzalez, won the elections with over 70 percent of the vote. this is an error code and their code today i want to tell all the new zoo ellen's in the country and abroad to all the democrats of the world. the name of we now have proof of the truth of what happened yesterday, even as well. we did it, we did it so i'm very excited to tell you that we have 73.2 percent the
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and with that result with the president elect is the moon to gonzalez. right, venezuelan opposition leader might be a clean and much hot out there. let's cross over to caracas now and speak to the w correspondent, or scotiabank or oscar. can the opposition actually prove it? and mando gonzales is the elected president, as we heard there, or well as they have, they say they have the voting machines. printouts to prove that, and that's 73.2 percent, that she points out is the percentage of the voting machine. printouts that show a majority of votes for us on the hook, yet they can prove those results when compared to the database of the electro
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council. now, monday, next monday i pretty much all said earlier that they will classes each of those printouts that can be verified and will upload that information available to y and auditable when compared with the electronic councils database. however, since last night, via withdrawal council website is down and they have not made available any information or details on the election results other than the final percentages. and even if the opposition can prove they won, what could it change in this process? we know that the government organ in charge here that election council is controlled largely by the government. is that not true? yes, and it is unlikely that my router will step down. and what we are seeing is that under pressure that's on the small and it's the institutions loyalty, charities, ma doubles down. we've seen that happen before, and they could,
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they are very well get away with it again. but this time, we are seeing that protests are boiling over and traditionally troubles the strong holes. we are seeing a spontaneous outburst of people from this lands and porter sectors of the cities protest and these results. so that's a change, and the other factor is international pressure, especially how could neighboring countries mediate things to bring some kind of order to the political crisis. you, as we know, the, my daughter has held up before against international pressure. can we really say whether this combination of these election audits plus that kind of international pressure? is this creating a situation that we haven't seen before to? is it comparable to what we've seen before? well, it can be comparable to what we've seen before. there are some new elements, it's very precarious that the moment there had been at least 4 deaths during these protests today. several injured various arrests. there is an open investigation
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against many of the my child for an electric, massive digital attack against your withdrawal castle, which could be the start of a new political persecution for her. the venezuelan government has broken diplomatic relations with at least southern countries in the region. and suspended international flights to these countries all before showing the detailed results of somebody's elections. so this could take a while one row. alright, the w's oscar shanker in caracas, telling us about that dispute or election. thank you to over to the middle east, where is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu is biling retaliation for a rocket strike that killed 12 young people and that is really occupied golan heights on saturday. israel blames the i ran back lebanese milton group, his blog, which has denied responsibility. then yahoo! his visit to the truth era village where they had talked to place,
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was overshadowed by protests, grief and sorrow on the streets of much the towns. presidents of the tiny drews village say good bye to levin at all. cool are it brought here? the last of 12 victims to be bought it off to the debt. the strike is id occupied, goes on heights. the doors in a pod brake. this tragedy has struck us and it has shaken our hearts, shaking the whole world. you know enough. we hope the war will end. you know, such a deep enough not shed saturdays that day was the deadliest one. is there any control of that dirty? since october 7th is viable names 11 and eat on back test will allow militants for fighting that rocket that had a soccer field. but his beloved denies any involvement. his riley prime minister benjamin netanyahu visited this site of the
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a tech involved a severe response. a mr. behold, we are bracing the families who are going through indescribable suffering around. these children are our children of the engine coolant. they are the children of us . also, the state of israel below it cannot and will not let it pass. our response will come both of them, and it will be severe. the kasha, the not everyone very come the problem to start visit to the out of drew's blades. many professors demanded nothing. yahoo leave! he is not. well, camino a village. i guess he's a lawyer and corrupt. he's coming to use the bodies of our children to be on tv. you will not allow this to happen over that. lebanon has gone for an international investigation into the deadly going on strike. diplomatic efforts are also under
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the to contain the fallout from a possible is i need a delegation against his will and prevent a vital vision and conflict. police in england say 2 children have died after stabbing attack in the northwest city of south port 11. other people were wounded. the attack happens in a community center that was hosting a taylor swift themed dance events for children. police have a rest of the 17 year old suspect. this doorbell footage shows a mass person films shortly before the attack in an area that is now under police investigation. let's have a quick look now and some of the other stories making headlines around the world. us firefighters are raising to contain more than $100.00 active fires in the west of the country. so called park fire, the largest in california. this year doubled in size over the weekend, scorching an area bigger than the city of los angeles. thousands of people have been forced to flee their homes near us media reports
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a north carolina governor. roy cooper has withdrawn from consideration as a possible vice presidential pick by democratic democrat presumptive nominee cumberland, harris cooper, who's worked closely with harris for many years was considered a top contender. reportedly had misgivings about his republican lieutenant governor who would have more power if cooper was on the road campaigning. media reports here in germany say the country's constitutional court will strike down part of the government's electoral reform law. the plan is aimed at reducing the size of parliament. the judges are report, at least that's the rule that one of its clauses disadvantaging smaller parties violates the constitution swimming in the rivers and has been cancelled once again due to pollution. that means no training session for the olympic mens try outline for the 2nd day in row organizers say that they were comp that they are
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confident conditions would improve before the start of the competitions. on tuesday, dw sports correspond to jonathan crane explains why authorities have been struggling to keep the river clean 3 of us and has a big of a who problem to find out why you have to go down to the power. sue is the 19th century bill network is where the cities waste and rainwater is collected. water coming from the homes, like from toilets, from kingston, from bathroom and water coming from rain is going in the same tubes under the streets and got that getting mixed. the problem is the system cannot use the flow when it rains a lot more it's done when this happens, explains why swimming in the sand has been banned in paris since 1923 when the water is getting up. and as a risk of all this loading the city, the van is opening and the water is reduced,
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leaving the same to prevent the need for this giant underground. the rest of the wall has been built on the banks of ascend. body can stall up to 20 elliptic swimming pool of water mixed. we've ran water so that this water won't go in the same and want to create any pollution, but even that system could be overwhelms in case of heavy thunder storms. and that's why games organizers have been looking nervously at the weather, full cost. if levels of a total lie, the bacteria found in human excrement, the 2 high swimming events can not take place in this. and there you go. here's a reminder of our top story slashes. have broken out in venezuela's capital caracas over the country's disputed presidential election with lease firing tear gas at protesters. demonstrators. the president nicholas, my daughter is trying to steal the vote. the opposition things results were manipulated by election officials. that's it for now,
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we'll be back soon. with more headlines in the meantime, you can find this online, dw dot com. check us out on youtube as well. on the dw news channel. i'm seeing there's an invalid. thanks for watching the welcome to put tire time. that's kinda sofas. thanks tourism. when you get here, you couldn't get anywhere else in the world. in germany, if you go to a prostitute twice or 3 times as much and the other half the service in 2023, a documentary, uncovered corruption on child abuse. the youngest one, for example, let me show you this was her now the phone team investigates the was exactly
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how to.


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