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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  July 30, 2024 7:02am-7:31am CEST

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the families re united of an end to economic mismanagement and rampant corruption, but it looks like they might be in for a rude awakening. the incumbents, nicholas montero, has been declared the winner of sundays presidential vote by an electoral authority controlled by his government opposition, leaders or crime foul and demand, or a view as both sides. now claim victory, we ask what's next for venezuela? nicole relation, berlin and this is the day the i am nicholas my daughter model. the re elected president of the body and republic of venezuela. missouri was not going to see anyone with this number of votes. no one will defend no democracy outlaw. and our people
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we wanted freedom to go back to our venezuela to be with our families. we have the guarantee of peace in this country, tranquillity and stability. madura was the dictator, a drug trust. and today, there was a luxury fraud enough also on the day tensions in the middle east mound over a strike on the is really occupied go on heights. so the weekend that killed 12 young people, israel says it will not allow the attack to go unanswered. as well as bola, with the reigning backend, launch dinner rainy and miss out here. she can find a tv of on this sunday, not to assume the stage of israel will not so and cannot take notice the response will come and it will be severe. read the kasha, the welcome to the show. it was the biggest challenge to venezuela's left swing populace, the chevy stuffs,
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in 25 years. the countries and atoria safely fractured opposition, join forces, defined attempts of intimidation and so on to bring down nicholas montero, the man who presided over crippling economic downfall and one of the world's biggest displacement crises, the opposition was predicted to win by a double digit margin. and yet incumbent has been declared the winner democratic leaders and organizations from around the world, or calling the result into question. as is the opposition, they claim the vote was raked by an electoral counsel run by madura loyalists. so we need to know, i'm nicholas madura, the re elected president of the boulevard in republic of venezuela. nicholas my do to was quick to claim victory in front of children and supporters. off to be like daughters council announced he has secured a took them with the majority of the vote,
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counted the claim. the opposition was also quick to counter it. warranty li onto the telephone, open equilla, and the word that been equilla has a new president elect needs. it wound up gonzalez who wrote down the opposition coalition of bodies which united the stand against my brutal claims that scanned to be 170 percent of the vote. and that the electronics council numbers are fraudulent. the stand off, close, a tense might accounting with opposition. supportive, demanding. to witness account. i'm evaluations of rigging my duty was 10 years of time on the he use of his mentor. who go chavez all together to solve these thoughts have do dependents right now for the quarter century election
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authorities. i'm the judiciary off from the under. my daughter was tom and a mentoring economy has pretty good over 7000000 people to sleep. venezuelans abroad in columbia federal argentina. mexico have reacted with grief and anger the wedding day. today, the defeat of the miserable dictates of nicholas my doodle was obvious enough. today we're going to tell us whether to be free. the people's decision should be respected. i want to be in my home. i want to be in my country. this is not fair, it's not fair. i want you to free then as well as this is our last hope we will decide we will decide for the freedom of venezuela. either we lose or we, we are going to fight many internationally do is have also reacted with concern
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calling on election authorities to release more avoiding data. my doodle meanwhile, has vowed to hold on to follow and prevent violence. take a closer look with jeff ramsey. he's a senior fellow for venezuela and columbia at the atlantic counseling in washington, dc. jessica to see you that 1st of your reaction to how this election ended up on folding. but thanks for having me. you know, i think the fact that it's been over 12 hours since paul's 1st and authority still haven't released a detailed precinct level. the accounts tells you everything you need to know about the election. it really seems like maturer has decided to condemn men as well to another 6 years uh, installation and political conflict where those who start nicholas montero would allow a democratic process to now you've or you know, i,
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i think the reality is this isn't over yet. material has to convince the ruling elite he has to convince his inner circle that he can keep things under control. but the problem for him is that this doesn't really seem credible. he needs to give the impression to his inner circle that he's gonna be able to continue the country down the road of sanctions release and normalization and global reintegration. and he's just not going to be able to do that fairly without engaging in some kind of complicated negotiations with the opposition and really opening up to power sharing . i just don't see a way for montero just carrying out a bleeding power of i just don't really think people in his television are standing up for it. do you see him sharing the power so far? we haven't so farm bureau has absolutely refused to engage in meaningful concessions and negotiations with the opposition. but, you know, i think you have to remember that material doesn't governed alone. he relies on the
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military of the security forces, key members in his own ruling party to be able to maintain power. and you know, i think he's effectively inviting, the biggest loyalty test that he's based in the years. i really doubt that as well . and the leads are leader for 6 more years of refreshing sanctions and economic catastrophe under him. i want to get to the role of the military now that you mentioned it in a 2nd. but 1st let's look at the economy. of course has been a downward spiral for basically the 10 years that he's been in power. the us precisely east sanctions on the receiving caracas in exchange for a commitment to conduct free and fair elections. now that it looks like that did not materialize. how do you expect washington to react? you know, i think the ministration is weighing as options. do you know, i do believe that if the white house that doesn't announce new sanctions on municipal or they'll be criticized as being weak on the 0. but i also think that
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the administration is looking to avoid fuel in at least in part, continued waves of migration from it as well. so, you know, i think the administration is between a rock and a hard place here. economic hardship, not only are result of course of these sanctions, but and that combined with the lack of perspective is what led some 8000000 venezuelans to leave the country. putting pressure on the entire region, the us as well up to a 3rd of the population. now say they want to go abroad rather than live through another 6 years under montero. what would the effect of another mass exodus be for the region? well, i think it would be absolutely devastating. you know, and i do think that as well as today, i don't believe that the bureau is capable of turning the economy around. you know, the reality is we've seen that as well and economy lose at least 75 percent of us
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value since manero took office. and i think the see that, and they, they recognize that another 6 years of drove and power will mean 6 more years of economic chaos and political persecution. and those are exactly the reasons why venezuelans are leading the country by the millions. now the, the countries bearing the brunt of the, the exodus coming out of a venezuela or countries like columbia, brazil, the neighboring countries. what role do you see them play in this current scenario where we have to political forces again, claiming that they are the legitimate leadership of the country. you know, so far, uh, we've seen statements from the military commands that have been very limited. um, you know, the, the, the mr. defense for the elections and then they would respect the results. and so
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far they've really kept a low profile. i think the focus in the next couple of hours and day is really going to be all on the armed forces all on these key figures inside materials coalition that he relies upon in order to maintain power. you know, i think it is true, it has to be said that the opposition under and will, it goes out as his leadership, as maintained, unity and message discipline. and you know, they do have the evidence in hand documents fraud and mobilize the public against monroe's power drug here. so, you know, i don't think this is over. i think there is some situation that still in flux and i really wouldn't bet on things thing exactly. as they are the next week, i think the situation is volatile and i don't think it's over just yeah. all right . you don't think it's over just yet. our chat is almost over. we have about 50 seconds left. i want you to, you know, consult the crystal ball. what is going to happen in the next weeks, months, years?
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well, you know, i think the us and particularly our allies in europe and that america is going to be absolutely crucial. i think unless we see greater multilateral coordination in order to push the government to respect the results and restore events, loans fund that are right to elect their own leaders. that i do think we risk further and stagnation and continuation of the crisis. but i'm confident that the us and our closest allies are going to get their act together in orchestra, in response to frenzy of the atlanta council. many things, great speaking to you. thank you. the, the ukraine anticipation is growing over the imminent delivery of western rate of 16 fighter jets. they're expected to arrive in the coming weeks. and keith says they will be a game changer in their efforts to repel russia's invasion. but speculation is rife
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over where they will be based many ukrainians are concerned that having the jets in their neighborhood could lead to intensified russian attacks. the long wait is almost over. after months of intense training and preparations at 16 fight digits are about to touch down and ukraine. they can't come soon enough for ukrainian president phil automated zalinski. he says the plains are a game changer and no give, keep the chance to break rushes dominance of ukraine's aerospace. but keeping the jet safe will now be a priority in speculation. is rife of a with that will be stationed ukraine is not confirmed with the going to park the aircraft, but many experts say when the air force base in west and ukraine is an ideal candidates. the start will cost you and tina face is located roughly half way between keys and the beef. it's home to ukraine, 7th, tactical aviation brigade,
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and with it so the era underground shelters. it's a logical option. but in the town of thought or cost in seen of just across the river, people are concerned maybe local sites. i appreciate all the support ukraine gets from abroad. but the increasingly fee of being caught in most cases cross is the senate has a fully concentrating such high powered weapons in one place means that the enemy will seek to destroy these weapons. so for us as residents of the town, this is a higher risk factor. we are very worried to the in the room. is that the finish line stano costs you and tina has often felt rushes rather than this conflict. in august 2023 ukrainian authorities say moscow bombed a corn storage facility in the region. and as recently as mid july keeps, as it shut down 5 russian cruise missiles at 11 drones targeting style row close
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the and t net at defense forces in the region say that russia has been stepping up its attacks over the past month. trying to find weaknesses and experimenting with new techniques that the toys use and the increasing the explosive charge on the right and then use the model. nice thing that cruise myself with fragmentation, munitions, the damage lights on the vehicles, the squadrons left on the new one on. definitely not everyone believes the f sixteens will be able to turn the tide in this war. but at least they would also give you kind of charles to try something new. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu is warning of what he calls a severe response to a rocket strike that killed 12 young people. and he is really occupied golan heights on saturday night. and, you know, visited the site of the deadly attack in the drew's era village of my style shelves today. israel blames the around back. lebanese militant group has beloved for the
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strike on the sports field was killed, teenagers, and children is really security cabinet has authorized that in the end of the defense minister to decide how and when to respond. some residents of the village came out to protest against them. yeah, i was visit, accusing him of exploiting their tragedy for political purposes. a rocket strike has renewed fears of an all out war between israel and has the law. in a moment. i'll be talking to a former head of israel's intelligence agency, the most sought to gauge how likely an open conflict is. but 1st, a look at the military capabilities. both sides could draw up. as buller rockets fired from southern lebanon, intercepted by is really air defense is a common occurrence in recent weeks. but some of those rockets make it through. and israel has retaliated with devastating airstrikes. it has the law was founded as an
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anti american and anti israel militia. in the 1980s when it carried out deadly car bombings on american forces in lebanon. the group has 5 several wars with israel's in spanish, and has become a major political force backed by hundreds of millions of dollars and funding from around the militia price of secrecy and typically doesn't reveal information on his capabilities. so any estimates of his forces are just that. but in recent years, us intelligence has quoted strength of $45000.00 soldiers, including full time and reserve as fighters. the groups leader referred to having 100000 fighters in 2021. if that were true, they would have more soldiers than the lebanese army. last year, the us estimated that hezbollah also has a 150000 rockets and missiles, more than enough to overwhelm is really air defenses and cause significant damage to infrastructure in a war. is real, has one of the world's most modern militaries,
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in addition to a 170000 active duty soldiers, there are about 465000 reservists. it also has about 1400 tanks as well as significant artillery and multiple rocket launch and capabilities. it also has an air force with over 200 jet fighters and almost 150 helicopters. and that's why they considered to have nuclear weapons. it was unlikely to use them right across its own border. as there is also the iron dome, an advanced anti missile system that is intercepted thousands of rockets from hezbollah and a mouse. something has belie itself, lacks an all out war would likely cause significant damage to is rarely and lebanese cities with high civilian casualties. after months of fighting him off and gaza, israel's army is also in danger of being overstretched. and there worries that intense fighting could bring in iran and the u. s. and
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a major regional conflict. and for him, however, he is the former director of israel's intelligence agency ma side, and he joins me now from tel aviv. mr. hillary, welcome to d. w. i want to start with a question. everybody is asking today how close are is real and has belonged to an all out war. i think, uh, we will know, uh, once israel, uh, we take action as a is as stated that you would be the depend on the scope of the step. we are taking, which is on the one hand to be a very from one and they see a one. and then the other hand, to allow the other side not to respond to the survey. and you have been involved in this kind of decision making in the past
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. what would be your advice to prime minister netanyahu in terms of responding to this attack? now that the ball is very much and israel's court, i think it is impossible for israel to refrain from responding to the tech. it was an attack which i didn't turn out to, you know, and the ignoring units are like, this would probably have a very, very bad infect on these rails determined to capabilities. and therefore, their response is absolutely essential. but it has to be a response which on the one hand, as i said, is very clear. i also property thing filled up to a point. but it also is allows the other side to refrain from the reset of the agent in a manner which will bring the inside region into
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a regional that is not in the interest of it's not in the interest. okay, is but out today and what is more important than anybody is not in the interest of here on what, what, another full fledged military, the operation mean for the war in god. because from, from what i've been gathering, it's also not very much in the interest of israel. right. have another war on their hands. no, i don't think, you know, interested have another war in on our hands. but at the same time, we try not to accept a situation in which we have a large section of the country which is under fire almost daily. and where a overs over 80000 people have left the homes. we cannot live with this situation indefinitely. mm hm. and i want to bring up a,
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a detailed up might not be so mine or what do you make of the fact that has blood denies being involved in this as well? um, at 1st uh they did not uh respond to the various items. it took me a long time to take the responsibility. i suppose that they also consider what was in their interest. but in any way, everybody understood that it was uh, they took this action. i'm not sure if they clearly was targeting this particular uh, football uh center because that is very possible that they had another type of attitude in mind and that they be a target. we say it was not the target which they originally intended to uh,
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its incessantly operation has a lot and i'm us, of course, are both backed by a ron. but throughout your time it must not. how did you experience the 2 groups to differ from each other? now as well as appear, military might decide i think one has to remember that when it comes to guys as they are be, uh, so the element which makes decisions on what kind of action they should take in the case of cause, but no, no, they have others that they have to take into account have to take into account the governments of 11 on after taking into account the governments of syria. and what is more important, they have to take into account your know, today of all days, the new president of your own as assume the office of president of the one the
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election there. and it's clear that he is not intending to, and bro, the environment least in the war. his interests are totally opposed to this. and therefore, if there isn't the radian influence here, which is quite possible this to be the 1st test in which the uranium is recipient. and also have a something to say as to what kind of the of the retaliation or response the is. but uh, we'll take off the israel, carries out the operations and the dentist. okay. how do you expect tear on to, to position itself in this? you say this is the word they do not want it as a war. hezbollah doesn't want it is a war that israel doesn't want,
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couldn't this be a, an off ramp to diplomacy? and the reason i say that is there is such a possibility. i think one has to be patients. i don't think this will be done over night. but i think that's where you have now this you uh, uh, rang in government and you, president and the president who has a different policy on international affairs and who has an interest in the opening up a guy, i know the one kind of another with united states and i think this is a new, a very important track to which we will see possibly in play in this particular case as well. this is the 1st step test. there is of the evidence the iran can exist on this is by the, in the situation like this,
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as israel's farmers by truth airframe. however, thank you so much for your fascinating insights in your time. thank you. and that's so for the best to that's our time, but make sure to stay informed. stay engaged and stay in touch. you can follow our team on social media. our handle there is at c, w, e. news. it is the latest headlines you're looking for. there is always our website that it's d, w dot com for now though, the entire team here on the day and roll them. thank you so much for spending part of your day with us by the
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the co india just watching it died without getting any kind of heat. you know that saturating should not be that that was the turning point for an a half punch in the she and her team has been rescuing animals in distress ever since small and large. and the best part is when you were to release them back out. they don't even put on an eco india next on d, w for the fremont, california, this home in northern germany. my grandmother emigrated to presume at the age of
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price as well. i know what makes it that fine to the under the account. i come from you from the disorder and was a journalist in germany where my ancestors integrated from. i would like to take you on a journey to an jesus of john and immigration, and deserves understanding. you get a film dialing maya, ending in 60 minutes on d w, the little guy. this is the 77 percent of the platform for the 3 issues i'd share, i did the, you know, or the side that will be a, not a great to catch and then it's, it's tough to applicants. population is really fast.
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and young people clearly have the solution. the future is 77 percent. every weekend on dw the, on this show, we often speak of how critical nature it is for all survivors. hello and welcome. i'm sorry to cut the body and you are watching equal india. but it is our own on sustainable human activity, that is the biggest picked for ox on it. so what can we, as individuals, do to save and preserve our ecosystems on today is episode. let's meet a few individuals who are dedicated to making a difference. we begin in the south of india and the town of autoland. it is an
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experiment to.


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