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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 30, 2024 8:00am-8:16am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news life from berlin, clashes and venezuela, as both the government and the opposition claim. they won the election. 25 paragraphs that protesters accusing president nicholas by doing all of trying to steve the vote. the opposition say is it has proved each one and over well being victory and i'm good in the village, but i wanted to talk into 12 children. these read vows a ton of years in advance and admin and planning. the minutes in the group has been loved at ups and the amex going on hired sphere. a why the media will the
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i bid is trying to do well. can we begin with some breaking news coming in from india, or dozens of people have been killed in land slides triggered by monsoon rains? hundreds mall i'll fare to be trapped undermined in the southern states of catalogs . rescue operations have been hampered by bruce collapse. the army has sent in 200 troops to help local emergency services. the that's where the department is forecasting more heavy rain in the region. the good of cause, bring you more of this as a situation becomes data moving on now to venezuela, where the countries opposition saves it has proved that it's candidate edmondo gonzalez, one more votes and sundays presidential election. then president nicholas madura who is claiming victory, the opposition accuses him of trying to steal the vote. at least one person has been killed in street protests. my duties wanting that his government responds to any violence with false security force inspired tear gas
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to disperse a large crowd of protesters in caracas. their crying file over nicholas, my daughter was re election. they marched down the street, finding pots and pans from the highways and roads. they burn tires and set fire to election posters for the authoritarian leader. after 11 years in power, madura was seeking a 3rd secure term in office. this prompted opposition parties to unite behind edmondo gonzalez in an attempt to unseat my door and made widespread discontent over the country struggling economy. here are the people. the people are the ones who decide and we decided red moon don't. i'm not a politician, but really it was the biggest fraud in the world because everywhere it said i moved to head one. yeah. and suddenly, overnight to bump my door. 0 one. no, no, no,
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it can't be all these people are upset with don't agree with the results because they're not real business fraud. as far as i'm concerned, i was the we checked everything. there were no madura support only and the supports us. the results sparked expressions of concern over regularity from the united nations united states, the you and several left in american countries. although venezuela's autocratic allies, including china, russia and cuba were swift to congratulate my daughter. too. many protesters came from the capitals, impoverished guitar and neighborhood where some masked young man tore down campaign posters of my door. oh, hold on lamp posts. the strong man has traditionally enjoyed support in the slums. but under his watch, up to 8000000 venezuelans,
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a quarter of the population of fled the country. the opposition says it as proof that its candidate won by a landslide. patients with madura may be running as advantage, realize, opposition need to embody equity that much otto has told supporters, the better candidate and window gonzalez, one over 70 percent of the boat. this is in their code and their code today i want to tell all the new su allen's in the country and abroad to all the democrats of the world. the name of we now have proof of the truth of what happened yesterday in venezuela. we did it, we did it. so i'm very
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excited to tell you that we have 73.2 percent the and with that result with the what president elect is the moon, the gonzalez, date of the correspondence last conflict has more on the all positions claim. it can also prove that edmondo gonzalez is the wind up as well as they have, they say they have the voting machines. printouts to prove that. and that's 73.2 percent that she points out is the percentage of the voting machine. printouts that show a majority of votes for them on the hook,
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yet they can prove those results when compared to the database of the electro council. now, monday, next monday i pretty much all said earlier that they will process each of those printouts that can be verified and will upload that information available to y and auditable when compared with the electronic councils database. however, since last night deal withdrawal council website is down and they have not made available any information or details on the election results other than the final percentages. that was the correspondence of scotland go speaking to us earlier from cut back us. isabel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu is bobbing vitale ation for a rocket strike. that kills the 12 young people in days many occupied go on heights is valid claims has bull. uh, which denies being involved. the group is based in lebanon and backed by it on living there, who's visited the drew's at a village, where the attack happened was overshadowed by protests of grief and sorrow
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on the streets of the much the drums and the dense of the tiny drews village. say good bye to levin, it'll go out and brought him the last of 12 victims to be bought it off to the debt . the strike is id occupied, goes on heights. the doors in a pod break. this tragedy has struck us and it has shaken our hearts chicken. the whole world is enough. we hope the war will end, you know, start to d, enough not shed resume on saturdays that day was a deadliest one. is there any control that dirty since october, the 7th is viable names 11 and eat on back test will allow me to attend for fighting that rocket that had a soccer field. but hes will not denied any involvement. his riley prime minister benjamin netanyahu visited this site of the
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a tech involved a severe response a whole. we are bracing the families who are going through indescribable suffering around these children are our children of the engine coolant. they are the children of us. also the state of israel below, i cannot and will not let it pass. our response will come both of them and it will be severe. the kasha, the luck, everyone bulk of the prime to start visit to the out of drew's blades. many professors demanded nothing. yahoo leave! he is not well coming to our village again. he's a lawyer and corrupt. he's coming to use the bodies of our children to be on tv. you will not allow this to happen to be that lebanon has gone for an international investigation into the deadly good on the strike. diplomatic efforts are also under
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the to contain the fallout from a possible if i need a delegation against his will and prevent a vital vision in conflict. and then i'll join from jerusalem by the debit card as funding constant in a good concept in prime minister netanyahu has promised a severe response to these rocket attack. but if it comes with a bush is van and never known into a wall a look. if it comes, it would rather be a will between israel and his below. i don't think that let's say the lebanese army will participate in these facilities. and so far we have also heard of these really governments cooling on the lebanese government to ensure a secure to see of up the northern is ryland, the goal on heights. so i suppose that's up if it happens, it will be yet another round of the his below is ro, uh, stand off. but does it's been really want to open
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a full blown ministry front against hezbollah to the north when it's been fighting . how mos in does a to itself well down to standing is that is really mid. 3 planners always looked at the possibility of this got a 2 front war. uh, i think the, the urgency in, especially after the strike on the golan heights is quite palpable here. and i think that there will be a retaliation. the issue is to what extent his ball already is to do to, to, to basically a firewall fence, try can for force. but i think that's the garza, the elements of the current situation will not eventually distract these really, governments from any strikes if it decides to do so. you're on has influence over hezbollah. doesn't want to see the lebanese militants in gauge is around an open
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conflict. as opposed to their usual tit for tat tactics as well. it is basically a for us to ask. the rainy is a veil to all. so that's a for us as dw, but i think that's basically the perception is that's a wrong is looking and the situation analyzing it's. uh and of course, we kind of know whether they will instruct his bullet to strike or whether they will tell them to refrain. it depends on a lot of factors in the region. but i think here in this room, people fulton, basically the government sold. so it's quite a long time that this confrontation eventually is going to happen, but it still remains to be seen whether it's well. konstantin, i got the debit card responded in jerusalem. thanks so much. now to the potter's olympics, the men's trifling has been postponed because of the water quality and the rivers
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in heavy rain. and the opening set of many means back to the levels of 2. hi, douglas pulse corresponding, jonathan gran. explains why it's so difficult to keep the water clean through this and has a big of a hoo problem to find out why you have to go down to the power. sue is the 19th century bill network is where the cities waste and rainwater is collected. water coming from the homes, like from toilets, from pensions, from bathroom and water coming from rain is going in the same tubes under the streets and got that getting mixed. the problem is the system can overflow when it rains a lot more, it's done. when this happens, explains why swimming in the sand has been banned in paris since 1923. when the water is getting up and as a risk of all the floating, the cd,
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the van is opening and the water is released. we're going to say to prevent the need for this giant underground, the rest of why has been built on the banks of the sand. but you can store up to 24. that big swimming pool of water mixed. we've ran water so that this water won't go in the same and want to create any pollution, but even that system could be overwhelms in case of heavy thunder storms. and that's why games organizers have been looking nervously at the weather, full cost. if levels of a total lie, the bacteria found in human excrement to, to high swimming events can not take place in the sand. and that in mind of the top stories you're following for you uh, this uh, flushes and broken out. and then as well as skeptical cut off because over the countries disputed presidential election and police fighting tier guys that protest is demonstrate to serve president nicholas my doodle is trying to steal the vote.
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the opposition claims that results were manipulated by election officials. and these were as prime minister has visited the site of a weekend rock, it strikes the kittens 12 children, and teenagers in these rarely controlled colon heights. benjamin netanyahu is bowing a severe response against the iran back millishape group as beloved. but it's to 9 responsibility. the attack and don't forget, you can always get the the news on the go, just download our app from google play or from the app store, which will give you access to all the latest news from around the world as well as sports notifications for any breaking news, you're also fine. sports business and entertainment. news plus analysis and background from our correspondence around the go that's on for the moment coming up after the break plan is a photos, the reprocessing of a former us military base. i remember from one you can always visit our website,
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that's definitely com and follow us on our social media channels. i hand is at the the news i'm british panagerie's in berlin. thanks so much for watching with back again in about 45 minutes from now. see you then, by the growing up in the refugee there's a tennis 10 and 11 on we don't expect much living with them anymore. this is not a good environment. not for me, not for my children, without civil rights and with no prospect. but what can we do carry on and some last day a nice the nice you.


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