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tv   Arts Unveiled  Deutsche Welle  July 30, 2024 8:30am-9:00am CEST

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you just join us for an exciting exploration and everything in between. this is a video and audio production, 5 d, w, i hope video will tune in the 200 years of german migration to brazil. she sent it, came to jung from there was nothing in search of a better life. the kid will go now. this is elder rado. this will be 9 years. but there are stories of dreams and suffering elements of very painful stories because of all the mass because we've experienced ok. well, i know making that i'm and i'm from southern brazil, and i was a journalist in germany origin,
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which is why my son wants emigrated from you. i want to take you want to johnny will spending a 200 years of german immigration in brazil. dialing maya who but as you. busy ringback i have a family in brazil and finding germany there was no contact between them for almost a century. my grandma eda emigrated to present as a small child and 1925 with foster parents. she never saw her siblings again, never met the defendants. it was only when i was working as a journalist in germany that we found each other. again, it's been those mode. i go sense of the call. we looked at each other and i thought yeah, with family, this is for me area. yeah, yeah. so i could tell straight away this is, oh, stop of my father who felt his mother's longing in brazil all his life
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was also have already moved fine as well. but all the hug i gave them was the hug. they could no longer give each other while i am ready, i will go. i cried a lot, but i was very happy with the phil is. all family history is interwoven with a history of german immigration in brazil. with the waves of migration and the 19th century when poverty hunger and to span were widespread in german speaking regions off to the napoleonic wars, the, the migration that followed in the 20th century when many sent off in search of a better life after the 1st world war mice, you always go on the most people left for economic reasons and there were lots of families of farmers who wanted to continue working in agriculture for them. south
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america was a good bit german immigrants of left and last thing, ma coolness sounds i presume, began to explore how on this trip, the luminous place with a strong tradition of german immigrant culture is the 3rd largest city in the state of santa catalina. with over $360000.00 inhabitants, its famous french on top of fast, well largest off to the one in munich tracks more than $600000.00 visitors each year. calling me here was founded in the middle of the jungle around 1850. my hammond blooming on a german pharmacist botanist and committed to columnist the historian sway. petrie knows the one about the city's history, its consent did. one of the most important centers of german immigration in brazil
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for a long time german was spoken here as a lingua franca between subsequent european immigrants from places like new today. and i'm the newman, i received a 5. the parents turned the ways of immigration. 1923 . i bought them on a new ways, calling the new german grants. they weren't simply looking for a home and then all of applied, they were professionals with technological knowledge said go go where you see man. so that they wanted to re establish themselves economically going because their capital was stronger here. that bill is dated for them to come in to put get key copies. so as far as in companies and businesses had service less that they wanted to invent, he'll invest you a bite on last week that was great for us for many industries were established that
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which brought a lot of advancement photographs. when we took it in, there were also part time as well, gave our main street at the street of the 15th of november. they knew lot of working digital van. they brought us new architecture more difficult for something that most of what brings the phone today. boom, and now is a modern city behind the historical facade, so popular with tourists. there's something doc, a growing number of neo nazi groups. there's also a lack of acknowledgments of indigenous people who live to be full of the immigrants and who are nearly wiped out in a brutal moore of extermination fault. this is the story story, hardly any historical record of the time. they themselves weren't able to tell their story, but most of them, so the kids, we only have our version b based on what was in the newspapers and letters at the time or that. so we have the immigrants perspective,
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we don't have the indigenous side of the story. it's a very defensive issue to them because they're gonna buy the effective. so the, i think, as in other regions of the southern pursuing this gentlemen, immigrants travel to it by river as you're working with this region around blooming off, for example, as also inhabited by other ties. invitation is people that yeah, we're going to talk to about our daughter. we drive 2 hours off road into the highlands. a while to it is pretty pan belongs to the cloud. know shop claim people. she picks us up from across roads, around 2800 indigenous people live in this area. it wasn't easy to set up a meeting with walters paper. there's a lot of mistrust towards wind resilience and not without reason. the trauma of colonial lines grabbing what's the cost? it's a long shadow editor before you comp i started. it's
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a very painful story because of all domestic has means experienced all the brutality that took place here in sunset. kinds of rena fast solved before you can set that up on the demo infrastructure, the european settlers built the greater the conflicts with the indigenous population. in bloody crashes, brazil's indigenous people faced the superior weapons of the colonists. the government soon hired mercenary troops known as bo, could at a loss. indigenous men were killed while women and children were enslaved or forced into sax work. 2 thirds of the indigenous population were wide town the launch and it says that at the end of the 1920s, there was only about $100.00 indigenous people left in the region to start a scan key. these are very difficult stories to tell us
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a century on indigenous people here are still fighting for land rights against some very powerful opponents. you as you bubble this all is knowing the white people don't understand what the area has always belonged to. elsie know is the arguments as a way to set the indigenous people want the land, but they don't cultivated or can navigate understood about all relationship to the land stopping cause the most different to that. so if the white one, the method you fit into the, you once a piece of land, so you, you can build something on that and grow something and says, oh, that's what i want to we. i want to preserve the not because the arrow it breathes depends on is the river that runs through here depends on the aisle. if i don't because of it now we're going to be able to drink some water in res. clean a new. you can stay, you want to sit down that. mm hm. okay. so nobody's ever name will say that completely different visions of one,
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but on the meeting was voted by the mil don't. and so this has almost great and sorry for that, for my people. you know, and we're still suffering today's suffering windows doors suffering with you in for me on my lunch on his pre paint is an archaeologist, an expert in indigenous history and building practices. she's the 1st woman from her community to one a doctor. and she's determined to present the culture, the shock cling kane gang, and quite a need people who still live in this area for a long time. the white routing class bind them from practicing their traditions, even speaking the language today and there's bilingual school. the children are taught in both portuguese and shop claim. they even sing the brazilian national anthem in indigenous language,
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the noise from the bell. my role is to encourage others and to keep serving the small things your life, assuming i'm delighted that these seats are being assigned in germany to emily. i of the same to have the vinyl. how do you say great, thank you. good luck on. nobody got me, let them know that until okay. oh god, thank you very much. you can the got most people in germany have probably unaware of the roles of german entrance plate and the wall is extermination. that almost white topped indigenous people of southern brazil and presented itself. the issue was long hushed. ok. even today it's still a to boot topic in many places.
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i know a lot of brazilian students else's to this of people in academia who are really critically aware. i've had the admission device and when he visited the notes of either of them, but the average person on the street on isn't generally like that us. yeah. nice. you been, they'll say something like we, germans, we were actually the better kind of brazilian, like if you my best of him. we were hard at working flies. we were the ones who made the country airable enough as these are not this narrative of german colonization and the german achievement in brazil is still very dominant. not to any model how high they've gotten. so used to go while a lot of the advisors on the one hand, some of these, of course, these immigrants did achieve things plus lice that this kind of nobody can deny that a it's any something. but you can't just ignore the crimes that were committed to that or say that the people who suffered were just collateral damage. let's as
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often as could not divide shop. the backend compo bomb in the rio grande reduces and visiting my family. like anywhere else in the world, the kitchen is the center of the my father, my sister in law. my brother, my mother, managed to my niece, is hiding somewhere that she is a typical sunday lunch with the family she. german potato salad made using grandma's recipe. of course. as brazilian grilled meat, we have the best of both cultures. even though my grandmother left germany when she was less than 5 years old, she never lost a sense of being german. but losing old contact with her family after the 2nd world
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war was traumatic. warrington, sanchez, it was really interesting to me. my mother's family, a spot in the meal mine with no, a little by following my father died. my mother was very sad. dollar my she was always home sick for germany. you know, my father in law. i never, i'm leaving german law when there was soccer on, which you bought it. always say i'm going for brazil or, but i'm going for germany more garb, lemoine. how does that? she remains the german 5 set off to search for the house when my grandmother moved into my grandfather, died in 1969. the one of my cousins shows me the way my paternal grandparents once worked as pharmacy and slanting about 50 kilometers from cam. postpone lighted a run,
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a store that sold agriculture and commotion as communities views. oh, is it due to the or the flight? when will be enough of is he doing coming? i made frederick schultz at the i being real american institute invalid and he's an expert on german society in southern brazil, as well as the complex that arose between german immigrants and the present in states. by the time of the 1st world war, voice is warning of a threat from germany, the growing ever allowed to evict these the world wars intensify these to be one of the questions of a german threatened within brazil and debates about political measures to combat such a threat to the, to for moslem brazil declared war on germany and both one no worse than you know, it was there was also a question of internal security. so the system opened up at the same time, i get it in the riots by brazilians targeting german businesses and brazilian ships were sunk by german, new boats fits upon the patch, fanned the flames. otherwise,
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that the brazilian government then closed german speaking institutions in band, the german language press, the dodge by the institute cylinders, lawson happened dollar deductible. i go because of about at the end of the 1920 is quite a few immigrants of german descent to sympathized with the national socialist. same germany local non c chapters were founded. brazil had the largest nazi biology out, signed germany, children sighing, nazi anthems and schools, and then use pay by deutschen morgan was one of hitler's most important propaganda tools among the german community. initially present in present, undergrad, tony, of all cash sympathized with europe specialists. but in the run up to the 2nd world war bond cash step top assimilation efforts under pressure from the americans. technology policy was banned. german cops and schools were closed. speaking german was no longer allowed. one of this affected my grandmother to
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denver darma was thankful can i call there was a supervisor in the shop who wouldn't allow us to speak german don't special. everything was mark outside the source in law. if people want to go out or flower, they pointed to them, so they weren't permitted to say the german worrying to the present when you'll fall. all i'm not inside and i think it's after the 2nd world war contact. but germany had broken off in some of the cases if it had been very important for institutions like german speaking schools and the church. no, i'm just talking to people and money were sent over to retain the culture. but of course, this reputation had been marked by the war and then in the emerging knowledge about the holocaust. on this one, that's what i've done to you. i'll just buy another factor. was the highly national this brazilian regime of the estoppel novo, the advisor to you about a guest because you put
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a stop to those effort that's not true and ensure that state one schools were set up in these areas in english, defend nobody in my family speaks guy anymore except me. my parents generation didn't learn the language promptly and didn't policy don't often. well, it took decades for the next generation to begin to take an interest in that job and family history. again, the research, the cemetery and hold on to the grace of german name. some of my grandmother's foster parents, the hand songs are buried here. the so is my grandma you know, for my grandmother passed away 1997 have been thoughtful. she died. she trying to
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make contact with our sisters in germany, but unfortunately she didn't use excel hasn't got my son and a half a story each other again, the last 21 of her niece has came in to visit her grades. when i was a very emotional moment to launch the 2 years out of my father had been to germany and had met his german cousins for the 1st time rang quantum was a sign of the place i met. my mother is close relative of mine for multiple very emotional stuff. just got available that i gave them was the hug. they could no longer give each other a, but i'll solve a google for the cried a lot, but i was very happy we it cleansed myself a lot more where the kids going for this is the level i'm here at
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the century off to my grandmother had to leave a german family behind the 2 branches of the family all connected. once again, the link is made a brazilian living in germany. we travel back to south town for a special chapter in the history of the german immigration. this is the most as you tyco to south power forming a synagogue. it's now per sales managers to all kinds of jewish history. jewish immigrants have lived here since the 16th century. at the beginning of the 20th century, a large number of migrants arrived plane, paul crumbs and russia and eastern europe. the nazis came to a pallet in germany in 1933 from then on brazil became one of the key south american countries for jewish refugees alongside the dodge and tina. shortly afterwards, santano's jewish community launched in
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a program to help the exxon's latest image of i mean for mass on to the bottom of the immediately set to work welcoming for children. and mother is, let's just keep in mind that sometimes mothers came without their husbands. my dad who were fight in or were and concentration capital defend or going they found at the children's home so that the women and couldn't go to work spots and stuff. but yeah, it is food don't like us to be honest with them. they found it an association to support them. they also collected donations so that others i've had to ask germany could also cause it is 5, a fundraising rep with this as it alters lemoine. could somebody, susan levine, in that period, 16000 jewish immigrants found a new home in brazil, mainly in booming south power of professional experience. they brought with some helps economic development. reaching out to nomic concept mazda in brazil. what people don't know is the south town, always the biggest german industrial city outside germany,
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only established german companies have to and that's an american headquarters here . some of them have been in the country for over a century. they create 250000 jobs in south pano, a male. so there are a huge number of gem and companies operating in brazil and influencing the economy . but i do want to say it is about the edge without any way. 200 years after the 1st german democrats, you to present migration is now coming in the other direction. according to a study by the present and foreign ministry, 160000 persons williams, now live in germany. diana santa, she plans as a nurse, an intensive cat kidney clinic. all settings shall retain university hospital. germany urgently need specialist line tie on the government recruits people from brazil just like the brazilian government once recruited germans. us from re a is lived in germany for almost 2 years. that is what more
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difficult to have or i'm presenting. what difference is on it as your way? so as you get into this, because imagine it's more difficult here. people today because of the cause of the language by you, the work itself is very similar to present. so depending on where you work. oh, but it's in my case, it's intensive care, hasn't that that, but the language problems make everything more my eyes. i can still dialing work if i still difficult, but much want to called make yeah. how people who want to work in germany receives to be meaningful. this is specialist giving that by that you know, so you're not prepared equal to the cost of the language to because of that language. because of that, because of the language for the lack of housing, the means 2nd, the eminence bureaucracy toys and also the lack of openness domain of china has also experienced racism while working in another hospital position. so welcome to sherri to a university hospital was
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a deliberate one shot at this, i decided to come to the cherry. okay. because of the people here are inclusive skills sake and was here. i have colleagues from all over the world. news of every went in there is very patient with me. oh god is doing. if we get stuff was speaking german, we can try and english or we can try again in german with and they speak of it slower. don't some of them on that. so that is just gonna say the following, blaze. we've done wrong. there are a lot of difficult people on population, a guy. but there are also a lot of really nice people. the so is your decision mother thinks the miracles are position based thing to the guys. back in rio de janeiro, tyanne and sometimes worked in several hospitals at the same time in order to be able to afford vacation. in the end, she emigrated to full financial reasons, st. jude, to talk about going back to brazil one day though. but as you and you know,
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i feel very much it has the f o as much as i love brazil. i have no intention of going back to germany has gone from a country of emigration to a country of immigration. according to the german government, 21000000 people here have a history of the immigration, including me. partners really impossible for me. my best country was a gentleman, passport because of my ancestry, that it seems to me 1st and foremost assign brazillian era. and that's where i was born angry. a lot of the is supposed to for it is possible, connect me to, to, i'm in society. i mean, especially when i go to about this, the thing just lot of my ancestors who emigrated to brazil, something like to set out, but it is the company, the well, you know, 5 to g, just find out. migration has always been positive as well as in ways robi, because things are processing, they can afford the
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some people say it's like, how would i go? so i woke up paradise, a train mind off the beaten track. take it caribbean, adventure to a star, ex sugarcane trail meat. fascinating people and get a glimpse into the pulse. kids scenic right away. a 30 minutes. d, w, a co africa. come in conflict and donna
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in summer, most escalating to the very higher level. the problem. resources i'll be coming, guess because of the time to change the initiative. now, office guided mediation to find the nico africa in 90 minutes on d. w. the welcome to the tire timelines, campus, also 6 tourist. what do you get here? you can't get anywhere else in the world. germany, if you guys have trusted, you pay twice or $3.00 times as much and you get half the service.
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in 2023, a documentary uncovered corruption on child abuse. the youngest one, for example. let me show you this was now the film team, investigate the, the was exactly has changed the, the red lights, dark shadows, 6 tourism in time and stuff. all the 16 on dw, the, the,
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the, this is the, the news life from berlin. dozens dead in land slides in india. hundreds of all fair craft in the southern states of kind of law as bad weather and blocked roads. campo rescue efforts also coming up. flashes advantage realize told slick gulf one time the opposition claim they won the election. police fire to a gas, i protest as accusing for the nicholas my doodle of stealing the vote. and competition in the olympics tried to learn postpone because a for water quantity need that beautiful. it's for.


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