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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 30, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm CEST

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the, the physical dw is like from berlin, thousands dead in lance lodge in india. a 100 small off here, crap in the southern states of cadillac as bad weather and blocked roads. rescue efforts. also coming up flashes and venezuela as both the government and the opposition claim, they won the election. 25 to gas and protest as accusing president nicholas my doodle of stealing the vote. plus 3, here from a grieving mother in bangladesh was only son, was killed, a security forces track down so we can process the order for and union has criticized the excessive use of force, against demonstrations and competition in the olympic trifling,
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postpone because of poor water quality the, the boss from powder is on by the front of these are finding it's so difficult to keep the service and keep the british manager working. dozens of people had been killed in landslides, triggered by months when rains in india. hundreds mall, all fields dropped on the model in by now the district in the southern states have got a lot of rescue operations in the area of being hampered by a bridge collapse and unstable ground. the army has sent in 200 troops to help local emergency services. the nation by the department is full costing more heavy rain in the region, dw correspondent charlie, although has more on the rescue efforts. but what is why not is
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a hayley area dotted with the states. so, and with this kind of difficult hearing, you can imagine how challenging it is proving for the rescue team. so to be able to do their jobs, as you can see individuals. so, you know, you see large amounts of debris and fallen trees, the in large patches of areas and muddy waters gushing to people's homes. and the situation is compounded by the fact that the 2 bridges that connected these affected areas with the main town had been destroyed by the line sites overnight. the india are slow, which is the national disaster response for steam they've been dispatched to the ground and more teams out on the way as we speak. now usually berries are the n d r f or the fullest respondents in these kind of situations in india. but the situation is so grim it so serious, but the army has been cold in the air force has been cold. and as you said, 200 soldiers have been deployed to, to the region. and their 1st priority would be to be, to build a temporary bridge so that these rescue teams can reach those who us to stranded in
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these the line sites. but meanwhile, before that happens, the in the out of teams are using ropes to cross these muddy waters. the reverse, they look like save us now to be able to get through these people who are stranded that and get them to safety. the chop was by the internet for so have been deployed there to be able to carry out area the rescue efforts. but that we here have also being had hamper because of the bad weather that a strong wind so currently in the region and more rates are expected in the next few hours, which is not good news for the rescue teams. the range of what is causing this high number of casualties is the very densely populated area. but from what i've gathered various, it's the suddenness so of this incident and also the timing of the incident. that is the main factor of why we're seeing so many casualties. it happened just after midnight. the readings were much more than i expected. so at this time of the year,
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i mean it's monsoon season. so rains are expected, but they will much more than expected. and immediately, just within a few hours of the range of multiple on slides happen in the area, giving people not much johns to run for their safety. and another of this factor that i have to point out to you a bit a is climate change. experts say that these kind of incidents have gone up in the last few years in india, and they blame the global warming and climate change. so for these kind of incidents and they have been demand, so by activists, by climate activists from the government to address this issue. uh, but uh, they say that not much action is, is being taken by the government in disregard. now as far as the government is concerned, as far as the immediate action is concerned, the prime minister has the offered all kinds of headphones to the cadillac government in disregard. and they've also offered compensation all for those of the, for the families of those who are dead and the victims who are recovering at the hospital. the diagnosis charlie, although speak to me from delhi,
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thanks so much. i of course there's not some other stories making headlines around the world a best them just train has data and the name, the getting a piece to people. i mean getting 20 the how it on them by express game tree. and it came off the track. so we use the state and try to con officials say a good strain data nearby, but it was unclear if the 2 accidents were related to children have died in a stabbing attack in northern england, 11 other people, but wounded and a 17 year old suspects is in custody, the attack happened to the community center in south port that was hosting a taylor swift same dance event for children. because as has ministry has declared to pull your epidemic blaming israel's ongoing ministry, offensive dividers which was found in suicide. samples can cause paralysis. the bald headed organization said last week, it was sending polio vaccines to because a to prevent children from being infected with the virus in venezuela. now the
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opposition say is it has prove that it's candidate edmondo gonzalez, one more votes in sundays president and election than president nicholas my doodle, who is claiming victory. the opposition accuses him of trying to stick in the vote . at least one person has been killed in street, protests. venus wayne is election results, acknowledged in fury on the streets of kinda thousands of protesters defended on the capital to denounce president nicholas my due to his victory and whatnot. i thought i came to the street because we want freedom, so we got tired of this government. we want to change. we want to be freedom, venezuela. we want to have families to return here. we don't want them to leave anymore. we want to be free with our families earlier security forces by a t, a guess, and rubber bullets at protest as who's saying the election was rig little stars,
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the same withdrew when 51 percent of the vote. 5 have yet to show a full breakdown of the results. then as well as opposition planes, it received the 70 percent. they may most likely with the amount and we have in our him the same way the tally sheets prove that are categorical. and mathematically, a reversible trial is not yet provided evidence to support this claim. the president accused as his opponents of trying to destabilize then as well, why don't you start the blown elected amount? very extreme right behind this plan. that was screaming fraud. 15 days before the elections. they didn't sign the agreement to recognize the election results with ballot. but the doors in live in your role has seen venezuela defended into economic chaos and a mass exodus about a quarter of the population, his life,
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the country, while his international allies, iran, russia and china have congratulated him on the election when others, including the us, have condemned the results. several latin american countries, as well as international bodies, including the you in have called on venezuelan authorities to release phasing records from individual polling stations. progress report on this story with a johan ramirez who was the douglas palmer locked into america correspondent, 200 good to see you. several countries are asking for more transparency on the both account, including those with last spring governments such as brazil and mexico and gina, a lot information of the. and i told him a lot of these holding back and why the sites are all a tardy thing, which we have to say. first and foremost, it's controlled by missouri. virginia has declared that he won the election on
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actually, yesterday, his victory was proclaimed, his victory was confirmed by the electra, which means that he's not officially the president elect of venezuela. or we should further say the president reelect off, been a swell. it means that he's going to rule the country for 6 more years from 2025 to 20. 31. however, they outsource is haven't yet released any details of both counts from nearly 13000 folding station that raises concerns about the integrity and transparency off of these results. on the other hand, the electra of started these yesterday the now and they had to operation against the electronic system that took place in the evening of sunday. the government said it was against again without proof that there was a not them to manipulate the results of the election. officials are link and this um, hacking operation with prominence opposition figures such as maria corina,
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my shadow, who is the most popular opposition. politician now, either going through but so far there are no proofs of none of this. i mean the proof of this hiking operation, i'm not in a proof off of my doris victory. the opposition has claimed that it has won the election, but it is an impala. what would it do next? they are often many um tvs that are key, the mountains and you know there too. i see what they call. they are urgently calling the electronic. uh, consulate to release the table cones us from all this of folding stations. oppositional either sounds for him of service or origin vendors. one also forward this to for um i mean depth and then 30 days to allow any the verification of the results. and this is a key issue because um, if they want to insure the transparency of the votes, this is for tiffany. this is a very knitted. they are also the mind in the recognition that this is one of the
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toughest point, the mind in the recognition of their victory because the opposition that by cutting it and wounded gonzales or rhodes. yeah. they are saying that he won the election, but yes sir, to that they have proof that their victory is over. what i mean, i'm quote in the words of a potential either. maria could be not my shadow. she said yesterday that goes, how does one the election for more is that with more than 70 percent of the fall within the i call in foreign governments on organizations to closely monitor the situation in the contract to come, then what they call these been major fraud in latin american history relieve at the moment, but thanks so much for joining us today. you'll 100 ramirez. of these rarely, obviously, as it has heat around. den hezbollah targets in lebanon is rarely claim submitted in group for a rocket strike that gives 12 children in the occupied golan heights. there's really prime minister has been to the dues at a village where the attack happened,
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but his visit was overshadowed by protests, grief and sorrow on the streets of much the chums transit ends of the tiny drew's village say good bye to 11. it will go out, it brought him the loss of 12 victims to be brought it up to the deputy strike. and this id occupied goes on heights the doors and the pod brake. this tragedy has struck us and it has shaken our hearts, shaking the whole world in no hurry enough. we hope the war will end. you know, strategy enough, blood shed resume on saturdays that day was the deadliest one. is there any control that dirty? since october 7th is rise, buildings lebanon's, eat on back to as well, ah militant for fighting the rocket that had a soccer field. but his beloved denies any involvement his variety prime minister benjamin netanyahu visited this site of the
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a tech involved a severe response a whole. we are bracing the families who are going through indescribable suffering around these children are our children and a, the engine coolant. they are the children of us, also the state of israel and cannot and will not let it pass. are responsible, comfortable, and it will be severe, the kasha, the, not everyone but come depriving to start visit to the out of drew's village. many professors demanded nothing. yeah, who leave he's known, well, coming to a village, i guess he's a lawyer and corrupt. he's coming to use the bodies of our children to be on tv. you will not allow this to happen to be that lebanon has gone for an international investigation into the deadly going on strike. diplomatic efforts are also under
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the to contain the fallout from a possible is why need a delegation against his will and prevent a vital vision in the conflict. so europe in union has criticize the use of excessive force against student protest as important others demonstrations against unpopular cortez for civil service. jobs were met with, forced by produce more than a 150 people were killed and thousands of others detained. dw has spoken to a mother whose son was killed in the violence in morning. this mother has lost her only child. according to shop now at 18 year old son is a 100 percent bus shot that by bung lab issues security personnel on july 18th. along with other students must protesting against the government job cortez. this
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picture was sticking moments before he was gone. once my son was mad at how can it ever be compensated to the bottom and he wasn't mad at by civilian political, that he wasn't murdered by a random bullet or munition. the matter was committed by law enforcement officer just took out under government orders. and my son was killed by a bullet that was bored with my takes money. what more can i say? i have no way low to okay. was on the medical records show that he was brought to the hospital with the fire on injury to the head. he was pronounced that under i was i'll see the tv, so i saw his dad buddy, and i did see human lives on fire and the people who made the video, the data from these videos. i could see that they were taking my son to the hospital and they were giving him oxygen. the entity which shots on the had ended up was badly. they were pressing on the one towards the adult. he was having
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trouble breathing and he tells me the course to, to, to be do icon dixie show. not if a garments that coupon code for husband is a migrant worker in south dbm. the family was saving money for the huts, higher education show that shows the w, her sons, academic transcripts like thousands of other students. the believe to only john's for a better life would be to a fed employment system and took to the streets to protest the government cortez the job for damage years have since been scaled back. the bushes victory has dark lity, georgia to my desk leg shop. now, sort of out, so in the thought of he has left behind many dreams and i also had many dreams. these dreams didn't materialize. maybe he could have fulfilled to me. these dreams are closing the upgrade behind, right? not on these memories because some of these make us crying to most that by this,
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this body isn't here with us anymore, but the memories will forever remind us on them. and only i spoke to this name, colleen bung with issue john list who lives in eg sign in baltimore in sweden, i asked him how people are coping with the optim off of the violence. you see there is a been really novelist. why not? i'm at 21 said the heaviest thing a man can carry on his shoulder is his chimes coffee. and there are more than 200 coffins like that right now and patterns across the bottom of the dish are morning the that so their children. people are extremely sad, but at the same time, people are also very, very angry. because the perfect treat is all these indiscriminate shootings are the police and all the security forces of their own country. so they are also
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protesting. they're also angry. they want accountability and justice such as critics, when they get accountability and justice, it is highly unlikely in bangladesh because of the last call and we received a call need a debt tell the from the students group they are claiming that 266 people have died and they're claiming that the number might actually go up to or across 1000. we have been able to verify some of the names and the lease to, but it's the ongoing process. so it government that it's really discriminating cubes, its own people. i don't think it's logical or reasonable to expect accountability from that same government. so there is this growing the mon growing cry for international intervention in the home of the un commission of inquiry. if that
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happens, then it come to be might be issue. but it is also important to note that we thought to comfortability bundle dish extremely cannot have no more ripple relationships with the international electors like the real p a new vehicle. and the united nations can tell us something about the situation of student for destiny does, who have been detained by the apologies. uh they have not only b d d and they have been legally d, dean and they are being right now kept as hostages at the detective branch. headquarters in dock. uh uh, the 16. do you know if you're already on the profile, going to read you aware of the chief of the detectives? police was having child with them. and that has been turned into a propaganda piece and brought customer all the tv channels in bottle of dish. it's like the pit that attempt at the calm down the protest as and that didn't
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work, it's really bad. and the people more of some, the protest he does, who are outside. i mean, who are in hiding are extremely now leading to protest. wheeler, people there for the moment. thanks so much for joining us today at the same kind of in the bundle dish. just having an egg sign in my the most recent. thanks so much. i a quick look now at some of the stories making headlines around the world, emergency crews are trying to contain more than a 100 active fires. and the rest in united states, the biggest plays in california has doubled in size, scorching an area a bigger than los angeles. thousands of people have flipped their homes. the german economy contracted slightly in the 2nd quarter of this year. gross domestic product fell by point one percent with the economist blaming. weak investment as the reason for the drop. a rapid recovery in germany is not expected this. yeah. however,
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the vida in your zone. so a modest growth of point 3 percent talk these bottom run test boss to be a little that am so reduce the huge population of stray dogs, animal rights groups fear it could lead to mosse calls. and once the dogs neutered, instead decades home to an estimated 4000000 strays, which can be a danger to people. the news, nothing about it. so then picks where the men's drive alone has been postponed because a for a water quantity in the rivers and heavy rain of the opening ceremony means bacteria levels are too high. the douglas ball is corresponding jonathan gray and explains why it's so difficult to keep the water clean the river sand has a bit of a hoo problem to find out, why do you have to go down to the power? sue is the 19th century bill network is where the cities waste and rainwater is collected. water coming from the homes, like from toilets, from pensions,
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from bathroom and water coming from rain is going in the same tubes under the streets and got that getting mixed. the problem is the system, can i use the flow when it rains a lot more it's done when this happens, explains why swimming in the sand has been banned in paris since 1923 when the water is getting up and as a risk of all the floating the cd, the van is opening and the water is released. we're going to say to prevent the need for this giant underground rest of wall has been built on the banks of the send body can stall up to 20 elliptic swimming pool of water mixed. we've ran water so that this water won't go into saint and want to create any pollution, but even that system could be overwhelms in case of heavy some of the storms. and
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that's why games organizers have been looking nervously at the weather, full cost. if levels of e to live, the bacteria found in human excrement to, to high swimming events can not take place in the sand. and i know you're off the w correspondent, louisa louie and powers. if the faith of the problem essentially depends on the weather as well. absolutely, and as you know, last week on friday and saturday, we have a lot of rain here in paris and fronds actually as much rain as you normally get in 2 weeks over 2 weeks in this period of the year. now we are far to use the organizers, you know, technical medical stuff, the old server and testing the was constantly to see if the quality has gotten better. sunshine helps with that on sunday. and monday would really hot days. and today it's going to be very, very hope date as well, but it does take some time time for the so i'm trying to kill all the bacteria. so
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as you said, you know, the try also has been pushed back to to more morning hoping that the water quality will be better by then. however, tonight, the news thunder storms coming probably tonight and tomorrow. so it might be that the competition will be pushed back again, positively to friday. but if there are a few days of rain friday wouldn't lucky the and the other full back date is a tuesday. next week side is gone. seem to catch a break at all, but how often resumes on the french media reacting to the situation? well, that's quite an interesting situation a to, to the amusement of lots of people here. the media are watching this over. they know this kind of circle for us started actually way back in 1988 when a full my president jack, should i jack? should i announce that he would take a boss in the sense that never happened. other presidents from is so later on,
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but they never actually dives into this. and we sold the paris mayer on either i go a short while ago or go for swimming to send and also the know cache cuz sports minister, however, will also be clean for the try. as long as that is not clear yet. and also obviously the authorities and the town hall have promised, but after the olympics, certain iris at least 10 percent would be open for swimming. not sure that many people actually trust to you know, trust the fewest ortiz to, to actually go force way in this. and i'm certainly going to be writing a which a bit longer before actually daring to go into that was a so, so not just you uh fireplace and also not be able to dive into this and today. but what events can one follow these to say? well, today is again, going to be a busy day at the olympics. we will have also. so suppose we will have a, you know,
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football, beach volleyball will be $21.00 will be out side, you know, right next to the eiffel tower. as i said, it's going to be very hot today, there's actually a heat wave warning today with up to 34 degrees in paris. so actually, it's better we have some sunscreen during the competition. the french will particularly watch the swimming competitions in the, on mac shaw who won a gold medal in the 400 me to medley swimming competition on sunday is going to swim in full probably in 4 different competitions today. and that's what the french will be watching, but will be every, each country is going to watch their own athletes. and there will be really a lot of competitions on today during the day that both of these are new a reporting from products. thanks so much. i and that's all for the moment coming up next after the break of science show to model today. oscar, what would happen if you all took up beacon diets, don't forget our website,
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but all the latest news and information principal 7, d, w dot com. i'm a better strategy in berlin, thanks so much for watching the by the
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ankle culture in times of climate change. new cultivation concept, 13 thought, and perhaps a new diet nutrient to rich, sustainable, multi functional in the fields of the future. tomorrow today, next on d, w are in good shape. it's 12 pound. chronic pain can be said tillman's we so how
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scientists and doctors turn into pain detectives which treatment so questionable. and which ones really walk in good shape in 60 minutes on dw, the climate change. i mean for a station in the rain forest continue, carbon dioxide emissions have risen again. the people over the world are we? what impact the biggest change doesn't happen the make up your own mind.
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me the let's be honest. many of us that really eat healthily as we should. the w. h. o recommends and t, a vegetables, fruits and other plump based staples like rice, mays and weight with a global population of 8000000000 people and climbing about so lots of crops to homicide. and is climate change sets and new questions arise? like will food remain healthy as crops their engineers to produce higher and higher yields? those topics and more on dw sign shows welcome to tomorrow today super me.


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