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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 30, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news live from balance at least 70 dead in land slides in india, and hundreds more of the trucks in the southern statements. carol, us as bad weather locked roads, rescue efforts. also coming up on the program, we have from a grieving mother in bangladesh whose only son was killed, a security forces crackdown on security protests. the european union has criticized the excessive use of force against demonstrations plus flashes and venezuela as low as the government. and the opposition claimed they won the election. police fled to a gas. it protested to accuse president nicholas madura of stealing
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the money. troops. mckinnon. welcome to the program. at least 70 people have been killed in land slides triggered by monsoon rains in india. hundreds more often trumps on the mud. and why in that district in the southern states of carola rescue operations in the healey area of being hampered by a bridge collapse on stable ground and continuing rain full. and they only have sent in 200 troops to help local emergency services. the national weather department is full costing no less up in the rain for now. rescuer a space, a grueling task as they continue their search for survivors. scores of people are fear trapped under the debris after multiple land slides hit well, villagers slipped the dozens are confirmed it hundreds more. are injured,
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the month, buried homes and destroyed roads and bridges. authorities say the full scope of the disaster is still unknown. we fear that the gravity of this property is much smaller than these numbers. let's go. patients being guided open of life with the police and the auto fire photos and various agencies so actively involved into school patients. the indian army has sent in hundreds of troops to help local emergency services, but their efforts are being hampered by a bad weather with more rain and strong winds forecast. carola is prone to heavy down pores during monsoon season. but experts, a climate change is causing an increase in fatal floods and land slides.
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it's more i'm joined by the w correspondent, shallow, yet as in daily, shallow. tell us what's the latest a but on yeah, it's a race against time in why not as 100 so still waiting to be rescued. i'll be a total that the, the, that still is expected to rise for the in the next few hours as the scale of this tragedy is to designing dollars to on you. of the local media reports. i saying that's 16 bodies were put out of a nuclear table, and more are being fished out as things are emerging from the ground. we now know that at least for villages were cut off from the main town after the 2 bridges that connected them to the main town were destroyed by the land slide. so you can imagine how difficult it is for the rescue teams to even reach these victims. us to be able to tell us how many are still stranded but we, we, we, we do know that there are hundreds who are waiting for rescue and has to come in to
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them. and usually in these kind of, for a natural disasters didn't match the national disaster response force or the end, the physical or to the fullest respondents. but this particular incident is so vast that the indian army has been caught in the indian uh air force. so it has been pressed into action. uh, the engine on me, as he said, they've deployed the 200 soldiers. and the 1st priority is to build a temporary bridge so that some sort of connectivity can be established between these villages and the main town and rescue teams and rescue materials can it can start going in. but in the meantime, before that happens, so the indiana themes are using ropes of 2 across these massive rivers of you know, filled with much of and all sorts of debris to be able to get to the other side and pull out as many people as possible as far as the engine air force is concerned, the chop was out on standby. and so be sure that the weather conditions are not conducive the winds up pretty strong and the rains are expected to continue in the
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next few hours, which is not really a good news for the rescue was as well as the victims. of course, of course, now we know that does phones have died many more injured. tell us more about this high number of, of casualties. what caused so many people today? what is the suddenness of the timing of this incident on now? now this is a region why not, which is prone to line sites in monsoon season, so it's not new to the region. but this incident happened just after midnight. the amount of freedom that is received in a short span of time was so huge that it caused multiple lines, nights, eye witnesses on the ground, attending the local media, that they will 3 land slides back to back that came in heavy in the region. so that's so obviously, you know, one of the main factors, another factor that exports are telling us is the climate change. so, you know, as it is impacting the rest of the region, we have the water to renew. and they said that this is an issue that needs to be
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addressed by the indian government. the number of such incidents have gone up in recent years of us. but these experts, in fact this issue was even raising the indian parliament today on yeah, the leader of opposition ra, who's on the set to the government. that the number of incidents of this being an alarming vice in the number of natural disasters in recent years. and the needs to be a comprehensive plan by the government to address these, especially in ecologically fragile regions and in deal shelly at the thank you so much for bringing, bringing us up to date them. anything or of the european union has criticized the use of excessive force against student protest as in bangladesh, demonstrations against unpopular courses for civil service, jobs were met with full spy police. conservative estimates put the number killed at 200 people with at least a 1000 injured and many more arrested or detained. the w has spoken to
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a mother whose son was killed in the violence. in monique, this mother has lost her only child. according to shop now had a 10 year old son, there's a 100 percent bus shot that by bung lab issues, security personnel on july 18th along with other students must protesting against the government job or does this picture of us speaking moments before he was going once my son was mad at how can it ever be compensated to the bottom and he wasn't murdered by civilian when he wasn't murdered by a random bullet or munition. the matter was committed by law enforcement officer under government order. and my son was killed by a bullet that was bored with my tax money. what more can i say? i have no way low to okay. was on the medical records show that he was brought to
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the hospital with the fire injury to the head. he was pronounced dead on that, i was i'll see the tv, so i saw his dad buddy, or did you see human lives on fire and the people who made the video from these videos. i could see that they were taking my son to the hospital and they were giving him oxygen. the entity was shots on the hunt, and it was badly. they were pressing on the water and he was having trouble breathing and he tells me the cost is the be do icon. dixie show, not if a garments that coupon code for husband is a migrant worker in south dbm. the family was saving money for the huts higher education show that shows the w. her sons, academic john scripts, like thousands of other students,
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had believed to only john for a better life would be to a fed employment system and took to the streets to protest the government cortez the job port measures have since been scaled back. the partial victory has struck liberty, georgia to mother's flagship, now sort of also in the thought of he has left behind many dreams, and i also had many dreams. these dreams didn't materialize. maybe he could have fulfilled to me. these dreams are closing the upgrade behind, right? not on these memories because some of these make us crying to most that by this, this body isn't here with us anymore. but the memories will forever. we might find them. and we can hear from the bangladesh and government some more on this. the statement as to for information mohammed, our thoughts joins me now from the capital. deca he regularly speaks for prime minister. shake has seen welcome to dw, so thank you very much for your time today. we just heard the mother of one of the
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students killed in the crack down on protest. can i ask you will you will government apologize? i'm resign following the violence. i'm the death of so many students as well. thank you for your question. the story you just played, it was really heartbreaking. there's no doubt about that. but there's some won't do it in the whole story. i mean, still the global media us talking to a question, which is a binary, which is a girlfriend versus the student protest. but that's not the case at all. there's a talk parking situation in one minute. and their 3rd party being the b and b and jo month and should be the, as long as you're out, because we're actually getting old some of the instructions and the violence. and very unkept into sports, some people got stuck in the situation and you saw the casualties careful. the government has declared to form an actually has been already phone duty, surely inquiry committee and that is going to be independent. totally investigated
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everything, each one of the casualties and then bring the bar protectors also responsible people. but that is all, but they give you a some context is if i can, if i can give you some context that will help you understand during the process. first of all, you mentioned in the, in the, the 18th of july, august and covered at most of the people go on between july. there was no products in the country because the condition, uh, the, the, uh, the, the court already may have had the direction of the step school of the high school . but it definitely does november. so there's no point of making any progress. so i'm going to have to interrupt you. i do understand this is an incredibly complicated situation and as you say, many factors involved, but i do need to bring you back to the question. and the fact that at least $200.00 students have died on, on the watch of you will government. so can i ask again, will you will government apologize? will it not resign?
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i mean, what moral standing does the government to shake has seen a have when it's presided over the death of so many people, mostly students. the best of all the 200 students did not die. the delta dental, the goldman found out this 150, and although 150, there are many people who are bundled by that are concerned that actors would not even identify their identity. so they were born though, when the set fire, someone with the and if you send that back, a set fire the police man or there and the, there are many members of the really popular and also that. so we are not going to discriminate who died. our commitment is to protect visa and protect the lives of the people. and when you see an instant friction of some militant broke into the process and the government's job is to try to protect the life send, rest, or piece. so in the tried to do this, government is doing it, say in the process of this purpose, we saw that to the, to break,
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to bring that leading boost game to the $820.00 prisoners impeding 9 high level job is diluted the fight on. so i'm going to sions, under the 60 prism stuff where hostage then damage is 235. what is pacific is the complete or destroyed $69.00 was balls and killing off many what itself is this under the hinds them upside down? those are the kind of takes you saw 100, i mean 1171 has been injured and 132 of them are critically in a particular don't condition. so the attempted right that the most patients don't wanna use the effect the, the effect, the metro station of that, that the free tv, all the key point installations we see a 2 year 100, right? to be in, been jump. what that is, what i did, i did go through the government job. i can just come back to your point. so just to make sure that we clarify this, you talked about some policies because it's an attack cuz i just like to take a look at some footage that we have of a student process. the other site being shot by police. now this is verified 1st,
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which i should say by amnesty international, and it is just one example of police violence. so what can you tell our view is about such incidents is seemingly obvious brutality by the police, not by policies. ok, so i have point is our standard, but if you were still saying our objective was to send to the law enforcement agency to diffuse tension and to protect the human vice and to protect at the rest or piece. but in the process, we do not deny that some of the police member did not do anything gotten lost. that's the reason why we have already said that you do show committee to investigate powder and we have made a commitment to bring everyone responsible for any casualty to bring to book. that's what we're have secretary. but now telling me that the leaders of the student professors, they also claimed and clearly mentioned that it's all the media that they also
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denounced all these destructions of the violence. they also said they don't do with the should be abused by the 3rd party, the military force due to, you know, create energy in the country. so our pollution on the student leaders position is also the same in the, on this particular st. georgia, solve their students who lost their friends right next to them. their game i'll do the meet, the function will be done, said they believe the friend did not get to by the police because the distance between them and the police on so many people between them what they're, they believe they got years by solve the energy is we pills them because they wanted to create some kind of tension and this was i just so that they can eventually double the government. so the, in the english are everyone out appear that we want to understand get the, the picture off the real picture of it. that part, but the intention and the end of impression. and because of that, the, with the, you know, a flat of the tension and because of that many unfortunate incident had happened. and we do not deny that. so i can also give the, not an important question invest because of course, you know,
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i understand i can hear you argument, but of course, what's happening in bangladesh right now is being watched by the world. you spoke about an investigation. i know your government has been announced and independent just so committee to look into what happened the us and the united nations. there is demanding an impossible international inquiry into the violence. now is that not the best idea for the sake of credibility, both within bangladesh and to other countries, observing what's happening and who are ready being a voice in criticism of the situation they say on folding the 1st of the football of this is the independent of suffered country, we have our institutions and they are quite capable of doing it, dealing with it very well. who have already funded independent get shipped to me. but of course on ages they're going to do it. but of course in the process they've need it. we're not uh, we're willing to get the help from some of the international experts,
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maybe the forward and seeing exports and all that we can get involved and kind of busing through the process so that we, i'm going to make it very prospect. oh, and we have somebody to do it. but at the same time we don't want to uh, you know, make a duplicate bundle of issues of war, average country, it cannot be, these students are not working. so it's going to deal with this kind of investigation by itself. so that is not going to happen that you're allowed to come to the government, do it for us. we'll do it ourselves, but be all source. and you don't mind having the international observers be coming to this and getting the help of the experts, or the financing exports of it from the task to community to help us into this. because we are absolutely committed to heart a very trust pattern of you know, investigation. i recommended to me that to be responsible for bank book mohammed our thought. thank you so much for your time. back in the dash, minnesota of states information and broadcasting we're grateful for your time today . thank you. i a quick look now at some of the other stores making
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headlines around the world. and the passenger train has derailed in india, killing at least 2 people, and injuring 20. the how run them by express train came off the trucks in the eastern states of john con official say a good strain derailed nearby, but it was unclear if the 2 accidents were related. sconces health ministry has declared to polio epidemic blaming israel's ongoing military offensive. the virus which was found in sewage samples can cause paralysis. and world health organization said last week, it was sending polio vaccines to gaza, to prevent children from being infected with the virus. now around, president elect has met with a deputy, the leader of the lebanese, and they listened. group has blah in toronto. my food possess can seen here on the right is taking office at a time of sore intentions in the middle east. israel blames has the law for
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a rocket strike that killed 12 children in b is radio pied goverlan heights over the weekend. has blogs. chief ally is iran, which the us and israel say is fueling conflict in the region is well in his bowl, i have been exchanging miss size and broke it, fired for months with fears of a wide or regional conflict. mounting after the latest attack on the drew's village and the is rarely occupied golan heights which killed 12 young people. his paula has denied any responsibility is was prime minister benjamin netanyahu has repeatedly frames as, as a fight between israel and yvonne. which box has ball and living on, and how mazda and garza and its on yeah. what brought up you on during his recent address to the us congress, we meet today at
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a crossroads of history. our world is in a people in the middle east. you onto the axis of tar confronts america, israel, and are our friends. in addition to a moss on his, bola, yvonne also backs the who sees in yemen, which have launched a series of attacks and commercial ships in the red sea and the gulf of aid. and the stated aim to weaken israel and undermine american influence in the region. irish americans that is following the october, 7th and last terror attacks fighting has intensified. the conflict has opened up front in iraq and syria, where you run has encouraged it's malicious to attack you as military basis. was it as a mobile ultimate, who is the power of the resistance, is becoming more evidence and every day the ball. how may have,
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when i call you on recall. well, i mean, the scientist enemy, that's with all the help from america for some treacherous governments. not that one is, has failed to mobilize, overcome the resistance forces or move because in 10 months into the war, hezbollah and israel have carefully calibrated their attacks to prevent the an escalation. what's the latest strike on the sports field in israel control territory is once again fueling fears that these isolated incidents could turn into a regional conflict between israel and its neighbors. near and far ricardo colorado is with the institute of international affairs in rome. welcome to the w, now with tension is growing between hezbollah and israel. a message is the newly elected the reigning president,
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trying to convey by missing officials from hezbollah and islamic jihad on the day of his integration as a message of continuing to memphis. as carol comes from the form has come of iridium politics bought a, he becomes president in a very, very difficult moments. the regional predicament will be around is bullet time, is dangerous. and iran has been sticking to its main all. i've seen the region since these roads thought that it's the standing of it's on the ation against almost as a thought. on october, the 7th 2023. so there is no way possession can started a presidency without showing allegiance to the network of allies that have been for the past several decades, or at least 2 decades. being one of the main pillars or be around regional and security photos. the newly elected arabian president possess, can, or,
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fortunately told the french president, in a telephone call, but any israel attack on lebanon will have serious consequences to israel. do you think we could see another rainy, an attack on israel any time soon? degrees varies. so it's really a possibility to oh, although i don't think it is very much likely there's certain conditions as uh, must be max. you know, that for you around to determine if somebody has the incentive to risk. so the potential rates on the ation that it would incur if it were to attack against israel. and this condition saw the following, either the israel apache, you run directly on, it's 33 2nd israel attacks uranium diplomatic facilities as it each in april, which pre good you dance, dot in response against israel. full 3rd. and this is the one that worries me the
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most, each row in gauges in an awful with this is paula. and it has the ball out is by far the bronze most important all are in the region. and the around would not be tolerating the possibility of baseball that being the support. so at one point you don't would, would fill the needs to intervene in support of his ball at the football aware, put in a very difficult support by any strategy was if we could just talk about that scenario, its 3 a little bit more, his ball of course depends on rainy and supports. how much does it run control has blogs decision in this situation? nope, i think that's the 1st bullet. was this something that the reading of leadership is the monthly and the absolutely opposed to as well. i would have a hard time doing that, but this is really a french situation. it's not very likely that this is the way how you're on and as
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well what's, what are the differences the decision making process process is that you run in a small, i have a sub issue over the close of to of to that gets, it actually moved into that kids, it's very much persuasion of in to dialogue phase and it's not like it on to minds and as well as follows. so if it's not really a matter of control, it's a matter of kenzie gets to some sort of strong a consensus between the 2 about what the red lines are, the age of the house, the cross you know, the for as ball that to in gauging and all of the international relations analyst recada, i'll carry recada. thank you so much for your time and for your analysis. thank you for having me. this is a quick reminder for you of our top story today. dozens of people have been killed in land flights triggered by monsoon. ryans in the southern indian stage of carola hundreds, more of the trucks on the mount rescue operations, all being hampered by
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a bridge collapse. and that's all we have time for. i money keeps making and thanks so much for watching the w and use the,
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the the
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