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tv   Close up  Deutsche Welle  July 30, 2024 2:15pm-2:45pm CEST

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a is to stay tuned so that if you can time on, you can from the canon of the house as a whole use team here in thought and thank you so much for watching dw, the not just another day. so much is happening all at once. we take time to understand this is the day i'm in, the snow gets covering these events, analyzed by experts and critical thinking is this is with the weekdays, on dw, the
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new, my name's direction. i'm 15 years old and i live in the dock. that's in the north of india in the himalayas, 3500 meters above sea level and that i'll stick it down 2005 and return a couple i watch out for me. i think goes 5 louder. one we're practicing with a tennis ball on thomas so that we learn how to handle the stick properly because i'm keen to play on real honest again. i can hardly wait for the rooster to freeze those skills, click these to say i'd love to be on an ice rink and full equipment. but unfortunately it says that old any rings and the dog is struggling to get
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the new. and that also the nice talk he's the most important spot for us and the doctor and i dream of turning professional need to look at the notes that hasn't been any ice yet this winter. you know, i'd upset the i'm desperately waiting for it because i need to train haul just, i'm going to make the indian national team one day. that's my goal. there's not even a slight change in the the, the, the winches and the dock and the last 3 months. and we're only able to train on the ice for showtime, previously the lakes for reserve by early december. the latest. now it's already the middle of december and we're still having to play on the top, my iphone and, and just been at the present of the terrible environmental pollution. everyone
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is resulting in global warming and was feeling the effects here more and more, the a loan. i started playing ice hockey 2 years ago, but i haven't been able to train enough yet because i don't have my own skates get new skitta that in general and get another city to playing on. smooth ice is much faster than on tomic. it's totally different. sense of what's up because we don't have any ice engines and your winter vacation is approaching. people will probably have to be patient, looked at it for 2 different class. you can see that this thing equals if there is a selection training for the national team in teaching spillage during the holidays compressor. gonna give it your best shot, the chance. and this is your big chance. i've got something quoting in, they want to stay with that during time time, i'm at boarding school because there is no secondary school at home,
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then it was to send in. i had it for 5 seconds before my eyes talk. you training, i guess up at 5 30 am. that's really tough to me is in 2nd figure. the training starts at 6 30 am with us at school by 830 and then i'm also turning it off to training. sometimes i manage to take a short and then the free period the 1st and then if i spend a boarding school since the grades i'm experiencing much more here than at home. and my goodness. and i'm always meeting new people because i've also become much more independent and better able to organize my time,
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the thing nice and loudly please. the decision our new year celebration is just around the corner a significant day. and that's because the success may your actions benefit all the world's living beings. good. think carefully about how you're going to spend your time from the i've not seen my brother for several months. he works with the indian ministry and he's on the for off. they're just new here to leave my
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village to my time is about 4 hours by call from the boarding school in the capital lane. the look. i always train with my team on this. like i doesn't have a clue about always talking. but when i still my brother training is i spoke to my curiosity and he told me every single vouchers, super excuse me to say the lake has them frozen over yet. his will attempt needs probably frozen over in a village, then just drive on the news. when i'm a professional ice hockey player, i want to travel the world to not too much too much conflict. so i imagine myself sitting in
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a plane with my team seeing the doctor from above for the 1st time coasted on the mirror. i've been away from home for a long time. but as you come to the wonderful to be with my family for a minute for through the marketplace, to go to go to the
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go. it's properly 1st. can someone come quickly before it gets stock? a little slow down in winter, it's always going really cold in the docs is down to minus 20 degrees. this is the lakes froze over quickly because now that only happens in holly altitude areas, in our village for example, it still does get cold enough. the guns boom, the ice has to be smooth because susan, the women from the india national ice, hockey teams are coming to a village discount for new talent at a training session. road the
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to the small stream supplies of village with fresh water, the window stream freezes in winter. we have to make a hole in the ice. we need the rooster for all the household tools and washing clothes, washing dishes, and for drinking. of course, you turn your mojo, sondra cruise over control and try then turn off a little bit more, a tooth on tooth and we have to protect on legs and rivers and keep our environment clean them. that's important for us humans and the animals we live with him to move to, to me and look at some gen with them. let me go to the,
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to the now we believe that will only be legal. one us human beings. if we do good things in this life is 63 on the news over here in latan on new year festival is called little song. it's the time when the whole family comes together to pray. i don't like wearing all traditional costume, but if i don't people in the village ask why i'm not wearing proper closure to set my age. it has to fit properly. so i do not think that in this astonishing goals are also held back and but in my family, things the difference. all parents have always treated me and my brother in exactly the same way there's and when i wanted to learn how to skate to,
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i'm very grateful that they supported me play nice talking to me throughout the customer. the. c the, to me, i'm going to take to more of a selection training very seriously, and really given my own the
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to, if i don't realize my dream, maybe i haven't felt hot enough for the internet. this is how we keep our vegetables fresh in winter. new young people don't know anything about growing vegetables anymore. but it's so important. who do i hear they have? huh. i've a southern other villages and the docks in winter. the soil is no longer cold enough to store vegetables like this. when the soils to warm the vegetables rot, we'll have that problem to cindy. that's very likely go get the
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basket. so to hit the new is global warming continues like this. it will completely change our lives up here in the country. he said on the very to the glacier has a melting out of foster range. and at some point we wouldn't be able to space and when to either meet you to, to meet with us. get on the shame you're going away tomorrow. yes, my vacation is over. i'm excited about tomorrow's training. hope i'm still good at the skating. you just need to practice more minutes, but i don't have any skates getting in take mine, but for the power bank's trust talks, it'll be fine to her. the
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come here. you have to position the sky like this. the yes. and then stop the escape. when i see age, i'm so happy it feels like flying and even when i'm angry,
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it just falls away. when i'm on the august, i forget everything. if i hurt myself, i don't feel it straight away. my just want to carry on this casing for money. the fuel skates. thanks. go for it to training. good. ok. volume. have a good johnny? take care. yeah, totally. i will bind the
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news. i am so happy that my friends from boarding school has been able to come to the selection training. an ice hockey team made off of just my friends would be awesome. oh cool. yeah, we're really close to successful. less. finally, we can train on nice, but the hockey sticks. hope we can pull it off that i should just let me define scared me to. i'm also really excited to learn it's uh, it's been a long time since i skated. that's what i'm most worried about. so the data, if i'm falling over all the time, i'm going to be pull it off. dennis, hey, it's already $830.00. we need to go to to oh,
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it's actually happening. the, it's so exciting, i think so too. as well as the new media tells us my name, c one, choose good. and i come from tongue say like the captain of the national women's ice hockey team and the vice president of the duck women's eyes, healthy foundation, you're speaking with you. i started skating at the age of 10, only boys played i saki here at the time. mission the girls did figure skating for entertainment during the break on the phone, but i just dreamed of ice hockey and knew my time would come a high rise of the line. i'm the sort of hello sounds they are at our national
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teams 1st international match. we didn't even have enough equipment to go around when, when our game began, and there were hardly any spectators. my again says i'm in the audience when i was kind of stuff that you today, you're getting your kid just like that. so now show me what you're made of escape was brought to that. the a low i've never been lucky enough to be in full kit. it makes me feel a bit like
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a professional i. so if you plan to wait for his 1st day on your line, the, the escape going to just a puck on all your slides much more quickly than a tennis ball long and tall. mack else gets everything so much smooth lucelle. i don't know how to explain it as simple as the voice of william for the most difficult things for me or handling the stick. i'm stopping quickly. check us with the screeching is going well to make
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the 1st my friend also struggling. she hasn't skates as much because she's one of my best friends. i hope she'll improve false posting in the . i don't see my friends is competition i hope with to get through the
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internet and then eyes look at the most of the play is on the indian national team or from the dog. started out on the frozen pins just like us for them. it might be so proud to tread in the footsteps they didn't need at your age. i had to work in the fields. i couldn't even write my name. no one gave me the chance to go to school or play ice hockey. give it your all. if you don't manage to stand on your own 2 feet, your life will be as hard as hours. yes, i'll push myself hodge. the good morning not
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a as of today is our 2nd day and gong is on us. let's see what you learned yesterday. yes. can you still remember at all the new thank you on today's your big chance to qualify for the national youth squad. the the,
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get it the
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keep an eye on each end and on see ring as well. what do you think? do we stand a chance? if they took all of us, we'd have so much fun together. if not, well, protest come on. i need to drink something the of the
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i will nothing move in to be picked for the national youth squad. and just now for the 1st time i was able to get approved for idea of what it would be like to be on the team. and so the to relax, i love going to these hope springs with my friends at the and
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then little cook noodles only to to me on the i'm scared about tomorrow's decision. but they'll take us for sure the are the number because you've all made a huge progress compared to the 1st day for you to try to not, not a don't pick up the wrong then. and i, you know, what of the 10 girls we've only selected 3 who already show so much potential. we want to send them to further training sessions for the national youth squad. these girls are used to use the symbol level
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next, the next is teaching thought, and the 3rd is the ring. hardwood suited pinnacle 3 are allowed to take part in this. here's training of young players for the national team. that's all the best of luck to all of you. my other friends didn't make it this year. so the limo and all you have much more experience than they do is they carry on training. i shall certainly will count for the next time and will help them had worked until i had to create a new employee. and i'm really happy that no
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moving hollywood shows and i can hardly wait to continue my training and get to little bit better every day. the did you one day i'll play for india in a foreign country that i imagine myself looking into a huge stadium. i'm proud leasing the national. i'm some guns sitting on the i don't know what i'm frustrated. the
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sometimes the right, how that you out to the highlight for sure every week. nothing, not growing up in the refugee there's that kind of thing and these are known, we don't expect much living with them anymore. this is not a good environment, not for me. and not for my children without civil rights and with no prospect. but what can we do? carry on and some last day, a nice the nice you get their hosting for america in baby
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shuttle stops oldest on d w.


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