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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 30, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is dw news life from the at least 90 dead inland slides in india and hundreds more of the trucks in the southern sites of the corolla as bad weather and blocks roads hum to rescue efforts. also coming up on the program, it flashes in venezuela as both the government and the opposition claim. they won the election, placed by a tig asset protested to accuse president nicholas madura of stealing to the competition in the live pick trial postponed because of poor water quality dw
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reports from power s on why the authorities of finding it so difficult to keep the river sent clean, the money keeps mckinnon. welcome to the program. at least 90 people have been killed in land slides triggered by monson rains in india. hundreds more of a, a trapped on demand in one district in the southern states of carola rescue operations in the healey area. being hampered by a bridge collapse on stable ground and continue in grain full and they only have sent in 200 troops to help local emergency services. the national weather department though is full costing no less hope in the rain to now rescuer his face a grueling task as they continue their search for survivors. scores of people are
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feared trapped under the debris after multiple land slides. his while villagers slipped. the dozens are confirmed dead. hundreds more, are injured, the month buried homes and destroyed roads and bridges. authorities say the full scope of the disaster is still unknown. we fear that the gravity of this property is much smaller than these numbers. let's go. patients being guided opening block fulton police in the auto fire force and various agencies so actively involved into school patients. the indian army has sent in hundreds of troops to help local emergency services, but their efforts are being hampered by bad weather. with more rain and strong winds forecast. carola is prone to heavy downpours during monsoon season. but experts,
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a climate change is causing an increase in fatal floods and land slides dw correspondent shatter yet of has the latest on the rescue assets to. but on. yeah, it's a race against time in why not as 100 so still waiting to be rescued. uh oh, being told that uh the dead stool is expected to rise for the in the next few hours as the scale of this tragedy is designing dollars. california of the local media reports i seen that 16 bodies were put out of a nuclear table and more are being fished out as things are emerging from the ground. we now know that at least 4 villages were cut off from the main town after the 2 bridges that connected them to the main town were destroyed by the land slide . so you can imagine how difficult it is for the rescue teams to even reach these victims. us to be able to tell us how many are still stranded but we, we, we, we do know that there are hundreds who are waiting for rescue and has to come in to
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them. and usually in these kind of, for a natural disaster has been matched the natural disaster response force or the n d r f as the caller to the fullest respondents. but this particular incident is so vast that the indian army has been called in the indian uh air force, so it has been pressed into action. uh, the engine. i mean, as you said, they've deployed the 200 soldiers. and the 1st priority is to build a temporary bridge so that some sort of connectivity can be established between these villages and the main town and rescue teams and risk of materials can it can start going in. but in the meantime, before that happens, so the india out of teams are using ropes of 2 across these massive rivers of you know, filled with much uh, and all sorts of debris uh to be able to get to the other side and pull out as many people as possible, as far as the engine air force is concerned, uh, the shop was out on standby and so be sure that the weather conditions are not
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conducive the winds up pretty strong and the rains are expected to continue in the next few hours, which is not really a good news for the rescue was, as well as the victims of yes, of course. now we know that ones have died. many more injured. tell us more about this high number of, of casualties. what caused so many people to die? what is the suddenness of the timing of this incident on now? now this is a region why nod, which is prone to line sites in monsoon season, so it's not new to the region. but this incident happened just after midnight. the amount of freedom that is received in a short span of time was so huge that it caused multiple on sites. i wouldn't is on the ground a telling the local media that they will, 3 lines, flights of back to back that came in heavy in the region. so that's so obviously, you know, one of the main factors. another factor that exports are telling us is the climate change. so you know, as it is impacting the rest of the region, you have the words really um,
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and they say that this is an issue that needs to be addressed by the indian government. the number of such incidents have gone up in recent years of us for these experts. in fact, this issue was even raising the engine parliament today on yeah, the leader of opposition, raul who's on the set to the government. that the number of incidents of this being an alarming rise in the number of natural disasters in recent years. and the needs to be a comprehensive plan by the government to address these, especially in it logically, frederick regents in, in deal, sheller. yeah. the thank you so much for bringing bringing us up to date them anything. the evidence layla's opposition says that it has proved, but it's candidates and edmondo gonzales, one more votes and sundays presidential election, then president nicholas madera, who is claiming victory. the opposition is accusing him of trying to steal a vote. at least one person has been killed in straight protests. vin as well as
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election results, acknowledged in fury on the streets of kinda thousands of protesters defended on the capital to denounce president nicholas my due to his victory and whatnot. so i came to the street because we want freedom, so we got tired of this government. we want to change. we want to be free in venezuela. we want our families to return here. we don't want them to leave anymore . we want to be free with our families earlier security forces, 5 tea, a gas and rubber bullets it pro, chased as who's saying the election was rig electrical authority. st. madura when 51 percent of the vote 5 have yet to show a full breakdown of the results. then as well as opposition claims it received over 70 percent. they may most likely with the amount and we have in our him the same
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way the tally sheets prove that our categorical and mathematically reversible trial is not yet provided evidence to support this claim. the president accused as his opponents of trying to destabilize been as well, why don't you start the blown elect the name of the stream right behind this plum that was screaming fraud. 15 days before the elections. they didn't sign the agreement to recognize the election results with ballot, but the doors in live in your role has seen venezuela, defendant economic chaos, and a mass exodus about a quarter of the population has leased the country while his international allies, iran, russia and china have congratulated him on the election when others, including the us, have condemned to the results. several latin american countries, as well as international bodies, including the un,
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have called on venezuelan authorities to release. supposing records from individual polling stations and several countries on the international bodies are asking for more transparency on the vote count is what the european union spokes person so far and has said the scores will be following the situation to unfolding situation in venezuela. the expectations of the you have been made very clear and not only of the you, but big number of international partners have said that we need to see full transparency in the account of the roles. there needs to be an access to the protocols of the volt county. so these will be all elements that will feed into decisions being taken in our case by doing some number statesman deciding what else are we going to say or do when it comes to venezuela? now, germany's economy unexpectedly shrunk, and the 2nd course of this year, new figures show that economic output slowed by 0 point one percent in the period
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between april and the end of june of as follows. a modest rebound in the 1st quarter when the german economy rose 0.2 percent ex but say we can investment is one reason. so the low tickets and we're going to find out what other reasons behind this with marie sina from the dw business could see marie. and so we're talking here about the economy shrinking by 00 point one percent. it doesn't really sound like a lot does that. so tell us why this messes matters because the figure is part of a bigger picture in which germany's economy have some slight lining for the past 2 years. essentially, at the beginning of the year, as you just mentioned, there was some optimism that it would start growing again. but these new figures indicate that germany is economy stuck in stock nation. they also matter because the euro zones economy overall is actually doing better than expected. so it's growing meaning jeremy is lagging behind. other big economies like spin, like friends, like a bully. and because germany is the,
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is europe's biggest economy. if germany isn't doing well, that's spells bad news for the rest of europe because germany creates a lot of work and a lot of demand for people in other european countries. so that's why that figure matters. and what is it that is causing this one? i mean, what's behind this? so what's behind it is the fact that jeremy's economic success model is being stunted at both ends. right now. the reason for me to, to, well economically over is less that kids instead of exported high quality goods like cars like chemicals around the world. and one of its biggest customers was china. know china isn't doing well. it's help right now. so china isn't buying as many german products as it used to in the german economies feeling that that's the external end on the internal and manufacturing products in germany has become more expensive because of energy prices. so a lot of during industry is actually going abroad to produce german products, meaning industrial production is down and you have other and internal factors. for example, the german economies, very bureaucratic as not digitalized,
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not forward looking enough. and the mood in germany is quite gloomy. so german citizens don't trust in the future of the economy. the, they don't have a positive view of the future of the economy. and so they're not spending their money, they're not buying houses, they're not buying cars. and that's money that's missing. and the german economy? no. okay, so it's not looking good right now, but what about looking ahead? i mean, is there any signs that things could start looking up again of late to this year next year for example. so the german government recently agreed on the package of measures to counteract some of these issues that i talked about. for example, it's trying to encourage private investment into the economy of by offering tax breaks to companies. it's trying to encourage people to work longer hours and work further into their retirement age. and by paying for overtime. and then other elements i could was the german economies lowering if lowering interest rates. so in september, we will know whether the european central bank will continue to lower interest
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rates. but these export driven issues will continue to be a problem new tre, tensions between the us and china on the horizon. for example, an industrial orders in germany are still declining, so a big rebound in the 2nd half of this year could be unlikely to w's mauricio. thank you very much for that analysis. ok onto the paris olympics. now in the mens triathlon has been postponed because of poor water quality and the river sudden heavy rain at the opening ceremony means bacteria levels are too high. dw schools correspondent jonathan crane explains now why it is so difficult to keep the worst to clean the river. sand has a big of a hoo problem. to find out why you have to go down to the power series. the 19th century bill network is where the cities waste and rainwater is collected. water coming from the homes, like from toilets, from pensions,
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from bathroom and water coming from rain is going in the same tubes under the streets and got that getting mixed. the problem is the system, can i use the flow when it rains a lot more it's done when this happens, explains why swimming in the sand has been banned in paris since 1923 when the water is getting up and as a risk of all the floating the cd, the van is opening and the water is reduced, leaving the same to prevent the need for this giant underground. the rest of the wall has been built on the banks of the send body can stall up to 20 percent fixed swimming pool of with water mixed. we've ran water so that this water won't go in the same and want to create any pollution. but even that system could be overwhelms in case of heavy thunder storms. and that's why games organizers have
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been looking nervously at the weather full cost. if levels of a total lie, the bacteria found in human excrement, the 2 high swimming events can not take place in the same way that you are up to date. some more news. take a look at our website that's dw, don't com, or you can always follow us on social media at the daily news is handled in events . on monday comes and again and thanks for watching the, the untold story details going to be funded here. repos every weekend on dw the, um yeah,


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