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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 30, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm CEST

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the the, this is dw news lines from bell in more than 90 killed in land slides in india. hundreds more food trucks in the southern states as caroline, as torrential rains triggered torrents of modern looking roads and hampering rescue assets. also coming up on the program, we have from a grieving mother and bangladesh whose only son was killed. a security forces cracked down on that student protests. the european union has criticized the excessive use of force against demonstrations. i'm the men's track long is again postponed that the power as a limb picks because bacteria levels in the rivers send onto high will bring you
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the license and why it's so hard to keep the same as most away safe. that leads to swimming. the money keeps mccain. welcome to the program. well, the 90 people have been killed in land slides. bruce on by munson rains in india, hundreds more fit trucks under the month. and the one of the district and the southern states of carola rescue operations in the healey region. a bank hunted by a bridge collapse. unstable browned and continue and grateful of the all me has sent in 200 troops to help local emergency services. the national weather department that is full costing no less often the rain for now rescuer is face a grueling task as they continue their search for survivors. scores of people are feared trapped under the debris after multiple land slides hit while villagers
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slipped. the dozens are confirmed it hundreds more, are injured, the month buried homes and destroyed roads and bridges. authorities say the full scope of the disaster is still unknown. we fear that the gravity of this property is much smaller than this numbers. let's go, patients saw being guided opening block 14 police in the auto fire photos and various agencies so actively involved into school patients. the indian army has sent in hundreds of troops to help local emergency services, but their efforts are being hampered by a bad weather with more rain and strong winds forecast. carola is prone to heavy down pores during monsoon season. but experts, a climate change is causing an increase in fetal floods. and lance lights let's
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put to the w correspondent, shallow jada leon. she gave us the latest on the rescue efforts a but on yeah, it's a race against time in why not as 100 so still waiting to be rescued. i'll be a tool that the, the, that still is expected to rise for the in the next few hours as the scale of this tragedy is to designing dollars to anya, of the local media report. so saying that 16 bodies were put out of a nuclear table and more are being fished out as things are emerging from the ground. we now know that at least 4 villages were cut off from the main town after the 2 bridges that connected them to the main town were destroyed by the line slide . so you can imagine how difficult it is for the rescue teams to even reach these victims. us to be able to tell us how many are still stranded but we, we, we, we do know that there are hundreds who are waiting for rescue and has to come in to
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them. and usually in these kind of, for a natural disasters didn't match the national disaster response force or the end the artifacts equal to, to the fullest respondents. but this particular incident is so vast that the indian army has been caught in the indian uh air force. so it has been pressed into action . uh, the engine on me, as he said, they've deployed the 200 soldiers. and the 1st priority is to build a temporary bridge so that some sort of connectivity can be established between these villages and the main town and rescue teams and rescue materials cans it can start going in. but in the meantime, before that happens, so the indiana themes are using ropes of 2 across these massive rivers of you know, food with much uh and also some of debris uh to be able to get to the other side and pull out as many people as possible, as far as the engine air force is concerned, uh, the shop was out on standby and so be sure that the weather conditions are not conducive the winds up pretty strong and the rains are expected to continue in the
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next few hours, which is not really a good news for the rescue as, as well as the victims. of course, of course, now we know that does on this has died many more injured. tell us more about this high number of, of casualties. what caused so many people today? what is the suddenness of the timing of this incident on now? now this is a region why not, which is prone to line sites in monsoon season, so it's not new to the region. but this incident happened just after midnight. the amount of freedom that it received in a short span of time was so huge that it caused multiple lines, nights eyewitnesses on the ground, attending the local media, that they will 3 line slides of back to back that came in heavy in the region. so that's so obviously, you know, one of the main factors, another factor that exports are telling us is the climate change. so, you know, as it is impacting the rest of the region, we have the words really um, and they say that this is an issue that needs to be addressed by the indian
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government. the number of such incidents have gone up in recent years of us. but these experts, in fact this issue was even raising the indian parliament today on yeah, the leader of opposition ra, who's on the set to the government. that the number of incidents of this being an alarming vice in the number of natural disasters in recent years. and the needs to be a comprehensive plan by the government to address these, especially in the ecologically fragile items of agents and in deal shelly out of think she's so much for bringing, bringing us up to date them. anything of the european union has criticized the use of excessive force against the student protest as in bangladesh, demonstrations against unpopular quotas for civil service, jobs were met with a full supply police. conservative estimates put the number killed at 200 people with at least a 1000 injured and many more arrested or detained. the w has spoken to
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a mother whose son was killed in the violence. in monique, this mother has lost her only child. according to shop now had a 10 year old son is a 100 percent bus shot dead by bung, loveday, she security personnel on july 18th along with other students bus protesting against the government job cortez. this picture was sticking moments before he was going in. once my son was mad at how kind of a be compensated a problem and he wasn't mad at by civilian political, he wasn't murdered by a random bullet. amunition. the matter was committed by law enforcement officer under government orders. and my son was killed by a bullet that was bored with my takes money. what more can i say? i have no way lower. okay. was on the medical records show that he was brought
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to the hospital with the fire on injury to the head. he was pronounced that on it, i was i'll see this even though i saw his dead body and i didn't see him. my life is on fine. and the people who made the video to data from these videos, i could see that they were taking my son to the hospital and they were giving him oxygen the entity with shots on the hunt. and it was badly they were pressing on the one towards the adult. he was having trouble breathing and he tells me the course to, to, to, to be do icon dixie show. not if a garments that coupon code for husband is a migrant worker in south dbm. the family was saving money for the huts, higher education show that shows the w, her sons, academic transcripts like thousands of other students. the have believe to only john's for a better life would be to
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a fed employment system and took to the streets to protest the government cortez. the job for the majors have since been scaled back. the partial victory has struck lucy, georgia to my desk, leg shop now, sort of out. so in the thought of he has left behind many dreams, and i also had many dreams. these dreams didn't materialize. maybe he could have fulfilled to me. these dreams are causing me a great pain, right? not on these memories because some of these make us crying to most that by this, this body isn't here with us anymore. but the memories were forever. we might find them and our thoughts is the bangladesh she states administer for information. i often if his government intends to apologize and resign following the violence on the death of so many students. well, thank you for your question. the story you just played. it was really heartbreaking
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. there's no doubt about that. but there's some won't do it in the whole story. i mean, at still the little media us talking to the question, which is a binary, which is a government versus the student progressed. but that's not the case at all. there's a top parking situation involved many, 2 pairs of the 3rd party being the b and b. and jonathan should be the islamic radicals for actually getting all the salt, the destructions, and the violence and very unfortunate people scored. some people got stuck in the situation and we saw the casualties that so the government has declared to form an actually has been already formed a judy, surely important committee. and that is going to be independent. totally investigated, everything, each one of the casualties and then bring the bar protector. solve the responsible people, the book that it all. okay, that's 10 to denver. i see. go how from w's agent desk now, who's just return from bangladesh himself. dibiase. i know that you also recently spoke with the bangladesh she information minnesota,
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and what do you make of the claim that he makes? that's a good policy. policies were involved the young and the student protest is um the government. yeah, thank you. so your question. i've reached a talk on the, on the 20th of july, just off the 19th, which was the deadline is the i was getting blood proof jackets and helmets for our correspondence. 2 of them, it was full guard. few i still filed if you bear burns and vandalized vehicles left on the street, battery kids, both by police and the for testers. if it's expensive to betty years and broken branches scattered all over the line, managed to meet some of the higher ranking kaufman or patients including mama that the artifact whom we just saw. now i also attended his press conference, which was held at the premises of the tv. that is the bundle of dish tv, which was destroyed completely including their archives, which is not your national archives. and when i saw that i was destined that,
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that this cannot be done by nor most students does. i also believe that there was definitely a 3rd party know who this 3rd party is or read. this is supposedly i cannot see because that has to come out from some investigations. but the participants themselves have said that they would not be involved in such distractions. and it is really sad to see a peaceful demonstration going out of control. it's basically a couch which i saw that. what can you say about how bung bangladesh? she's a coping right now with the off them off of this extraordinary violence against protest is so today was the national morning day, was observed basically all over bangladesh scar. few is also on but in a box shelby, and there is no report at this time at this moment from bangladesh or outside taco or inside. but this do some choices under,
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at least inside the city and also outside. when i was there, i also visited hospital of a hospital bed. there was a large number of your people there, but still overwhelmed. the hospital of choices because of as hundreds of patients lot that didn't over a such a short time, they were not only students. if a police officer of a journalist, you must know that the for june and the safety inspection, and many and your including our, our, one of our correspondence. so i think that butler, this is, you know, we at this moment very controller to be, but also morning there's also still felt is going on. and this control on, at that moment when i was there, there was 40 car, few, there was been slowly, it was a far shield car. few. initially there was basically nobody could go out. i use the car, few paths to go out and meet this of the shows and, and, and hospitals, etc. and the destruction sights. um, i think this control on the internet,
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even the always facebook a tick, tock instagram, his band just kind of go on for very, very long time. yeah. but that's the situation right now. and what about the thousands of protest is that have been detained by security forces. i mean, how worried are people, how worried to the family members about what's going to happen to them? uh yeah, i mean we just uh saw uh that interview of a mother. um i hope that they will be no talked sure on the name of free mend inside the custody. but in the history of fall of these, uh, we have seen that the red torture it has happened before also when all position was in follow. so i'm concerned and i think so is the population of bangladesh in large . they're concerned about that. looking at the bigger picture, a prime minister shake casinos grip on power. how is her grip on power currently? would you say as well?
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i think i'm not the right person to answer this question, but i think the government has made several mistakes. first, they should have tackled the practice move in, which was initially peaceful at the right time. second, they should have not involved to talk for me, which is the student body of ultimately touch police should have been more humane. they should have not shopped at for testers. basically not the students do i know that they read and not only students, but also government officials, police, and journalists that also killed 4 pm should have been more careful because her statement was easily twisted. i think recent violence is the most serious challenge . yes. for secrecy. now, in any case, i didn't know that uh, any political party there is no basically no political party at this time who's demanding pm's resignation. but i won't be surprised because in social media, we even have seen a photos of,
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of was very to submit to them that in the morning there is a lot of theater in the night that a lot of getting. so there's a kind of dissatisfaction section from the people because of us, of unemployment years of corruption. so that's a v as the bed of dissatisfaction. but i have not seen any demand from any particular political party because the b and c, which is the main opposition. they are not in the seats. okay. so if, if, if there's no obvious likelihood of change will or at least be accountability to you think full of the violence against the protest is yeah, i think the government should be accountable. whatever has happened. it's even if the state is a part for us, the government should take the, the responsibility of and as i mentioned earlier, there was a national morning day to day. and if i have her drive tomorrow, that is wednesday, the young lady should go for me and will be banding. but you might, these from me and the students being she beach. so if the pod ford was involved in
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this protest movement, this wouldn't be a major position in the country over. i see a good many thanks for your analysis. the thank you so much. thank you. let's take a quick look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world and the passenger train has derailed and india killing at least 2 people and enjoying 20. the hour moon by express train came off the tracks and the eastern states of jail, con official says goods train the rails nearby, but it was unclear whether the 2 accidents were related. 3 children have died in a stabbing attack in england. 8 children and 2 adults remain in hospital. a 17 year old suspect is now in police. custody is not happened in the community center in south force that was hosting a taylor swift theme, dont so then for children, the thing i has expressed hora of the attack in 5 phases in north macedonia or
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baffling walled fires which are being burning since early july strong winds, fanning the flames and causing fires to spread more rapidly. one man was killed in the countries no faced and there's been significant damage to property in dozens of villages, villages. the iran has a new president must suit, possess keion was officially sworn in on tuesday. the reformers, politician and hawk surgeon, want a small selection. earlier this month. he was formerly endorsed by ron supreme leda on sunday. his new gratian comes amid growing tensions in the region as ash can met with the leaders of the palestinian islamic jihad group. and with lebanon's has blocked in the lead up to tuesdays parliamentary ceremony. officials from approximately 80 countries all attending the event for more and this dw falsity reports, any of the fog allow me joins us now from bohn. a message because the key is
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consider the moderate reformer even isn't he? i mean, is there any expectation that he might relax, some of the regimes hotline positions the see what's going to happen because in one rate, he's loyal to harmony. and the principal even meeting is like a freedom for religion. reason there's activism or that back down. and that's why why nation seems online. this is what many think as though they are skeptical or humility to changes in the frame. and they know every one of these under the command of how many international changes also have. i mean, you have to see how the fresh of under regime or for example, really the next president in, in the united states. as a standard supposedly told the french president and menu of my call that any attack
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on 11 on will have serious consequences for israel. how likely would you say is another rainy, an attack on israel, or the dimensions are, seems to be here, depends on, we are starting to mess with community investors. countries, for example, us b. c to the stabilizing activities of the machine, searching the dover and expand their support for terrorism, or for example, attack is really once again now with tension is growing between israel and, and has blah, which of course is backed by iran. what message is the newly elected iranian president trying to convey by meeting officials from hezbollah and from islamic jihad on the day of his ignore immigration? that is the same and you want to continue to support your ration. we see that this
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young man is waiting even before the beginning of a new racing department. representatives from c, m a and a position and also major presence. the strong useful life also use resistance, rules and destruction. history, to be honest, supreme either makes specially regarding policy i think means not install the stabilizing activities in, in the region and support services. natal. thank you so much for that. that's a nina fall galani from the w fall c. it's now let us wayne, as a physician says it has proves that it's candidate edmondo gonzales. one more votes and sundays presidential election and president nicholas madura who is claiming
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victory. the opposition accuses him of trying to steal the vote. at least one person has been killed in straight protest. venezuela's election results, acknowledged in fury on the streets of kinda thousands of protesters defended on the capital to denounce president nicolas my due to his victory and whatnot. so i came to the street because we want freedom, so we got tired of this government. we want to change. we want to be freedom, venezuela. we want our families to return here. we don't want them to leave anymore . we want to be free with our families earlier security forces, 5 tea, a gas and rubber bullets at protest as who's saying the election was rig electrical authority. st. madero 151 percent of the vote. 5 have yet to show a full breakdown of the results. venezuela's opposition claims it received over
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70 percent. they may most likely with the amount and we have in our him the same way the tally sheets prove that are categorical. and mathematically, a reversible trial is not yet provided evidence to support this claim. the president accused as his opponents of trying to destabilize then as well, why don't you start the blown here, like the name of the stream right behind this plan. that was screaming fraud. 15 days before the elections. they didn't sign the agreement to recognize the election results with public, but the doors in live in your role has seen venezuela, defendant economic chaos, and a mass exodus about a quarter of the population has leased the country while his international allies, iran, russia and china have congratulated him on the election when others,
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including the us, have condemned to the results. several latin american countries as well as international bodies, including the un, have called on venezuelan authorities to release phasing records from individual polling stations to the powerful and picks. now on the men's triathlon has been postponed because of poor was a policy in the river send. heavy rain at the opening ceremony means bacteria levels are too high. dw sports correspondent jonathan crane explains why it's so difficult to keep the war. so clean the river sand has a big of a hoo problem to find out, why do you have to go down to the power? sue is the 19th century bill network is where the cities waste and rainwater is collected. water coming from the homes, like from toilets, from patients from bathroom and water coming from rain is going in the same tubes
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under the streets and got that getting mixed. the problem is the system, can i use the flow when it rains a lot more? it's done when this happens, explains why swimming in the sand has been banned in paris since 1923. when the water is getting up. and as a risk of all this loading the city, the van is opening and the water is released, leaving the thing to prevent the need for this giant underground rest of wall has been built on the banks of the send body can stall up to 20 olympics swimming pool of water mixed. we've rainwater so that this water won't go in the same and want to create any pollution, but even that system could be overwhelms in case of heavy thunder storms. and that's why games organizers have been looking nervously at the weather, full cost. if levels of a total lie, the bacteria found in human excrement to,
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to high swimming events can not take place in this sense. stuckey. now what animal rights to this have been rallying full weeks against bill and reducing the huge population of wild dogs that demonstrate to say the legislation could lead to mass coals. they say they want the animals and you said instead, he is home to an estimated 4000000 stray dogs which can pose a danger to people, especially children portions of the bill. so it would make the streets safer. parliament is due to those on this in the next few days. and here's a quick reminder of our top story for you. more than that 90 people have been killed in land flights triggered by monsoon rains. and the southern indian stays with caroline hundreds more off the trucks on the mode, press corporations and being hampered by 8 branch collapse and europe states coming
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up next level, aust, takes a look at how coffee is false becoming a luxury product as drowsy. it'd be grateful. take a toll on hall this stage into that. if you can. i money keeps makennan. thank you so much for watching the,
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the, the china climate perpetrator of climate pioneers, one of the world's largest solar power plants is being built in mongolia. almost a said if the countries electricity supply comes from renewables. and yes, china is investing more than ever in coal based pallets on that home. the environment. isn't that a contradiction global on next? on d,
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w eco africa come in conflict in donna in summer, escalating to a very higher level. the problem. resources i'll be coming good because it's time to change and initiative now, office guided mediation to find the eco africa in 60 minutes on d, w, the drilling and intervention, there's a palestinian who's ever known. we don't expect much living with a bare minimum. this is not a good environment, not for me, not for my children without civil rights and with no prospect. but what can we do
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in favor it shadows? stats oldest, good. on d, w. the living room, single pools green facades help to the heat, the exploited workforce. raise some brazil's coffee, some patients, the sens. trouble brewing. how climate change is.


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