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tv   Arts Unveiled  Deutsche Welle  July 30, 2024 11:02pm-11:16pm CEST

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the yeah, i think we can call ourselves that us, you know, so there's has to be a little bit about us. another one, we're starting now with the rock you okay. the move on when we get to the point where it's nothing special and you move to play metal, no matter your gender. i think that's ultimately the big goal was actually the future of met that we, my opinion, belongs to the women, the loud guitars, aggressive baselines and guttural vocals. heavy metal is tough music for tough guy
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who head bang and drink beer. heavy metal is for real men, men who go at each other in the motion and the women. they have no place here. for tuesday. the metal scene has long since opened up and become more diverse. women now play important roles in the middle community. that's fans. and as musicians we went to germany biggest heavy metal festival to take a closer look or the 1st block in open air festival took place and 1990 with just 800 visitors and 6 pounds. what began as an idea to combat rural boredom? developed into one of the biggest middle festivals in the world,
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attracting more than $80000.00 visitors within just a few years. in 1991 band with a female lead singer took to the stage here acts and the band from cute came back again and again in the following years. a few years later they were joined by middle icon. the whole push who performed is locked in for the 1st time in 1993. yes, the learned that many women maybe a handful, but for me was quite natural. so i was one of the band. i was the senior and i didn't even realize it myself. i felt so comfortable and i was always treated very, very nicely. and it's a 100 heavy metal emerged out of hard rock in the 1970s, with fans like deep purple, led zeppelin and black sabbath. the scene was clearly male dominated. this had a lot to do with the perception of roles. metal has always been seen as hard, aggressive and loud. not exactly the stereotypical female characteristics. and yet
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women were there right from the start. the dawson, who founded the us, found, covered in 1969 is considered one of the 1st occultism in the black, massive staged by a woman who described herself as a witch. that was hard stuff at a time when the hippies were still celebrating peace and flower power. one of the 1st middletown susan members were only women was girls founded in 1978. they have to put up with a lot of sexist comments. critics, toward their outcomes apart, their career only really took off when the lead motorhead front, ma'am,
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let me kill mr. stood up for them. the great, the people treat them like 2nd cost passes because that goes, it's really disgusting. the school are still around. they were and still are a frequent guest book, an open air and they're friends with festival boss, tomas, the and the growth. my work for go school for a long time. go school which is actually a go band. you know, i mean, they'll punch you in the face. don't worry. i care whether it's sung by guy or lady, or that it doesn't matter. a toe for camera is aveena class in 1st played a fucking open air in 2001. she's been involved in the middle scene since 1980 with her band. holy moses on sundays has gotten to john about this whole drawing. everything was just opened to us. we could just do what we wanted. it was just new, but you are happy and of course it's
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a nice feeling to have started something for the scene to stop it. so how the crossing is regarded as the very 1st growling and extreme woman in middle, her band members call her, the mother of all growled, it's an honor, i have to say that people say hazel bina, we found out that you were the 1st woman in the world to do these blades and growled, and i didn't plan it, it's what came out of me. it always comes. it's no normal from middle women to grow, show, and roar. it's not a question of gender, but of technique. both women and men have to train their diaphragm and vocal chords to produce such sounds. wow, it's to log on to good.
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there rosa is a 4 piece. all female thrash metal band. the 4 formed in brazil and 2010. no rosa can mean edgy or angry and particularly the bands aggressive appearance initially surprised people in their home country. yes of course there was a list of um price, you know, like i look for things that the people think that the all the brazilian women's are always naked because this is getting over the like so used to i don't use the people because there's like faces but these for women don't fulfill those cliches. so now versus beginnings were pretty difficult, but they persevere. i think everything that is new we face has some challenges. we know that the math though it's more male fee, you know, i've particularly never pay up station so much. i was just wants to do what i love
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for what i dream, you know, and i was surrounding by persons that it was helping and supporting me. those ducks give people that was talking like bad things. i was not be they should i say i don't care, i don't care. i have to listen. the critic stop it to be bad or of course to grow. but i say like everything is possible. i feel metal musicians are not afforded those freedoms everywhere in other regions of the world. they have to fear for their lives because of their passion for metal. min conservatives largely muslim majority countries in the middle east. many middle pounds, male and miller likes to play underground news
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. british journalist orlando cro croft spent 6 years observing the metal scene and countries such as egypt, syria, saudi arabia, and the ron. and he wrote the book rock in a hard place about musicians have told him that they sometimes face draconian punishments from imprisonment, floggings and paintings to the death penalty rainy and found, or saw most, for example, flood abroad due to the threat of a prison sentence. the raj on, sorry, seniors a band master is person was flocked for alleged satanism. the when a big bull nose says castillo, this is no judge. they don't need to know they will kill you. ansari's band made on a heed, was also in danger. women are not allowed to sing in public in iran. the reason given is that women singing supposedly provoke sexual desire in met on a heed,
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sees this as the main reason why a rainy and women are not so active in music, especially in heavy metal and rock together with on, sorry, she left the country in 2012 there was the feel for the rest and even having assets thrown on the face of bodies of women for academics and music lab and on is considered comparatively tolerance towards heavy metal. still, the scene is viewed with suspicion. the last may i see is the founder of the all female middle band sleep to silence. it took the guitar is more than a year to find all the musicians for her band. and then the women had to assert themselves. in certain cases, some guys were thing that were not good enough or they were going to take us seriously as our menu are not physically gauge, isn't to play these instruments. some people outside of the month and wouldn't
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understand the sort of user, and they would curse us. they think that we're bad. this is not lazy like to them, playing by the, the women of slave to sirens now live in several countries. the less mioshi, however, has remained in lebanon and leads the band from there. the middle can give emotional support and make you strong. i grew up with it and also just like the only music i can really become when the listen to it does, it doesn't matter how, how heavy it is or how, how loud i'm just really come inside and listen to it. another study found that middle can help young people through difficult times the last mile see from slave to siren's. come confirmed my task of something he said. so i was living all that.
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so much of music was i was giving a voice and it was giving me like, like it isn't the, it was so powerful to me. and it's really, really it helped me get up in the morning and just go. so yeah, most of the music gave me a lot. i mean, i think with us, most of them use it. i don't think i'm the honestly, the, in the meantime, women have gained a powerful partner. the internet, women who position themselves successfully online can be role models with our internet presence. female bands are also making sure that others can be more daring . so then you just ration, then you're going to, the younger girls are coming and coming and coming up piri every day, or discover new girls on nice the ground, you know,
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like the new resource that we have. so i see they are coming. so we get a lot of young girls looking up to us and sending up messages like last time i was in friends, there's a girl who texted me and said like, i'm learning because of you. so that's really powerful and it's motivates me to move forward and keep pushing with, despite all the challenges that you're facing. and it serves possibility as well. because as an all the various responsibilities as female fronted bands become more visible, online fans want to see them on the big stages to see more steam at us getting books, playing big stages. so once we get the, i see like yes of course, the future event, especially the, the leaders and the industry like behind the scenes,
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the organizers of looking ations, this power for women who are bringing things together and buying this entire community. so yeah, definitely in the future this of most of this in the metal scene is still dominated by men, but young women are closing the gap and can't be stopped. being female is no longer an obstacle in the heavy middle. see the best example, double pitch. who's been part of it for, for decades now and we have a song that's the 1st thing we called time for justice and we chose it because i think it's very, very important worldwide. because in many countries, women in particular are not allowed to move freely. that's all and the music we make is not allowed there either. so there's still a lot a lot to do and yes, we'll keep fighting. we'll find for the good, especially the women. they are rock at all. we can see each other,
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we can support that each.


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