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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 31, 2024 3:00am-3:15am CEST

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the, the, this is the news live from berlin. israel strikes lebanon's capital in retaliation for an attack on the goal on heights. is really military, says the targeted strike on a route suburbs killed a top has the luck, a manager of it on says 3 civilians were killed and doesn't include united nations is urging call a mid fears of the region could be on the brink of a wider conflict, also coming up this way, the opposition supporters takes the streets for a 2nd day demand full voting data from the presidential election. they say that they want as an image or orders police to step up their patrols across the country . the
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hello and welcome to the show. i'm so you can do the in berlin. the is really military says it has killed a top, has block a manager for logical shaka, in an air strike on a south bay route suburbs is real, said i believe sure, crossing here and the us wanted poster it was responsible for an attack in the is really occupied golan heights. they killed 12 children, and teenagers on saturday. not been honest condemning the air strike is a criminal act. meanwhile, view it is urging call. fearful that the region could be on the brink of a wider war. is really army spokesman, daniel, who guard describe chicago as a key strategist within hezbollah for to cool was the commander responsible for the march. those shops massacre in which 12 children were murdered off the face of bala fired. and you ronnie and fall like one rocket directly at the soccer field
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in northern israel on saturday evening. he was a senior tourist who was the blood. who has the blood of these relays in many others on his hands. earlier i spoke with middle east analysts been him, been to label from the foundation for the defense of democracies. he gave me this assessment of the as rarely strike and they were great to be with. ready a thus far that is what is shaping out to be. there was a lot of conflicting reporting in the aftermath of the strike. first, there was the claim that the washer was killed and within an hour it was locked back. then another half hour later 1st are about less and then official is really sources. were able to confirm that large shocker. i have been killed or religious questions over the possession of his body at this point in time. and if passes pro log in their response to the killing of a major commander, bid for the air force be for the air defense force. b for some of the red,
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one forces or, or b and other senior has the military officials. those have been peaks in the us. what worries cycle between has bowl and israel. so indeed everyone is in break is bracing for what the response may look like. we're assuming it is true that this as black a matter of which your quote was killed, help us understand how important a figure he was in this group or so he's played a key role in this organization. as the previous diplomatic correspondent, i've just mentioned the. ready person was involved in the 1983 marine barracks bombing killing over 240 americans service persons. and that was really the terrorist calling card that got liberties has the law on the map. as you know, there was a lot of inter, nice signs of fighting during the lebanese civil war. and as well as with these really invasion 11 on any rock revolutionary guard course, i'm newly formed took advantage of that chaos and basically created this group out of the whole series of a rival she of malicious uh, in southern lebanon,
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and basically made it what it is today, which is the tip of the spear kind of every step along the way for blood sugar has played a key role. whether that was militarily bailing out the wrong state ally, which of these are the same is. ready yeah, which also used occupied part of 11 on as well as playing a major role in the upgrade to as well as long rates. right capabilities basically being part of the effort to turn rockets under missiles providing them with that know how in technology to develop precision guided munitions also and perhaps most approximate. ready related to the current attack, sugar was released behind the. ready and our tell your rocket fire at the north in moscow shops that killed 12 children with sugars absence, been assuming that he is dead. would it structurally, we can as blah you know, this is the theory of dest, by a $1000.00 costs that you're seeing with respect to several times of military push back by, is going to be at least whether that's it gives the roms, as vondik revolutionary guard core or against living his house below or,
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and senior him, us commanders. it is it might. ready obvious that all of these different air loops will promote someone else to fill that position, but the institution. ready knowledge of this individual, particularly here in the highly localized ro. ringback he played in the 1st 2 decades as well as existence will likely mean that the. ready will be more off balance that on balance, but then again, you know, this is a group that has. ready a sources of significant state support and has capability, an attempt to continue this war of attrition that we've seen beginning since october 8th, against israel. and we talked about this being unlimited strikes in terms of what it could have been compared to what it could have been. what kind of reaction can, is really, can, is real expect from his beloved this case. this is indeed, i think, a place where we're past is likely to be pro log. if we look in 2024 alone, some of the major spikes that we've seen between his blood is real. have followed
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a significant blow. what a significant blow has been levied. against the tara group, particularly when senior level commanders have been killed. so it's likely that it has will, is going to respond again. this past is pro log and how that affects the larger kinds of calculations of is what was a spectrum of potential for 11 on one of north remains to be seen. already you have a runs, newly inaugurated president has a position, a massive position, and a phone conversation with the french president to manual micro and talking about the potential for a wider regional war. given the way things are washington. the north is actually of course, at his inauguration today in a run as president, to what extent is around going to influence where things go from. now, a part of the success of this original constellation of terror and proxy forces that these on the public has created or co opted over the past 4 and a half decades in the heartland of them, at least, is that by praying on down front of the dispossess population, so already have
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a. ready means all to have on. ready the needs to do is provide material support for these groups, for them to be shooting in the same direction that the sign become public wants to issue that. and indeed, it was no accidents that the drove the who these fired a little over a week and a half ago, the martian, great historic 1st 2600 kilometers attorneys pricing in tel aviv dealing one person was iranian, drove the martians, the artillery rocket the select one that killed those 12 children in the north in marshall jones was also running provided in iranian design, in fact, produced by some series of drawings, ministry of defense. so the regions fingerprints are all over the center quite content with this b. ready and bus cycle of violence that we're seeing as around as well, both in the north end of the south. to what extent is there an appetite then for a full regional war, it seems like this points, there's been a lack of, there's been a kind of a shooting war between both sides. and yet nothing is really blown up to this level . is there an appetite for something larger or is this something that both sides are trying to avoid, as you know,
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was looking at the. ready historical public has process usually serve. ready your security strategy over the past 45 years, it is quite clear that there are causes of threshold thresholds, but they do show a propensity to escalate when the opportunity present presents itself. and if you look at a couple of different dears, yeah, i'm in iraq, syria 11 on gaza. it is quite clear to me that there is at least a 5, if not 6 front war already underway in the region. perhaps a war that is a little bit different for some of the major continental wars in europe, but these are precision fire as long as long range, right? wars wars of attrition, not just against the capability of one side, but against the resolve of one side to continue to defend themselves. and that's part of the larger theory of the cycle of violence that you run out to create a weighted support groups like from us for october 7th, as well as what has been able to backstop since october 8th, with bringing online and the connecting of all of these different fronts, and particularly after april, 1314, when the war moved from the shadows of morals,
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rightly right, there's always a non 0 chance. now that things could. ringback much bigger and scare them before we'll have to leave it there been, have been so they blew out the foundation for the defense of democracies. the are you as president joe biden, and brazil's president lulu and also to silver or urging venezuela to release detailed voting data from is disputed presidential election that after a telephone call between the leaders of the americas to biggest countries in venezuela, opposition supporters are protesting for a 2nd day against what they say is president nicholas. my daughter was attempt to steal the election. one and geo is reporting that at least 11 people have been killed and post election violence. my daughter, oh is ordering police and the military to step up patrols across the country. sheesh venezuela's opposition claims that received over 70 percent of the vote. leader maria corina machado appeared with
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a gathering on tuesday that resembled the victory rodey. a victory. the opposition says should have been theirs. machado was barred from standing over legs, corruption, which was represented by candidate edmondo gonzalez, all wrote yeah. machado called for peaceful protests against the election results, accusing the government of incitement. her cold came a day after protests against the announced results, turned violent security forces arrested several 100 people. election authorities say president nicholas my daughter secured a 3rd term in office with 51 percent of the vote. but many of the all rich but poverty stricken countries say they don't believe us by the same of it's terrible, a fraud, the one the 70 percent. but they did the same thing to us. again, they took the election from us again. you know, we must find a way for elections to be respected. the people of venezuela spoke, they want political change withdrawals 11 year rule has seen venezuela to
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send in to economic chaos. and a mass exit is about a 3rd of the population has left the country. what is international allies around russia and china have graduated him on the election when others, including the us, have condemned the results. several often american countries, as well as international bodies, including the un, i've called for transparency. they want vendors, weight and authorities to release a breakdown of voting. records from individual opposing stations correspond to oscar. shanker was at the opposition protest in caracas. i asked him what he was here. well, protesters are simply just fed up, they are angry. they are also very hopeful that the truth about biology will come out. but most of them are frustrated and it was a sentiment we seen throughout the campaign. people feel this was their last chance they had to peacefully change the government. and for many of them that turn so has
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been stolen. you know that the opposition has been presenting evidence to back up its version of the election outcome. how has the regime been responding all that they are doubling down and calling for the rest of the you know, much of the strong this will do my research earlier that the opposition is responsible for the deaths and injuries in these recent protests. and they are rejecting any international interference to the point that let us only have expelled southern diplomatic missions from the country. so we are seeing no intention of backing away from claiming victory and rejecting possible roads to starting negotiations on the call is on the contract of either of these arrest warrants against the opposition. a memorial has relied heavily on his security apparatus. the quashed isn't in the past. where does the military support for him san today? oh no, to support staff with my the widow and although in the past,
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but it had been some smiles of factions and small revolts in the military. over the years, they have been able to purge the military into a very strict and loyal august forces. that's why most of the messages and the opposition speeches language are directly at the military to do the right thing to uphold democracy. and to not repress peaceful protests. our neighboring countries going to play a greater role in this dispute as it develops. the international pressure is key in resolving this, but it has a, it has had hit some new system. it has the u. s. has the most important role to play because of proximity and relevance to better as well as economy. but there's a really complex recent history, the complications of to the us involvement. um, so we have been to keep it, have to keep a close eye on how to read or react. because migration titles are going to affect
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these neighboring countries. we recently saw that the jo buying and the of brazil's let us see the sign, the joint a document where they're asking for the glass model and the government to show the detailed and verify results of the selection. and that's very important because literacy is one of, i mean what, what else, what was, what is the closest allies in the region? right? dw is also shanker in colorado, as thank you. and here's a reminder of the top story we're following. to see is really military says has the laws, most senior military commander fletcher was killed in an air strike on a south. a root supper is real, set up and leave sugar was responsible for an attack and he is really occupied goal on heights to kill 12 children and teenagers on saturday,
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lebanese militant group denies responsibility. all right, that's it for now. we'll be back soon with more headlines in the meantime. check us out online. dot com. we're also on youtube or the dw news channel. i'm super busy in blend. thanks for watching. the name is the calls back. saved loud. thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying a loud noise would have been nosy. b like good everyone to king to check out the award winning called called the called back the.


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