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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 31, 2024 5:00am-5:16am CEST

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the the, this is the news, live from berlin. israel strikes lebanon's, capital and retaliation for an attack on the golan heights. is really military, says the targeted strike on a bay route suburbs killed a top has the law commander, lebanon, says 3 civilians were killed and dozens wounded. united nations as meanwhile urging com and bid piers that the region could be on the brink of a wider conflict. also coming up a race against time in india, rescuers into your last search for survivors pro and deadly land slides. experts say it's another example of severe weather risk related to climate change, the
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hello and welcome to the show. i'm just even due to the in berlin, united nations as urgent come along the border between israel and 11 on after israel said it killed top, a top has block a manager for a truck or in an air strike on a bay route supper is real, sexual cor, was responsible for an attack in the is really occupied golan heights, the killed 12 children and teenagers on saturday. lebanon is condemning the air strikes as a criminal act. it was a question of when not if israel would retaliate after a project of his, a soccer field and my spouse, jobs in the golan heights and killed 12 children and teenagers. israel blamed has the law and warranted military group who would pay a heavy price. caesar as response, was a rare air strike on the outskirts of
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a roof. lebanon's health ministry said the attack killed at least one woman and 2 children, and wounded dozens. these really made a tree says the strike was targeted and killed the top has blocked him under 2, i'd sure cor for 2 cor. was the right hand man to cross on a swell, feasible as leader. and he's a advisor in planning and directing attacks and operations. the united states, the sugar orchestration of the 1983 bombing of the us marine barracks and babies, which killed $241.00 u. s. military personnel on the put a bounty of $5000000.00 on his head. he's been one of the groups leading military figures since it was established by around the revolution regards. more than a 4 decades ago. after the israel home us war broke guys in october, 7 to cool was accused by israel of being behind many of the drone and missed all of
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the tax that has block. how are you that is against israel? israel's claim proves true, soccer will be the most senior has block commander to be killed since 2016. when most of a badger, the in the groups military commander in syria died in an explosion in damascus. the strike is threatened to escalate hostilities between israel and has the law as a time when tensions are already running halls. the un is urging come, fearful that the region could be on the brink of a wider war. or jerusalem correspondent rebecca rivers gave me an update on the is really striking. so, well, steven is trying to play shortly before 8 pm local time. we began getting reports of lost in the southern saw the favorite scene is it as a is stronghold of hezbollah? those reports then quickly confirmed by the israeli miller trade that they wasn't
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data. a strike carried out against a senior. has the come on or is he just heard there from daniel hagar, a the head of the israeli military, or the spokesman? so these are elementary, i should say they, they said that this was a targeted strike at the end of the timing and the language of that message from the israeli military. how quickly they responded to this strike. kind of gave an indication that this was, in fact, the retaliatory strike that we were expecting in response to the my measure shaun's attack in the is rarely occupied going on heights, so that killed 12 children on the sat today. israel blamed his bullet for that though they have denied that they had any involvement the this was largely seen as the retaliation full that strike can sit, conceded body is really military as a very limited. now we've had conflicting reports as to whether or not that the target was successful. you heard that from that you had already saying that that they were successful in killing the target that senior him us come on to. but we've had conflicting media reports and we've heard nothing from has but yet to confirm
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the death of us with that come on to that. we have as you also reported, a been hearing from the liberties health ministry saying that there were 3 civilian deaths. one woman and 2 children and thousands injured in that, that strike and of course, they're scouring that the rubble and the side of the attack. so from or did an engine. now the lebanese government has condemned this saying that they will take their complaints to the united nations to our correspondent rebecca lives there in jerusalem. let's have a look now. some of the other stories making headlines around the world. venezuela opposition? supporters are keeping up their demands for the publication of complete voting data after the countries disputed presidential election. both the opposition and president nicholas my daughter claimed that they won the pool. the door has ordered police to step up patrols across the country after deadly post election clashes between protesters and police. us vice president and presumptive democratic
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presidential nominee cala harris has told supporters in the swing state of georgia, the shield typical price gouging on her 1st day in office if she's elected in november. the rising costs are among voters, top concerns. media reports say here's plans to campaign with her vice presidential pick next week. suggesting a decision is eminence challenging and brings far right protesters of class with least in the english town of southport, were 3 girls were stabbed to death on monday. the violins began after rumor on the internet linked the crime falsely to muslims. police have rest of the 17 year old suspects, but are not treating the attack as terrorism related. thousands of firefighters in california are continuing to battle, a huge wildfire that broke out a week ago. it's already burned, almost 400000 had tears of land enforced more than 4000 people to evacuate. the fire has spread rapidly following several heat waves that hit california in recent weeks. more than 150 people have been killed in land sides. landslides
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brought on by monson, reigns in india. hundreds more are feared trapped under the mud and the y and our district in the southern state of cure law. rescue operations in the hilly region are being hampered by a bridge collapse on stable ground and continuing rainfall with the army has been deployed to assist local emergency services in what's become a race against time. a search and rescue operations under the in india, a southern state of gunner law mess of lend slides to good by heavy the impulse swept to several villages. the victims i thought another is a disaster, a good wirelessly. good it is. let's around $140.00 and we heard a loud sound and we suddenly came out of our room. they felt like a mountain break down just 30 meters away from my house. good. good, good,
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good. good. then they got huge chunk of it, focused on the hill, wiped off and slid down what they were about. 300 to 400 houses on the mountain on the school nearby on this side of the hill on august. oh school. there were about 300 houses on the other side. oh sir. we'll put out there, gop info, got them hospitals, and get a lot of filling up with the injured dozens. i confirmed that many more i believe to be trapped under the mud and to be off we shall see. they are still unable to read several hearted areas. the situation is, continues to be very good to be uh, have a situation where a large part of the region is to start off and we have not been able to establish secure access to that area. and although we have been in touch on the telephone
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with some people that and other folks that that are seventies casualties in that region, which remains cut off. and several people are injured. and when the monsoons reins offer relief from the summer heat, but in decent years during the season has brought more destruction to the region, the deadly floods and then slides. experts, the climate change is increasing the problem. or let's put them on by. i'm bringing one of those experts bravo more to go to. he's an earth system scientist at the indian institute of technology struggle. welcome to the show. we know that climate change is altering the monsoon season. do local officials in places like your law have up to date information to prepare and possibly warrant against these kinds of events. and indeed they do. and then some phenomenally well in investing on improving whether in time it's full cost. so they had to advance wanting inmate
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self set this month to include the above normal because of the line. yeah. and they have uh, you know, one to 3 days to, to pen days and looking for we're kind of forecast the main problem. there is bad, bad at the scale of, let's say, 10 to 20 kilometers, but these are very high for local incidents. and so we have to translate those 4 across, inside reliable that sounds came to these hyper locals scales and reviews of list matched as well. that is, spend a week ago, it's the summer monsoon season, and this is an area known to be susceptible to land slides. is there anything unusual in the scale, the land sides land slides that we've been seeing here to expand the model for lance lights that happen? so that's kind of unusual. they do it. i think at least 3 major land slides down the slope, flowing into the valley and they wiped out. we just made that scale operation, small existing console in the scale at which it occurred,
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and the multiple centers of plants lights either bit unusual at why not is used to uh, you know, sorry, i will fly here. but why not to use use the land slides, its been having landslide since 2018, at least. but now the scale is increasing its a beautiful plantation region with coffee, the spice scarves, but also mixed in with rubber. 32 distinct, which means a lot of development. so they are expanding the scales of these uh for the same amount of freedom across the region. you mentioned the need for these hyper local models as climate change changes the monsoon itself. how important will that be to prevent these kinds of depths in the future? and where are we in that process to we are doing very well, as i said on a short time scale, day to day management. but this is crisis management. you can repair, you can mitigate the impact so you can accelerate this to
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a 1st then we call it the efforts. but once we are missing device now is uh, information i was just curious to a decade, but i would close the site, the leave i live in time skills. this has to happen because the i p c. c is focused on, you know, longer than projections. so they're talking about global warming targets, spend $100.00 and so on. but what happens in the next few s the next decade, really the needs very important and critical of manage land use manage and you know, disaster management operations and really hyper low from, you know, using and i didn't push an intelligence. we are able to for beauty, types of local in the nation, but this has to happen on a few years time scale. so that is what is missing right now. we know the last year was the warmest on record and this year has also seen record temperatures to you talk about that near term effects and the next year, the next 5 years, 10 years. what is it going to look like for this region? is it going to be more of these land slides? and i, you know, landslide sort of, bit complicated because of human factors,
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but literally in front of you going to get a stream basically because the middle east is warming ready, 5 cities rapidly because that's how desert, since front of global warming in these greenhouse gases that is unfortunately affecting the wind, so it will be at 80 and this is the water main data abn feet, which means we have something much more moisture until the less suppose even in the pocket spend. but the sun has seen plug safety essentially sense. so i'm waiting with dread for august to see if they're going to have another the housing this season. so when fall is going to be in pain, it's going to scream and land flights of something that you one of these can control with. do dishes choices of development products stations, and how we use the land and how we respond to these kind of expected changes in climate, but you know remotely for us, but we cannot control the planet for the weekend control how we use the land. all right, that's probably more to go to at the indian institute of technology and more bye,
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thank you. thank you. and we turn to the parents summer olympics. now simone biles has let the united states to a dominic victory and the women's gymnastics team final, leading the ghost of tokyo to rest. she claimed a 5th career olympic gold metal. americans already had golden hans when files electrified the best. the arena proud with a gravity defined for routine feature to for signature skills, double backs with, with a half twist, and the triple double of 2, back back flips with 3 twists usa were dominant winning gold. it'll be one of the silver and brazil bronze. all right, here's a reminder of the top story. the following for you of these rarely military says has the laws, most senior military commander, ford shall cor, was killed in an air strike on a south. they route supper. israel said, i believe, shook, who was responsible for an attack,
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and he is rarely occupied golan heights to kill 12 children and teenagers on saturday. nobody's milton group denies responsibility. that's all for now. we back soon with more. in the meantime, checks out on line w. com, watching the ukraine was like a stepping points, you know, 5 or 2 into that warranty wants to be finished. your studies. now you have a certificate from the train. you can choose to go back or somewhere else. currently, more people than ever on the world wide in search of a place in life categories. something that is coming very very soon. and yeah, can we learn more about or know when a story info, migraines? um yeah, i think we can call her self but us, you know, so there's has to be a little bit about us.


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