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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 31, 2024 8:00am-8:16am CEST

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the, the, you're watching the, the names coming to live from berlin. i'm off says it's political leader is maya nea has been killed in iran. both come off and iran saying, neo was assassinated. come off, blaming israel for the attack. he was one of his wells at the top target in the wake of the october 7th terror attacks say with us for the very latest the . i'm quite richardson, thank you so much for joining us. we're beginning now with some breaking news. i'm
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off says it's political leader is maya nea has been assassinated in tech. ron iran revolutionary guard has confirmed the death saying anita, and his body guard were killed and an attack at his residence, india, ronnie and capitol. so far there has been no claim of responsibility. however, suspicion has fallen on israel, which has about to kill m. e a and other leaders of him off after the route carried out the october 7th. the terror attacks let's go live to our correspondents constantine. i got to joining us from jerusalem. constantine. good morning. can you tell us what we know so far about the circumstances of his apparent death here? good morning, claire was very little. uh, we do know that moss said, um it was an air strike. uh, but it's not confirmed do the multi 1000000 city like around and asked. stripe would be pretty visible. so it's not clear whether it was that's or let's say
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a come on the raid. and no one took responsibility of the renew for this of the, the, the, the investigating still the, the, what happened. and what we do know from reports from to around the scenes, that's one of funny, as bodyguards was also killed in the strike. so, so is that is pretty much it as far as the circumstances that consent has there been any comments from israel yet that it was behind the assassination? and no, no official comment about that's rather the israeli defense ministry said 2 things that a does not comment on reports and for the media. and number 2 of these really the defense ministry spokesman said there are no changes in security arrangements inside israel due to recent events. so israel,
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these really official them place that pretty cool. i would say it's no change. that's the signal, nothing special happened. okay, so let's take a closer look at how many i hear. first of all, it may be surprising to some, to hear that he was intact, run in the 1st place. can you explain for us what, how mosque leader was doing in iran? well, she was attending the you know, the ration of the new, the less as in ring and president my suit, there's key on and that turned out to be his last 4 and visits. he met the president, he met the supreme leader of the wrong that you're to a lot of the, from in a and of the pictures that we've seen on tv in the press pictures. i showed a pretty content and happy honey, a sort of hope. now being with the rainy leaders and a full full full, i knew it was well, a fairly evident and long time link with iran. and that was as it turned out as
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said, she's lost the events of life. so put this into a little bit more context for us if you can constantine what was honey as role with in her mouth, i understand her was regularly shuttling between tar and turkey. now in iran, as you, as you've spelled out, can you give us an inside look into how he's served with and how much as an organization of the well, 1st of all, the 62 year old son year was the police can lead off from us. he was head of its political bureau, he was and i would say in the air at police go out to the founder or from us. sure . if you seen a he was the head of his child 3 at the time. so he was essentially bundled with people who created from us. he lived mostly in car in the last few years. and he was seen by many as this kind of political face of the organization that all
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the lead us and some people say a much more radical in their use like a lot. but it's traditional infrastructure organizations to maintain this kind of 2 faces. one more militant, one more political and kind of more compromising in public uh what we do now. so he's, that's funny. it was a recently involved in ceasefire negotiations and was to see if this someone with whom may be a through into media is intermediaries. sorry, is really a wheel tool in case that us to move towards more permanent settlements regarding gauze. so given his role in negotiating a potential ceasefire, is it too early to say where his death will leave cease fire talks as well? it's too early to say, but let me think for a series of i think that up to such circumstances after his liquidation
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uh the uh and after him off the boat to be said they, they will have things the key lake. it's difficult to imagine negotiations continuing now, and of course the symbolic elements of, of this shits on from us was pretty clear. it was in the heart of iran, which is considered to be one of the main sponsors of, of, of how most. and that also links to the situation in liberal around the world husband law. i know that iranian back to organization is basically, it was if it was indeed and is really hits, then the message is very clear. iran is behind it. and actually we is really, i'm not afraid to now continue wage and conflict basically on 2 fronts i, i will read it like that if we consider it to be, as you mentioned, as many people suspect and he's really strikes yes. let's remind our viewers of a little bit of context here. this, of course,
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coming just hours after israel says it killed that has the law has belong a commander in a bad route. constitution. how escal atory could it be to see a 2nd strike on the militants? liter, backed by iran, just just hours later. i as well as people would say it is escalades, right? but there was a lot of a fear of escalation recently, and we do know that there was an exchange of strikes that israel retail. the it's, it's against his bow off to it said his belo strike killed 12 children and the goal on heights. so this to protect continues for quite some time. but you know, this question of whether it leads to a major war in the middle east, whether it leads to some kind of huge causal gratian that remains to be seen because this predictions we've heard many, many times over the last few months. and they did not come to anything. so i think
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we should wait and see what, what is clear of course, is that uh how much and probably to it wrong will not let this just hang in the air . because frankly speaking, it is very simulating for the uranium government to have this event to have this uh, uh, killing of honey uh, right. during the, essentially following the celebrations. uh, the, the integration of the new president. it was a very, very what a did it, it was a very, but it's gonna symbolic act. and of course, very humiliating for say around. and frankly speaking from us, thank you so much for bringing us up to speed with the very latest. that is our correspondence, konstantin edwards, in jerusalem to as you're just joining us, let's bring you up to speed with what we know so far. the palestinian militant group of moss says it's political leader is maya honey. a has been assassinated intact. right. let's take a look at the facts as we have them. and the statement thomas has said anita was
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killed while on a visit to a bronze capital to run where he was attending the an observation of president my student possessed. can iran revolutionary guard corps has also confirmed his death . no one has claimed responsibility for the assassination, but a suspicion has fallen on israel, which had vowed to kill him. yeah. and other leaders following the october 7th terrorist attacks. israel has not yet responded to the allegations and they come off, the official says, the group will risk will respond to honey is death. the official called it a quotes cowardly act that will not go unpunished. and of course, we should say he has death here coming after israel said it had killed a top hezbollah commander and an air strike on a suburb of a root and loving on. israel blamed the group, has the law for an attack that killed 12 children and teenagers in the is really occupied goal and heights on saturday. that is something that has belong to nice and some for some more analysis here. i would like to bring an assignment up on
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a professor of international politics at lancaster university in the united kingdom . good morning. thank you so much for taking the time to join us. i'd like to just start by asking what you expect we could potentially see as a response from her mouse and from tapper on, or is the $1000000.00 question. i guess my, my instinct says that we'll see some pretty robust rhetoric from, from a number of different actors across the middle east, from us, from a ton, from because by law and probably also from the piece of hops. those are being rocky militias that all supported by and have a close relationship with this, quote unquote resistance access. i imagine that will be articulations of a sub and robust response, but this will not go quote unquote unpunished. and that will be
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a strong response to this attack. but then the question then comes, what does that response actually look like? will that be a, a response that plays into this escalate? so we game that's, that many of the ring will have to and, and i'm not convinced that we will see this dramatic escalation. but it's not the sort of thing that can just be left without the response. we know that when the, when these raise struck the radiant territory earlier this year, there was some bullock strike against israel conducted by era. but that was, was done in such a way that prevents as a wider escalation west also savings banks. so it's a very, very difficult balance here, and it is suddenly a precarious disco searching moment. indeed, the concern for months has been that escalating attacks could spiral into a major war in the middle east. a much wider conflict in your view,
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is it in anyone's interest here to see things escalate or are there interest in place that gives you hope that cooler heads will prevail? is very few people would benefit from a war. very few states would benefits the devastation of conflict because we're seeing and gaza is catastrophic. we know that people, people across the region is rarely gaza and let the know and in it on all the ones that are paying the most devastating price of any conflict that would take place. so i would encourage everyone to do whatever is possible to avoid conflict, to avoid escalation. and i'm confident that the people would see that the, the leaders do not want an escalation. not the problem is just because the states do not want an escalation. that doesn't mean that that doesn't happen because of the complexities of the situation. the sensitivities of it, the sci fi, is the perceived anger and worry about what the other is doing. and this is,
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this is the sort of thing that we've seen time and time again to history. which states not necessarily wanting to go to war, but finding themselves on a very slippery slope into a conflict by virtue of, of circumstance rather than aspirational desire. a very precarious moment in history here. indeed. um i think the to zoom in on the war in gaza and ask you what you think the killing of him. yeah. could mean for him off for its operations, and also for the course of the war going forward. the cost of the war, it means very little because he was operating at a distance. he was between kata and turkey and obviously on now. so on a day to day basis, he wasn't directly involved, he wasn't involved in strategy. he wasn't involved in planning and wasn't involved in the reactions of those on the ground. and that had, in some respects,
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reduced his perceived legitimacy amongst the groups. so in terms of the date to date doesn't mean all that much, but it's more about the symbolic side mentions of this, the symbolic sense, the a, a, see me, a political leader has been killed. i'm not will, on denial, blake prompt response. the question is, what type of response can homeless and this of an act given that they already under the boots of the idea they are suffering by all struggling to, to, to survive in essence on the people of cause a. all right, so in a devastating condition, so was then maybe a desire to respond to this. it does take action. the practicalities, the reality of it is, is that there's very little that come us can do on it. so indeed. well, thank you so much for taking the time to share your expertise with us. that is a run into middle east expert simon on thank to and
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that is all we have time for, for now. if you want more news and analysis, don't forget, we'll have that for you. our website, d, w. com. we're also on social media at dw, this, i'm clear, richardson and berlin, thank you so much for watching the why do, how many does not get drunk? why do gravitational waves squeeze all bodies? how much do we need to put a stop fund print to help find the on fis gets much on d, w science. outtake talk channel the um yeah, i think we can call her self but us, you know, so there's has to be
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a little bit about us.


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