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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 31, 2024 9:00am-9:30am CEST

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the the, you're watching the news coming to you live from berlin. i'm off says it's political leader is maya honey. a has been killed in iran. both come off and are wrong saying i knew it was assassinated. i'm off is blaming israel for the attack. he was one of his real top targets in the wake of the october 7th. the terror attacks stay with us for the latest, the clare richardson. thank you so much for joining us. we'll begin with some breaking news. come off says it's political leader is smiled, honey has been assassinated entire on iran. revolutionary guard has confirmed the
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death, se mia and his body guard were killed. and on his time on his residence in the or ronnie and capital so far, there has been no claim of responsibility. however, israel has in the past, vowed to kill nia and other leaders of how most after the group carried out the october 7th terror attacks. and joining me in the studio is dw is middle east analyst a shiny. it was on his funny well that i'm, i'm, i was calling this an assassination. to tell us more about what we can say so far about how this was carried out. but apparently there was, we have reports, so classroom reports from different sources, but it's, it seems to be that there was a messiah shot at it. his residency was staying in town because he, when he came to the negotiation of the new president and not at present the wrong, he was staying in the city along with us or other users of, of cars while on other august that israel would consider people that she would want
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to target, he was staying in the north of to her on that. and he was probably shocked by miss all reports or that, that michelle was talk from a foreign country not from uranian soil. if that is the case, that's probably a reference to as there by john, which is the only actually place where his route has access. when he comes to the surrounding countries around the run, we still need to wait that the confirmations and confirmation to more information about that. if these details are confirmed, what does it tell you about what kind of message israel would be trying to send with an attack of this kind? well, i think it's very clear as i would want to say, no matter who you are, no matter where you are, we know where you are and we will get you if you want. of course is what will never admit, officially that good standing behind this because it's also costing a red line here. any action on you and you can soil is there, you know, a violation of the ring and sovereignty and therefore puts israel itself as a country and not just to its proxies, but also directly we do on in a direct clash. and we will see i, i think it's gonna be very hard after what we've seen been seeing in the last
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months, mostly the 14th of april. that was an attack by iran on israel sort of a re risk. they say we were to be ation for another assess the nation that as well . committed back then 11 on um yeah. so what i expect is going to be very hard for yvonne to not be forced to respond to this. all right. johnny, stay with us. i'd like to take a closer look now at the life and career of a smile on you. this is male head here was pictured alongside rums, new president, just hours before being assassinated. the 62 year old had been and to run for the a no good ration, sir, on the name. on the lift gulf a several years ago, and ran home offices activities from kata, where he lived in exile. he was born and a refugee company against the city in 1962 and joined him. us in the late 19 eighties. i me a rose through the ranks and went on to become the prime minister of the
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palestinian authority in 2006, a mouse named him. the groups lead to in 2017. even after leaving the gaza strip. he acted as a groups political chief, a mass is deemed to be a terrorist organization by the e. u. us and numerous other countries. in april is riley strikes. some guys killed 3 of honey, his sons, and 4 of his grandchildren. according to him, us. at the time, i mean it insisted the dates with nose effect, ongoing c spy, and hostage told us despite honey is strong stuff. some diplomats regarded him as being more moderate than other hotline members of the group his successor on the ground and gaza. yes, in what is deemed to be the person who orchestrated the october steven terror attacks on israel. it's not knowing what involvement honey ahead and organizing the attacks. we've a israel held him responsible and included him and
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a list of potential targets. so we heard their honey are really seen as the face of diplomacy in many circles. would you say how mazda is your losing wonder if it's more moderate voices? well, there is no down to how much does this the split between the, the security operational arm and where we see the people that are on the, on the ground and gaza. and then there's the more diplomatic arm, which is where we see here he was the leader of that. people very much busy with diplomacy and negotiations to you know, advance the palestinian cause. mostly he was the one considered to be mostly clothes with iran and, and working on the ties with the wrong. um, so in that aspect, we know that the people outside of the gaza strip the political leadership. they seem to be more moderate. they seem to be looking for more practical solution. however, he's still a leader of it as a very, you know, or other target ization that has committed a horrible crimes. and we've seen also run now gaza in a very controversial way. so we need to keep that in mind,
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but there's no doubt that when it comes to negotiations on the deal or any idea for any and to this conflict, a voice like honey as boys you know, was very consequential and having lost it. we don't know where it needs, how most definitely. and where does it leave to possibility of a ceasefire? do think this will have a big impact on it? no, yeah, no doubt. i think it's gonna be very hard for homeless, actually to agree to any concessions. now we know to be to be seen to be in talks with israel under such, you know, consider, you know, under such circumstances after such a thing is really is either worked under the up or the assumption that the deal is already dead or that they feel like the need for the deal, it coming from the ground and goes up because of the hard condition is because i so strong that even this move will not affect that. i'm not sure which one would be likely we'll see in the next phase if any. but, but it's very clear that it's going to take some time for the, for the talks to be re ignited if at all. i'm curious about the timing here. if you could just give us insight or an insight into what they might have been thinking in
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terms of doing this. now, if this was a matter of having an of intelligence at this moment, whether it was seen as politically opportune, what do you think was going on? well, i think as well as keeping your eye on these potential targets and leaders of hamas leaders of elf has by law as close as it can, you know, with it's very sophisticated intelligence tools. i think the idea that all of a sudden he's on even your ground, i'm sure it brought some more dilemma because of the understanding that it must not be. and i'm like, what they usually do is they're like the fascinating leaders in be root more, more like is because loving and of course is a weaker regina. it's harder for it for a living and to have a coordinated response to that. and when they, there is a response to comes from because by law as well knows how to deal with it. of course, deciding to start this open, this battle with you on, of course is a, is a, had to be brought put into the calculations of israel. and i think it's part of the message as well as trying to send. so it's not coincidental at all. and what does it tell us about israel's military capacities at this point,
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after after months of war and gaza, what we need to, to separate what's happening on the ground, you know, the, the, the infantry, the people were on the ground golf uh, the reserve course. we know there's a lot of of fatigue, you know, there's, there's hardship there. but these kind of operations are done by the more sophisticated elite units that are very, you know, very much based on technology, these capabilities. and it's also part of the messages. what it's trying to say these capable abilities are very strong and, and, and, and still is good because also that was quite a bit. the problem on october 7th, the reputation of israel's intelligence, a possibility was, was chattered and sort of trying to prove that, well, we still know our game is also part of such very clearly symbolic assassinations that israel is operating. what does this tell us about runs ability to provide security. i mean it must be somewhat embarrassing for to around to have the diplomatic head of how mos on its territory. c be killed in this way. oh no town but, but it's
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a runs the air defense is far more limited and i think especially around 10 around you know, that was the place that they would not expect israel to be already invest way on that part of, of, of their, of their country that's no doubt the very best thing to run, which is also why we're going back to the understanding that we will probably see you in your response. and that can bring to a complete escalation and go out of hand very quickly. what kind of response do you think would be likely that is indeed the $1000000.00 question is what kind of reaction we're going to see to this after what has been months of concerns about escalation that could lead to a much wider regional conflict. you saw there's some sort of a, a clear but on unannounced, you know, rules to this game in a sense that if a military base is, is hits in israel, then you know, a is a little retaliate into the military base as a wrong if for some civilians are hit, that's something else. that's if it's on the outskirts of a big city or if it's in the heart of a city, you know, this sort of an attempt by both sides to get some sort of a balance of,
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of targets. having hit someone, any iran into her on india and, and capital would mean that israel antenna be in jerusalem in the mainland, in the heart of israel. everybody's on high alert because this is where they expect you and is eventually to be responding. now let's just talk very briefly about some of the reactions we've had coming in of the turkish and russian for ministers strongly condemning this according to local media there. what kind of reaction do you think we will see from palestinian leadership? i've always the same, for example, the boss, the leader of the palestinian authority, who's supposed to be the more moderate in charge of fucked off, which was also the arrival move went to come. i was also condemning that. it's very hard to stand against, you know, and he has a symbol of resistance of palestinian resistance. is a very strong though and, and don't feel very, it's very hard for anybody within the palestinian, you know, public, definitely any leader as political leaders, even people who are not, has, you know, allies to not be condemning is really actions on this. and of course,
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we also need to keep an eye we keep on saying is really actions. officially, israel has not taken any responsibility, but i think it's very hard not to know. you know, it's not the things that israel was behind that the, the fingerprints of quite clear. well, thank you so much for joining us with that analysis that his attorney was on us. ok . as you're just joining us, a way to bring you up to speed with the latest developments we have on the story, the palestinian militant group. i'm off, it says it's political leader is my oh hi. maria has been assassinated in terry ron, here's what we know. so far in a statement i'm also sending out was killed while on a visit to iran capital to run to it tends to be an organization of presidents my suit possession. can iran revolutionary guard has also confirmed his desk, and no one has claimed responsibility for the assassination, as we've heard, but suspicion following squarely on israel, which had vowed to kill india and other leaders following the october 7th, the terrorist attacks and a, her mazda official, says the group will respond to honey, has dest, you official, called it a quote,
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cowardly act that will not go unpunished. honey, as death comes after israel said it killed a top has the law commander in an air strike on a suburb of bare route and nothing on israel blamed the group for an attack that had killed 12 children, and teenagers and b is rarely occupied colon heights on saturday as something which has been a lot denies, a turning here to our bare route, a bureau chief of mohammed tre, to for more on this. and what kind of response have we seen from 11 on to this news? weather has been very slow reaction from a live in this morning on the summation of the honey and the been on as barely digested the attack on. it's the bead with somebody yesterday last night, but there's no doubt that this association would complicate the already inflamed situation. for the 1st, very 1st reaction the came from his beloved more and any year,
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just describing him as a leader draped leader of assistance. i think that's the that's of any it will increase the determination of the resistance fighters and the regents us now we should say this attack, of course, as we've mentioned coming just hours after another major development in the region, pensions all over the high after israel side it had killed a top has a blog commander in an air strike on that bare root suburb. now has the lot has now confirmed that he was in the building at the time of the attack, but has not confirmed his fate. let's take a look. it was a question of when not if israel would retaliate after a project of his a soccer field in my spouse, jones and the golan heights and killed 12 children and teenagers. israel blamed has the law and warranted military group who would pay a heavy price. is rather the response was a rare air strike on the outskirts of
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a roof. lebanon's health ministry said the attack killed at least one woman and 2 children, and wounded dozens. these really made a tree, says the strike was targeted and killed the top heads block commander to add true core for true core was the right hand man to cross on the throttle face bowl as leader. and he's advisor in planning and directing attacks and operations. the united states, the sugar orchestration of the 1983 bombing of the us marine barracks and bait roof, which killed $241.00 u. s. military personnel on the put a bounty of $5000000.00 on his head. he's been one of the groups leading military figures since it was established by rounds revolution regards more than a 4 decades ago. the after the israel. how much more bro guys in october 7. so cool was accused by israel of being behind many of the drone and miss of the tax that
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has block carry divers against israel. if israel's claim proves true, secure will be the most senior has black commander to be killed since 2016, but must have barbara dean. the groups military commander in syria died in an explosion and damascus. the strike is threatened to escalate hostilities between israel and has the law as a time when tensions are already running hoss the un is urging come, fearful that the region could be on the brink of a wider war to for more on this, let's get back across to mohammed tray to and they route. so as we've just seen, there is really military has confirmed that it killed a has block commander in the root in a targeted attack. how has a lot responded to this strike? well, let me start with this statement issued by his will only this morning, cause blah, a said, it's a primitive, a preliminary statement to commend on the the,
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the attack on the solid and suburb of the data. would it confirm that its senior commander was in the target the ad building at the moment or these? right, you need a talk, but it did not indicate his faith and therefore has been lost said wait until the fate of its senior leader is determined to act accordingly. now that means that there is no doubt that the heavenly on the truth with response to is right as a talk, a on on it's a strong cold invade would, but the nature of the response, the timing, the geography, and is to be determined at the later stage everyone in beta root and in the region is anticipating how these updates will unfold. and with all of those variables still up in the air, is it possible to say already what the security implications are for 11 on well, i can tell you already that they do. this is looking in shock today,
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but it was morning i usually very busy, but this morning is looking much, much calmer, and much different. there's no traffic. the latest events pushed mindy to benny's to stay at home today and both about anxiety and fear, from an all out war. that of one sense at this stage, at this moment that it's, it's really closer than any other time. so people staying home really fear in what could come next. speaking generally, is it possible to say what the perception of risk is in lebanon at this exact moment? how likely do people think we are to see a wider regional conflict breakout, slow search and the tension is, is peaking in the bottom, but also in, in the region of up until last night, this the last night, this was s to a kind of a contained a confrontation bought the, the, the latest events are a so it's on the game, a changer. this is
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a cleared extension of the rules of engagement and that they need take for talk on the a 1000 friends and, and in northern israel. so the f one is sensing that we actually reached the stress refresher of a war we've been following on very intense, the diplomatic and, and political efforts last night to de escalate the situation by pushing his way to, to avoid targeting civilians or major cities in beta. would also putting pressure on his beloved to emphasize the restraint in the event of a and it's really a talk about. but i mean is just wait and see the fate of the has the less commander and the, the, the news coming less than coming last night on the coming off honey, this is gonna obviously change the situation and thank you so much for your reporting. how does the, the use beverage bureau chief mohammed traitor and just bringing him
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a quick reminder of that breaking news. i'm also saying it's a political leader is my o. hon. nia has been assassinated in toronto, runs, revolutionary guard has confirmed the death saying him yet, and his body guards were killed in an attack at his residence, india, ronnie, and capitol. so far, no claim of responsibility. israel has in the past found to kill india and other leaders of from us after the group carried out the october 7th terror attacks us. and we'll take a look at some other developments here as well. speaking on the sidelines of a visit to the philippines, us defense secretary lloyd austin, said the u. s. had no additional information on the assassination of money. i know austin also insisted the west was trying to cool tensions in the region and that there was a quote, always room for diplomacy. also reaffirming support for is around defense.
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and a report released by the un office on human rights says palestinians detained by israel . since october 7th, i've been subjected to act of torture. it alleges water forwarding and electric shocks. it also says as well as holding more than $9000.00 palestinians, some in secret without access to lawyers. the ones human rights chief said testimonies indicate a flagrant violation of international human rights and international humanitarian law. right. now if you're just joining us, the palestinian militant group, i'm moss has said it's political beat or as my oh honey, a husband assassinated into ron. it here is the latest that we can tell you for sure. in a statement. i'm also said i knew it was killed while on a visit to iran capital to ron, where he was attending being on duration of presidents must suit possession. can it runs revolutionary guard has also confirmed his death. no claim of responsibility for the assassination. but suspicion has baldwin on israel. it has vowed to kill
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him. yeah. and other, i'm us leaders following the october 7th, the terrorist attacks, as well as not responded to these allegations and a house official says the group will respond to him. he has death, the official called at a quote, cowardly act that will not go unpunished. any as death comes after, as well as that it kills a top has bull, a commander, and an error strike on a suburb of a root and loving on israel. blaming the group for an attack that killed 12 children and teenagers in the is rarely occupied a goal on heights on saturday. that is something that has belong to nice. so is the moving story a lot to unpack here for more, i'm joined now by hands. that yak options are a diplomat and senior director of the counter extremism project. thank you so much for your time this morning. first of all, i would like to get your thoughts. what does this killing of honey? i mean for israel's war against homos in gaza? to thank you so much for having me. um it is glennie. uh major escalation open
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situation. uh hi. mia is the, the, the own over the, the, or how mouse, uh, human being as estimated in chat on during the time that the to 10 that the know gratian of the new uranium president is. of course, a very tenant situation. i my and he's ready to have the amounts of to, to buy that. now all of the details including, i'm the, would be up for grabs after this for both the chrome like tara jack. but but to choosing, you know, gratian will see you being in president as the place and time to do it is of course not only an escalation, and it's war against promises, but also to a certain extent and escalations confrontation with the wrong. do you think this could be the spark to ignite, a wider regional or in the middle east? it's possible. i mean, at the moment, uh, neither israel noise. all annoying rom have is read. you can dress in on our war, which will end by tragically, definitely voice poli, well, cost israel,
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a lot and in lives and, and destruction. however, in inverted escalation, is of course, or raise the risk in these kind of super high tend situations that we are right now . and this is certainly one step on an escalation of that hopefully can be reversed . what do you think is rails, if it is confirmed to be, is around, what do you think their goal could have been in this killing? what kind of effect could the death of nia have on her? mazda is ability to wage war and gaza storage on the facility or from us to, to terrorize israel out of guys on this, but have very limited impact because he has been out of the gaza strip since 2016 even internally in i'm us. that was some criticism that he was involving himself too much to it, through the negotiations with the situation in gaza. and the leadership in does that sing wiper shore is still alive, is definitely the one who calling the shots both as far as the terrace situation
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and java is concerned. but also, ultimately, as far as the negotiations to be the hostages are concerned, which is of course, now in a very, very troubled waters. because one of the chief negotiators is no longer with us. now in the last 24 hours, it appears we're seeing israel going after it, ron bax, will attend to groups leadership in both be root. and tyrone, why do you think we've seen these strikes happening so closely together? is there something to the timing or is it really coincidence? well 1st of all, i, the strike on honey. a committee was also a target of opportunity. it was absolutely clear that you were defendants, the no gratian, it was also provides clear where he would stay and tear on as far as i understand the oldest with the state in the same apartment. so you knew at the time and you knew the place where this man is and you had an opportunity to take him out. and he
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was apparently taken out by some ariel for an ordinance i. e, a real good from an airplane or a drunk, which is again showing the capabilities of israel to really do position long strikes far outside the country. however, it is also interesting to note that in his address to the joint, a judge on congress in united states a couple of days ago that john yeah, how was trying to paint? there's not as a only war of how mazda against israel, about a over war of various, you mean in prophecies led by iran, against israel. so having a key, he's supposed to lead to in response to the attack on the go like heights. and now the key house, but i must be taken out in a couple of days uh, from a job that is really a political message, even if there was no intention from his wife to do so. and it took only advantage
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of to close by opportunity. and just very briefly, i'm afraid we're almost out of time, but i'm curious what kind of response you might expect to see from iran to this as well. this is a major embarrassment for around of course it could not secure the guess of the migration of its president of the i just the past that on wherever responsible for a honey a security. hence, there conformational piece that's not big in the government. this is a real problem for chair on another major embarrassment. i have been several high profile if that's a nation's electric, the reportedly bias route, which will never confirmed these kind of things in the around over the last couple of years. a key tied alita in 2020 a key scientist after, but so this is a problem for the odyssey, which will have to respond in some kind. well, thank you so much for sharing your insights with us. that is have the option that we very much appreciate your time today. thank you so much. i and that is all we
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have time for for now. that is your show. if you want more news and analysis, we are following this for you on at d, w dot com. i'm clear richardson in berlin for me in the whole team. thank you so much for joining the
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