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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 31, 2024 11:00am-11:15am CEST

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the, the, you're watching dw, new who's coming to live from berlin, come off and says it's political leader is my own. i mia has been killed in iran. both i'm off and are wrong, so i hadn't yet was assassinated. i'm off blaming israel for the attack. he was one of his relevant top targets in the wake of the october 7th terror attacks say with us where the very latest the . i'm clear richardson welcome. we'd begin with some breaking news. i'm also is
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it's poor little leader is maya nea has been assassinated intact. wrong around revolutionary guard has confirmed the death saying india and his body guards were killed and an attack on his residence in iranian capital. so far there's been no claim of responsibility. however, israel has in the past vowed to kill on you and other leaders of him not after the group carried out the october 7th terror attacks. let's get straight across to dw correspondence. konstantin aggregate in jerusalem for more on this story. konstantin, at this point, and what more do we know about how this a parent assassination as how mazda is claiming, has been carried out a well, very few details. it was, but it seems that the attack was carried out by mister file, and it was a targeted strike on. well, the radians described as a guest house where the honey was staying in tehran and he was a guest of the in the ration of uh, the new radian presidents. and uh,
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that will also report that's, he's already gone skilled with him. but the basically that are already several sources that claim that it was like a model rate or something like that, but rather a target it strikes by miss. so that's all we know the uranium rosemary garza saying they are still investigating it. but basically the picture emerges that well, if there were casualties that they were limited to probably need and probably his body god. so it was a very much a target to track. yes. what kinds of comments have we had from israel on this attack? and if they're in the behind it, what message do you think israel is trying to send here? the comment a, these ready defense ministry said that it doesn't comments on uh, on, on the reports from foreign press. it also said that there is no change to is really sort of secure to tailor tools to the security status within israel because of
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recent events including yesterday's tracking, beer route, which allegedly killed one of his boss leaders. so this is really a for, it is trying to project with projecting as much calm as they can and that i know, although the official comments, there was some comments on twitter by members of the class. that is really opponents, which basically approved of, of the illumination of it's male funny. yeah. but these are considered to be private opinions. then the opinions of the government constituted. stay with us. i'd like to 1st take a closer look at is male and you as a figure and then we will come back to you. this is male head here was pictured alongside ron's new president. just hours before being assassinated. the 62 year old had been and to run for the a no good ration, sir, on the name. on the lift gulf a several years ago,
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and ran home offices activities from kata, where he lived in exile. he was born and a refugee company against the city in 1962 and joined him. us in the late 19 eighties, nia rose through the ranks and waiting till him to become the prime minister of the palestinian authority in 2006, a mouse named him. the group's lead in 2017. even after leaving the gaza strip. he acted as the groups political chief of mass is deemed to be a terrorist organization by the e. u. us and numerous other countries in april is riley strikes. some guys killed 3 of honey, his sons, and 4 of his grandchildren. according to him, us, at the time i'm yet insisted, the dates would notice effect on going see spot and hostage tool. despite honey is strong stuff. some diplomats regarded him as being more moderate than other hotline
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members of the group. his successor on the ground and gaza. yes, and what is deemed to be the person who orchestrated the october steven terror attacks on israel. it's not knowing what involvement honey ahead and organizing the attacks. we have a israel held him responsible and included him and a list of potential targets. so konstantin, with the apparent death of the political leader of how mosse, when you look at the war in gaza and, and going forward, what do you think this development means for the likelihood of any success in ceasefire talks as well? you see, claire, there is this distinction frequently made between political leadership, which is moderate, like, like many of us consider to be and, and all those. this is very traditional for those groups in world that claim the
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liberation movement. so you have someone who is kind of fronting doing diploma, saying politics and others will do other stuff. that does not mean that there's a huge, illogical difference between them. but yes, of course. uh, honey, a was the face of a call from us diplomacy. them, this diplomacy happened and i personally think and judging by reports and the regional media because of the tensions that's i created by a human being killed. it doesn't look like in the coming days, we'll see a lot of developments on this negotiations front. uh, but this also does not necessarily mean that some kind of major regional conflagration will happen. but i think that the people here have been waiting it for months. and basically they've been quite a few incidents, a deadly incidents, including a strike recently on the goal of heights by 12 children were killed and in the end, no major will,
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which has been predicted for months started. so let's wait and see. i think that we should resolve our judgments for now. this, of course, the, the latest iteration that is making many concerned about things, a spiraling and leading to a wider war in the region content. i'm curious in response to any as death have we have response from other palestinian factions to this? what kind of reaction have we seen? yes, very traditional. i would say such like himself is the uh how most promised. i think uh the killing of is meant from here and arrival function in ramallah, the leader of the palestinian authority, and the boss also condemn the kidding and condemn it in very strong terms. still this is, as i said, free to traditional in such circumstances. if you look, for example of neighboring countries like jordan, that maintains diplomatic relations with israel, also condemned to killing as well as turkey and russia. so these are the reactions
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we know about for now. now you've mentioned this that this death of any a comes after is rotated till the top has block commander in in b route and 11 on looking at these 2 killings in the last 24 hours. what does this tell us about israel's military capabilities of capacity? even after having been fighting months of war in vasa as well as they are in the bosses. i think this is exactly the message that if it is, these are the government that these really, governments wanted to send out a basically a strike inside to a wrong hits of several. i would say symbolic idea, logical targets. it hits from us if it's wrong, as a bottom of the main sponsors of their organization, as well as it was a warning to fish by look what we can do to your inside in the capital of your
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main support. so if it wasn't, it is released, we presume. then it was not only, let's say, a very target to addiction, which is limited to a specific person. but also definitely, it was full of political and military symbolism. basically, look what we can do. that's the message, that's how we read it. looking from here looking from jersey and constitute just before i let you go, can you give us some insight into how this was discussed, how this was decided, what the political dynamics are with in israel that led to, to this presumptive attack? so well, i think that's, let's be very cautious about it's is really politics is very dynamic and especially so oft. uh, so, uh sorry, i told with the 7th attacks, but definitely such a spectacular event. uh, basically the boot stopped the uh, the procedure of the prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and he's coming in at least
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for now. that's a can be sure of because it is. it's male funny. it was such a big got such a prominent figure out that this getting this shift definitely will highlight the powers of the current government to strike at a very long distance. so i think that is what we'll see in the coming days and the coming a sort of in, in the short term period. well, thank you so much for your reporting. that is due to these correspondent constantine got in jerusalem for us so well, if you're just joining us, we'll bring you up to speed with what we can say for sure. so far on this story, the palestinian militant, a group of law says its political leader is my own idea, has been assassinated in teheran. here is what we know. in a statement time off says, i knew it was killed while on a visit to around capital to run, to attend. then all your ration of presidents must suit possess. can iran revolutionary guard has also confirmed his death. no one has claimed responsibility
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for the assassination, but suspicion has fallen on israel, which had vowed to kill him. yeah. and the other hamas leaders following the october 7th terrorist attacks. israel has declined to comment on him. he has to mass official says the group will respond to him. he is killing the official calling at a quote. cowardly act that will not go unpunished. and for some context and he is death. this comes after israel sat, it killed a top hezbollah commander in an air strike on a suburb of a root and lab, and on israel blamed the group for an attack that killed 12 children and teenagers . and the is rarely occupied a goal on heights on saturday. an attack has blot denies involvement in and we can get more now from journalists, kareem. i'll go harvey joining us from the router. glad to have you back cream. can you tell us what you have heard, what kind of reaction you've gathered there to,
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to these 2 killings? that's what it said basically. yeah. and then everyone who's close to the point has to be in close and with this other people they, they're angry because this, they say this was not how must support this the say, this was an ex, officially killing of one of the there. so, but of course you have especially anger in was in the ranks of his father and also was in the policy. didn't kemp's here in depth on? and on the other hand, if you possibly other the buttons there is a big very what's going to happen. know how this situation, this is candidates again how little there might be like kidneys wants to. ringback according to stay with us for just a moment, we've talked about how this attack comes hours after a nother major development in the region with israel saying it's killed. a top has block commander in an air strike on a bay root suburb. i'd like to take
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a closer look at this has the law of the pro it wrong lisha and 11 on has confirmed that i the commander was in the building at the time, but they have not confirmed his fate. it was a question of when not if israel would retaliate after a project of his a soccer field in my spouse, jones in the golan heights and killed 12 children and teenagers. israel blamed has the law and warranted military group who would pay a heavy price. is around the response was a rare air strike on the outskirts of a roof. lebanon's health ministry said the attack killed at least one woman and 2 children, and wounded dozens. these really made the tree says the strike was targeted and killed the top heads block commander who i'd show cor, the floor to cor was the right hand man to cross on a swell,
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feasible as leader. and he's advisor in planning and directing attacks and operations. the united states, the sugar orchestration with the 1983 bombing of the us marine barracks and bait roof, which killed $241.00 u. s. military personnel. and they put a bounty of $5000000.00 on his head. he's been one of the groups leading military figures since it was established by iran's revolution regards more than a 4 decades ago after the israel. how much more bro guys in october 7 to cool was accused by his rarely being behind many of the drone and miss of the tax that has blocked, carried divers against israel. if israel's claim proves true, secure will be the most senior heads block commander to be killed since 2016. when must have barbara dean, the groups military commander in syria died in an explosion and damascus. the strike is threatened to escalate hostilities between israel and has the law as
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a time when tensions are already running halls. the u. n. is urging come fearful that the region could be on the brink of a wider war. let's get back across to korean, they'll go harry and they route. so if it turns out to prove true that israel has in fact killed, shocked, or what kind of response would you expect from has the law yeah, they, they made clear that for sure. in any case, there will be a response to the question is how the response we look at. and normally you have kind of this on the, with the roots of engagements between the army, a military target for a military. so in that way you could of course, close to the actual computer really, terry targeted is he was one of the big military columbus office, paula and you could just maybe expected that the answer is full of.


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