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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 31, 2024 2:00pm-2:16pm CEST

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the the, this is the w news live from the thomas political lead a is mile. mia is killed in iran. how most of the right in the leadership say, i mean it was assassinated and about his desk will not go unpunished. both of blamed israel for the attack honey, it was one of his rails top target in the wake of the october, the 7th terror attacks. physic growing of a major escalation, as the wealth reacts to honey as death is rarely staying silent, as regional leaders condemned his killing. the wrong says it is duty bound to avenge the how must lead his desk.
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the money keeps mckinnon. welcome to the program. good to have you with us. how most politically to is male, on the, has been killed into or on come off as accused israel of an assassination iran revolutionary god confirmed the death saying honey and his bodyguard were killed in an attack on his residence in the arabian capital so far that his be no claim of responsibility. however, the israel has in the past about to kill honey and of the i'm us leaders off to the group carried out the october, the 7th, the terror attacks and some on this i am drawing now in the studio by dw am, at least on the list shawnee road now rosanna is and we have konstantin got joining us as well. he's a dw correspondence in jerusalem constancy. tell us what all we hearing from the is
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raggedy ann palestinian authorities right now as well from these various or it is in the morning and there was a comment from the defense minister saying that they do not comment on for and media reports about penny is uh uh, honey is killing bucks. uh, in the last few hours with her the, the prime minister netanyahu is cooling a security cabinet meeting in the coming hours quite very soon. i would say uh, but there are no more comments from the is really government. although it's interesting that the on these really government websites are for a brief period, there was a picture photo of honey, a with the, with a stick off on his forehead saying, illuminated but then the picture disappeared from the website. there were also a couple of twitter comments by the members of the class at the by the, these really parliaments. but these are considered to be non official sort of
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private opinions of elective politicians from the palace stands were heard as, as you said, the hamas is, has promised to avenge the death of nia. and that was a condemnation of the killing from the leads are of the palestinian authority in the west bank and ramallah from on a bus. and that's what we know for now about the, the reaction from israel and from the palestinians. what's interesting though is that the category of the prime minister and we know that in kata countertop was very instrumental in arranging talks with in israel and some also about hostages. so the category of prime minister said that the kidding of from you know, throws doubts on israel's desire to negotiate the fate of the hostages. and that was, as i said, from the country, the quote from the country from minnesota, israel did not react to that. okay. shawnee could you tell us more about the circumstances of this killing? but we know he was in here on for the integration of the new union president the to
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certain wanted to took place yesterday. he was a guest of yvonne and the original revolution regard it as far as we know, for now he was sleeping in a, in a secured compound of the revolutionary gods, who was also uh, the body guard was killed with him. was also, and you were in your revolution is like member at the more of fuel to the, you know, even in fury. and of course, this is, you know, the symbolism of taking out this theater. you know, such a high figure of how much on doing and so in the heart of the evening and capital that of course puts you on in a very awkward position. of course, it's very embarrassing, you know, showing is real capability to infiltrate and operate in one of its most secure compounds. but also, of course, you know, on a, on a more, in a much greater a scale of things, it puts the wrong, it is relevant direct clash course, constantino content to you again. honey, of course played a critical role in the hostage negotiations. you mention that just now tell us more
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about what this means for the sci fi talks as well. it does seem that at least for the time being the cx, 5 talks and negotiations about the faith of the remaining is really hostages. will be on hold. it's difficult to imagine talks now in this situation, plus it's not very clear who is going to conduct them because it seems that from us will have to elect to designate and you and your leadership. and as, as, as, as, as known, basically from the, it was the public face of how most others um, more in the shed, it was and more sort of involved in the military side of things. and i'm also, i do not think it will proceed any time soon, but of course of no predictors of total collapse of anything in the middle east very frequently proved wrong. so let us wait and see. but again, in the foreseeable future, it's very difficult to imagine anything happening on this track. we've been talking
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a lot about the fear of escalation, shawnee, what is, is rails and go here? well, what, what is it we would see? you know, if we zoom out a little bit, you know, in a, to how has been to the american congress last week. and what he said there is that he needs more help to get the job done. he doesn't seem to be interested in bringing the war in gaza or on the regional front coming to an end. on the contrary, he wants to keep pushing forward and he sends a very clear message in up in an, in the heart of a root. or if it's in there on no matter who you are, if you're not target list, we're going to get, you know, better where you are also. so it is real soon to be very adamant to keep on fighting and we were just mentioning the hostage deal. that's and you know, believe that this is the way to bring back the hostages. he believes the pushing on and putting more pressure will bring to enter crumbling of those, you know, of forces against the operate, against israel, especially from us. and that will lead for more concessions that will on india and bring the hostages home. of course, if you talk to the families, i think many of them today see this is a very bleak day with great concern to the lives of
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a 115 israel is to left in the gaza strip. understanding that this might have very dire consequences for their loved ones. fate. shiny, rosanna, c, w. 's, middle east, i'm list. and konstantin, i get reporting from jerusalem. thank you both so much. you're welcome. i of uranium governments as a funeral, suddenly it will be held entire on before his body is taken to cause a full burial. let's take a closer look now at who is mile on the 8 was is male, heavier was pictured along side. it runs you president just hours before being assassinated. a 62 year old had been in to around for the integration, sir, on the name, on the lift gulf a several years ago, and ran home offices activities from kata where he lived in exile. he was born and a refugee company against the city in 1962 and joined him. us in the late 19 eighties near rose through the ranks and waiting till him to become the prime
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minister of the palestinian authority in 2006, a mouse named him. the group's lead in 2017. even after leaving the gaza strip. he acted as a groups political chief, a mass is deemed to be a terrorist organization by the e. u. u. s. and numerous other countries. in april is riley strikes. some guys killed 3 of honey, his sons, and 4 of his grandchildren. according to him, us. at the time i media insisted the dates with nose effect. ongoing c spy and hostage tool was despite tenea strong stuff. some diplomats regarded him as being more moderate than other hotline members of the group. his successor on the ground and gaza. he asked and what is deemed to be the person who orchestrated the october stephen terror attacks on israel. it's not knowing what involvement honey ahead and
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organizing via text. we have a israel held him responsible and included him and a list of potential targets. a layer i spoke with john list house in boucher has them used to report for us from inside garza, he's now in cairo. i asked him how people in goals are reacting to honey as, as of the nation, people in goals are divided into groups mainly. uh i, i've talked to many people on the ground in the morning and the most essential and important part for them is to end the work. there are some people who are shocked and as they didn't expect this to happen and he will be killed, especially he use them in the exile and but still some of those workshops, especially do sward favor of and if i think as well and what about reactions from
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us, what are you hearing the swell? how much is, was the statements where very com, very staple in the morning, the, the leader of course they for miss, for venge, and still not clear how that would work. and they are in indeed fighting with as well in garza. but i mean, how far the would they go, would they go outside piaza or not? and they would wait for the iranian response or, or any diplomatic mission. so i'm honest, wasn't clear and reachable on when they are god doing that. is there any suggestion of how this killing might change the internal structure of a mass? i mean, who might replace him? well honey, uh he uh, the 3 the beauties um where app or the the leaders or the top uh, leaders off uh the 3 main regions. you all just read uh westbank and
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a bro doors i exile the. the one in garza is the he, if he is in war. the one in, in the west bank was a side hillary who was estimated in being before. uh and chinese had it much of kyle, who was the full no, to be to or from us. and now he's the top leader of the apple computer. we're in abroad. so who is most likely according to the structure and who would be a replacement, but it's not different. it yeah, it's not announced how that would affect it's not clear, honey is a symbolic leader. and for a long time he was a prime minister. and he's and, and, and there are many people would be, you know, how to say that, that they, they would, they would think he was not replaceable. but officials that how most people i talked to earlier today, they said that the structural farmhouses is designed to be snows of replace think
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anybody's list was killed or, or, or, or, or less the movement from a palestinian perspective. how might this assassination impact the role in goal is, i mean, you said earlier to the people in gaza, the biggest priority is to end this war. but how might this impact its progression? well it's, it's a bit lead to, to judge and, and to major. how that would impact the situation in gaza on the practical louisville in the fighting? i don't think that would make any change because how much is using their maximum capacity or fight? think on the ground and they will keep going. i'm not sure. but i mean, reading the, the, the, the, the 9 months before that time us use the maximum that they could use a different play. and that would, that fact the situation is especially on the ceasefire stokes, but on the,
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on the fighting on the war, it's not clear. it's not the decision that made by honey and himself as a leader would there to go for a cease fire or not from us is a structure to be, have them literally wayne, who is in power and more powerful than the political leadership who's like mostly in them and abroad. mm hm. can i ask you, um, i understand the political groups a calling for strikes in the west bank. i believe strikes all happening in protest against the killing of his male hon. the, i'm how important of these strikes, what, what effects will they have for i believe it's more symbolic. this strikes a, this is like honey, a is a, is a popular figure. as i mentioned, that he was a prime minister. i'm us a, has its own people on the ground in the west bank, the, the, and there were some calls made by the little student a 30 or official,
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especially as soon as chief and, and most not to play the, the posting and president. but i'm what i bass cold salad michelle morning. uh how much for, for the of loss. so this is more like a symbolic and stab that taking by the fractions on the ground. i don't think that would make any change on the side for it or the situation in the west bank. it might, but i mean this strike is not gonna make a big difference. has an dilution or pushing from cairo as an thank you so much for insights. thank you. hi, is you just joining us the palestinian militant group? hamas says it's politically to is maya nea has been assassinated in terror on here is what we know sofa in a statement come off says honey was killed while on a visit to a runs capital tyrone to attend the inauguration of president my suit. possess kim iran, revolutionary god. coal has also confirmed his death. no one has claimed responsibility
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for the assassination. but suspicion have fallen on israel, which had vowed to kill honey and other leaders following the october, the 7th terrorist attacks. israel has declined to comment on honey, is this? how must official says the group will respond to honey is killing the official cold at a quote cowardly act that will not go unpunished. honey is death comes off to israel said it's killed, a top has block him on the, in an asteroid on a suburb of they roots and 11 on israel, blamed the group for an attack that killed 12 children and teenagers in the is really occupied. golan heights on saturday. has bla denies this? despite israel refusing to comment on the killing of is melania, the government press office released a photo on his facebook page of the homeless leda with the wood illuminated stumped
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across his forehead. the captain read is mail on the home office.


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