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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 31, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the w news lies from violin. thomas political leda is smile. amelia is killed in iran. come off on the right, new leadership site on the it was a, something they said about his dad will not go unpunished. both of blamed israel for the attack. i mean it was one of israel's top targets in the wake of the type of the 7 terror attacks f as a growing of a major escalation. as the world reacts on the as to israel is thing silence is regional leaders condemn his killing. iran says it's his juicy power to avenge suite. instead, the
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menu is mccain and thank you for joining us. us political leda is mile. mia has been killed in terror on a month, has accused israel as an assassination. iran revolutionary god confirmed the death saying honey and his bodyguard were killed in an attack on his residence in the arabian capital. so far as the no claim of responsibility. however, the israel has in the pulse, bowed to kill him in and of the hamas leaders off to the group. carried out the october the 7th terror attacks and we can get more from dw mid least analysts, shiny business, who joins me in studio a good time to use shawnee. so these really prime minister spokes person just gave a press conference. tell us about what he said. did he give any consummation that
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israel was responsible so he refused to refer to anything connecting to the wrong happening and you know, at overnight, but this is to be expected. we will probably never hear and is really confirmation . this has had been like this, you know, consistent policy of as well throughout the, you know, many other uh, reportedly, uh, assassinations that were done by israel. but the precision, the method and also the interest you know, who could have done it and why? i think it's quite clear all of these points back to israel and you know, the whole world keeps on, you know, treating this as if is related without even meeting, as well as confirmation that i think it's also when comes to israel, the spokesperson himself said, is realism, extremely high alert when it comes to, you know, military and defensive operations and civil society is trying to, uh, you know, keep on as usual, but it's quite clear as well as a kind of expecting a response. not quite sure how in with this is a good question. everybody's wondering about now. shawny just remind us about the circumstances of his killing. so is my on the mazda the leader,
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he was in to ron for a, the, an aggravation of the president of your on, and you presidente, was elected up at a previous one, died, and it, and a helicopter crash the yesterday, we've seen him and other, you know, so leaders from his ball a many you would say a fail is really targets almost when he comes to the people who were present in this an aggravation seemed to be feeling very safe and secure. enter on, he was a guest of iran and the revolutionary guards, and he seemed to have resided over night. and it secure compound of the revolutionary guards who cut a ceiling double security. and therefore, the shame, the, the, the anger or the frustration, the, whatever you call it, you know, today in iran have scores doubled following what happened overnight when apparently probably small miss out maybe connected to a drone. not quite clear if it was shots from within the range and territory or outside of church yvonne but a minute is very unbelievable. precision to hit exactly the room where honey i was
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sleeping. just to testify on the high level of intelligence that you need to have in order to be able to have such, you know, surgical execution of, of an operation. there's been a lot of talk since we heard about his death, about how this situation could now escalate. talk to us about what is rails and goal is here. well, israel needs to build back. it's the term, that's what it feels you know, uh, october 7th you know, break all the conventions of, of, of warfare in, in the region. so it feels for israel and of course the chat is completely israel's main aspect when it came to defense deterrence. and ever since then, as well as busy building up as to the parents showing to the world and most the, to the region is still strong. you still has capabilities when it comes to intelligence, but also we've, we've seen in gaza the devastation, the on believable and that of civilian casualties. it's all part of his old strategy to show that it can still defend itself. and as we've also heard specifically today from the government spokesperson as well,
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we'll do whatever it needs to protect its own people. wherever the enemies are, whoever they are, they will stop at nothing. they feel like this is the only way to, you know, reestablish the turns, especially when it comes to ron. and it's proxies that are engaging in, you know, attacks on, as well, and this back and forth questions we've been saying for many, many months, tomorrow it's going to be 300 days to the war and casa, what could happen next? well, everybody, we're hoping for the hostage you'll, that's been the talk for the last couple of weeks and it seems like, you know, we're now at the most further point. we can be from that. it's hard to imagine. i know how most interested in talking to his little showing any weakness after you know, the assassination antonio who was not just, you know, regardless of his role on the administrative level or, you know, decision making in and how much it was a simple of homeless who was part of the organization from the very early days. he was the assistant of, of the, the founding father of homeless. i just seen a late a, a religious, sorry who, who also was
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a target for israel for many years up. it's clear that you know when it comes to the symbolism behind and it's very hard for home us to try and show itself as weak at this very point. meaning that, that deal is probably going further away. it's a very sad day for many hostage family members. we've been hearing them talk today . very much concerned for the well being of the loved ones. but if you ask them to now, it's only pushing hard and hard and hard that will make a must have being any concessions and maybe bring the deal back on the table. i think this more were just too soon to tell utilities, middle east, i'm lashawn years on this. thank you shown here. welcome on the right in government says that a funeral for honey a will be held in tyrone before his body has been taken to cut off the burial. let's take a closer look now at who is male, honey a was. is male have you agree? c. ron's new president and what would be one of his last meetings?
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just hours after routine during the presidency and new direction. he and his body god, we killed in a strike on his residence in tears. at the time of his days, i knew was the political face of him. of the militant is the miss group that carried out to be october stevens terror attacks on israel hum us spies is killed around $1200.00 people and took more than $250.00 of his hostage, nearly half of whom i still held in gaza. i knew i had not lived in gaza for several years, but ran home us from cottage we. he lived in exile bone near a guys as soon as he can. the 62 year old was a child of palestinian refugees from the village of algebra. yeah. as cologne, he joined him us when it was founded in 1987 and was arrested in jail by israel. during the 1st intifada, the uprising a game is randy occupation,
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a neo was exiled to live and on. but he returned to guns the following. the 1993 was load please, the code he became the palestinian prime minister in 2006, and continued to rise through how mazda is rang, eventually becoming its political chief and 2017. mazda is gaza, lead. uh yes, yes. and what is believed to have been the mazda mind of the art turbo. steven protects a neo, was seen as a more moderate pulse. and how much is lost several of his own family members and is really a tax on gaza, which have killed nearly $40000.00 people since been 3 of him years. sons and 4 of his grandchildren were killed. and i pro at the time nea insisted. the dates would not affect ongoing sci fi and hostage told
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me a route presented homeless internationally and moved around the region for diplomatic meetings. he was a key player in negotiations to stop the fighting and gaza. some fear his killing will be a major sit back and achieving peace in the region. dera i spoke with john list, hasn't been. lucia has him used to report for us from inside goals that he's now in cairo. i asked him how people in garza are reacting to honeys, assassination. the people and goals are divided into groups mainly. uh i, i've talked to many people on the ground in the morning and the most essential and important part for them is to end the work. um, there are some people who are shocked and as they didn't expect this to happen and he will be killed, especially he use them in the exile. and but still some of those workshops,
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especially those who are in favor of and if i think as well and what about reactions from us, what are you hearing the well, how much is, was that the statements where very calm, very stable. um uh, the more the, the leader of course the form is for vinge and still not clear how that would work and they are in indeed fighting with as well in garza, uh, but i mean how far the would they go, would they go outside gallons or not, and they would wait for the iranian response or, or any diplomatic commission. so i'm honest, wasn't clear and reachable on when they are going to doing that. is there any suggestion of how this killing might change the internal structure of a mass? i mean, who might replace it? well, how many? uh, he uh, the 3, the beauties um, where app or the,
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the leaders or the top and the users off the 3 main regions and it has a strip of westbank and abroad the exile. but the one in garza is the he, if he is in war. the one in, in the westbank was a side hillary who was estimated in beirut before. uh and can you tell it much of the trial who was the phone though, to be there or from us? and now he's the top leader of the apple. it, it can be in a broad. so who's most likely according to the structure and who would be a replacement, but it's not different. it yet. it's not announced how that would affect it's not clear, honey is a symbolic leader. and for a long time, he was a prime minister. and he's and, and, and there are many people with the, you know, how to say that, that, that they, they wouldn't do, they would think he was not replaceable,
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but official was that how most people i talked to earlier today, they said that the structural farmhouses is designed to be snows off replace, i think anybody who was, was killed or, or, or, or, or less the movement from a palestinian perspective. how might this assassination impact the who in dollars i mean, you said earlier, so the people in gauze are the biggest priority is to end this war. but how might this impact its progression? well it's, it's a bit lead to, to judge and, and to major. how that would impact the situation in gaza on the practical louisville in the fighting? i don't think that would make any change because how much is using their maximum capacity or fight? think on the ground and they would keep going. i'm not sure. but i mean, at reading the, the, the, the,
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the 9 months before the come us use the maximum that they could use a different to play. and that would affect the situation, especially on the ceasefire stokes. but on the, on the fighting on the war, it's not clear. it's not the decision that made by honey and himself as a leader, were there to go for a cease fire or not from us is a structure to be, have them literally waiting. who's in power and more powerful than the political leadership who's like mostly in the in approach hasn't been, can i ask you um, i understand the political groups a cooling for strikes in the west bank. and i believe strikes all happening in protest against the killing of his male hon. nia, i'm how important of these strikes, what, what effects will they have for i believe it's more symbolic. this strikes, this is like honey, a is a, is a popular figure. as i mentioned that he was a prime minister. i'm us
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a has its own people on the ground in the west bank the, the, there were some calls made by the little student a 30 or official, especially as soon as chief and, and most not to play the, the posting and president. but i'm what i bass cold telling them a shot with morning. uh how much for, for the of loss. so this is more like a symbolic and stab that taking by the fractions on the ground. i don't think that would make any change on the side for it or the situation in the west bank. it might, but i mean this strike is not gonna make a big difference. has an the lucia are pushing from cairo, has them thank you so much for insights. thank you. honey, is death is a reading, raising phase of the white, a regional conflicts, global leaders, a warning against any escalation that could lead to all out war. israel hasn't yet
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responded to accusations that it was behind honey is killing many palestinians and israelis. and i'm nervous about what might happen next. many shops they closed on wednesday in jerusalem's old town. the same was true in ramallah and in many of the towns across the west bank palestinian groups called for a general strike and demonstrations of the killing of from us as politically that is male how many open item to around. and the strike on the has fuller come on the in be root us about i consider what happened during the around to be a conspiracy he met with the reigning president. and diamond is really a talk. help them develop nonwhite glove rob. we'd be a response to the assassination. i expect there to be a strong response window and also response from 11 on. there will also be a response to the crime and 11 on yesterday. and then today we are facing the
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disaster with the assassination of the martyr. commander, excuse me, is a need.


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