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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 31, 2024 6:00pm-6:15pm CEST

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the the, this is the, the you news life member, let him us political leader is while he is killed in iran. come off any runs leaders say honey, i was assassinated about his death will not go on products both like israel, but the is really government is not commented. meanwhile, affairs grow of a major escalation as palestinians and world leaders reacts to any of that. israel faced island and other nations condemned to kill around says it is duty bound to avenge the leaders the
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article fairly welcome to the program. how most political leader is male who may, has been killed in the arabian capital tear on a mouse has accused israel. of an assassination runs revolutionary guards as needed, and his body guards were killed. as he was in play around for the swearing in of the new arena in president so far, there has been no claim of responsibility. however, israel has in the past bound to kill me and other i'm us leaders that's bringing our correspondence. rebecca ritter's interest one for the latest. rebecca, we haven't seen a statement heard a statement about any is death yet and from the is really government. is that surprising at all? it's not at all. and the whole that's actually in keeping with the long history of israel, not commenting on targeted assassinations. and it's unlikely that we will hear from them about this for any official confirmation, though,
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it's in stock contrast to another assassination. that israel carried out and claim responsibility for just a few hours before honey. it was assassinated and that was a key hayes when i come on the flag. so cutting was assassinated in a root and 11 on uh, and they came out very quickly and claiming responsibility and saying that that was in retaliation for an attack that had they were blaming on his blood that happened over the weekend on saturday, killing 12 children in the occupied golden heights in, in the north of the country on the border with levon on. now. 9 the prime minister's office actually set out a little dick talked to the, to his cabinet. miss ministers basically urging them not to talk about the situation in iran with him. yes. but they have many of them have not followed. we've seen them coming out on social media, appraising the assassination, but not making any public claims that it more than that, you're israel. that carried out the operation. how is he is killing likely to affect the already fragile ceasefire talks between israel and emma?
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when it's very unlikely to have any positive effects that somebody, the received wisdom of anyone, you speak to the everything you read when you took the analyst and everything that you're reading in the media or as well. uh, you know, honey, a was a key, political figure in her mouth of obviously he was, he was central, she's playing a central role in the negotiations. he was going to meet with negotiating teams, speaking with the categories of egypt and soon when a go see a thing these uh, this, all these hostage deals. so he was seen as a slightly more moderate figure if you will, compared to other hamas latest name. they just didn't want in gaza and so he was seen as somebody who is a little more of an important when it came to the host is still in effect. now, with his elimination, it suddenly seems less likely to come off, you know, less reason to make sense to you. we heard from the person who said
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or how much the official i should say, who said that they were actually very close to getting a deal. but that now he came to the negotiations, would be off the table for the forseeable future. this is his terrorism. that's bad news, of course, for those hoping to get the hostages home and those of suffering in gaza. have we heard anything from the families of the hostages still held by how long they are obviously incredibly concern the hostage of missing family for on the sort of for on the body, representing many of the hostage families, they put out a statement, acknowledging israel's many military accomplishments achievements, but they went on to say that the only real achievement will be hosted still and so they loved ones to come home. many individuals, but the media room said that they were very concerned that, that this would now mean that the deal was off the table and that, that they may not get that they may never see that deal. so obviously very,
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very concerned. and that's something felt right across the country. rebecca reuters in jerusalem, anything the uranium government says a funeral service for his mail here will be held in parent before his body is taken . took a tar for burial. he was one of the best known figures in mos foraging ties with the groups allies in the region. this is mail head mia greasy, ron's new president. and what would be one of his last meetings? just hours after attending the president's in the ration. he and his body, dad, we killed in a strike on his residence in tears. at the time of his days i knew was the political face of him. of the militant is the miss group that carried out the october 7th terror attacks on israel from us spies is killed around $1200.00 people and took more than $250.00 of his hostage, nearly half of whom still health and java. honey,
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i had not lived in gaza for several years, but ran home us from kata where he lived an exile. born near a guy's assist you base, you g can the 62 year old was a child of palestinian refugees from the village of alger? yeah, ash cologne, he joined him us when it was founded in 1987 and was arrested in jail by israel during the 1st intifada, the uprising against is randy occupation. a new was exiled to live and on. but he returned to gauze the following. the 1993 also police, the code he became the palestinian prime minister in 2006, and continued to rise through how most his ranks eventually becoming its political chief and 2017. on her mazda is gaza. leda yes, yes. and what is believed with being the mastermind of the october 7th, the tax mia was seen as
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a more moderate pulse. and how much of his last several of his own family members. and is really a tax on gaza, which have killed nearly $40000.00 people since being 3 of him use sons and 4 of his grandchildren were killed. and i pro at the time media insisted the dates would not fix ongoing sci fi and hostage tools. the hi mia represented homeless internationally and moved around the region for diplomatic meetings. he was a key player in negotiations to stop the fighting and gaza. some fia, his killing will be a major sit back in achieving pace in the region. and our middle establish on areas on his joins me now for more assigning we just heard from a high ranking home us official. what did he say he lives here. he is considered to be the deputy of yes and more as
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a leader of come us. that is the mastermind down of to over 7 attacks. and he's in gauze i. he's supposed to be as long gone outside of gaza. he's talking into iran, saying they're very much looking forward to hear the official or, you know, he's also the investigation to the wrong, his starting. but then at the same time saying, you know, we see is read only understands a power and resistance and then violent fight. but interestingly, most interesting thing he said was about which to be expected. the most interesting set about the deal, the hospital was that we can see no, no progress coming any time soon, but the was very close. the both sides will close that he feels he puts the blame on it. now he says that to me, i was trying to stop the deal from happening. and so this is where we stand now on the hostages and nothing too surprising, but of course here need officially coming from us official. that's of course, another blow to the families were very much concerned and devastated. just say of, of the hostages 115 to the left. and yeah, so these are all, of course the, just to make sure our viewers know israel is not claimed responsibility of this
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attack. and what do you make of the timing of money is gone? it seems like, you know, there's no doubt the israelis following many targets stepped include officials of how mosque was bala and so on all the time. but on this particular chance where he's not in caught our where israel would not operate because of contracts, you know, key ally as an, as a mediator. he's not in turkey, which would put israel incomplete, the different grounds you know, working there and nato ally. so if all of a sudden he came, you know, to it, to the evaluation of the new president of iran. and that was a, you know, an amazing opportunity the way is really see it, not only to target honey, i'm self, but also to send it to your message to home us. if you keep a t, ron, sorry, if you keep harboring home us, if you keep supporting you know, uh ads the excess of evil israel cause you know, the proxy forces working with the wrong against israel. we will show you, we are not deterred, we will act as a widow who it is and even on your own soil, in the very capital off your on. yeah,
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it is still fairly early days. but do we know anything more about how this attack came about? how it was carried out, what we've been hearing a lot of rooms back and forth, but for now it seems like there must have been in is really me cycle. the spike missile that was shot into the room where neo was staying with his body guard into a compound of a sort of secured compound officer. yvonne revolutionary guards in the northern part of the around, which is supposed to be more of a need to score quarter a. we don't know exactly the details of, of where it was shot from this is we're not sure whether it was shot from a nearby uh, building or maybe a bit more further uh destination. but the very fact that his real assuming li managed to execute such an operation with such precision with such short time of, of, you know, responding and planning. i think it shows you the depth of, of you know, of knowledge. israel has an operative, has probably on the ground in iran, something that i'm sure he rang is, i'm not happy to wake up and reckon with a to,
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to this this morning. and they about to avenge honey is death which happened on their soil. how do you expect to hear on to react? well, i think the, the humiliation is immensely, i mean, anybody, you know, who thought yvonne, you know, would not respond was probably even misled in his thinking. and this is part of sometimes we need to think about when we think about israel assessments. you know, the intelligence of israel has many flaws as october 7th, have proven, you know, so if the, you know, if the assumption was the wrong will not retaliate, i guess it was the wrong assumption. see how and when it will retaliate, that's exactly the question. now, the civil option is, can further use its proxy that it's been doing, you know, maybe escalate further and it could choose may be a, is really targets outside of israel. you know, in europe, some delegations, embassies, or maybe even the olympic games. and in paris, this is something also is really the very much concerned about happening these days . or we will see like we've seen in april, a direct attack coming from iran to israel, which was significant to run. you know, this is sort of a, a battle that we've never seen, you know,
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up until this year before, despite the many years of facility between your ron and israel, the world kept in the shadows of all this time. and all of a sudden starting april, once this red line was costs of direct attacks on soil on a ring, as well as real as well. then, you know, we never know how quick escalation can be is real, has this rule that it responds according to the results, not the intention. and that's why it was very team and it's response to the wrong attack in april. but if this might be a different case, this time we might see a very wide escalation with, with a range, you know, of, of direct results for the whole region. yeah, an israel knows that, and israel presumably, you know, talking to do experts from all around the globe, israel has no interest in a wider war. iran has no interest, no white or hezbollah has no interest from us on the floor. how. how do we get here and what is israel's and this is a very good question. i mean, if you ask the hostages, you know, the as impressive as this is as a, as
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a boost for the, you know, national morales, this might be the springs to hostages. no, not one inch closer to being home. maybe even push them far for the deep into the thomas stalls and gaza. if you try to think about the age, realize we're had to evict the houses in north of israel because you know, it became a, a launching, you know, ground for his ball lot. that's nothing there, but it's what was trying to do is restore, it's the turn. so you know, this was one of is rose phillips. main pillars of defense is the idea that israel is so strong. and so my teeth and that was quite set crumbling completely on october 7th and ever since, as well as trying to rebuild that this as well as trying to signal now to her on we are not afraid we will, ex, wherever, and when ever. and also trying to tell from us and says while off and to run, they were always assuming is, will be 1st finish, garza and only then move on is will cannot engage in more than one front at a moment. and they're saying we're not deterred, we're not afraid we'll do whatever it takes on amazon is always great speaking to you. thank you so much for coming and you're welcome to call journalist hasn't pollution cairo told me about reactions and gaza to honey is assassination in gaza?
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people are divided and they don't have one opinion. there are some people were very shocked and sad and, and they were grieving the loss off any uh, as the he's one of the leaders who was the top of him. us is from wowza and live in gauze, though he's from shop the recent de camp. but in the same time and many other people i talked to earlier today, they didn't care that the only thing that they think about and care about is the end of the war. and end of this uh, the set for they are living in since the beginning of the were in austin cooper. this is a huge blow for loss. how is honey is killing going to affect the internal structure of the group to it is um from us. uh, leaders mentioned that um and during the day off of the news came out of getting
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him and, and, but in the same time, the structure of how much is very, it's most of a confirm that this is not gonna affect the movement. and it happened before, it's not the fast leader who was estimated by as well. sure, if you've seen the founder of the movement outlet is that we're in dc, the stronghold of, of, of the movement. other many leaders where, where killed in garza and abroad and the recent one before honey, it was the sonic and i will read and, and the strong di and abroad was stated in, in, in late by now. and so honey i was, is, is, is not the only one who was killed at and, and they have like a structural a body and they have the beauty.


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