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tv   A Construction Revolution  Deutsche Welle  July 31, 2024 6:15pm-7:00pm CEST

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at and during the day, also the news came out of getting him and, and, but in the same time, the structure of how mazda is very, it's most of a confirm that this is not gonna affect the movement. and it happened before. it's not the 1st leader who was estimated by as well. sure, if you've seen the founder of the movement outlet as it were in dc, the stronghold of, of, of the move meant other many leaders where, where killed in garza and abroad. and the recent one before honey, it was the sonic re and the strong di and abroad was estimated in, in, in, late by now. and so any i was is, is, is not the only one who was killed at and, and they have like a structural a body and they have diabetes and they can replace them easily. uh, but the if the effect and the power would vary from
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a person to another. mm hm. um, now we just heard from johnny that the families of the hostages that are being held in gaza still are very concerned about how this could affect the seas. fired talks now from a palestinian perfect perspective. how do you think the assassination chords impact the war and gauze of the situation on the ground? a definite play this a, this estimation would make the folks suspend. it will be on hold for some time which happened before off to the us. the nation of that, the beauties on hillary who was killed. how much announce at the time that this, this and they suspended the adults for some time, but the resumed and the end. and this time, of course, the expectation that the ceasefire talks will be suspended for
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a period of time. we don't know how long i personally, i don't believe it's going to be long. and eventually it would be reviewed because there is no other option. but review the totes and other elements that might change the the, the map and, and the scene is that if there is a major thing happening here and they are with are from iran or from his blog post journalist housing boucher joining us from cairo. thank you. so much thank you. honey is death is already raising fears of a wider regional conflicts, global leaders or warning against any escalation that could lead to an all out war . israel has not yet responded to accusations that it was behind honey is killing any palestinians. and israel is, are now nervous about what might happen next. many shops stayed closed on wednesday in jerusalem's old town. the same was true in ramallah and
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in many of the towns across the westbank palestinian groups called for a general striking demonstrations of the killing of from us as politically the is male hon the overnight into the around and the strike on the has fuller come on the in be route to let us about to consider what happened, didn't around to be a conspiracy he met with the reigning president and diamond is really a tax cut them develop nonwhite glove rob. we'd be a response to the assassination. i expect there to be a strong response window and also response from lebanon. there will also be a response to the crime and 11 on yesterday. and today we are facing the disaster with the assassination of the martyr. commander, excuse me, is in the main, in the meanwhile, in israel, these tell of the residents via a sub escalation i wouldn't be surprised that they take out the tax towards
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television right now. and i think a lot of people are skeptical. would it be lead to that we don't want to prematurely be super happy and congratulated each other and see me. on the one hand, i want to be happy because teneo was a person they wanted to eliminate. and on the other hand, i completely cancel my plans for this morning. i wanted to go to the beach, but i don't feel safe. and it's a little scary to walk in the street. the many here believe israel is behind the assassination of on. yeah. is very officials have not yet confirmed any involvement. however, they have previously threatened to kill honey and other must lead us over the groups of october 7th attack from his route. on wednesday morning, a picture of from the brenda, with the wood eliminated appeared on his rails government pressed offices,
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social media channels, but it was quickly deleted. internationally. several countries expressed concern that the violence could escalade throughout the region. china and russia both condemned 10 years assassination. the us do not being aware or involved in the assassination of the i'm us leader with one small express, towed for diplomatic solution, and a ceasefire. is profoundly in the interest of trying to put things on a better path and not only and gaza, but actually throughout the region of to almost 300 days of fighting. it seems israel and how most a know closer to a deal to end facilities and bring the hostages home. our washington bureau chief in his pull told me the volume administration has been careful to distance itself from honey. his stuff. yeah, they did indeed, as we just do a secretary of state onto the blinking said that the united states were not aware
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the same. uh, it was being said by lloyd austin. uh, the defense secretary. uh so, you know, we called this is a huge topic here. in the united states because there are still a, the american hostages, held in gaza and binge. i mean, that's when y'all was being just visiting the united states, addressing congress and talking to joe biden as a sitting president in the form of president donald trump, promising that the close to a cease fire and close to a hosted steel. and of course, with this breaking news this morning when america woke up to this breaking news, the hosted steel at the free of the american hostages seems further away than ever . that is, of course, reason for concern, but how much concern is there about a degree of escalation resulting that would maybe even require us intervention of the, you know, we haven't heard from the white house yet. there will be
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a press conference later in the day. of course, there is concern, i think, the united states, she has the concerns with all the other countries around the world. also the ongoing olympic games of course, are debated here in this country. if uh, this might be a possible targets. so the big question is, of course, is there a need at some point for the united states to get involved? this is well, even further to defend is well even further because of to all the united states is the closest ally is road. but this comes at a time where this relationship, this is riley, is really discussed here because of the war and gaza. so we shall see how it involves and i'm sure the critical voices, real good. even a load louder over the next couple of hours and days here in the us. the your secretary of defense, lloyd austin,
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and is really defense minister your kalonde had a phone call moments ago. do we know what was that there? but like as soon as i said he sticks to the point that he was involved, he wasn't involved that he didn't have any detailed information, but we don't know anything jets if there are any plans of any pro, the involvement of the united states again, because you know we have to be very aware of this is just like less than a 100 days away from the us presidential election and the war in guys might be defining the outcome. so i'm sure that the bite in hot white house is very aware of that. and we'll shape his comments very, very carefully. that was our washington bureau chief as paul from atlanta there. thank you so much. and germany's foreign minister on the line of bad book, also called for restrained from leaders in the region this listing, or you didn't. so i don't the yet scanned
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a decision taken now could ease the situation to inflame it. further i verify again cool on all responsible parties, especially on iran, to use maximum restraint and to de escalate in the interests of the people in the region. and they mention in the us as well. he is death follows another significant development in the middle east. israel says in killed, a top has for commander in an air strike on the lebanese capital. bare root floods to curse body has been recovered from rubble of the building that was hit. israel blames him for a rocket attack that killed 12 young people in me is really controlled goal on heights. it was a question of when not if israel would retaliation after project of his a soccer field in my spouse, jones in the golan heights and killed 12 children and teenagers. israel blamed has
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the law and warranted military group who would pay a heavy price. israel's response was a rare air strike on the outskirts of a roof. lebanon's health ministry said the attack killed at least one woman and 2 children, and wounded dozens. he's really made a tree, says the strike was targeted and killed the top heads block commander to add true core for true cor. was the right hand man to cross on the throttle feasible as leader. and he's the advisor in planning and directing attacks and operations in the united states. the sugar orchestration of the 1983 bombing of the us marine barracks and bait roof, which killed $241.00 u. s. military personnel on the put a bounty of $5000000.00 on his head. he's been one of the groups leading military figures since it was established by rounds revolution regards more than the 4
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decades ago. after the israel home, us more bro, guys in october, 7 to cool was accused by israel of being behind many of the drone and missed out of the tax that has block carrier dyers against israel. if israel's claim proves true, soccer will be the most senior heads block commander to be killed since 2016. when most of a badger, the in the groups military commander and syria died in an explosion in damascus. the strike is threatened to escalate hostilities between israel and has the law as a time when tensions are already running halls. the u. n. is urging come fearful that the region could be on the brink of a wider war. and a reminder of our top story says accuse israel of assassinating its political leader in iran is male who may and his body guard were killed while he was and tear on for the swearing in of the new arabian presidents. no one has admitted carrying out the attack, although israel has previously bound to kill
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a massive leaders. and that's our time. thank you so much for your company. the
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or some people say it's like, how would i go? so i woke up paradise, a train mind off the beaten track. take a caribbean adventure to which a star ex sugar cane try meet fascinating people and get a glimpse into the pulse. kids scenic right away. on d w,
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the drilling innovation, there's a palestinian and driven on we don't expect much living with a bare minimum without civil rights and with no trust. this is not a good environment. yeah, no, no, my children and favorite shadow starts oldest good. on the w the
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mm hm. okay. uh he this hudson to uh, amazing grace, one of the world's best known him. however, not many people know the place that contributed greatly to its creation, the caribbean, the islands of st. kitts. together with the neighbouring islands of nevis is one of the smallest country in the world. uh,
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the country is part of the west indies islands chain. people from africa were taken here in slaves and post colonial mazda most work, tavis thing, sugarcane, and many of the buildings on the islands carry this magazine train that once carried sure, they came to the mills, now takes visitors on a voyage of discovery. the
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over a quarter of the approximately $53000.00 citizens. nathan, the capital passed down on the southern tip of the island of saint kent. not cruise ships. oh said documents, port switching the ceiling and flip flops between french and british rule. and it became independence in 1983 and a capital downtown. what's next? this turbulent history independent square is a special place so many including musicians like christian come out. and nathaniel, make a music here at independence square is one that fills me with such a joy and pride as a kick, a vision in the same place, with my eyes that says, would have been sold because it was
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a slave market with per cents. what block over on the trans atlantic train would come and they would be auctioned off to the, the, the, the mass is at that time founded that on yours, i was the music has always played an important role in people's lives in st. kitts . the music is they have visa society populations that came up from west africa. there were mixed stuff. so it's not everybody coming in from one place so beautiful. you know, with that, not everybody coming in from just as soon as 5 and is not everybody just coming in from the little bugs. and so how do we have all of those languages and those cultures and how do we make it work for people? and it's from that kind of resilience needs that we have cultural tradition, life for the
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one of defense on his pause. and it was a play as thoughts on the amounts of talk. and these are referring to the master, the donkey. we speak about our feelings to ask because my assets say you just have to put a good think like the man the of the narrow gauge railroad is also part of the turbulent history of st. kitts safety is important to engineer st class and it takes a 2nd low catch critical components before passengers board a very, very important thing for to the next year. so i lot of things that you know, going over those since we've been going over the piece, the stuff i lot of action,
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the biggest problem in on the chains is sometimes when the local made it more, they get class, it is across the way here when it when it makes a lot of noise down here. so it's difficult for us to know if it's going to fall off uh anything. so john, i call it risk big risk facts and we'll say why stay field takes the precaution of accompanying the train in his truck, but it's of thank you a victory and do in thank you. as i'm a problem like a story. say top, it's up. you the topic got it to come by and i hope that that's what people look it up in the community joining the time. she's going to another jump to the gate is along
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the open. it's indicated that highlight 200 feet. your company in suffolk will step in let me see how the pricing goes on some of the security software over there. make sure nothing happens. so that's why the, the the railway was built over a century ago. it crosses the line and it was built to bring should the change the middle was ends processing plants, invest in the railway is now known as the st. kitts scenic railway and as often passenger traffic for the past 20 years. the most common passengers are a cruise ship. taurus joins
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a 3 hour trip around the island in gently rocking train cause engineer some command philip knows the route, his train both his gentle driving style stay field truck support. help him keep the train on its narrow tracks. the trip passes form of sugar, plantations, and salt conic mountain landscapes. wonderful views of the atlantics waves can be seen again and again. your stock goes down so much. don, it's in the field for less taylor looks and after a very special and presidents of st. kitts, the turtles, neva x on the beach. yeah,
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this is endangered in fi on the just kimberly stuart tests that's helping organization to protect them. so any i was in the office taina has changed sides. the apple as was a sea turtle fisher previously us. and we built our relationship or research working when he was working doctor, the district stopped me to tell me the secret i'm to go. so we have to do something to save this piece. we must do that. we must, the must have got to do that. save, did univision of you to see have you meant to meet with one's consented to delicacy, but this pc says now protected kimberly stewart to monetize type of populations
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with veterinary met. some student groups from ross university on the same kit, a reset, which means the account is very challenging. it's a very intense physical challenge. so we have a group of team members that are spiders, so they're only snorkeling and and when they see the turtle, they'll raise their hands. and then we have some that are trained as free divers. so when they see the handle up, then they'll go in and distract cause her to the sea turtle reset. she's team one, the dates, the researches management account, and try to send an exam in mission and market research back into it quickly as possible. the
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always happy to see them take off and try to get away from us and get back to where they belong. the good feeling, the scenic railway chunks along the eastern side of the islands of the source of being the islands, bread and butter. and since sugar productions stops complete plates around the cell and have this millennium winston space that explains how the importance of raising vegetables became clear to people during the corona pandemic. he grows sweet potatoes and other crops. now as long as the image of all is being available to survive,
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one from extra on the look at the copy of the past. ramos couldn't, you know, is that the other way then another month of input for we'd be hungry. i don't mean to be one of these guys to have, you know, fully photos on i'm taking it onto this fiber, the domains, the chrome winston season on this friends want to keep home productions a nice today then making campaign a typical west indian dish eaten traditionally around who still on the st. the dish includes sweet potatoes and corn meal, as well as some ingredients from the wild. coconut elephants here, i'm dried banana, leaves, moistened in the river. this
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new is a part of closer to see about this. gotta you gotta be very awkward not to leave in your of the note may extend them and then she'll go gives the porridge of grated sweet potatoes and sla, its flavor is as much as a good fit for the battery. if you're tied to the ability to get money for you, who you would need is for did this a regular the next day? still feeling? all right? doesn't tell there's gonna be gone. so we always make sure, almost every household would make on a nearby ridge. there with a, with a nearby,
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but everybody's either gone on other by their meticulous elephants, even been on the lease ramps on deaton is good. every one has its own but this one the, the train is crossing the list. it's for impressive bridges on the east side of the island. the st kitts railway has its own definition of speed. they're not slow. we just it's a 4 wheel locks and have a drink. before i say it's like punches, but i'm excited to see i for myself and the guest we
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saw was from here the no one knows how big the sugar cane plantation was. the former processing sites not decaying because his services as a crossing god and truck driver on needed at the moment. they failed to lock in said shows us one of the few places on the island where the plumb still grows. after launch, that's made colonial slave owners wealthy. welcome to rome, the man of the maurice widows soon acquired the form of transportation house more than 50 years ago. i lived in the account. it is because it's beautiful. but i wanted to
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be surrounded by this beauty on a daily basis. and that's why i eventually fall from the amount of it takes all the boxes. the junction essential history has also send people the business man's curiosity. the matter is not to magnificent. at the 1st, it's a modest home, but it was the 1st private home built in 1625 by some jefferson, who was the 1st color of this island. so his place in history is to the remarkable he's converted sugar plant into a place for producing autistic and an easy and not take fabrics. the quality of this is great. at least the cat looks like a cat this time,
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so it's really good kind of bread fruit. but on those final, i'm to say the of the also interested in the history of the in slaves. people who worked here the, what i know about them is that they contribute to the farm. all the people seem to recognize and understand. i mean, i'm looking at long haired gentleman who is a cooper. now, cooper is the amount that makes barrels a highly skilled task by my 2 adult who is a descendant of slavery. i feel that there's nothing i can do to change the past, but i have in mind, ever since i've tried to change the future i style to employ in
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women is a better offer and they will get you can create your own style, the design and the fabric and i also like working with my head make it simpler because this is my job. this is where i get my living income source of income. so it's very important to us. it's life. so you would see the
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same class and it uses the train as a dizzying lehigh branch is on the syndicates east coast. meanwhile, steve phillips clock speeds the head to the next crossing the the st. kitts doesn't say the common caribbean cliche sky king black rocks dominates the islands image rather than snow white beaches. streams of lava that flowed into the sea more than 2000 years ago have left us stony reminder of the
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islands volcanic origin. the mountains, 9 mega is 1156 meters tools and dominates the northern parts of feeling that a trail leads to the top of the extinct volcano, which is also known as mountains, missouri. the screens. it's monkeys, if it presents in the rain forest such st. kitts the primates came aboard slave ships from west africa until being multiplying since the
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state field top speeds up to beat the train to the most crossing the way to the place where at crossing buria. one of us was the guy running out of my system. we have a $50000.00 so we can fix it over the fortunately, his truck can also be used as a crossing gauge or the possible stretch of railroad engines in the northwest part of the island. the guests transferred to buses for the trip down the west coast. the today was move,
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the one was not harassing i. i use either one the, the route used to continue here. nissan. the point, the 2nd largest town on the line and the emission section of the ran ways now use the stands for a hash. uh huh. she's a type of scavenger hunt popular with the residence of visitors to sing kits and like the rules are easy, says percival hanley is preparing for the event with friends. when you find a sub to with adult into center, that's what you call a check point. a check point means that you check all the available paths to find out where the tree is actually going. and therefore, if it goes to these 2 dots and an x like we have here, that means is
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a forestry. it turned back and go, look again. if you find a 3 successive dots in a particular direction, that's the right trees you showed back to everybody on on know it was come on hushing stuff in malaysia. lucky to 19 fifties. and it was a guy who was on a fit and decided to weld and exercise. and so his friends noticed that he was getting slimmer and sort of decided, why don't you dream? can we do the same? he said yes, but because he's fitter than them. he decided he was that a trail that they kind of follow and they had to try to catch you at the size of the tradition of the hash symbol henley's real job is taking care of the cultural assets of st. kitts. this is called child support. this was the
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defense for the port of sandy point. we have is important because this was the british capital. however, in 1692 was over on by the french in order to get the 4 facts. the british looked up and saw that he was decided, if we play some cannons up there, we can shoot down on the fringe and get them out to be done. and it was successful . and so brilliant than it was on the again and again the fringe, trying to stone the him. the conflicts with the french went on until 1782 to the british continually expanded the fortress, making it into an me. tenants were both best in the complex is now you ness, goodwill cultural heritage sites as manager of the monuments festival. henley's
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haralson, the, it's where i work, but some people say it's like power dice. you know, so i woke up hours. yeah, you can come here and just relax and funny enough, i'll do it. so please a war you'd be at peace. this ford was compared to the rock of gibraltar because of its impact the village. and therefore, it was considered to be that you brought it to the curb you any ships that was known. we're monitored by the 4th, understood with any of the ships that'd be shot at nave ship's captain john newton's is said to stop 10. nathan reforms and went on to rights amazing grace, the season is coming to expense for the st. kitts scenic railway and the competitive needs attention. we have a lot of work to do on this one is so well and has to be done. so
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i just didn't have to make so this one we give him, i do work in our remote time, given my with the tow truck is eventually cold in the finance and thanks for your time. don't have any time to diversions like the hash good afternoon everyone. welcome to run number 447. why of the train rose towards the makeover in the workshop. some of its passengers take part in discussing john brimstone hilde fortress in sandy point the
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the, the
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they want to make is the dream of in house come true. the best way to do is stress new homes with plate or renovate old buildings in st resources. there's nothing wrong with it because why not? i'm the house of bill sustain of me a construction revenues in 75 minutes on d w. the
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love and respect the welcome to ask the w on your tv for live streaming on youtube as well. um the conflict and this is a program where we want to hear from you your questions, your comments. today we're talking about the assassination. 6 from us as a political leader is mohammed, and what it means for the middle east, around the revolutionary guard, says media was killed in a free don error strike on his residence in the ring and capital. the attack came just hours after he attended the non duration of vermont's new president. in toronto, there has been no claim of responsibility, but iran and from us both lane israel, iran. so for.


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