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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 31, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm CEST

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the the, this is the, the we news line from berlin, a warning from the prime minister of israel after the assassination of a month political liter. benjamin netanyahu does not confirmed israel, carried down, beard, striking pear run. but as those who attack his nation pay a heavy price around his vows the killing of these mailing me, i will not go unpunished. fears grow of a major escalation that the world reacts to honey is death around says it is duty bound to avenge the amount leaders killing audit story. the
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uncle, for at least welcome to the program. last political leader is melanie. it has been killed in the rainy and the capital tear on a mouse has accused israel of an assassination around the revolutionary guards says he and his body guard were killed while in pair run for the swearing in of the new a rainy and president. so far there has been no claim of responsibility. however, israel has in the past balance to kill me and other from us leaders. let's bring in our correspondence. rebecca rooters, andrew's phone for the latest. rebecca? nothing. yeah. who has given a statement. if you have any comments on honey, is that as well the call you see address the nation in hebrew, which has not back home. and these days he hasn't been speaking very regularly to the local press. but he did give this 5 minute address to the nation. he did not address this honey assess the assassination directly. but he did say of
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israel has delivered a crushing blow to randy and proxies in the last 24 hours a couple of days, for example. so you know, some of hinting asset, but definitely not addressing it directly. he, he said that israel was facing some very challenging days ahead and that they were prepared for any scenario. he spoke about a 3 front threat to talking about how mouse has blood and the who the rebels in yemen. he said that israel would exact a high price for any aggression against it, and that it was prepared for anything. but he also said that all the achievements of israel has been able to achieve and in the last month were attained only because he didn't give in. know, these ready goldman didn't give in. so really doubling down on, you know, some criticism that we've been seeing from opposition, certainly from hostage families and from a growing number of people in israel, the internet and young hasn't been doing enough to try to get a deal,
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a hostage. do a negotiated sort of settlement or even climbing down from the military aims that they have clung on to that they will completely eliminate him. us. he ended by saying we will fight and together we will win. iran has bound retaliation for the strike and it's capital. you've been out speaking to people in jerusalem today. how do they feel about the prospect of and a rainy and response? so it depends who you speak to, of course, but speaking to jewish is riley's in west jerusalem as i was today, most people were feeling relatively confident. they said that they fully expected retaliation and that they feel that as israel was ready for it most spoke about a and a retaliation to military targets. and they said that it was not a matter of is, but a matter of when and when use i went to many people on the palestinian side or east east jerusalem. many palestinians who didn't want to speak on camera. they were
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very fearful, but they also, i believe that a retaliation was on its way. rebecca rivers, many thanks. i or the raining government says a funeral service for is mail honey will be held and tear on before his body is taken. took a tar for burial. he was one of the best known figures in her last, forging ties with the groups. allies in the region is male hon. you agreed. he runs new president and what would be one of his last meetings? just hours after routine during the presidency and no direction, he and his body god, we killed in a strike on his residence in tears. at the time of his days, i knew was the political face of home of the militant islam mister group. it carried out the october 7th tierra attacks on israel. from us spies is killed around 1200 people and took more than 250 of its hostage, nearly half of whom still health and johnson. i knew i had not lived in gaza for
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several years, but ran home us from kata where he lived in exile. born near a guy's assist you base, you g can the 62 year old was a child of palestinian refugees from the village of alger? yeah, osh cologne, he joined him us when it was founded in 1987 and was arrested in jail by israel during the 1st intifada, the uprising against is randy occupation. a new was exiled to live and on. but he returned to guns the following. the 1993 was load please, the code he became the palestinian prime minister in 2006, and continued to rise through how mazda is rang, eventually becoming its political chief and 2017. mazda is gaza, lead. uh yes, yes. and what is believe to have been the mazda mind of the october 7th, the tx, a neo, was seen as a more moderate pulse, and him,
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us of his last several of his own family members. and is really a tax on gaza, which have killed nearly $40000.00 people since being 3 of her knee is sons. and 4 of his grand children were killed in a pro. at the time nea insisted the dates with not a fix on going ceasefire and hostage told me represented homeless internationally and moved around the region for diplomatic meetings. he was a key player in negotiations to stop the fighting and gaza. some fia, his killing will be a major sit back and achieving pace in the region. and he is deaf as further raising fears of a wide or regional conflict, global leaders or warning against any escalation that could leads to an all out or many palestinians. and israelis are now nervous about what might happen next. many
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shops stayed closed on wednesday in jerusalem's old town. the same was true in ramallah and in many of the towns across the west bank palestinian groups called for a general striking demonstrations of the killing of from us as politically that is male hon the overnight into around and to strike on the has the bullet come on the inmate root us about i consider what happened didn't around to be a conspiracy he met with the raining president and diamond is really a talk. help them develop nonwhite glove, rob. we'd be a response to the assassination. i expect there to be a strong response window and also response from 11 on and then it will also be a response to the crime and 11 on yesterday in bid bid. today, we are facing the disaster with the assassination of the martyr. commander, excuse me, is on the main, on the meanwhile, in israel,
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these 10 of the residents feel a further escalation. i wouldn't be surprised that they take out an attack towards television right now. and i think a lot of people are skeptical. would it be lead to that we don't want to prematurely be super happy and congratulated each other. the we thought about on the one hand, i want to be happy because tenea was the person they wanted to eliminate. and on the other hand, i completely canceled my plans for this morning. i wanted to go to the beach, but i don't feel safe and it's a little scary to walk in the straight case. many here, believe israel is behind the assassination of fun. yeah. is very officials have not yet confirmed any involvement. however, they have previously threatened to kill honey and other mouse leaders over the groups of october 7th attack from his route on wednesday morning. a picture of any
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uh, blended with the wood eliminated, appeared on his rail as government pressed offices, social media channels, but it was quickly deleted. internationally. several countries expressed concern that the violence could escalade throughout the region. china and russia both condemned 10 years assassination. the us do not being aware or involved in the assassination of time. us leader with one small expressed hope for diplomatic solution and a ceasefire is profoundly in the interest of trying to put things on a better path, not only and gaza, but actually throughout the region. of to almost $300.00 days of fighting. it seems israel and how most a know closer to a deal to end facilities and bring the hostages home and dw reporters, stuff and simons joins me now from san diego in the us and stuff around blames both
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the united states and israel for honey is killing what is washington's response to these accusations? well, to sum it up, it is washington sums it up as this is a major blow for a ron. a real embarrassment, a successful israel and benjamin that's in, you know, a huge problem for home us major blow and a significant headache for the united states. now, secretary of state anthony, blinking said loud and clear that the us had no knowledge previous knowledge of this operation. or a tech and didn't know anything about it and was of course not involved. that is important for the us officials to stress bought as expected. iran is holding the u . s. site and u. s. or states in america are responsible. as for the iranians, the us and israel is kind of the same thing. now, how do the politicians here react cautiously?
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because nobody, nobody wants to see the middle east or the northern is really border with live on, on become more of a power attack as it already is. at least that's the official version. right now you talk about this fear of a wider war resulting from these escalating tensions and for quite some time. now there happened calls for joe by and took certain more pressure on benjamin that you know not on that front. but of course, also on what is happening in gaza now that we're faced with the prospect of around wanting to respond to this in some way and then a fit for jobs coming out of that. is that something that we're likely to see, you know, maybe not openly because israel is also not not claimed this attack, but behind close towards the read here the rest. there's no doubt that israel is behind this. i mean, nobody will tell you this officially, and of course, is there
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a we're not confirmed this, but that's kind of assumed by the nature of the attack and the logistical and operational finesse that must have been involved in pulling this kind of assassination or attack off however, i'm sure there are phone calls made and conversations had between the us officials say department white house and benjamin it's on yahoo! the prime minister's office in in, in jerusalem and israel a counter pods. lloyd austin, chief as well as the, the most important that you think, i think everybody, at least the problem i could talk to i'm trying to tell you, i know there is no other company to look. i'm a big help metric and health when you're breaking up, there is stuff and i'm really sorry,
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we'll have to leave it there and tell our viewers. i apologize. we hope to get more from stuff on in a future shows. but let's continue for now with germany's for a minister on elena bab, oak, who's also called for restrain from leaders in the region. you to insure items yet any decision taken now to the east, the situation to inflame it further? i verify again cool on all responsible parties, especially on iran to use maximum restraint and to de escalate in the interests of the people in the region. and they mention in the us and the look at some more developments and the is really help us conflict people across the islamic world have express sympathy and the anger over is male who me is killing warner's in karachi. you played afraid for this lane who mosse leader rally in yemen by around back to see rebels condemned the killing and vowed retaliation clerics and turkey held a symbolic funeral around
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a giant palestinian flag. and the united nation says palestinians detained by israel since the october 7th attacks have been tortured. no room for an elijah's water boarding and electric shocks have been used at also says israel is holding more than 9000 palestinians, some in secret, without access to lawyers. and a reminder of our top story today, homos has accused israel of assassinating as political leader in iran is male. he and his body guard were killed while in terror. ron's or the swearing in of the new or rainy and president. no one has admitted carrying out the attack, although israel has previously vowed to kill him on the that's all from the news for now, after the break of the w documentary, unsustainable construction, looks at how we can build in harmony with nature. brent golf. we'll have more news at the top in the next hour. thank you so much for your company. by
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the growing us interagency. as a palestinian and living alone, we don't expect much living with a bare minimum without civil rights and with no trust. this is not a good environment. yeah, no, not for my children. and favorite shadow stats oldest. good. on the w, i want to feel different natural materials and in a climate friendly way. so basically back, just try and claim about what
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a modern version home the willie pluck center shows x superintendents and it all feels very experimental, which could be a bit nerve wracking. we will be following holger folk and his wife counted over the course of the years they built the store house in the circles. building muslin from scratch is not an option. that goal is to be used materials and keep them in circulation. the oil is destroyed as long as the majority will be next thursday, the 65. um, if i'm annoyed with my sons method, it's not with him personally, but definitely with his method shown a see change just cold for a long sight, transportation. the building sector was the worst contributed to climate change, presenting a real challenge, scientists and experts who until recently didn't take alternative construction seriously. we used to laugh at people working with clay in store partners thinking
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it had nothing to do with real construction work involving concrete, old brick work or vision on recycle stuff. this, that was training type, but i'm not last thing about store and clay anymore. what's on the contrary shortly i'm getting to the . 6 it's december 2021. carol and holger full have left their old lives in noon, but behind i did for book and then australia close to the home. gary in bold, near the city drops, is where they want to realize that long time dream is building a stroll house. the, it's a place that attract stressed out view. nice germans. i like looking to leave a tool behind for a small piece of haven't but that's plenty of space and affordable less
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the beautiful and silver plant, little trees over their scales, individual wood. it's finally our track. we've been entered into the land registry . yet here we're practically standing in what will be our house built from bales of straw much, but the walls that is as it is tool button when you've in the on with a wooden roof construction construct. that was the tricky part. so i'm how to support the roof. i'm just a late person. i'm happy to have to stay in the design of my own house and i most importantly up it has to hold for, couldn't understood what soldiers couldn't assisting his 1st completed separately store building workshops. and now they want to build both around guest house and the main house doing much the work themselves. the start of construction. and the biggest challenge was only 2 months away. if i get all the permits that days, that temporary home nearby also serves a storage for used windows and doors,
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which they collect 3 use for the sake of the climate. the best savings will cover the costs of the guest house, but how well proceed off to that is on clear. let's put this as a colorado because taking a break from a drum is a photographer. well, home continues to work as an i t specialist. so i have to, yeah, it doesn't look like designed a lot of the building themselves with consultation from a store, pay, lex puts, and then architect. the moment of truth is approaching the couple we'll present that plans to the mayor of the municipality. they don't want to be connected to the sewage system in the home country, jim, and that would be impossible. oh, good afternoon. hello, welcome to our community. it's a negative project. it's gotten bigger, but nothing astronomical. so so if you want to talk us through it, carl, your estimates, i would say in colorado and then we'll have clay walls and size and plaster them
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ourselves to put some services page commenting in my childhood home. we had a small wind set that we made with clay and strong name michelle motors, and that's an experience, but i'll never forget sonya joe on the bus. most of the sudden facilitation is and what we've come up with in terms of wastewater technology. it's a circulation system into this is for our gray water plant base purification system . and for our blackwater, our 12 sewage and we use compost toilet. so the compost toilet is also send home the small, so it's basically a closed system for my pc that will be a fast around here. here is the, this is the hood lecture time today from 2021. so i'll take a sparkling wine, not that big issue. the round straw bale house around stroll by on the
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it feels a bit like a now if you make use of right all the most offensive . we were a bit nervous to begin with. when the mayor made it clear that he shares our vision, felt like a dream, like miss. as as much would, i almost felt like crying as i told him that good so beautiful. just inviting. i'm from the for sure. knew they are blissfully ignorant about the real obstacles that are yet to come just to 2 hours drive to the south in slovenia. the topic of sustainable construction has another person, 5 of us in germany. the housing shortage in climate crisis has to be tackled single time yesterday in the post. you can solve the and bulk and country. but with less results this, many old houses are in need of renovation. and that being replaced by cheat the buildings on dry feet, a check please. the best maloney make mattress was he's an activist against the
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throwaway culture. i just found that an association to fight against it, though, in his opinion, the many dilapidated family homes in slovenia should be part of the solution. does this, could i just put this thing the, that this 70000 houses, but only one person lives on 200 scroll to meet this. so the you said they all of a go housing to down the rates. these old houses and the guests 2 houses out of one house. the n c y started to set a good example right way girl. that's why the last farm insurance is located, use baltic and wants to renovated in the meantime. he wants to live in a pop up house from the south. shed is also a positive construction project. all the materials used to be recycled as far as possible in order to save resources in slovenia, building houses as
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a family of fat. together with his father out of andre, create some material. the materials found so that they can be treated as recyclable materials rolled on waste in the future. even the pop up house from nasa, which will accommodate to him during is spoken by cation because the construction period is also known here is to be reused off to which so the different types of was utilized. this construction is assembled to be this assembly plant that effect . why that story itself, all of them? well, the 1st thing we have to this understand is the 3 lives and time of climate change . so basically for one to 10 or funded to fly for have to change absolutely only thing or the underlying systems. and this is a project which means that i have to reach these, these goals. initially he didn't plan to leave the old farm. standing as i did was to replace it for the wooden house that could be easily dismantled. to save waste
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from other outbuildings which be created from the demolition material, which would also be free for the taking for everyone in the neighborhood even received the barrel house price of the european union for the design with the prospect of getting funding the basically we just sort of like the cost of the costs and from the available material as being the 1st letter the at the beginning . how is that? would it be attached to the new 0? this house would be designed to be the system between like. 2 positive side or something, but things turned out differently. beautiful to smooth tools in the sales contract regarding the construction of the road on his property. i just thought it would be the end phase price. and obviously anything to do because this one's more than oh it's that was here for 25 years. i'm getting. so shut the billing me. and can you just i'm go to any collective stuff.
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but then i started thinking, i mean, i'm trying to create a 0 is cost and we thought we are losing that as either as cost or that understands . so i was like, it's the, the classic of, you know, the 1st step of yours is you're trying to keep it like uh, in your support as long as possible. i. so he decided to try renovation instead of demolition. he was allowed to keep the prize but faced new challenges on the ground floor. 60 send to meet just pick walls of recruiting solution between the never inhabited attic. the wind blows right through the cracks is the substance of the beams still good enough? i mean, it doesn't look much well, but the scene does like function potential issue. although it's going to be a lot of work and will he be able to afford the expensive renovation with the loan? he's already taken out
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the 1st thing you still got to this little slice off and was out, i think is cleared, then you can really inspect the entire destruction. if it still hasn't targeted to this is my biggest concern that if you're going to have to along the way, then the title of it is gonna cost so much that it took me about that isn't just the money to hold a house. i'm trying sites to have the old building materials tardy, inspected, well cleaning taste vision of keeping the building materials in circulation as long as possible just like the rain water, which he wants to connect and treat the columns of the old farm should also be open to everyone in the village like naples finally, congrats check that all the pension still remembers the place from the days of yugoslavia when everyone used to meet andre wants to revive the spirit the pots, us panic,
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i think of and rice plans. yes. is up. it could be your mind for all things ecological organic, and no way that i should be to school. that's what my generation you any way without having those labels in law. we didn't have so many materials by that. so and everything and on and was done without pesticides and chemist calls us, it was born is getting to the send that all and on this fennic, i appreciate hundreds commitment to the come and he's taking a considerable personal risk with his renovation projects. if just 20 percent of the old themes that be on saving the roof structure would have to be completely replaced back. but people don't. these names, what isn't fuse? he has them, his own diminished. if it goes with his either raised high energy, you'll see that the best thing to do is to anything that comes with it. it goes
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into a shave that they are. there's nothing wrong with all the causes. why not update that and give it to new life for the new address, the original idea as files that finally i actually helped him to move forward. in the end, it made him realize that renovating just the most sustainable form of construction it's a realization for this funding, growing support in the academic community as part of a student competition. supervised by architecture, professor annette taylor brown, foreman, nice factory, native of the top is to be renovated. she sees the approximate between 200000000 buildings in germany. housing 28000000 tons of materials. doesn't show it, can take store house. huge amounts of energy were consumed in the production process alone. so why don't use this some cold gray energy
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remember that in to why is covered in play? i think the building material is good. all of this is load bearing brick. quite, quite sick. and then you have these great ceilings here, toys partially with hanging wires to support a suspended ceiling. i would leave this free because it looks nice as the shrewdness on closer inspection the buildings and vents where he is like a treasure waiting to be on a with the construction sector following what flu shots and its climate targets. one way to avoid emissions would be to keep the results in circulation together with other experts. annette hildebrand has complained for demolition moratorium denouncing the climate damaging practice of demolition visits and here's no, it doesn't look good both of us and nothing much. what's the, the only reason we're still able to sit down this old building is because it is a listening to otherwise it would probably have been demolished long ago. paul exploratorium on demolition as a way of saying that we need prioritize the existing buildings such as mid level
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has been demolished and fond to early best and wanted to compare that even the best of them you highly insulated building yet still small c o 2. then a 40 benefit to the existing buildings, not so. and if you know that on the current really being safe or thing construction with what was on the, it's now need to back in book, in the construction of the guest house has become cairo and home been able to recruit one of history's store building experts with cuba and international crew is about to begin with the ultimate challenge of the trade load bearing store by all construction. but since a house like this isn't exactly pre fabricated, permits are only given on a case by case basis. yeah, the building blocks, a compressed store biles, holes are plucked, rooms are adapt.


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