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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 31, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is the w news live and from berlin tonight, a warning from israel meant for iran. any aggression against us, it will come with a heavy price for you. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu is remaining silent about the death of a key, arranging an ally in top from us leader early this morning and tell you wrong, you're wrong, is way me. israel for assassinating is mail honey and his spelling to take revenge . all of this happening just hours after and is really striking 11 on the killed a senior hezbollah commander. israel blames him for a walk and attack that killed 12 young people in the occupied go on hides last weekend. and all of this adding the fears of
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a wider war in the middle east. united states tonight saying that a ceasefire between israel and tomas in gaza is still possible. the i'm regards to our viewers watching on cbs in the united states. and to all of you around the world, welcome. but we begin tonight with the escalating crisis in the middle east. iran and how mos are choosing is real of assassinating how mazda is top. political leader is my own media. they say wednesdays. pre dawn here striking the uranium capital t, ron will not good one punished hard wine protestors took to the streets, vowing revenge, denouncing israel and the united states. so israel has not admitted to being involved, but it has said that it killed a mazda commander. here's the commander rather,
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and they route both killings have raised concerned over a wider regional conflict. you know, mean not very challenging. days ahead of us since the attack and by route threatens have been heard from all sides enough. well, we are prepared for any scenario and we will stand united undetermined against any threat as well, but exact a heavy price. so any aggression against us on any front we've actually well, is really a prime minister benjamin isn't yahoo? well, not addressing the reigning attack said that there would be severe consequences for anyone to attacks. his nation is mad, he agreed surrounds new president. and what would be one of his last meetings? just i was off to attending the president's integration. he and his body guard were killed in the strike on his residence in tehran. nia was the political face of hamas. the militant islam is to boot that carried out via october
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7th terror attacks on israel. nia had not lived in guns or for several years, but ron, how must from cut to where he lived in exile, he became the palestinian prime minister in 2006, and continued to rise through how mazda is ranks eventually becoming its political chief in 2017 mazda is gone and lead y'all, he, us in law is believed to be the most the minds of the october 7th. the tax was near represented. how much internationally and moved around the region, the diplomatic meetings, as he was a key player in negotiations to stop the fighting in gaza. some via he's killing will be a may just set back to achieving peace in the region. need his death pain just i was off to israel said it killed celia. hezbollah, come on. the ford screwed in,
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they would be attacked, also kills at least one woman and 2 children. and we did thousands israel says it targeted. sure. good. in retaliation for a rookie to attack on us soccer field in the is rainy, occupied golan heights. the cube 12 children and teenagers is well blamed his blood and wound the military route. it would pay a heavy price. sure food had being one of his beloved, needing military figures since it was established by iran, revolutionary god, move in 4 decades ago after the israel, how much will broke out on october 7th, so quoted was accused by his right of being behind many of the drone and me saw the tax that his belie loans, diggins israel. so food is the most senior, has block amanda to be to since 2016 when most of our bud readied the groups minute
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3, come on, the in syria, died in an explosion in damascus. i believe this via the depth of to see me and he does of is around the greatest enemies when tensions were ready at boiling point could now from an old out regional bowl. oh, our correspond to rebecca readers. she's in jerusalem and she has more now on the statement that was given to these really people earlier this evening by benjamin. that's in. yeah. as well. yes, of course he, he addressed the nation a short while ago with a very short address around about 5 minutes in which he did not directly mention that the, the assassination of israel, honey it. but that's, of course, no surprises round has a long history of not commenting on these targeted. assess the nations is very unlikely that we will hear official confirmation from the is right is at any point . but he did sort of note to it. he said that is around head deliberate,
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a crushing blow to iran, proxies and racing days. so the signaling there that there was multiple blows. he said that is all is facing very challenging days ahead, but that they were prepared for any scenario. he mentioned, you know, threats coming from 3 fronts that may have most of his beloved and the hooters in him. and, but he said that israel would be prepared for all scenarios. he said that anybody who threatens is around in any way would exact a very high price. and he also went on to talk about achievements, israel's achievements throughout the last months, which he said would not have been. it would not have been possible, had he given up to public, giving into public pressure and quit the military activity that has been the israel has been undertaking. he finished that address by saying we will fight and together we were wins. and rebecca, we know this is mail him the a he, he was a,
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a key figure in the negotiations regarding a possible ceasefire between him us and is re also with his death. where does that leave the idea of as each by a low cost, that is a huge concern. not just for his riley's across the country, a family members of course of the hostages who were desperately hoping for that c 5 deals so that their loved ones couldn't be returned. but it's also warring for the united states a and we heard as well from a mouse official speaking, and tyrone who said that they had been close to a deal, but pretty much hinting to the fact that no more negotiations would be taking place during this time. now the us have come out to say that they believed that negotiations are still the best way forward and that they still possible as saying that israel is still prepared to continue negotiating. but whether or not they have a partner on the other side, as you say, is male honey. and you're being a very key central figure in those negotiations and considered somewhat of perhaps
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more moderate than some of the other most come on does namely yes, yes, in want and gaza. so, you know, without him being able to play a part and these role they've got katasha and egypt k negotiating teams as well, along with the us coming out saying that, you know, this, obviously the situation that we're facing can make it very difficult to continue any negotiations and make it unlikely that have my sort of grace. so that's a very, very difficult days ahead. we'll just have to see what happens in, in the coming hours and days. it'd be, it's rebecca raters with the ladies from jerusalem to night. but becca, thank you to brian control. this is with the middle east institute in washington. i asked him how close we are now to enroll out more in the middle east. i think we're quite close, but we've been there for quite some time. and some would argue that there is a regional conflict that's already happening, got that lucy's and young. and that have been attacking not just shipping in the red sea for months, but also it is real with some rockets. you've got
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a reading back militias in both iraq and syria threatened in the united states as well as israel. and then there's these tit for tat exchanges because the law that have escalated in part because of this incident last saturday. so in some sense, the word is already become regional. it's something that the by the administration has tried to avoid. and even with these 2 dramatic strikes by israel, the one in the room, the one in hair on it remains an open question of whether or not is real is any closer to restore in some semblance of strategic strategic deterrence. it seems not . and the united states, unfortunately, i think, looks largely like a bystander these days, 2 events that are driven mostly by actors in the region that have more of an interest in using violence to advance their means bend diplomacy. at this point, what did you make today with the us secretary of state? it said that the us had no knowledge or involvement of the, the killing of the her moss leader mean,
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does that tell us that american influence over is real, is a new make at best right now as well? it's always been that because this real leaders are going to respond to 2 main things, the security conditions, they feel their country faces. and then 2nd, the political pressures domestically that they get from their constituencies related to security and other dynamics. so us, us leverage over as real, as we've seen in this debate over the cause of war, is often overstated in debates here in washington and america and europe. but israel is going to set its objectives in a, in a clear way. now that the challenge here is that i think that yahoo, in his own way looks weekends, honorable he didn't prevented october 7th attacks. his country's being attacked on a daily basis. you can't get the hostages home yet through this diplomacy and the diplomacy for a cease fire deal seems to me to be a bit further away from relation after the strikes. so this poses
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a dilemma also for the israeli leadership. the simple fact that they've not been able to improve their, their own security conditions. but would you agree with me that when the drums of war in israel continue to sound, that is, that's a insurance policy. if you will for nothing, yahoo that the t will remain in power and that's what he wants as well. and that's part of that. i mean, the big thing that's keeping that yahoo and powers israel's own internal divisions . and they've got a very complex political system in yahoo himself is probably the most unpopular leader, the system of israel as seen in a long while. but now they've connected, has gone into some sort of recess for a while. it seems like he's just standing himself. i doubt, you know, the problem with that yahoo is that he does not have from my vantage point, a clear vision. it's realistic about how to protect is barely came here to
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washington last week and gave a speech that sounded like fantasy lance, a middle east, that i don't hear when i go to the region. no one's going to sign up for his vision for a regional coalition. to go after a ron or his conception of a post war guides, a situation that does not include a state of palestine. so in some ways, you know, he presents a vision that maybe he thinks is realistic, but his delusional to most of his neighbors. brian control is senior fellow in the middle east institute in washington dc because we appreciate your time in your analysis tonight. thank you. great, thank you. this one is the fellow citizens march the through westbank cities. today in the wake of is my own and he is killing their anger was reflected in rallies across the region. well, israel's allies urged all sides against escalating this conflict into a wide or more open support. for hallmarks, leadership is bad interim a lot,
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but now people are angry about the death of its quality. can lead to move ahead and reject the assassination of each man. here on the strike convey route, which was in the discuss anything his lead is, according to these things are expected and this is the norm of the people. what is the, what's the, has the feeling they'll find e a has been condemned across the board and beyond the threes in lebanon, human focused on intent on heat ons. leadership has about 2 events on neos dead. israel should get a crushing response because it is neither a peacemaker. no, a negotiator considers itself superior to everyone and considered as only
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its own interests. only by the way, it's heartbreaking for us and it was about guess it was mounted into our room on our soil. it's very sad. the strike has brought into a national cause for restraint to avoid further escalation. you didn't, so i don't t yet. any decision taken now could ease the situation or inflame it further. it is therefore, again, cool in responsible parties, especially on iran, to use maximum restraint and to de escalate in the interests of the people in the region. and the mention in the your is right believes it has inflicted crushing blows to eat ons, proxies, tomas and his beloved and sees it will respond forcefully to any attack. i asked a journalist or e mail, go hurry,
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and they route how hezbollah might respond to the assassination of its command. well, that's the big question. this should be wary of all the nice window. austin. what was it with his bullet now to it? then what we'd be, the answer is right, there's a v c or to be entered into a spiral of escalations is never done in the middle. and when you see in the text yesterday on the actual cook, this really terry camacho from spoiler, you could argue that this was a military target. and this was in this really photos. was this the, the rules of engagement between this is a lot in the israeli army military targets for a military target. that means of, according to this logic, that is one of we looked for another military targets, but may not be in the, in the area, but see button settings, right? because this attack was, of course,
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in the woods positive before the area and the patient is the desk of the politically, the ice for an idea. there might be a completely new replacement. yeah, i was going to ask you, i mean in terms of the immediate future, i'm phase of his beloved and him last. they appear to be tied to night to what the leadership in t, ron decides. how do you see that? that's what i mean. what is see is that it is still the only that this was the beginning to come on the 1st bullet, but the bishop say is right. we have not only from different support, but also from the reading from device uses in gaming. and of course, from most pledges for an harsh answer know all this organizations and for course a sponsor by do it on in the same coin axis of existence. i guess this would put
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that on to nope, nope, that the and coordinate themselves on an offer. it to me to say maybe, but that's exactly what we might know that we, we have maybe some kinds of bonds so that this is the top. nope, we have all the sites we called you need the retail operations to find the answer that in the logic of all these groups is hard enough to deter it. is rain from so the operations just curious if the kinds we have seen it just to be nights. and of course, the trace of very dangerous situation. korea, we can only imagine what the level of shock must be in tehran. the fact that this air strikes was able to target one person to whom us leader successfully and kill him. that speaks to a massive, massive security failure, intelligence failure with in iran, what psychological impacts is that having or could that have on his bullet and it's
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leadership. i mean, that's a message. it basically for all this members, excess of the excess of resistance that they, when they go to it on the, to the people there they are. let's see. so i think this is one of the main visitors, right. journalist or e mails are hard with the latest from they root and 11 on tonight. the dream is always thank you or well, it runs today valve, take revenge for the killing of this my health and the, the assassination was a massive security breach. and a huge embarrassment for everyone's leaders and the retail you shannon could come in several different for the amount of them in my room, if as the what could of response from the run look like. and how far does take on really want to go? the tensions in the middle east were already high up to israel's assassination of hezbollah. as top commander felt you cool in by roads?
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both incidents have intensified caused by israel's enemies for retribution. but expert site, your on fleet is one to avoid a war with israel. and an outright attack seems highly unlikely, backed by the united states. israel has the minimal resources at the ready, including an army of some $170000.00 active duty soldiers. it also has an advanced air force with some $205.00 digits, plus the well tested and done rocket defense system. run could also ask its proxies in the region to step up their activities. hezbollah could launch a massive garage of missiles at israel, from 11 on similar to the one iran launched in april. that unprecedented attack of some 300000 drones, was largely repels. but some managed to penetrate beyond done system, causing damage inside the country. lost the us intelligence estimated that
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hezbollah has over $100000.00 rockets at the ready has the law could also carry out a strong called civilian targets within is riley territory. this isn't much less likely possibility, but a much more serious one. an attack of this kind would almost definitely lead to an even further escalation. bit of runs, retaliation weren't necessarily happen on his ready soil. aside from his blah 11 on the run backs a number of allied minutes in groups across them, at least in iraq, syria, casa, and in yemen. the test on is now already encouraging the islamic resistance and the rock. a coalition of the militias to step up its attacks on us targets there. after a month slip. com in the red sea gibbons who the rebels have been carrying out the tax on ships. it claims a link to israel since the beginning of the gas a conflict. the assassination of is male hon. the puts iran in
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a difficult position. how to respond the way which show strength and restores deterrence. but at the same time, avoid an old out bull with it. sworn enemy is real. going to be here in the studio is our chief international hedge of richard walker, richard littlest. let's talk her way through what is happening here. we've got is real claimant responsibility for the attack that took out the hezbollah commander. it has said nothing about the attack that took out a mouse leader that attacked the happened on it, really in soil. so what's, what's the message that is real cindy? yeah, so obviously it's occasion message because as you say these riley's adult, really talking about the attack on it's male, him, me a but it's obviously an open secret and i think there are multiple messages being sent. that on the one hand, of course the attack on the hezbollah commander in bainbridge was retaliation for
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this attack. then hit the golan heights just so the weekend with a dozen dozen casualties. so. so in a way that is a straightforward message of retaliation. but there are wide the messages here and the fact that they were able to target, i knew when he was in tat wrong, you know, so no matter where you go, you are not safe. if you attack us, we will attack you, you know, of course, any holding on the responsible for the october 7th, hardly responsible for, for those terrorist attacks that the launch this whole aspire to 5 or 5 minutes that we're going alone at the moment. but she was very worrying for a lot of people around the world which said for the europeans, for the americans with. and of course with the, for the region is also the message. the is rarely sending that is prepared to risk escalation. that it is that it is pushing on, and i think that is part of what makes this moment so unpredictable because now it's like a, a we entering back into
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a really dangerous escalates res borrow. cuz we, we can only imagine what the leaders in tehran was to be thinking right now because they, they have to feel incredibly vulnerable. and so what will their response be? will it be an extreme retaliatory act, or will they become paranoid in think that this is an excess didn't show threat all of a sudden they have to run from okay. the 1st thing we should say is that we don't know what the at, this is a very unpredictable situation, but it is incredibly embarrassing for it. wrong is mohammed. he was that guest. and the supreme lead to, i told him, and they said that, you know, pretty much straight out, the revenge was that duties that, that would be harsh punishment for as well. the killing would equal to guess, you know, home. so there is this sense of iran having lost face and we noticed that it happened that that happened on the day of the no duration of the new president. we had international degrees or a rep from outlook from from, you know, countries at least friendly with the wrong taking pos in that so, so it's
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a huge slap in the face for wake. is that the assumption physically, this been ongoing and i think this is, you know, we've seen evidence for this. the iran doesn't want to, for all that well with israel, with united states might come in one in which his beloved would have to be massively activated and might end up getting destroyed in the process of that. taking away in eroni and lever and in the region, iran, economies in big trouble is just going through a political transition with a new performance president coming into him. he has limited scope to effect policy, but very public. he wanted to trying new approach towards the west, so a lot of unpredictable things. they did it wrong today, i believe is real, but it also put the united states in that category and it's interesting. the state department today said the secretary of state said we had no knowledge, we were not aware of no involvement of the attack in tehran, so it makes you wonder how involved is the us really. and how much influence does
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the us really have over, is real? well, i think this yet again confronts the united states with the limits of its influence . you know, those comments from blinking of why they've been understood to show that the 7th degree of impotence. i mean, we just had benjamin netanyahu in washington last week, and z is riley's know very well that the us prime objective of this entire situation is to avoid further escalation to anything happening that could be interpreted escalade tree, i think is a great concern to the americans, the american public, he wanted these readies against targeting a route in retaliation for, for the golan heights attack these while these went ahead, ahead and targeted by a route and to the attack or on near the killing of fun. you really came out of the blue clearly taking the americans by surprise. so i think this shows the limitations uh, the limits of american influence on the netanyahu government,
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which has always been a problem for, for the americans being able to, especially as democrats, to be able to deal with him. but also now we have an election sees in the united states, have a lame duck president, have a great uncertainty about where the united states has heading up politically. so this sense of american weakness in this whole calculation could likely only grow for another time. what about the notion of the ceasefire between his really and gaza? is that just forgotten now? well, it's the categories, for instance, the angry. so they've been a key player and that a lot of those negotiations taking place in come to the, you know, they're saying, how can these well be serious about negotiations when is just killed? one of the key negotiate is on the i'm a side do you like the states currently has invoice and kinda it is saying we still believe in this process. we're not giving up on that. and i mean from within the as well, if you're a major optimist, you might say, well, is rails declared objective is the destruction of how much. so if you take out how
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much is political lead to, then israel could be seen as one step closer to that could that give for the school space ways wells and give concessions. but the flip side of that is, how much do i have less space for this? can that concessions richard? thank you. i to do what you need up your news after a short break. i'll be back to take you through the day. our coverage of the crisis in the middle east continues after that the
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they want to make is the dream of in house? come true. what's the best way to do is stress new homes with play or renovate old buildings in st resources. there's nothing wrong with it because why not from the house to feel sustainable? mean a construction revenues in for 5 minutes on d w. the
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shuttle. the key, more people than ever on the move involved in such a professional life on that bus. and so it does have the castle, the piano. is it going back on the car battery or something then that's okay. that's the nanda for nation one, bucks to the find out about robina story in for migraines, reliable news for migraines. wherever they may be. phenomena susie's concern. let us. uh, it's under some optical if you do us do a nazi from fighting. think history? remembering the crimes is especially important in germany. the box
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rejection of the topic is throwing class on the nation as default as mission i will transcribe and we because the 2 years fighting to remember the post recall. so this weekend on dw, the last week is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu stood before the us congress in washington . and put the regime in iran and its proxy fighters his bullet at abbas on notice. now it wasn't a declaration of war, but it was as close as it against the word ceasefire. it was not uttered, not even once since then to man his beloved commander and the political leader of hamas had been killed. iran, his blaming is real and vowing revenge us today said that it had no knowledge and no involvement in the killings. how is that possible? tonight? america's influence over it is real. it looks mighty weak,
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nothing. y'all whose ability to keep his word does not.


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