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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 1, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news life from berlin. iran vows revenge for the getting of almost to a smile, honey air. thousands gathered in that on to another man listed as a ton of wisdom. the west spots who many palestinian sol as a fighter for the cause is rarely is widely believed to be behind the assassination . less easily. i have confirmed that the kids, how mazda has made it really the, in a strike in gaza in july. my, my dave is thought to be one of the plan as of the october 7 attacks and international goals for com. droll off the tween attacks in lebanon. and iran, german foreign minister, but as disorders sales dw,
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that goal must be about it. the, i'm going to expand it, you're welcome. it on saves that is ready to be paid for the assassination of from mazda is top of that, that can lead to, is mild honey. a. he was killed in an ass strike in there on thousands gathered in there in the capital for a funeral, honoring the leader of the finest in party and committed to through from us on the air was also the chief negotiator and told him that reaching a cease fire with these round it in supreme me to i have to lock, i'm in a spoke at the set of many it on hold is really responsible for the kidding. and i said, if we make israel regret the move the best of both on data bills, middle east i, mr. shawnee goes on, is sunny and she was number of people turned up for this stream. the possession
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that'd be was seen in impact on what does that say about the strategic goals of that on and how must have been align somehow. yes, very much we see now the complete merge of, of the 2 on this issue. i mean, we need to remember if we will go back to october 7th. the initiative was how mazda is, and we know that iran was probably not, you know, in the details of when and how it's going to happen. and you want to out to months since any of the, there's a strong sort of there, despite the strong some dare to with, with most try to keep still, you know, up somewhat of distance, you know, not to let that hijack its own agenda and trying to focus on its own goals when it comes to extinction relief and you know, a economic problems it had to do with the new president was just feel that elected and so on. but what we see now is really the complete merge and alignment of these 2 goals and iran personally being involved, you know, seeing that, you know, i'm in a, for it personally, seeing that there's an attack he met with a new shortly before he was a, you know assassinated that evening. he mentioned,
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you know, yesterday and we also have reports clear that he has made a direct, you know, a order to respond to plan and he bring in direct response. so in that aspect mentioned, you know, as a decision, you know, israel's decision, probably we cannot, you know, we have no confirmation for that. but if it's been, it was behind us. what they did is actually push you on and how much you know deeper into each other's arms. um, as we're seeing now with the with be no, uh, the suites up there on your on has promised her response to honey is coming up. i'm wondering what the main a my of such a response would be. i think it will. i will try to strike a balance, you know, the breach of, of serenity, of the territorial, you know, and serenity of your on, of course was broken. there's also the, the need to and for revenge, you know, eventually lot of, of, of, near it's interesting when we're looking at the pictures from today, from the funeral. we see giant banners on the streets. some of them also show together how near with the sunni money, who was the customs with him, and he was the head of the 11 by noon revolution regard. who was assassinated by
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the americans and the, the, the late right. i see the president who just died and in a plane crash in helicopter crash couple of weeks ago. so we see, you know, me as the front, you know, at the front of the, of the ringing cause. and we're seeing, you know, iran will be forced to have a strong response for that. but somehow try to strike a balance that will not, you know, bring to a wider escalation. do you think we can be able to prevent that? the why this condition? you know, we never know when, when fire is exchanged. now that can always be a place for error or, or miscalculations. i, i think the assumption is, is really the place was that they can contain whatever would be you and your response would be um, so you have to be seen what it would mean. it could be then we will see, you know, we will have to wait a few more weeks even until we see it happening in the ring as i've shown in the past that they take the time and they plan very carefully waiting for the strategic moment. an opportunity and of course they also have the wide range of proxies in
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the middle east that they can also be using in order to execute further attacks and support for this kind of attack on israel speaking about one of those, the proxies because blah, blah was attacked in a sense, he's very clear and responsibility for taking up front of it, sir. and he does. i'll be expecting a response from hezbollah as well. i think it's, it's going to be very hard for has on us. well, i'm not to be responding for the assassination. and we for took our, he's one of, you know, he was his right hand. he had very close ties with, with him. also is real, acting in the da here in the heart of the lebanese capital in the room that's for itself is also something. however, israel kind of sending a message. and if he's an old military targets when talk about a new and we talk about about lebanon at so the vic hope that the response will be contained. and also when it comes to his bella and to yvonne again, intel eating on, i'm is really a military targets. and if that would be the case and i think things can still be
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somehow contained and we can maybe avoid wider escalation and leave it there. but the moment it looks funny, it was on the dish. is there a now says it can confirm that it killed her? mazda is minutes. we need to mamma death in and ask strike in does our last month? these rarely ministry say is definitely skimmed on the 13th of july, and a strike on the outskirts of con, unice def is considered one of the plan as of the october 7 attacks last year. israel was military had been hunting, they'd stream the secretive, 57 year old for decades. the corresponding to back of it to just following developments from jerusalem. rebecca, what more do we know at this moment? a well my home a day it was a very a was a very is seen your figure in him off as you just mentioned, he was the architect some say and suddenly the leader of the alka, some are guys the military wing of i'm us for decades and as you say is around,
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has been off to him for many, many years. he survived several attempts on his life. he was considered as incredibly illusive fully as riley's thought. as you mentioned on july 13th, some, 3 weeks ago, they now confirmed that they were successful in killing him in and asked strike along with another key figure rough to sell him a leader of the hum us forces. now they confirmed that solomon they had been killed in that strike. it should be mentioned that some 90 civilians were also concerned to have died in that old. so suddenly 9099 thousands were killed alongside these 2 have must because in that s strike in hon. eunice, the southern city of gaza at took the as riley military these nearly 3 weeks to be able to confirm for sure weather been able to gather the intelligence. now, after the strike come off, came out and said that he had not been killed and that he was smoking, israel and in fact still alive. thoughts. uh,
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it does appear now that these ready military have confirmed that they have enough intelligence to confirm is if we had not heard from her most on the slightest development. rebecca, this is the latest confirmed getting up a senior. i'm us functionality in addition to the killing of his bulk, amanda, by israel. and these are, has also been linked to the beginning of is my of jaime. yeah. how is all of these playing out for benjamin netanyahu as well? suddenly for the moment, this is being sold as a winter benjamin netanyahu, and his military approach to the this wall, these complex, this, these threats that israel are facing. um, you know, that he addressed the nation yesterday and said that it was because of the fact that he hasn't bound to pressure to, to accept a hostage deal with some kind of sci fi that they've been able to make these achievements. they have been saying from day one that they would not stop the war in gaza until they had total victory until they had been able to eliminate
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a mazda is a threat to israel and, and assassinations like the ones that we're hearing about. and we've been saying play out in the last couple of days. so let me play into that narrative. some analyst saying that benjamin netanyahu may be able to use some of these assess the nations, particularly honey, a, and dice, to be able to use it as an off prompt to wrap to end because of war. because he will be able to sell that as a military when, but many people saying that benjamin netanyahu doesn't want the was to end, because then he will have to face the criticism and the face and music hall and the events of october 7. and just where he is ready, government is ready military style to allow for that attack to happen. so people saying that this could continue, i think, really when we look at how this is going to play out for benjamin netanyahu, and his government will come with what happens in the coming days and weeks when we say, you know, just how iran is proxies. will respond and as you heard from shawnee they're saying that if they respond in a limited military fashion,
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that may cool the jets here that may calm things. that's certainly what the us is hoping for. but should they respond in a, in a bigger manner? potentially civilian targets then, you know, we could be seeing the spill out and how that will play out for benjamin netanyahu in the long run is really difficult to cite this point to the spawn them to back auditors in jerusalem. thanks so much i to use find honey i was killing and the assassination of the top has been lock them on the i have prompted please from above me, does for restraint. and by the motivation for killing the must be, there may stem from the groups. october 7th, 10 i attacked, and these ran the animosity towards honey or stretch as back much further is man nia. greet surrounds new president. what would be one of his last meetings? just i was off to attending the president's integration. he and his body guard would killed in the strike on his residence in tehran. nia was the
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political face of hamas. the militant islam is that carried out via october 7th terror attacks on israel nea had not lived in jobs or for several years. but ron, how must from cut to where he lived in exile, he became the palestinian prime minister in 2006, and continued to rise through how mazda is ranks, eventually becoming. it's political chief in 2017. how mazda is gone and lead y'all, he, us in law is believed to be in the most the minds of the october 7th attacks. while i need represented how much internationally and moved around the region for diplomatic meetings. he was a key player in negotiations to stop the fighting in gaza. some via he's killing will be a may just set back to achieving peace in the region. and he has death pain just i
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was off to israel said it killed celia. hezbollah come on. the for us to put in they will of the attack also kills at least one woman and 2 children. and we did thousands israel says it targeted shopping in retaliation for a rookie to attack on this soccer field in the is rainy, occupied golden heights. the cube 12 children and teenagers, isabel blamed his blood and wound the military route. it would pay a heavy price. so crude had been one of his beloved, needing military figures since it was established by iran revolutionary god, move in 4 decades ago. off to the israel, how must will broke out on october 7th. so clued was accused by his right of being behind many of the drone. and we saw the attacks that his belie loans to against israel. so crude is the most senior,
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has black come on the to be to since 2016 when most of the bad reading the groups, minute 3 come on. the in syria died in an explosion in damascus. i believe this via the depth of to see me and he does. it is around the greatest enemies when tensions were ready at boiling point could now from an old out regional bowl. and i know i spoke to journalist jose and boucher in cairo and asked him about the reaction in does a and the west bank do hon is getting the most important part for 4 gallons. a is particularly is to in the war and to have an end of all daily basis suffering. and often more than 9 months in, in, in such a situation at all they care about is a ending, this war. and their reaction came as a result of the destination of any
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a might delay or postpone reaching a deal in the west bank. it's a bit different. there is a bit grief that they are not in direct impact or the situation what's happening in goals. of course they does it impact of a blockade and, and pressure from this way, the army, but the situation and the impact is inc. garza, how big a blow is this? uh for her boss. it is big. no doubt about that. as a official has said that out loud and anita was the top leader of, of, from us. but it's, it's good to mention that he's not the adult influence impasse. and i mean, if we talk about the situation and the war in gaza, the military wing is the most powerful part or by the, the,
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the influence of the war and go in and go is like, currently. but it would be a political problem for from us. and it will be a debate over who's gonna replace him. so who is going to replace them as well, according to the, to the how much a no, honey, i got 3 deputies, one of them already killed and one in, in garza city a is a yes. and war who's not available and he's under a ground. so busy with the war, the 2nd one is the side hit. our legal was killed in, in they wrote a lawyer. the 3rd one is a valid, michelle who's into high and who's the foreigner, a leader of how much before had the so according to the no one of the
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3 deputies. and it should take the place. but that is not nice as of late. it may be, some changes would happen because of the many other parties would, would influence that. i mean, the hosting country like kata, if you're on the supporting country, would influence if they are in favor all fairly much trouble or not. other parties like egypt or other or categories who is in interested all stuff. let's see me in an issue. so that's the, it's not it blister eh, crystal clear about that. who's going to replace him? but according to zillow most likely will be cited this house. where would that leave us? he's find negotiations then uh, between uh, how moss and israel well, the negotiation is, is in, in, in, in april, really before the beginning of somebody's money. it was in, in, in, in hollywood,
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a position and, and was in the block. uh, somehow uh there was new agreement between the, both sides from us and as well. uh, but of course the, the estimation of honey i would make it more complicated. and i, i would expect that this, that the negotiation would, would be postponed for some time as it happened before. when so i think a lot will read that the beauty was as an agent and they would be 4, but it would be resumed eventually. uh, but the question is like a how and, and, and when, and if the 2 parties are with the, for reaching a deal. so that is the most important. so the negotiation now is in hold of sports for some time, but it's not the end. it would be gives you because there is no other option or leave it there for the moment. done a 1000 and below. so in cairo, thanks so much. and iran has vowed to take revenge for the getting of
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a smile. honey, a, the assassination was a mess. of security breach, i'm a huge investment for it. honestly does it need to tell me ition could come in several different phones as the, the amount of the man my zoom if as the what could have response from iran looked like it. how far does take on really want to go tensions in the middle east, where already high up to israel's assassination of hezbollah? as top commander filed to cool and by roads, both incidents have intensified caused by israel's enemies, but retribution. but expert site iran fleet is one to avoid a war with israel. and an outright attack seems highly unlikely, backed by the united states. israel has the minimal resources at the ready, including an army of some $170000.00 active duty soldiers. it also has an advanced air force with some $205.00 digits, plus the well tested and done rocket defense system. the run could also ask its
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proxies in the region to step up their activities. hezbollah could launch a massive garage of missiles, of israel from lebanon, and similar to the one iran launched in april. that unprecedented attack of some 300000 drones, was largely repels. but some managed to penetrate beyond done system, causing damage inside the country. lost the us intelligence, estimated that hezbollah has over 100000 rockets that they're ready. pittsville, i could also carry out a strong called civilian targets within is riley territory. this isn't much less likely possibility, but a much more serious one. an attack of this kind would almost definitely lead to an even further escalation. bit of runs, retaliation weren't necessarily happen on his ready soil. aside from his blah 11 on the run backs a number of allied minutes in groups across them, at least in iraq, syria, casa,
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and in yemen. the test on is now already encouraging the islamic resistance and the rock. a coalition of militias to step up its attacks on us targets there. after months of com and in the red sea humans whose the rebels had been carrying out the tax on ships. it claims a link to israel since the beginning of the gas a conflict. the assassination of is made hon the puts iran in a difficult position. how to respond to a new way, which show strength and restores deterrence. but at the same time, avoids an all out war with it. sworn enemy is real and that both 8 on and the lebanese bulletin group has been not promising. good tele ition for recent data strikes. there's a growing fear that allows a conflict in the region is unavoidable. germany's defense minister spoke to the deputies became active. now about the situation in the middle east and the agency of continued diplomacy. so currently there's
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a huge concerns that there could be allows for in the middle east offset, the hamas leader was killed in the wrong. is that on the yeah. but also editing member has pulled off your american counterparts. lloyd austin says that the will can be presented is what is your assessment as well? of course load austin does right. it can be prevented, but it has to be need to be, it needs to be prevented because nobody can, lucia can even imagine for the escalation of the region, we don't need that. we don't want that. and we have to do to try everything add to making, floating, so available, available to all actors in the region, not to escalate and pay attention to the escalation and to do everything for getting peace back in that region as soon as possible. what does this mean for them and weapons deliveries with his commitment towards israel, but most of them in these participation in of refills on the lebanese border
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community. so it's a lot attached at the moment 3, we continue. we proceed with our engagement over there. of course we, uh we assume the situation every, every day, every. busy about a week, so we stay there, we want to make a national decisions over there and be there because fun to join us identity has more than germany's involvement in the middle east. so germany has been trying since the start of, of the conflict between israel and an in gaza against when israel's repercussion, and of the conflict against how mosque there has already started from the beginning to try to ease the tensions in the region and try to prevent the further escalation of the conflict across the region, and this is something that it continues doing. but when we talk about presence of germany on the ground, germany is part of the union field mission and 11 on is just part of
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a naval task force with german ships and soldiers that are there who primarily try to stop within smuggling into lebanon. and therefore, try to guarantee stability in the region, but a german forces also contribute to training lebanese forces and have also provided equipment to the lebanese forces. the demo jolessa identity that german defends, but as the boat, as victoria is currently in hawaii to oversee the bought the separation of german troops in the pacific skies. ministry exercises a series of trainings in the in the pacific as by weston and regional pop. as best orders will then travel to south korea and the philippines for bilateral talks. hundreds of german soldiers, $24.00 wolfing at crafts and a frigate. this is just part of what german defense meant. his stomach virus is torrijos, has deployed for one of the largest ever. yeah, welfare exercises in the,
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in the pacific while in the region for by that it will talks with partners. he also visited german troops taking part in minutes of your trainings. the aim to the to china. pacific skies is a series of 5 exercises with a german air force participates with the u. s. u or p and, and regional partners at different places across to be in the pacific. the 1st 3 legs in alaska, japan and hawaii has concluded the multi national exercises taking place in australia set to end this week before the pulling to india for further training. but why is germany's involvement and these exercises have priority. football in germany is strengthening it submitted to re presence in the in the pacific. and the rising tensions between china and taiwan. tensions between the 2 present the threats to peace and the region along with the safety and security of international shipping through the taiwan strait, which is part of the south china sea and came by badging. china's increasing power
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play, including building military facilities on islands and the hotly contested seats has seen quite a face of a trade routes. all it and gas deposits and fishing rights with gemini, being one of the world's largest exporting nations. and almost 60 percent of all the global economic output being generated in the, in the pacific. but it needs to ensure trade can flow freely. germany's ships will pass through the south china sea. but defense minister bowers miss tories has not yet announced whether they will also go through the taiwan strait and move, which would show the upset, but didn't stop trading pop. now, china picked up now some of the stories making headlines around the world. 3 man accused of plotting the september 11th terrorist attacks have agreed to plead guilty to avoid the possible death sentence. they are going to be held at us ministry prism in guantanamo bay. almost 3000 people were killed the 911,
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the douglas turbo attack. when americans on a ty cool has denied the request from former prime minister attack. since you're not allowed to leave the country for medical consultations in device, he's waiting stand trial on charges of defaming the time monarchy and was freed on being in june. the 74 year old voluntarily made a ton to thailand last year from self imposed exile. and the reminder of the top starting the following for you at this, iran has vowed to the bench as vowed revenge. i'm sorry, on, is rad would blames for assessing anything. how mazda is top quality can lead to is mind, honey, air, you know, the striking dead on large crowds gathered in a new capital for the future of a 100 and withdrawing figures off why the reason of the conflict is fairly prime minister. benjamin netanyahu said his country was prepared for full scenario. that's it for the moment coming up next up,
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the break equal in there are mates dedicated individuals raising awareness about the importance of preserving the natural environment. i'm british trying to get input and thanks so much for watching. the news continues in about 30 minutes from now to by the
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the pico india just watching it died without getting any kind of heat. you know that saturating should not be that that was the turning point for an a half punch in mia. she and her team had been rescuing animals in distress ever since small and large. and the best part is renewed because he's been back out. the don't even don't an eco, india next on d, w,
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a cold war or humanitarian catastrophe. on the border between poland and belin ruse, the number of illegal border crossings by refugees is increasing. and the situation is only getting worse to call us border security. these are organized efforts, but 8 agencies are horrified by the situation. the focus on us. in 60 minutes on d. w, the lights through the ocean and mother humpback whales with a comp time to answer the humans on that journey. but now the premises of waves,
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it's an ocean conservation. start september the on this show we often speak of how critically nature it is for all survivors. hello and welcome. i'm sorry because the body and you are watching equal india. but it is our own on sustainable human activity that is the biggest picked for ox on it. so what can we, as individuals, do to save and preserve our ecosystems on today's episode, let's me just few individuals who are dedicated to making a difference.


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