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tv   Eco India  Deutsche Welle  August 1, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm CEST

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so met johnny, but now the premises of wales. it's an ocean con sedation. tentative for the on this show we often speak of how critical of nature it is for all survivors. hello and welcome. i'm so i've got the body and you're watching equally into. but it is our own on sustainable human activity, that is the biggest picked for ox on it. so what can we, as individuals, do to save and preserve our ecosystems on today is episode. let's meet a few individuals who are dedicated to making a difference. we begin in the south of india and the town of orleans. it is an
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experiment in equal village with an international community which is known for its massive reforestation initiative that started some 4 decades ago. today. a team of specialists gas for these green loans. uh, some people that 3 doctors trying to look off to each and every one of their patients they looked like number petered out with heavy 10 souls harnesses, fuel canisters and has but rather than selling trees these men on a mission to save. here in the south indian township of a row with every 3 guns, that's why a homegrown team of experts then stood green grinning branches. when i was young, my father had a friend who was starting to build 3 houses. so as a sample, they build one in our backyard. this that's
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a different view and experience that you got being up there and feeling the wind blowing on you and feeling the breath of the tree. that's something i feel to this very day. bother you out for a color scares for our woods priest together to join us. so shown that the founder of maintenance company, pre k, they both grew up here and witnessed the community's 34 decisions efforts. done this one's about in region 2, a lot of green landscape, the transform ation and stairs and them a lot for new to which that down into the profession arborists or, or our board culture is it comes from the latin word arbor, which is tree. and so we're treat professionals, we are i think how i see it is that we provide a bridge between nature and our urban environment in the last decade. the
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state of thumb and not who will or will is located as last toes of trees, the psych loans. these are growing most frequent due to human induced climate change, a pa, for the storm in 2011 greek ever. and resident a got their full cause is young and she was destroyed by the part of having defend her favorite treat. it was during the psych loan and the morning or the gal done, it was a completely destroyed. and i am going to the swimming pool to check a how is it? and i saw this tree who was called the key coating in to paul. and i say it was very loud to you. you'll see that it's growth from 2011. and this is the, it was as soon as less cold. lucky, we'll put that on there for listening. and it's for me,
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absolutely impossible to imagine we have 2 goods, this choice to damage. i luckily, the expert a tree get solutions on. right? we did our research, we try and figure out what's the best way of going about it. and we finally settled on a bracing method that is quite popular. also in europe using credit drugs, we actually, um, drilled through the entire tree with a really long drill bit. um and inserted a threaded rod. uh, crated some metal plates to basically uh, force that closer again. but even with the best of both, its gone save everything that typically come into the picture once it is already affected by this or damage. even though trees can be surprisingly adaptive in oven,
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and ones that are often susceptible to disease and root damage. the island let's go is an auto with the base board is specialized in the management of urban trees. he advocates presenting mature trees in new building development. i am actually going and looking at the trees on the side to look at sort of how long these trees each individual tree will be. therefore i've taught them on a map so that it can be integrated in architects drawing. they're all 0 located. we're looking at their, their health looking at their condition, the structural condition. we're looking at how rare they are, how old they are, how long they are going to be there for how much longer they're going to be there for. and based on all of these factors, you can essentially grade them. this approach helps boost ebony green reads the villians through this process of changing climates such as drought, as well as to pollution and lots of biodiversity in the open nickel system. or when scree doctors are always on the lookout for early warning signs of
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a strict. here's another clear sign that this tree is dying back. these, all these shoots are actually from the same tree, it's coming from the, from the roots. and these are stress shoots as the top of the tree, the canopy is dead. it needs to find a new source of energy. and so it's shooting out all these new epic. let me make sure it's in a last ditch attempt to create a new kind of p for itself. 3 good dreams. a spawning arbor is the leasing them how to adapt assigned to the technique using different parts of the board on pop, the local conditions. it's do not so shall next. so that just new crop of practitioners will help us spread a sensitive a pro se claimant device beyond the tree tops of our old yard. and in the cities, millions of monkeys and goes, roam the streets with no access to the water or show. these please suffer extreme, the events that are becoming more frequent because of human and used climate change
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. we met a woman named point a who was who just by that's life, that she decided to take action a step that benefits many times will find dynamos. city excess space is with the, the main starting point to sort of start the organization was there was a dog who had a disease broken 9 distemper. and um, you know, just watching it, um, die without getting any kind of really, you know, dead suffering should not be that it was the 92007. i had a job at that time. i was working with a healthcare company, and i decided to create or hide it in my mind that i want to start an organization . you know, because there's only so much you can do under one of the . my name is i may have been town man on the founder and president all for ask your
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child to be addressed. i would call you myself and i'm going to ask your specialist . i'm a born and brought them by going and that's it all. i saw it on me, were dogs and got some bugs. you know, sort of, those are the 1st one uh that i started to, to ask you of the, in 2014, when the us north, the band was enforced. nobody taught of the, of the month of what's going to happen with that. so suddenly you'll have a whole lot of can't do that job binding and eating. last year you're getting into the road accidents. so that's when we started doing more lodge on the move up in 2007. when i started, there was literally nobody providing emergency services or any kind of on the move
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or either the screen and move on for you. or you bringing the animal into the rescue center because it needs additional help. so it's good for here where it's undergoes. do you have the dish? and then is it going to be introduced back to the rise and or the touch situation. you kind of respond to or is um, you know, a conflict situation where you're trying to mitigate, mitigate, or conflict that's happening. know that for example, could be um, you know, maybe left board made a live stop kids and people are angry, you know about it and you're trying to mitigate that. the prevention activities are focused on community awareness education. the big guy has a couple of friends trying to do word for them is in the world. what you see today
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is the 1st responders you see, do you have the data? as you see yvette city department, the organization is completely funded by donations. only the i think we entered a point where incidence ohio simply because of so many changes in, in 99 volume in the one of the visions that i have is to develop a network of remote squads. um, and this basically means to provide employment to locate papers who are passionate about friends are going to have a died conserving, why life and skimming them a quick thing. them the, it's about keeping you know why life wide. it's about sending them back to the why
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we're not as do the on the best part is when you would use them back out. they don't even dawn and look at the ition of expanding in many countries including india. it is also one of the fastest growing sources of greenhouse gas emissions. it generates avenue and android. what does that mean? we stopped. well, that seems relative by the fire of school drug and alcohol can walk on it. let's just see then why contact me? my call is i just need as a go back to the sky is region to find that it won't surprise you do here. is that how we fly today needs to change? a vision makes up for on 3 percent of global emissions. and okay, that really doesn't sound so bad, but by 2050 that numbers projected to rise to over 8 times, but,
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and there are no real ways to fly pollution fee. so what is, what are you? what is the most promising solution? so a vision, pollution, a biofuels, a more broadly sustainable aviation fuels. they're mostly made from non petroleum products like biome on so out again, you can basically just swap the fossil fuels and feel for biofuels. i'll make a blend. so we need so much of it. the scaling up is very high, and the line to be used for other purposes like drawing food, a saving force. and then there's also hydrogen that shrink from this, especially hydrogen made sustainably, a lot of prototypes are being tested. electric plans are a 3rd option and they can make a really compelling case here why we never, we, we run off hydro power or wind power, so they liked us that we have is, is sustainable and renewable. so for us that's, that's the demo sustainable. we can do right now, so the for us, this is you on know, but as going to of a,
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the issue and one of the only people flying airplanes every day. when an a v, as in school, in sweden, with future pilots, i've been chained and flying electric, cleans the papers to the ballast. they fly here, it doesn't mean much electricity. it takes around an hour and a half to charge on which has been 545 minutes. but the result of 30 percent patchy is mostly used for pilot training or private key. she left, the airport has a one megawatt charging station which is enough to charge a small fleet of electric plans at the same time. so i get faster tough to get in the house 1st. it's easier. i'm ready. all right. i've got the fast this is a super light plane,
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but it can only go to people with no have luggage to go. any bigger e plans are faced with a big problem. heavy batteries. boeing 747 to fly from say, london to it's done with batteries will need to be based much heavier than a full time. this just going to work, since this wouldn't be 10 times heavier than the heaviest payload ever lifted. when you're storing energy, you need a very high level of energy density. that's good garry, head of the apples program of the u. s. department of energy is national renewable energy lab and petroleum and petroleum related products or petroleum. dr. products like biofuels have a really high energy density when compared to the energy density of traditional fuel batteries. the very poorly coming in at only 2 percent. but conventional aircraft to be flying today i've been is for just use it all started with a design off. and the 1950s,
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they mean propeller plans the most popular at the time, and still by an engine looks like this. or the performance characteristics between those 2 aircraft where the turban was slightly faster. but it could go as far. and you know, you've got marginal gains by doing that. and then 5 years later, they figured out for different sizes for different configurations, all of a sudden it makes sense to use these because of now how like you can make a circle. overtime this though bye and or cuban wing design became vastly more efficient. ok, we know if the res, today's deadline has been almost 50 percent less fuel passenger kilometer than the did 50 as of, with the help of better engines improve aerodynamics. and a lot of other open, invisible changes, but the thing is this design has peaked in the way it's very hard to become more carbon efficient unless you squeeze even more people onto already very died plans. so governments and many of the industrial going back to the drawing board to redesign this is dawn bought
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a vision expert who looked at on the ground infrastructure to support the transition by working together with detroit. but we looked at 2 main modes of operation for doing that one, which was a battery charging system, so where the battery would remain fixed within the craft. you would plug it in as if you would like a normal device. you would just charge it. this would be the simplest way operationally speaking, but they also found the charging would waste precious time when current air traffic relies on a quick down around bands. what, okay, by limited space in the airport and of course the amount of power needed would take away significantly from the city's grid. the 2nd sort of mode of operation we looked at was a battery swapping system. a. and that would be way you would have pre charged x rays. and then when an across came in, you would remove the battery from the frame and then swap it with the one that already been pre charged. this would save space and time, but it would require
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a lot of specialization that was required and you don't have anywhere. and it would be a big risk. meddling with an airframe is always dangerous. and there's also the major risk of files from holding so many batteries in one place. so of the 2 systems we, we favor the battery charging system. but we were very aware of the potential limitations, but that could price. so not easy. the now i mean you can find your so what do i do if you want to know if it go down for cystic for if you want to expect those 2 positions with the 1st plans to be certified. but this is another huge shot and ition has compared to the cause being certified for safety. so everything takes time for r and d, testing and coding for battery safety and the use long certification process. but this january the yorba in solomon bush for the idea of more
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e plans for shot and mid range flights. this is part of a while ago to got 90 percent of emissions from transport by 2050. all right. thank you. all those crazy sit on the equity. okay. and the company doesn't mean that the district is now working on a full cedar plan and the already big ones, a plane called olive secretary, 9 passenger, the 2 crew members seems to be close to commercialization, promising to fly around 400 to on it says hot aerospace in sweden has a proof of concept aircraft that looks like 25 passengers up to 800 kilometers by 2026. when you look at, if you think about their existing cargo routes that use small aircraft, their existing communities, that their only connection is a, as a 9 senior across unless they take a fairy for or 6 hours type of a situation. those are real existing route that have to be either subsidized or paid for by by communities. this is a main application so far,
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and it is significant. in 2020 the us spend $326000000.00 to subsidize costs of across the smaller apples. the don't see a profit at ambulances at the axis. and small cargo plans also need only small across the child has ordered 12 plans for low emissions post to deliveries, which can help local noise and equity to a study by the international central and team evaluation estimates. but electric, a craft could cover 9 percent of the coming to market, so that's flights with more than 19 passengers. and distance is shorter than 500 kilometers. but there's only a constant 0.002 percent of global deviation. by 2050, the estimated could be up to 0.2 percent, which is still small. we're not talking about carbon emissions. but this is purely electric. we're talking about equals they have versions of hybrid. so you could have a series hybrid which is where essentially fuel is used to power an electric my
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to which then power has the aircraft. so you're using fuel to charge a battery, essentially. and then you also have local power, low hybrids, which is where you have the electric mertsa and the fuel source of kerosene to hydrogen posts being used for propulsion. i can't imagine this tiny pen getting much bigger in the next 2 years, but the hybrid argument really makes sense. the idea estimates of hybrids would be the next leap in a v, as in to the 23rd. and this will contribute to a 40 percent reduction and emissions by 2050 long flights and most likely use biofuels with some parts of the clean, electrified, and some use of hydrogen. that proficient is a small step, but it gives us hope for the potential of the diversity of technologies that are going to need the coming back to the topic of trees, florida saw key to come back in climate change. they are the largest store houses
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of climate warming, cobrin often oceans, and yet deforestation continues economic duties across the world, including hills in india, 50 as a goal, women from the tip, almost one stockade and inspiring fight to save the trees of northern the day. and when one and you've gone to is using that product estimates hubs to spread of n. s on the dangers of deforestation. the patricia aria con, spent 15 hours hugging this tree when disaster struck hard. a lightning strikes and power cut ended, her won't record attempt but the you can't inactive us didn't give up. in january 2024, patricia hung this tree for more than 16 hours straight and is now officially registered in the guiness book of world records. what looks like a fund started has a serious background though,
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and patricia wants to draw attention to age. the the problem of climate change is huge. and at least now the world is just looking up to it. it's about time that we pick up the pace on planted histories because our natural for a sub going, we're using up the trees, not minding to replace them. a statement that is especially true for uganda, which has one of the worst deforestation rates in the world. according to the online tracking portal global forest watch, the country has lost more than 1000000 hectares of tree cover between 212022. for patricia. this last needs to be addressed. she says trees are key to facing or climate challenges. trees have a very,
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very know much advantages at this very moment. i'm grieving the freshest oxygen proof of being the cause i'm getting it there from a tree under the same time. it's taking in a couple in dx. right? just talking about 3 is not enough for patricia. she wants to help bring them back when they were lost in uganda. for this, she needs the help of upcoming generations and a good idea to get their attention. in this case, it's wouldn't pencils filled with tree seats with these plant double pencils in her luggage. being activists regularly makes community outreaches mainly in schools and eastern uganda. so today, 3 education is on the schedule for this class. it's very important that they understand the jenny, they're about to take one,
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which is trip planting and i want them to send the process for my c. and so this particular thing, so for me to test things inside and they're using it to study at the end of that, it's going to try switching to a tree, a tree was cut on the tree is going to be planted, and that is what i want them to basically understand from this. so you get the active as hopes that she can help the students to value trees more and say when it took a plan to condense desk with the in the say within for you go. and he's supposed to what in this school patricia's tree and planting education was well received. come at the right time. when i read you on, on the country, i flags is the needs of mitigating climate scenes. the fall, we fall, we all know how much, how many days of displaying that, pres, pens, hosting drumstick climate change. so it is
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a really good time. it takes decades until a seed has reached the size of these trees. all the more reason says patricia to begin embracing them sooner rather than later. the way such as function would be that the for say, trees, things that we should love. but this should protect and eventually plant. so you're seeing need to have this. maybe it could take something in your mind as well. you know that trees could the precious things that we work on live very, very well with such as fighting people and ideas. do you know people who are trying to make a difference on saving the planet in big or small res? like to us, you can email us or reach out to me directly on my social media handles. i will see you next week until then take care goodbye.
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the . it's the
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cold war, or humanitarian catastrophe. on the border between poland and bella roost, the number of illegal border crossings by refugees is increasing. and the situation is only getting worse. depaula's border security. these are organized efforts, but 8 agencies are horrified by the situation the focus on human in so see minutes on d. w. to make that dream of in house come through.
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the best way to do is construct new homes with plate or renovate old buildings and say resources, there's nothing wrong with it because why not? i'm the house of bill sustain of me a construct sheet revenues instead of 5 minutes on d, w. the welcome to the tire timelines, count the sofas, fix tourist. what do you get here? you can't get anywhere else in the world. in germany, if you go to a prostitute, you pay twice or 3 times as much from the other half the service.
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in 2023 it documentary, uncovered corruption and child abuse. the youngest one, for example, let me show you this was now the film team. investigate the the was exactly, it has changed. the, the red lights, dark shadows, 6 tourism in time and stuff over 16 on dw the
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this is dw news coming to london from berlin. their ram bows, revenge for the killing of from us chief is male, is hon. the thousands gather in tehran to honor amend listed as a terrorist in the west, but who many palestinians saw as a fighter for their calls is written is widely believed to be behind the assassination plus israel confirms that killed him off as military leader in a striking gaza in july mohammed the day is thought to be one of the planners, but the october 7th terrorist attacks and the plea deal for the man accused coordinating the september 11th terrorist attacks on the us khalid shaikh mohammed
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