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tv   Focus on Europe  Deutsche Welle  August 1, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm CEST

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as to what can we do, carry on and some last day. a nice the nice you get their hosting from there. and david shuttle task oldest. good on d, w. the hello and welcome to this week's edition of focus on europe is great to have you with us border protection to prevent illegal immigration has been a huge challenge and the european union in recent years. the situation is currently coming to a head on the border between the roofs and poland, poland, and e. u. member states, as seen a dramatic rise of illegal crossings in recent months. below ruth has done little
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to discourage migrants from attempting to enter the neighboring states. tensions arising on the pole beside human rights activists. alexander affairs, and the guys concerned about the will be going for a few geez, many have died in the past years trying to make it's to po. but the other is like board of guys me. hi, buddha support district. the board of policies announced by the publish government you said about me, how old the polish border guard keeps. watch on the frontier with bella luce sloth, a few years ago this paved road led straight into belarus and there was no, it's closed as an external border of the e. u. it has to be secured against illegal immigration, among other things. buddha and his fellow border guards patrol from migrants waiting for their chance to enter the u. v. of the forest on the television side of the seen. anyone suspicion to that?
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yeah, yeah. which guy attorney local sorry. let's hope it stays that way. hold on. the polish government describes illegal migration of hybrid warfare. it is accused bella ruth and russia deliberately funnelling migrants from asia and africa to the polish border. as a way of pressuring the west. nearly all of them have russian visas. a new migration which has taken shape here, holdings previous government, headed by the law and justice party installed a barrier along some a 180 kilometer is at the border. or even so, the polish border guard has recorded over 25 years into attempt to the legal crossing. so far this year. many more than the year before. what the science april, the number of attempts has risen to several 100 per day. and the attempts have become increasingly aggressive, assuming that our officers and soldiers had been injured underground pool for our vehicles and equipment had been damaged too. and ultimately,
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a tragedy occurred to us in the cost of $1.00 of our own and was killed, you know, a year that's nice. border guards are increasingly being attacked through the barrier. in early june, a polish soldier died of stab wounds inflicted by mixed with spear the polish government under donald tusk. names that would we activity to buffer zone up to 2 kilometers white in some areas along the border. nobody can enter without permission. thank you so much. these are not refugees, the median were, and fewer of them are families in need of assistance. i'm just going to ship out the guy who left. i'm in virginia, 80 percent of cases. we are dealing with organized groups of young men, aged $18.00 to $30.00, who are very violent to going to be covered. but if i get a fitness needs, the restrictor border policy, nor a new government has really changed the situation. if anything it's only gotten worse, it's alexandra christian, they'll sca she's part of an 8 organization task with finding migrants deep in the
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forest along the illiteracy. in frontier before vigilante groups for the border guard get to them. student also looked at us, put the commonwealth over the people we encounter, tell us they've been subjected to even worse, even more cruel and ruthless violence, not just on the bill of roost inside, but on the polar side to the on the tell us they were beaten kicked, thrown to the ground and handcuffed one. okay, then kind of me thinking about as a multi convert of them to find them for the final question. no sco shows us videos of refugees, fee and other volunteers regularly and countries here in the forest. some are starving or injured, the volunteers take care of them and advise them to apply for asylum in poland. if they don't, they can legally be sent back to the risk. but not all refugees are given the chance to apply it. because a lot of those push lots before many of the people in the forest to say they intend to apply for protection and also see it to the border guard officers in our presence to end up contacting us
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a few days later from belarus platform. so they said they were forced to sign a document which they did not understand, but stated that they would not seek protection in poland. because when you call wondering if for she will be that so kind of pasta. many of these are allegedly illegal touche backs the border guard denies involvement. video circulating online allegedly show polish, border guards carrying seemingly unconscious people through a small gate and the battery or to the valid routes inside vanessa. there's being hardly any official response. this border area is especially dangerous for refugees . alexandra christian of sca shows us the grieves of people who died in the b all of the edge of forest. this is a golfer to do any of those. most of these people are fleeing mortal danger in their home countries, a dream of a normal peaceful life, and instead wind up in a place where their lives are in just as much danger. tonya, this policy of violation means that rather than finding peace and safety, these people lose their lives for the folder to donald tusk. promise more humane
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refugee policies in his election campaign. crusher notes go, says he hasn't kept through his promises. border guard me help. laura says the government's coming go, but the border will always be protecting. because it's secret binder injury like this in mir cut on his finger can be extremely dangerous. blatt's poisoning or sips, this is one of the most common conditions and causes of death worldwide. because phipps is often times not immediately identified while you will, time is lost a lake diagnosis in germany, almost costs deal wintering his life. after the infection, he lost large force of his arms and legs. now he's trying to adapt to his new normal while maintaining a positive mindset, operating an electric wheelchair. it works well. that deal could still alive as
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a small miracle. he was in an induced coma for 16 days and underwent 8 surgeries. 4 months it was, i'm certain whether he would survive. he now attends sessions at this clinic, to train his extremely weakened body. not mine ok, but when i arrived here after my operation, my body was so weak and my muscles so atrophied. i could only lift my head and since you don't mind call team content, i just see i'm calm. the 1st thing i had to do was get fit again. should we build my body else to rebuild my muscles on so that i could do basic things of everyday life? again, seems i think brushing my teeth for just getting out of bed and into my wheelchair . what have you out of state or some pets. i'm but in the most to the full started so innocently was here. look what happened was i caught myself in an old here mattress and the seller. and this one, it was a very, very small cottage on my left, index finger,
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which became infected and send it out. comes it turned into a strip to call co infection, which ultimately triggered steps saw that i can, you can see the small, small caught here. and that then developed into a blister over night, like to line up the other end because the infection was caused by mouse droppings on the mattress. soon gale was in severe pain, had a fever and shortness of breath to doctors, told him the infection was homeless. the aux devali, because he was finally admitted to a hospital where he suffered septic shock. he had to be placed in and induced coma during the infection. his body diverted most of his oxygen to his vital organs, the brain, the heart and the loans on doesn't exist. so because of the large parts of both his arms and legs didn't receive enough blood peanuts, and this is what ultimately led to him needing the amputation as what he had to have. it was a really serious case and he is actually off high a professor device among the oaks,
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attending physician at the rehabilitation clinic. his major concern early on was that the residual limbs and the skin protecting the fuel properly. only then was it possible for guild to be fitted with pros, dc's substance is one of the most common diseases worldwide affecting around 50000000 people. every year. most deaths could be avoided with the correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment of substances. the severe inflammation of the body, it's triggered by bacteria entering the bloodstream via an injury. for example. substance occurs when the immune system over reacts damaging the body instead of fighting the infection left on checked. it attacks vital organs which start to fail . this is exactly what makes it so dangerous. plus, i know this is i was completely unaware of what steps this is and what it can lead to in the end that somebody will help me. i've only learned recently how bad such
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as can be reached and a zip is always can come in most cases at least a desk because it does not recognize properly. and so had obvious in that respect, i was very lucky to survive that and just to be sitting here today saw come on in the whole space just for us. it's once much that we find a good place to practice. standing up, gale oaks, therapist costs schmidt, doesn't just give him practical tips. he's a cheerleader too. he knew gail could need both psychological and physical help. fish. very nice. well done. chip, i didn't help. that's not worked too well. yes. you do that all in your own, dyna, i think in on the side. it does say, i think what makes them different is that he doesn't look back in the looks ahead of i think he realized how things were going for him
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a few months ago. and he thought he had no alternative finding more not. and so i was just concerned to set my sense is he seems to have woken up, looked ahead and said, well there's no going back now. if he told himself, look, i was lucky, i'm still alive and can now prepare myself for a new life and lose by the cream. if i can no longer do what i want, then i have to one to what i can do. i'm gonna say fine was kind of happy, positive fits feels good and it was on low pressure points. no pain. sure nice. every step takes enormous effort, both physically and mentally one day deal, then telling hopes to be able to work again before the steps as he was a marketing team leader out of medium sized company, consisting of a work is a very important part of my life. is integral, let's go ahead and talk to my old life as good as part of my new life to i'm 40 years old and 50. i couldn't imagine just sitting at home from now on and taking
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early retirement. and i feel strange again just feels wrong. coolants on, on the stops off of the sign i one to buy, go and so you did it so that was the feel free to didn't crush your hand today. no standing will king deal wants to reclaim as much of his old life as possible to spare and doubts all his constant companions escaped . to feed it, you know that i have many inner demons, new data about that i couldn't find on time. there are days when i could just scream at the wall of mine and read us as everyone can imagine what it's like on this day that there are certain questions i simply shouldn't ask myself right now. and this has to must be the fargo questions like why me, why not someone else on the above all is the question. who's to blame? that's always the thing. so that's why these are the 2 most important questions that i tried to ignore all the time. because there is no answer to them and they
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don't get me anywhere either on the shelf. and so i definitely off to 6 months, feel good been telling is allowed to leave the clinic. he is happy to be back in his home and benefit and tries to apply what she has lunch during his rehabilitation feed escape a lot is possible involved a lot is no longer possible for me to be a lot simply has to be planned with the help of family members, when it starts with getting lunch at the fridge and farm, i have to use my wheelchair to get food stuff and then be able to get the top 10. there's difficulties in the morning to sort of using toothpaste when brushing my teeth. the tooth brush can't be too far away so that i can still reach it. this is part of everyday life. i said some of what i taken for granted has suddenly become an obstacle then goals. and some things are just impossible. the oakland telling doesn't give off if something doesn't work right away. he sees it all as a set of physical challenges. something he used to seek out when he was younger.
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which means comfortable. i grew up on the skis. i used to ski slope as much as possible and i mean, really off slope. i've found the place in glen the in the back country, the steeper, the better the renewal limits before it can limit. and i was also a passionate dancer. and so my wife was my dance partner, of course, so so convincing them i'm trying to instill this attitude into my children. but of course that will be a bit more difficult to do in the future. like to the site, the tops of his life are returning to normal is due mainly to his wife alexandra. she and georg have been married for 12 years. when mix up, you learn to adapt to the situation. it's like a movie and it didn't feel like our life. it's only now that the 4 of us are back at home that every day life has slowly crept back in. yeah. and what's different
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driving the kids to where they need to go in the morning by myself. that was a task we use to share up on that. i have to make sure before i leave the house, that leaves georg a coffee cup with a straw in it. and then i wash an apple for him to eat for the next time. she will never forget the 1st time she visited her husband and the hospital, off to his amputation with the 2 children. so, kindly arrive here, we came into the room. the 1st thing shedding and said was dead, where are your hands? and i said, i told you remember, yeah, but then very soon it was just like always we all staged erased with the wheelchair . getting on ran alongside me. leah pulled the little one was sitting on gail's lap . so yes, it was just like always. gail conduct exam dressed every coffee together in the late afternoon after she's come home from work. they talk about the traumatic experiences of the last few months and what has given them strength
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significant. it's so important to have a family, a revenue for emotional support, which went to home. my children and my wife have been such a comfort for me. i don't think i would have had the will and the motivation to work so hard on myself for such a long time with items one will have, i mean, so all by skills, high tech pros, dc's costs thousands of yours, the paid full, mainly by his health insurance, some a diety is an important principle in german society. the healthy pay for the sick, the ritual, the pool. everyone is entitled to the same medical treatment. today, orthopedist or slootsky is given guilt. a new sense of pros, dc's. so but i've got your new feet with me. said they don't feel natural that's for a job. i get it. i don't know if it would be like what i found out about this couple of times. i said at 1st it feels good to get a bit more support and it helps cool. now you don't have so much play in them
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anymore. yeah, great. leaned back but then adjusted all on your own. guilt of intending is making progress. but he's eager for things to improve even more quickly. escaped by the one of the things we'll continue to progress is if one improve doesn't work, there's always another good just to finish and finding that new approach becomes the important thing to do. the most important thing is to keep going to keep out to the or london has an air pollution problem and has started several initiatives to reduce people's exposure to find dust cars or major polluters. so limiting private transport is an important part of the local governments. planned to alleviate the
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problem, key measures include driving into london with a private car has become more and more expensive. drivers are urge to switch to low emission vehicles and private transport is banned from several streets in the city . well, many london or support restrictions to protect the environment. others are getting increasingly fed up. we're heading to the center of london on foot. it's a straight route, but a trip by car is filled with many detours. the shortest way for cab driver as these would be to follow the red bus. but there is no turning left for taxis here. since the central road is now only open to buses and cyclists, and the dislike cars can't turn right or go straight, meaning aziz has to drive once around the block properly 6 minutes and crossing now from where we started from. and
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i could have done a left out front where your offices are really, really frustrated and won't be the same for a short green lights and long red ones and a whole lot of new signs. sometimes it's prohibited to turn right or left and sometimes the road is only open to buses. there are lanes for cyclists, though, and recently they've been granted access to several main roads. drivers, however, are regularly stuck in traffic jams on parallel streets. it's not unusual for these to meet twice as much time for a trip as he did 5 years ago. right here we go straight the way down to welcome place to get it for the extra noise. the london's mayor turned it into a public seating area. even though it was next to
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a park, it's in my opinion, it's just a discovery call driving a lot of them to make it really a harbor experience with neo goods. so people jump on to the public transport system. and disease isn't really wrong about that. london is mayor, has made no secret of the fact that he wants fewer cars on the streets when people to walk cycle use public transport and drive clean costs. it wasn't long ago that london's mayor, so the con, extended the ultra low emission zone for cars us to the entire city to offset emissions. those who exceed certain levels have to pay fees with cameras registering every vehicle. in the suburbs, there were fierce and loud protests. one of the protesters was building contractor . danny met his cars were not deemed clean enough under the regulations.
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for a short time, he paid the emissions charge every day to keep his business running. in the end, he saw no alternative but to get new vans. and we've lost jobs because we've had to the coup, right? those costs both the you guys buy and the news on what putting it onto the client. this is not a solution to keep painting lies in good working phosphates. needless to say, danny can't ride a bus or bicycle with his heavy equipment, so he didn't really have a choice. but the restrictions on cars are there for a good reason. london's air is polluted. rosamond supports any measure that makes driving less appealing. her 9 year old daughter had asthma. she died in 2013. so i finally picked up her death certificate. i had to say to black
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and white that she died due to not just apple who should excessive levels of air pollution. according to london's may or the air quality has been improving and like him, rosamond believes that the measures to cut car use have helped it is still at the stage where it is impacting the most vulnerable, and that is young children who are developing the along still and also, oh is it people who are more valuable as these is offer better air quality, but he doesn't believe that restrictions are the only way to achieve that goal. nor is he happy about the newest traffic lights. one of the most efficient roundabout service. more stuff from god for for sure. yeah. how is that making sure that he thinks the mayor should be working with drivers on finding solutions, not against them at last, as these nears his destination, after yet another trip built with the tours. when i think of seagulls,
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i imagine laughing waste and serenity at the beach. but for many people in rome, a far less picturesque image probably comes to mind. for the last decades, the terminal city is attracted flocks of seagulls. they've been learned by dumps and bins groaning with foods checked away by residents and taurus. while the birds skid more and more comfortable, some romans are getting increasingly annoyed. now the suggest administration has come up with a new idea to tackle the invasion of the sea. birds saw new sets in room and within a time for the singles in that own slice of paradise were abundant. tourists provided bountiful sees around 50 years ago. there wasn't a single c go around here, but now the everywhere. the romans have mixed feelings through the like it when they spread their wings and the look at you as a fair talking to you,
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the world is going joy, the company. and i will buy mia small dump in us last night when the delivery came in a siegel to come up with a fish. so you end up running after them. they've got a good idea that a guy and we've had his gum, the restaurant suspects. now, sick and tired, if the wings thieves for that and no, no you know, even unless he goes accounts on the trash bags holding all the fluid scratch on it . if they can't open the bags and then drag them right across the street. no. but to the southern sofa, all attempts to expound the beds have been in vain. but now the falcon erie romani bed control service has arrived on the scene when it comes to driving away the trouble makers, via into heresies whole car in high demand. see goals have been bothering the guest on the rooftop terrace of the hotel pon to cease though for weeks the only day or is simple. you got beyond that, then maybe i mean just because it goes, become afraid because there's a predator nearby that could harm their young and you don't get false loss or don't
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they sense? it's not a safe place for their young and leave their area that could be single downloads on a single without the video. it'd be clearly even the big. the goal is keep a healthy distance from those clothes. some of you have the to pray return every 2 weeks. they don't one goals, they just scare them away. flavio has a soft spot for that, which explains another falconry and the deep funding she has with a whole lot of dyslexia trained her and she grew up with me and the over time we've developed a trusting relationship for the store. and if you do show, thanks to her, perhaps one day the see goes invasion of roommate. yes. be a footnote in the cities, storage history. well, it certainly seems. the seagulls have tried to make the trundle say to their internal home. that's all from us today. i hope you enjoyed the show, you can look up all our reports in our website, dw, dot com. thanks for watching and see you next week the
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. the they want to make is the dream of in house come true. the best way to do is construct new homes with play or renovate old buildings and save resources. there's nothing wrong with it because causes one of the house to build sustainable means a construction revenues in 15 minutes on the double you when i was younger, kind of the best one of the most part of choice. it was stigmatized my generation,
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these kansas as a part of our culture. no, we're not doing that. he is a marijuana co, strongly conflict, but sometimes for unexpected reasons. we the new young generations want to change our region, unlucky, older generation rejected legalization. and then when generations to us in 90 minutes on a d. w. the phenomena susie is concerned about this guy. it's under some hostetter of video. see what nazi publishing fighting st. history. remembering now the crimes is especially important in germany. the box rejection of the topic is throwing class on the nexus default. as mentioned, i will transcribe it will cost the tvs fighting to remain as opposed to recall. so
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this weekend on dw cost about why does that mean? because like now i'm lease, i'm on the, the new host to join us for an exciting exploration of everything in between. this is a video and audio production 5 d w. i who did you with unit 7, d, w, 12, or emphasizing the award winning offer is available worldwide for every language level. learning gym and has been since the,
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this is the w news coming to live from berlin. the ran bows, revenge for the killing of how much cheat is male, on the thousands gather into rom, to honor a man listed as a terrorist in the west. but who many palestinians saw as a furniture for their calls. israel is widely believed to be behind. the fascination plus israel confirms it killed from us is military leader in a striking garza or in july mohammed dave is thought to be one of the planners of the october 7th terrorist attack. the
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