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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 1, 2024 2:00pm-2:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the, the news coming to live from berlin. the ran bows, revenge for the killing of how much cheat is smile on the thousands gathering to rome, to honor a man listed as a terrorist in the west, but who many palestinians saw as a furniture for their calls. israel is widely believed to be behind. besides the nation plus israel confirms it killed from us is military leader in a striking gaza on in july. mohammed dave is thought to be one of the planners that the october 7th terrorist attacks the
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hello i'm terry martin. thanks for joining us. it ran says it is real, will pay for the assassination of from us is top political leader is the on the he was killed in an error strike into run thousands gathered in the gate, randy and capital for a funeral, honoring the leader of the palestinian party. and village in group a mass honey, it was also the chief negotiator and talks aimed at reaching a ceasefire with israel, a rainy and supreme leader. i have to live how many he spoke at the ceremony. round holds israel, responsible for the killing of his said. they will make his real regret the move, as well as real says it can now confirmed that it killed him must his military leader mohammed date in error. striking gauze of last month is really military sized. i was killed on the 13th of july, and a strike on the outskirts of hon. eunice is considered one of the planners of the
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october 7th terror attacks last year. israel's military had been hunting, the extremely secretive, 57 year old for decades. was bringing dw corresponded rebecca rivers here. she's following developments from jerusalem. rebecca, what more do we know about at, at this moment about the dates assassination as well? how many days was the head of the military wing? the owl cassandra gazed in gaza. he has, it was a heading up that the cosign brigade for some decades couple of decades and with, with the organization for around about 30 years. he's long been on israel is wanted list and in fact in may cream calm, the head chief prosecutor for the international criminal court, putting him on a list of hamas leaders that he was applying to have arrest warrants handed out to is now honey, a being another person who was on that list as well as yes,
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yes. and while the leader of her mouth in gaza, as i said, he was long on the wanted list of israel and israel made several attempts at his life. he was unsuccessful. he remained allusive until, as we're now learning on july 13th when he was targeted alongside and now the senior. how must figure a rough asylum, a leader of how much force is $800.00 units. uh now that it was concerned on the day that solomon had been killed about they these really military what 100 percent certain that dave also was killed in that strike. they. they thought that it was probably possible probable, but the they didn't have the intelligence they are now saying they do have the intelligence to confirm that he was taken out in that a strike. but it should be said that at some 90 all the people in gauze, i will also killed in that strike because it was in an area in hon units near a, you know, this area where people had gone to shelter. so how much is the denial before fine before today? they said they were denying that dave was killed in that attack,
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but we haven't heard from them in the aftermath of this, this latest development. assuming dave is dead, how big of a blow would this be to him, us as capabilities in gaza? so its suddenly a very big symbolic and strategic blows to her mosque. dave was a very key figure and he was certainly played an important role on the ground in gaza. he was, was a suddenly thought to have coordinated many attacks against israelis, and was seen as a mazda mind behind the october 7 attacks. he was very close with the how much data? yes and what and also and he was, you know, had this almost heroic status. as i said, he was a very elusive figure. there only $39.00 photographs of the mine. and so, you know, he had a kind of a, a god like a symbolism around him. and so it will be a very strategic and symbolic loss for a mouse. he had built up
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a lot of expertise over the years. he was instrumental in building the, the underground tunnel network. and of course, also the, the bomb making program that have, must have the, the capabilities when it comes to, to making bones. so he certainly is going to be a big loss to the network, but you know, these figures on not irreplaceable. and we've seen that in the past that the key figures have been able to be replaced. and how much is as many say an ideology and this struggle will not be over just because of how many days has been killed. so a blow to a mazda is capabilities. nonetheless, a household is playing out then for israel's leader benjamin netanyahu. or will these assassinations suddenly bang, seen in his round this suddenly being sold by benjamin netanyahu on the government as wins? it was. we heard benjamin netanyahu speak about it in his address to the nation yesterday saying these military games would not have been possible if he had bowed
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to public pressure and taken a hostage due to taking some kind of ceasefire arrangement that he was speaking to his plan. that he's been saying all along only of the will and when total victory is made, when he's able to to completely dismantle how masses, organization, and as an organization that can have any military strength against israel. that is something that they will, you know, certainly trying to sell that the assassination of these key layers. all that we have to remember that they haven't claimed responsibility for the assassination of the political. it is now how many of those it is widely regarded that that, that was also at the hands of israel. there's definitely being sold as a win. but we just have to say what the next steps on the retaliation from iran, and it's proxies discount where benjamin netanyahu will be standing in the weeks to come. rebecca, thanks for that update our correspond to rebecca rivers in jerusalem as
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well. honey is killing and the fascination of the top has block commander have prompted please from wealth leaders for restraint. and while the motivation for killing the mos leader may stem from the groups, october some terror attacks and is real, the animosity towards on the stretches back much further. this is man, he agreed surrounds new president. and what would be one of his last meetings just i was off to attending the president's integration. he and his body guard would killed in the strike on his residence in tehran. nia was the political face of hamas. the militant islam is carried out via october 7th terror attacks on israel nea had not lived in guns or for several years. but ron, how must from cut to where he lived in exile, he became the palestinian prime minister in 2006,
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and continue to rise through how mazda is ranks, eventually becoming its political chief in 2017. how mazda is gone and lead y'all, he, us in law is believed to be the most the minds of the october 7th attacks, while the nea represented how much internationally and moved around the region, the diplomatic meetings. he was a key player in negotiations to stop the fighting in java. some c a he's killing will be a may just set back to achieving peace in the region. near the came just, i was off to israel, said it cube, see me, a hezbollah, come on. the forge screwed in. they would be attacked, also kills at least one woman and 2 children. and we did thousands. israel says it targeted shopping in retaliation for a rookie to attack on us soccer field in the is really occupied golan heights,
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the cube, 12 children and teenagers. isabel blamed his beloved and boon dominican group. it would pay a heavy price. so crude had been one of his beloved, needing military figures since it was established by iran. revolutionary god, move in 4 decades ago. after the israel. how must war broke out on october 7th. so clued was accused by his right of being behind many of the drone. and he saw the tax that his belie launched against israel. so crude is the most senior has block amanda to be to since 2016 when most of the reading the groups minute 3 come on, the in syria died in an explosion in damascus. global lead us via the depth of to see me and he does, of is around the greatest enemies when tensions were, where the boiling point could now from an old out regional ball
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with these i'm us leaders assassinated into ron and motions and around and elsewhere are running high in the region. so we'll emotions dictate what happens next door. we'll cooler heads prevail. i put that question to middle east analyst either stein back from german institute for international and security affairs. no, i do expect that the emotions entered wrong. i didn't very rude. we have an influence on, on decision making, especially the fact that funny, i was cute in the heart off the wrong and capital. and on the occasion of the swearing in the president, as i see on with probably the force of the rock when you need a ship to take some counter measures, possibly together with haste for a large number of israel does now have a new, more moderate president he was just sworn in on tuesday. does that matter in this
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situation? does he? does he have a say in what happens next? i know the president sits on the national security council into a ton of but he doesn't have a major includes the people who we've decided was what is happening next are 1st and foremost, the security deed, a need for many n, his most senior military and intelligence advisors possess the honors, probably a voice that is stored in among these people, but he's only a minor voice, so we should expect to the the media treat include including how many boons ferry uh goes to the military in the wrong. to take the decision. how do you see this playing out? the, the what are you expecting in the coming days and weeks as well?
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i do expect uh some uh military attacks military terrorist attacks on the part of a ra hand, or he's by law on the, on the israel. many observe us now talk about the direct to the wrong. you have a tax on israel with cruise move sides, ballistic missiles and drones just like the one that we have seen on the 13th of april. i'm not that convinced that iran would choose this option simply because of the last. the last actually was not, not a major success. i'm more worried about attacks again by cruise me sized drones and ballistic missiles from lab along. it's a, it's a, she's by law now decides to escalate its attack. attacks perhaps starts from a tag on military targets a little bit further down, so low, so high for example. then we might see
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a major is rarely come to the reaction and the beginning of the war. i think we should expect a more to come in the next weeks and, and that was meant least analyst to get those steinberg from the german institute for international insecurity. if there's all, let's take a quick like look. now it's some other stories making headlines around the world. protestors have taken to the street of nigeria as largest cities, legos and a boot, jo, blaming the government for a cost of living crisis that has seen food and fuel prices. sky, right? government officials are calling a protesters to remain peaceful bangladesh. the police have released 6 student leaders in an effort to calm tensions in the country. they were detained after leading a campaign against civil service job quotas, which sparked and nationwide protest. last month. the rallies ended in a police crack down in the depths of at least 200 people. a free man accused
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applauding. the september 11th terrorist attacks in the us have agreed to plead guilty to avoid a possible death sentence. they are held at the u. s. military prison in guantanamo bay, almost 3000 people were killed on 911 the deadliest attack ever on american soil. you're all watching dw news coming to live from berlin. just reminder the top stories were following for you. the ran has vowed revenge on israel, who it blames for assassinating a mazda top political leader is mil unirr and an air strike into run. orange crowds have gathered in the uranium capital for a funeral for one year and was growing for years of a wide original conflict as rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu was said, his country was prepared for the whole scenario. you can always get all the latest news information anytime you want on our website. that's
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the w dot com on terry morrison from me in all of us here at dw, thanks for watching the on the long voyage through the ocean. another how well was it costs for a long time, they had to be a humans on the journey. now the trenches have become very protective of whales and the rewards of ocean conservation start september full d, w. they want to build different things with natural materials and in a climate friendly way.


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