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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 1, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is the w, those coming to life and berlin. a historic prisoner swamp appears underway involving russia in the us, germany and other western nations. american reporter eben girl skipped the trip t disappears from a russian prison, and a plane used in a previous want buys to an airport near the e u border. it could be the largest exchange of prisoners between moscow in the west since the cold also coming up around bows, revenge for the killing of a mass chief is maya near thousands. gather into round to honor a man listed as a terrorist in the west, but who many palestinians saw as a fighter for their calls is real,
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is widely believed to be behind the assassination. and israel confirms it has killed a mazda is military leader in a striking gaza in july. mohammed date is thought to be one of the planners of the october 7th terror attacks against israel. the lo, i'm terry martin. good to have you with us will begin with breaking news. there are mounting signs that have potentially his story. prisoner exchanges underway involving russia and bel roost on the one side and the united states and germany on the other. several high profile prisoners have recently been reported missing from russian prisons, including american journalist, evan, or there's given a chance for us marine poll whelan, a russian plane that has been used in a previous swap. responsive plus, i'm from moscow to colleen in grad,
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that's russian territory. between poland and lithuania, several russian dissidents. hebert also reportedly been moved, suggesting they could be part of a swap. turkey says it's coordinating what could be the largest prisoner exchange with moscow since the cold war. and dw is read of bureau chief theory of a shadow join just now you're a, there's a lot of speculation about a prisoner's swap happening. but what do we actually know at this point, or was since yesterday, terry is that has been more and more who motors reports, but also indications decided that a large scale, very well called in a to them very carefully. pat exchange could be about to take place at several political prison. those prisoners in russia has been transferred to all the places throughout the country as and is it asking me to report that several aircraft from a russian special fleet will flying at the same time to various russian regions.
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war where he is a prisoner as of all being held and today, oh no, russian media report that all the same on the secret degrees that the president printed has signed. presumably these was the degrees on this one of political prisoners. and finally, a plane was spot to use headed as it had been involved in a prison swap. a few years ago, this plane flew from moscow to continue in route and then to more months can be as an obedient border. they may have been some prisoners on board who were to be exchanged. and while you're speaking just there, you're a we're looking at. we were looking at some live pictures from anchor row with turkey, claiming that it is playing a role in coordinating the prisoner swap that was in jury on with more details on just what's been happening in the last few days. leading up to this moment is everyone believes that a prisoner swap is imminent and there been a lot of indications. as you say yes,
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is that our reports is that indeed the tech is called the natives. this exchange allegedly, a russian, a plane from the russian government has landed in the target bought. is that ok? certainly several other countries involved to, for example, slovenia, where the 2 russians convicted, also spelled in osh assets to be exchanged at the most prominent the best and prism necessary. uh certainly the us to another event gosh coverage and for my us marine paul whelan, those war sentence to 16. yes, each for alleged as spell knows in the reach of russia last it as donal airport. i guess go get your boss as a source to west. i'm john. that is to be sending some prussia also. is that awesome that medical journalist also quote, a martial for i'm ready for liberty is set to be among the prisoners. she too, is now reported to be released in addition to the us americans. so that is also set to be a gym and equal k. he has electrically prepared the destination of the arrival of
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ways, tracts in color who's on behalf of the ukranian secret service. the he was florist sentenced to death and then balden. now one of the prisoners believed to be part of the swamp is beloved mirror cutter and moore's. he's an important opposition figure in russia he's been is reportedly been poisoned by russia in 2015. what more can you tell us about him, your as well, that even kind of moves, i is one of the most prominent russian to position petitions. he also used to work with the u. s. congress to punish, cut off the russians, and the russians who was involved in mass, if human rights violations, if it was told of personal sanctions in post by the us congress. i gaze such a russians with his help and that is why he was a sore. and in the side of many a leads in russia, kind of what was that was sentence to 25 years, is a pedal colony. she was accused to a freezing to soft his sentence in the punishment colonial seberio. now germany also appears to be involved in this germany seems to have agreed on releasing the
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so called tier garden killer. that's a body cross a call for. he received a life sentence here in germany for murdering a church in georgian dissidents for him. what's the story there you're yes, classic of seems to be kind of a trump card for the russians address and government that the kindly the president put him in himself have made that very clear on several occasions. the last girl is only too happy. i wonder too happy to swap him for someone from russia in 2019 you said caustic of from the other and not that i should say. it isn't in the pro daylight and believes to golf and talk. he received a live sentence in germany for the crime. research by independent media has review, is that the classic off was in the 6th, an f as b agent who was apparently acting on the house of the russian states. he's literally use was very, very important to the kremlin. you're
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a thank you so much. that was our region bureau chief, you're a reset to of course will bring you updates on the story as they become available now. they ran says that israel will pay for the assassination of, i'm us is top political leader is now on the he was killed in an error strike in tehran. thousands gathered in the reading capital for a funeral, honoring the leader of the palestinian party in milton group from us. and it was also the chief negotiator in tall, named reaching a ceasefire with israel, uranium supreme leader i until i from on a spoke at the ceremony, ran, holds israel, responsible for the killing and said they will make is real regret the move. well is realtor as it can now confirmed that it killed her mazda, his military leader? must not mohammed at dice in an error striking god the last month. the is really
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military says, die was killed on the 13th of july in a strike on the outskirts of fun. eunice they died is considered one of the planners of the october 7th attacks against israel last year. israel's military had been hunting the extremely secretive, 57 year old for decades. ease of use, rebecca rivers in jerusalem told us more as well. mohammed dave was the head of the military wing. the owl cassandra gazed in gaza. he has, it was a heading up that the outcome brigade for some decades couple of decades and with, with the organization for around about 30 years. he's long been on israel is wanted list. and in fact, in may korean com, they had chief prosecutor for the international criminal court, putting him on a list of homos leaders that he was applying to have arrest warrants handed out
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to is now honey, a being another person who was on that list as well. as yes, yes, and while the leader of her mouth in gaza, as i said, he was long on the wanted list of israel and israel made several attempts at his life. he was unsuccessful. he remained elusive until, as we're now learning on july 13th when he was targeted alongside and now the senior. how must figure a rough asylum, a leader of hamas forces in hon. eunice. now that it was concerned on the day that solomon had been killed about, they v as ready military, 100 percent certain that dave also was killed in that a strike. they. they thought that it was probably possible probable, but the they didn't have the intelligence they are now saying they do have the intelligence to confirm that he was taken out in that is tried. but it should be said that at some 90 all the people in gauze, i will also, uh, killed in that strike because it was in an area in hon units near uh you know, this area where people had gone to shelter. so how much is the denial before find
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before today? they said they were denying that day if was killed in that attack, but we haven't heard from them in the aftermath of this, this latest development. assuming they've is dead. how big of a blow with this be to how mazda is capabilities in gaza? it's a, it's suddenly a very big symbolic and strategic blows. to have mosque. dave was a very key figure and he was suddenly played an important role on the ground in gaza. he was, was a suddenly thought to have coordinated many attacks against his realism was seen as a mazda mind behind the october 7 attacks. he was very close with the how much data . yes. and what and all the and he was, you know, had this almost heroic status. as i said, he was a very elusive figure. there only $39.00 photographs of the mine. and so, you know, he had a kind of a, a god like a symbolism around him. and so it will be
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a very strategic and symbolic loss for a mouse. he had built up a lot of expertise over the years he was instrumental in building the, the underground tunnel network. and of course, also the, the bomb making program that have, must have the, the capabilities when it comes to, to making bones. so he certainly is going to be a big loss to the network. but you know, these figures on not irreplaceable. and we've seen that in the past that the key figures have been able to be replaced. and how much is as many say an ideology and this struggle will not be over just because i'm a dave has been killed. so a blow to a mazda is capabilities, nonetheless, a household is playing out then for israel's leader benjamin netanyahu as well. these assess the nations, the suddenly bang seen in israel, and the certainly being sold by benjamin netanyahu. run the government as wind erased. we heard benjamin netanyahu speak about it in his address to the nation
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yesterday saying these military gains would not have been possible if he had bowed to public pressure and taken a hostage due to taking some kind of ceasefire arrangement that he was speaking to his plan. that he's been saying all along only of the will and when total victory is made, when he's able to to completely dismantled hamas as an organization and, and as an organization that can have any military strength against israel. that is something that they will, you know, certainly trying to sell that the assassination of these key layers. all that we have to remember that they haven't claimed responsibility for the assassination of the political. it is now honey a. those it is widely regarded that, that, that was also at the hands of israel. there's definitely being sold as when, but we just have to say what the next steps on the retaliation from iran and its proxy is just where benjamin netanyahu will be standing in the weeks to come. rebecca, thanks for that update our correspond to rebecca rivers in jerusalem. well,
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the motivation for killing smile on the the home us leader may stem from the groups october 7th, terror attacks and israel, but the animosity towards honey stretches back much further. as we see in this report, or is man, he agreed, so runs new president, him what would be one of his last meetings just i was off to attending the president's integration. he and his body guard were killed in the strike on his residence in tehran. nia was the political face of home of the militant islam is good that carried out via october 7th terror attacks on israel nea had not lived in guns or for several years. but ron, how must from cut to where he lived in exile, he became the palestinian prime minister in 2006,
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and continue to rise through how mazda is ranks, eventually becoming its political chief in 2017. how mazda is gone and lead y'all, he, us in law is believed to be the most the minds of the october 7th attacks. while the near represented how much internationally and moved around the region, the diplomatic meetings, he was a key player in negotiations to stop the fighting in gaza. some via he's killing will be a may just set back to achieving peace in the region. near death came just i was off to israel said it killed celia. hezbollah come on. the ford screwed in, they would be attacked, also kills at least one woman and 2 children. and we did thousands. israel says it targeted. sure. good. in retaliation for a rookie to attack on this soccer field in the is really occupied golan heights.
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the cube 12 children and teenagers is well blamed his beloved and wound the military route. it would pay a heavy price. so crude had been one of his beloved, needing military figures since it was established by iran revolutionary god, more than 4 decades ago. and off to the israel. how must will broke out on october 7th, so quoted was accused by his right of being behind many of the drone. and we saw the tax that his belie launched against israel. so crude is the most senior has block amanda to be to since 2016 when most of the reading the groups minute 3 come on, the in syria died in an explosion in damascus. global lead us via the depth of to see me and he does. it is around the greatest enemies when tensions were, where the boiling point could now from an old out regional bull
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spring in the middle of a series, a geopolitical intelligence analyst, an adviser on there. but there's 2 of the former prime minister, a who's all not welcome to the program. i'll be given the assassination of the mass leader into ron. how concern should as really be about retaliation from a red thank you for having yes, we should be very concerned. it's very likely there is going to be a retaliation. yvonne has different tools and means to carry out such a retaliation. so be very reasonable to expect that i want to ask you about has paula in a moment. i know you've been very, it's been studying that a lot, but 1st let me ask you as a former intelligence officer, what your thoughts are on why is no honey, it might have been targeted in tehran. it was the 1st day how many of was the,
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the head of the how much political bureau he was though he was portrayed in worse than the media isn't i don't think more of the moderate guy. he was not the range at all. he was a, be through any of the student isn't. he was also in charge of the, among other things, among other people around the planning of the october 7 messic areas, which is one of his policy. and roughly speaking, one bit almost 50 years ago. the following, the domestic of is what his thoughts on athletes and really to gemini. this is what basically is a policy. this is such people that are involved in such thing is where these are basically because you're going to do to meet on it for a living nation's. it is for you to leave me mention of people. individual is not for itself is, but you can just, you, most of the times doesn't really seem strategically. sometimes it has most in vertical meaning very well probation on tactic, meaning must be on that. but sometimes when you take out feels like, for example,
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here it goes beyond beyond that now let's talk about has paula in neighboring lab and on. yeah, you know, the group, well, what are you hearing about has ball as likely military reaction to the killing of its military leader earlier? what i would say that the, his blood didn't use the one hand, those clothes are very and some people are the motivated to retaliate and probably be, will they do have some sort of the dilemma is how to read the way just on the one hand will convey a message that actually the rehabilitate bill is smashed, full damaged, it'd be tugs capacities or events following the story, assessing nations because we need to give a couple of hours. i'll google it in a way that we restored it on the one hand. but on the inside with not and spark a dynamic that would result in the whole of war. because the basic guess assessment
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believe in the nation is the either will decides if the end of the day has really interesting such a heart all who. but once you all, you cannot think such a process, you don't need to have the ability to 40 good for this and beautiful. there is a risk that it will result in the leading the data. so i think you're going to be the stars. so this is the, the level of interest below, and they would right now there is no doubt that they will basically consulting. what did this way, what would be the right waiting for his book to read the emphasize the final decision about the, the features, the on the characteristic it will sort. chevy. valuation will be a decided if you want it taking into consideration different possible ramifications of that. well, everyone of course is wondering what will happen next. a retaliation is,
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seems to be factored into most people's calculations. but how small, uh, is in 11 on right. next door to is real in the north, across the border is a military response from them more concerning to israel than retaliation by iran, which is over a 1000 kilometers away. in any case, the thing is very concerning. we have to remember we're looking at the volume image focuses the hezbollah, the whole, these days, she likes militia, as they own massively on, but at the best of the weapons, the maintenance come off to them and they all for them, which includes masons and cruise me size and that back in close, we all familiar with all those things and those things are causing a significant damage with just the level of the you're renting. it take themselves maybe a couple of years ago that basically smashed to somebody a little spot is part of the ring or the industry. so they can cause these what a very, very significant damage, regardless and beyond the distance. obviously,
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as you mentioned, that you would be more much closer to use while you're talking about your range and in all the aspects within the end of the day, the damage could, could be caused by your thinking to use words. but digital infrastructure ports and other national infrastructure, this damage could be enormously significant. so from every possible perspective, there is a good reason for his will to be presented to the people. so given all that, what can you tell us about the factors that are influencing decisions involving israel's military. at this point to what i said, the overarching game regarding on has to do with the, with the perspective that i would say is more just what did you originally speaking when we're looking at something that has been ongoing for many years. then what we see today, all for a long period of time, is that 20 part of the long term sophisticated you bring in mazda in to eliminate
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the staples as well. and not to the use of non conventional wisdom, but to the use of conventional weapons. and to get extended running with jim has a very effective point, surveys these, all the different militias across the middle east, the beginning of june funds and homes and provide the military no. and so long as we learn how much and he's loving job, she, our community says difficulties and so on and so on. and this whole, most of the, whoever do you mean the end of the day is suppose to be simultaneously activated from different arena to basically eliminate these wedding and massive game. and we looked at, we broke all the regions or how i'll talk to you this morning. it is part of the remaining, the team and major component of this program is to exhaust is what a long term process. and this is exactly what was, how much of the strong jobs will for the last couple of decades is what it has been dealing with. how much it is. let me just for the last for the use. this is part of
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this long term ring and most of it. so what we saw is an ongoing, clearly process of exhausting ease with this military loss. good paid off by the proxies targeting deliberately and going unintentionally is the soft barely which are less, you billions. and the whole purpose of it is basically to bring is what to dump. which means you the point where the mass, you find a role with basically eliminate these with right. now what we see in this region is the re shopping of the game cost is was basically send the message in the last couple of hours. the 24 hours is where to send the message that says we are not changing the ground. and then we not decide what's going to be the base in the project to basic these websites that we all know coming any longer to take the story off exhaustion. know it started for decision and what was the purpose or
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possible outcome of the very dramatic shift i would say is the possibility that the region will find itself in or out a low as an outcome of that, of that shift. but this is something that didn't happen because of the last 24 hours in the end of the day. we are looking at the process. the aggression of the union with jim was for total, you know, the party to which the policy make is the basically we're taking this ken down the road. but im dental the day it was inevitable because if you don't do with the what do you when he's leading when to deal with the booty when he's big and stronger. and this is exactly what we see today. and this is exactly when we're here today. both and major on said, girl, what do you about the possibility of heart old war in the region, which is very passive, much of a thank you very much for your insights. that was on the mail about
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a geopolitical intelligence analyst. thank you for now. we've got some breaking news coming in turkey has announced the us journalist, evan garcia, beach informing us marine paul whelan had been released by russia in a prisoner exchange and corsets 26 prisoners from 7 countries were part of the exchange. analysts say this could be the largest prisoner swapped with moscow since the cold war course. we will bring you more details on this as soon as they become available us. meanwhile, let's take a quick look at some other stories making headlines today. bangladesh is government has banned an opposition party, blaming it for stoking mass student protests. that jamal a as loudly part he is. it student wing and other associated groups have been outlawed as quote, militant, and terrorist organizations. bangladesh is a c weeks of anti government protest in which more than 200 people from di,
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protest have taken to the st. protesters dig into the streets of nigeria as largest cities, legos and a booge of blaming the government for a cost of living crisis that same food in fuel prices skyrocket. government officials are calling on protesters to remain peaceful, but police had launched tear gas in some civics and try try court who has denied the request from former prime minister to auction center. want to leave the country for medical consultations and due by he is waiting just an trial on charges of defending the time monarchy and was fried on bill in june 74 year old. voluntarily returned to thailand last year from self imposed exile. if you are watching the they'll be news from berlin up next, focus on europe. looks at the escalating border dispute between federal ruth and
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poland over illegal crossings by refugees. i'm terry morrison for me and all of us here at dw, there's thanks for watching the
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cold war or humanitarian catastrophe. on the border between poland and belen roost, the number of illegal border crossings by refugees is increasing. and the situation is only getting worse. depaula's border security. these are organized efforts, but 8 agencies are horrified by the situation. the focus on your next on d. w. when i was younger kind of the best one of the most proud of choice. it was stigmatized flight generation. these cannabis as a part of our culture. no,
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we're not doing that. he is a marijuana cooled, strongly conflict, but sometimes for unexpected reasons. we the new young generations want to change our region. lucky, older generation rejected legalization. and then when generations class in 16 minutes on dw the, on the long voyage through the ocean and mother, i'm back with account for a long time. they had to be humans on the journey. but now the premises have to come there, protect the
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ocean on the hello and welcome to this week's edition of focus on europe is great to have you with us border protection to prevent illegal immigration has been a huge challenge and the european union in recent years the situation is currently coming to a head on the border between the roofs and poland, poland, and e. u. member states, as seen a dramatic rise of illegal crossings in recent months. below ruth has done little to discourage migrants from attempting to enter the news.


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