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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 1, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the, the news coming to line from berlin. turkey announced as a major prisoner swamp between russia and western nations. and what's being called a historic exchange anchor, a says american reporter, evan girl skip, which is among $26.00 detainees. being fried along with former us marine and security executive coal wheeler. also coming up around bows. revenge for the killing of how much chief is male honey of thousands, gather into rhonda honor, a man listed as a terrorist in the west with whom many palestinians saw as a pleasure for their con. israel is widely believed to be behind the assassination
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that israel confirms it killed a mouse is military leader in a striking gaza in july. mohammed type is thought to be one of the planners of the october 7th, the terrorist attacks against israel, the alarm terry martin. good heavy with us will begin with breaking news. turkey has confirmed a major prisoner swap between russia and the west. 26th prisoners had been exchanged at anchor airport. they include american journalist, oven garbage, and for us, marine poll whelan. several russian dissidents are also a part of the swamp. among the prisoners returned to russia or body classic comp, who was convicted of murder in germany. it's one of the biggest prisoners swaps between moscow in the west since the end of the cold. the
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more on this, let's cross straight over to d. w. correspond to dorian jones in turkey. dorian, what role is turkey playing here? and so tough patient intelligence agency, and i'm buying cochran and mates. i introduced quite an empty statements claiming to or played a key facilitating role in this, or they describe is extremely complex operation. they said that they didn't involve 7 countries. 7 planes of age, the room, bolt, arriving of bunker. apple, where the various people in both 26 people were brought to the airport and from the, the mit intelligence agency supervision. people with taken the off the plains they would take is a very separate locations that correct around the ample, well, the ratification of the procedure was, can't be carried out. health checks were done on, on the 26th, i went to the parties. why happy then the exchanges was made hunkers,
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saying that this uh, it's been a lengthy, facilitating role that people playing a hurry this month. they said the took, he was to thank you for bringing together the policies, discuss this deal to bring this be about. and they said that uh for up this operation bunker was from intelligence agency, were in charge of the supervision and the carrying out. so what they claim needs to be one, the most successful present exchanges since the cold as we were speaking there dory . and now i just want to remind our viewers that we're looking at some live pictures uh, from ankara airport. uh, we just saw a russian plane there, taxiing on the runway with the russian insignia on the tail fence. so we've got all those prisoners now here that are being swapped through and crow. why? why is turkey doing this? why, why turkey, too? well, turkey has always claims in many ways, it has a unique position in this growing tensions between the west and russia. in fact, talk, he's president by jeff, type of one. enjoys
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a good relations with his watching count on, but i think be uprooted by the same time. so he is a member of nato. how strong relations we have, all of those needs are members. so i'm always in sicily headspace goods and in the past because of its close types of booty, he says it's necessary to have these cards. also communication open and listen, things itself will take you to play this kind of broke kentucky housing. the policy facilitate the prism exchanges between russia and ukraine. again, one play me because turkey maintains this balancing roll up and maintaining good relations and pay those involved in complex because it cannot allow such key moments like me. i'll wait and see today of prison that exchanges and i can only be done if you have policies from facilitate, let's trust to buy old sites to make sure that the deal is not on the beach, but also successfully carried out on the focus intelligence agency is claiming as pop in but they say it's a very successful deal by organizing and helping to allow it to happen. and now the
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policies to work together in the, in, on the basis that they have a 3rd party who they can rely on and trust to make sure that deal does carry out. because he's playing now. success in this role over the exchange between washer and the west. i'm also getting claim success in the between russia and ukraine, and they expect to take the roles in prison exchanges that in the future. and again, this game will talk you will be claiming a lot of different method, cute also. but this, i'm underlining the noise insistence, the importance of maintaining good to have relations with the key parts using complex dory. and thank you very much. that was our correspond it, dorian jones, there in turkey. now let's cross over to washington where our correspond. janelle do milan is standing by jill. what can you tell us about the us citizens who been exchanged a terry? there are 3 confirmed names on that list and let me just say that in the period of
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their detention, their detention was widely covered as such are these names are very publicly well known starting of course with evan brokovich of the wall street journal. the teed in russia last year while on assignment for his newspaper. and we have a 2nd during the list on that list else who karma chava. she worked, of course, sought for radio free europe, and was detained in russia after she went there in the spring to visit her mother. now on that list, we also have poll view, and he has been there the longest. he has, he is an ex marine. he has been detained there for more than 5 years. he went there to a attend a wedding of a friend in russia in 2018, and found himself arrested as well on espionage charges. now especially for poll
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bill and he's seen quite a few prisoner swaps in his time. prisoners swaps where he was not included. so one can only imagine the sense of relief that he must have at being able to come home at being finally included in such a deal. tremendous relief for the loved ones and family. uh those involved for sure . um. what do you tell us, janelle, about both? uh, evan goose give edge. he's been the focus of a lot of attention ever since he was detained. this must be a huge relief for, for his family. and of course, for a journalist in his position. oh, yes. so one can only imagine no evan, garish coverage. of course, as you mentioned, she got a lot of coverage. we've also done plenty of coverage of evan years of age and this case also on her own channel here at dw our viewers on by remember those images of
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him up watching the court room proceedings unfold around him watching or from behind a glass cage. evan goose coverage, just to refresh reviewers memory. he is 32 years old, a newspaper reporter for the wall street journal. he was detained while on assignment last year. and the last months he was sentenced to 16 years, uh, in russian prison for espionage, for those espionage charges that we mentioned. and he really has his case has really become by the center of a big mobile ization effort. as you alluded to there, terry, of the international during the list community, this was a person who was arrested for simply doing his job journalism. of course, not being a crime. he was only exercising his duties as a journalist and, but then eventually found himself upon in what like what can only be called the
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game from the kremlin in order to secure the own, their own people and how they, and the people that they want, that the people detained outside of russia. so one can only imagine, as we keep saying, they'll release that found the least the international journalism community must have a being able to welcome the avengers garbage out of that russian prison house. the news of this, a prisoner's swap, going down in the us, what through what the americans making make of this right now? i mean, of course the where you are, it's just the morning, i guess people are just waking up to this as well. there was a, a lot of bars around the topic already a few indicators that could be that it could be happening as such, american audiences were a bit prime to hear about this news already. but uh, this is a, this is a historic moment. this is a,
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an emotional moment. everyone of course is waiting for those images of the, on the new lead released, the prisoners being re united with our families. but we also can't to get past the fact that this is happening at a unique political moment in the, in the united states. it's of course, so an election year this release of the prisoners can be considered a big a window by the, by and administration. if you remember in that last infamous, now, in from this debate that you had with donald trump, donald trump said that he would be the one who would be able to secure, haven't gurus, good, which is a release if, if he is elected into the white house he said that the food 10 was laughing at biden and a bite and has managed to secure the deal. and i think where this is going to go is at the top, the done the crowd. so we'll probably point to this occasion as
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a moment to where they were able to leverage international alliances. this was a multi country cooperation. they'll be able to say that this is the kind of government that will be able to get that done as a contrast to donald trump, but preferring one on one deals bilateral deals. it's so it's the us who could bring all these countries to the table. it's the us who could uh, a get germany to release to release. so the so called the tier got and killer that f s. b pittman who was also included in this is that in project called who is included in this exchange. and of course, also the germany did visit with a, with a, with some deal of hesitation. it's the us who can manage to get these countries on board. and that is that all about taking together just makes us such
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a unique moment size. as i said, combining in motion and history and the electoral politics for the moment. indeed, janelle, thank you so much r, correspond janelle, doing that on in washington. now another news around says that israel will pay for the assassination of how mazda is top. political leader is model on the he was killed in an air strike in tehran. thousands gathered in the arabian capital for a funeral, honoring the leader of the palestinian party. and village in groups, a mass funny, it was also the chief negotiator and talked aimed reaching a cease fire with israel reading and supreme leader i until that time. and i you spoke at the ceremony. ran holds is real, responsible for the killing, and has said they will make is real regret, move well is real, says it can now confirm that it killed
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a mazda is military leader. mohammed died in an error strike in guys of last month . the is really military says, die was killed on the 13th of july, and a strike on the outskirts of fun units. type is considered one of the planners of the october 7th attacks last year. israel's military had been hunting the extremely secretive, 57 year old for decades. dw rebecca rivers in jerusalem told us more as well. mohammed dave was the head of the military wing . the l. cassandra gazed in gaza. he has, it was a heading up that a they all cassandra gates for some decades couple of decades and with, with the organization for around about 30 years. he's long been on israel is wanted list and in fact it may korean com that had chief prosecutor for the international criminal court. putting him on a list of homos leaders that he was applying to have arrest warrants handed out
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to is now honey a being another person who was on that list as well as yes, yes. and while the leader of her mouth in gaza, as i said, he was long on the wanted list of israel and israel made several attempts at his life. he was unsuccessful. he remained elusive until, as we're now learning on july 13th when he was targeted along side and now the senior. how must figure a rough asylum, a leader of how much forces in hun eunice. now that was concerned on the day that solomon had been killed about they b as rarely, military. what 100 percent certain that dave also was killed in that a strike they. they thought that it was probably possible probable, but the they didn't have the intelligence and now saying they do have the intelligence to confirm that he was taken out in that a strike. but it should be said that at some 90 all the people in gauze, i will also, uh, killed in that strike because it was in an area in hon units near uh you know,
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this area where people had gone to shelter. so how much is the denial before fine before today? they said they were denying that dave was killed in that attack, but we haven't heard from them in the aftermath of this, this latest development. assuming dave is dead, how big of a blow would this be to him, us as capabilities in gaza? so its suddenly a very big symbolic and strategic blows to her mosque. dave was a very key figure and he was certainly played an important role on the ground in gaza. he was, was a suddenly thought to have coordinated many attacks against israelis, and was seen as a mazda mind behind the october 7 attacks. he was very close with the i'm, i say to us in what in gaza. and he was, you know, had this almost heroic status. as i said, he was a very elusive figure. there only $39.00 photographs of the mine. and so, you know,
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he had a kind of a, a god like of symbolism around him. and so it will be a very strategic and symbolic loss for a mouse. he had built up a lot of expertise over the years. he was instrumental in building the, the underground tunnel network. and of course, also the, the bomb making program that have, must have the, the capabilities when it comes to, to making bones. so he certainly is going to be a big loss to the network, but you know, these figures on not irreplaceable. and we've seen that in the pasta. the key figures have been able to be replaced. and how much is as many say an ideology and this struggle will not be over just because of how many days has been killed. so a blow to a mazda is capabilities. nonetheless, a household is playing out then for israel's leader benjamin netanyahu as well. these assassinations suddenly bang, seen in his round this suddenly being sold by benjamin netanyahu on the government as wins. it was. we heard benjamin netanyahu speak about it in his address to the
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nation yesterday saying these military gains would not have been possible if he had bowed to public pressure and taken a hostage due to taking some kind of ceasefire arrangement that he was speaking to his plan. that he's been saying all along only of the will and when toes will victory is made when he's able to to completely dismantle him off as an organization and as an organization that can have any military strength against israel. that is something that they will, you know, suddenly trying to sell that the assassination of these key layers. all that we have to remember that they haven't claimed responsibility for the assassination of the political. it is now honey a. so it is widely regarded that, that, that was also at the hands of israel, that definitely being sold as a win. but we'll just have to say what the next steps on the retaliation from iran . and it's proxies discount with benjamin netanyahu will be standing in the weeks
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to come. rebecca, thanks for that update to our correspond to rebecca ritter's injuries on well, a lot of ation for killing as a hun the the us leader may stem from the groups october 7th terror attacks in israel. but the animosity towards honey stretches back much further. as we see in this report is man, he agreed, so runs new president, him what would be one of his last meetings just i was off to attending the president's integration. he and his body guard would killed in the strike on his residence in tehran. nia was the political face of home of the militant islam is good. they carried out via october 7th terror attacks on israel nea had not lived in guns or for several years. the drum how must from cut to where he lived in exile. he became the palestinian prime
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minister in 2006, and continue to rise through how mazda is ranks eventually becoming its political chief in 2017 mazda is gone and lead. yeah, he, us in law is believed to be the most the minds of the october 7th. the tax was near represented. how much internationally and moved around the region, the diplomatic meetings. he was a key player in negotiations to stop the fighting in gaza. some via he's killing will be a may just set back to achieving peace in the region. near death came just i was off to israel said it killed, see me, a hezbollah? come on. the forge screwed in they would be attacked, also kills at least one woman and 2 children. and we did thousands. israel says it targeted. sure. good. in retaliation for a rookie to attack on this soccer field in the is really occupied golan heights the
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cube. 12 children and teenagers is well blamed his beloved and wound the military route. it would pay a heavy price. so crude had been one of his beloved, needing military figures since it was established by iran revolutionary god, move in 4 decades ago. off to the israel. how must war broke out on october 7th. so clued was accused by his right of being behind many of the drone. and we saw attacks that his belie launched against israel. so crude is the most senior has block amanda to be to since 2016 when most of the bad reading the groups minute 3 come on. the in syria died in an explosion in damascus. global lead us via the death of to see me a need is a, is around the greatest enemies when tensions where, where the boiling point could now from an all out regional bowl.
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fast intelligence that a list of the middle of why nea might have been targeted in tehran as well. the reasons 1st day honey, was the head of the from us political bureau. he was, though he was portrayed in worse than the media, is in effect more of the moderate because not to him. other means at all. it was a be to any of the student isn't. he was also in charge on the amount of other things, among other people, and the planning of guilt over 7 investigating is what is, what has a policy roughly speaking, one bit to almost 50 years ago, the following the domestic of, is there any sports on assets and really to germany, this is what basically as a policy this is such people that are informed and such thing is one of these are basically because we're going to do to meet the good for the limitations. is fully to limitation of people. individual is not for itself is but to just you,
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most of the times it doesn't really seems to feed yourself budget as balls in vertical and meaning corporation on tactic meaning talk beyond that. but sometimes when you think of feels like, for example, here it goes beyond beyond that now let's talk about has paula in neighboring lab and on, you know, the group, well, what are you hearing about has ball as likely military reaction to the killing of its military leader earlier but i would say that this is not like even use the one hand of course already and some people are the motivated to retaliate the problem be will they do have a waiver of some sort of the dilemma is how to we thought it in a way, just on the one hand will convey a message that actually the rehabilitate bill is smashed, will damage the tubs, capacities, all event. following this noise,
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this nation's because we need to give a couple of hours. i'll do both in a way that we saw that on the one hand, but on the inside with not and spot a dynamic. this could result in the home on the wall because the basic guess assessment, believe in the nation is the either will decides if the end of the day has really interesting such a heart all who, but once you all igniting such a process, you don't need to have the ability to 40 good for that and bill for the ease risk that it will result in a dynamic, misleading the data. so i think you don't want to be stars. so this is the, the level of it while x is below. and they would right now that is a no doubt did. they will basically consulting what did this way, what would it be? there was waiting for his book to read the emphasize the final decision about the, the features, the on the characteristic it will sort,
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chevy function will be a decided if you want it taking into consideration different possible ramifications of that. well, everyone of course is wondering what will happen next. a retaliation is seems to be factored into most people's calculations. but how small uh, is 11 on right next door to is real in the north, across the border is a military response from them. more concerning to israel than retaliation by iran, which is over a 1000 kilometers away. are you in any case the ocean is very setting low. we have to remember we're looking at the volume image focuses the has blah, the oh, d 's dave, she likes me, lou shows the old, massive be on, but of the best of the weapons. the minutes come off of them and they all of them, which includes masons and cruise me sides, and that, that controls we all familiar with all those things and those things are causing a significant damage. we just remember the uranium it take themselves maybe
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a couple of years ago. it basically smashed to somebody a little star is part of the regular oil industry. so they could cost these was a very, very significant damage. regardless in the distance. obviously, as you mentioned, accurate before, much closer to use while you're talking about your range and in all the aspects within the end of the day, the damage could, could be caused by your thinking to use words for digital infrastructure ports and all the national infrastructure. this damage could be enormously significant. so from every possible perspective, there is a good reason for it as well to be presented to the people. now let's catch up on a couple of other stories making headlines today. bangladesh is government has banned and opposition party blaming it for smoking mass student protests. the gemma, as mommy party has been outlawed as a militant to her organization. the band also covers its students and other
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associated groups. bangladesh was seen weeks of anti government protests and which more than 200 people died. and protesters have taken to the streets of nigeria is largest cities, legos and the buddha. blaming the government for a cost of living crisis that has seen food and fuel prices. sky, right? government officials were calling on protesters to remain peaceful, but police have lost tear gas in some sit there are watching dw news. just reminder the top story we're following for you this our turkey cars announced the largest prisoner swap between russia and the west. since the cold war, officials say american journalist 7 cars cabbage is among the 26 detainees being exchanged in ankara, along with former us marine and security executive poll whelan among the prisoners returned to russia, our body classic call, who was convicted of murder in europe. the,
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you're watching the domain except to the right got an examination of how different generations view and use cannabis documentary on that. i'm terry martin. thanks for the the, the
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when i was younger, kind of the best one of the most part of choice. it was stigmatized my generation, these cannabis as a part of our culture. no, we're not doing that. v as a marijuana. accrued strongly conflict, but sometimes for unexpected reasons. we the new young generations want to change our region lucky, older generations, equal rejected legalization. and then when generations class next on dw, do more of the week process launching the fluid surprises as weapons. they impact
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spence from the atlantic coastal and forgot to do this. so these asia, russia is targeting ukraine's agricultural sector, destroying the world's grain supplies, leading global inflation to spread and foster in 45 minutes on d. w. the welcome to the tire timelines, capital for 6 tourism window. you have many if you go to a faucet, you the pay twice or $3.00 times as much and the other half the service in 2023, a documentary uncovered corruption and child abuse. the youngest one, for example, let me show you this was her. now the film team investigate the was exactly have
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