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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 1, 2024 7:00pm-7:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the w is life from time and tuck it on since the historic prisoner swap between russia and western countries, and the largest such exchange with moscow since the cold war increased as american ford to evan cosca, which is one of $26.00 the time these being fried alongside former us marine the secure and executive poll wayland around the vows revenge against the israel. so the killing of homicide chief is male, hiding in thousands, gathering tact ronda on romano listed as a terrorist in the west. but who many palestinians. so as a fine to for that called the
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feel gave welcome to the program. we begin with the breaking news that turkey has confirmed a major prisoner swap between russia and the number of western countries. 24 have been exchanged at anchor at 4. thank the mary. sent you a list, the evan cosca, which will make us moving a whole, cleveland and several russian dissidents. lots of presents being returned to russia is by deem chrisy calls that he was convicted in germany. it's getting a former chechen rebel in a pok in, but live apparently of the oldest of most go security services, as well as the biggest between moscow and the west since the end of the cold war. us president joe biden acknowledge germany's role in the deal just a short while ago are particularly on great of the sense of gratitude to the chance
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the manager making a may required me to get some significant concessions. germany or state originally concluded they could not do because the person question, but everybody stepped up all set up, some of the stuff tough turkey stepped out and it matters that relationships really does. let's get more from washington correspondent, janelle durham allowed. welcome at janelle, there were lots of countries involved in making the swaps at the swap happen. what else did the president have to say? so you know, just watching that speech. i think it really did highlight one of biden's key strengths and that so the ability to combine the political with the personal starting with a personal i don't know if you caught that moment where he got the entire room to sing happy birthday to the 12 year old daughter of one of the prisoners getting
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released also commercial. and because it is her birthday tomorrow, she's turning 13. so that was a very moving moment. but the core of his message also centered on quite political message. and that was on the importance of alliances. he made references to the fact that it was his relationship with the countries involved in this deal. it was at his requests that these country at his request, that the countries got together to make this deal happen. and really there he was off trying to strike a contrast between himself and donald trumble. famously, not a fan of multi multi lateralism famously, not a fan of international cooperation. and re, uh, really you played that sound bite earlier where he talked about how it was his personal relationship with the chancellor or la shots that to help this deal and move forward. because of course, so for germany having to release so that in cross
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a call the, the, uh, the f s b a. so the, the css in was quite a difficult thing for germany to do because he has to do with that. this was a crime that was perpetrated on german soil. so of course that germany was hesitant, but uh, the president biden made the point of that. so he was able to get germany to concede on this point. and this was a point that he returned to very often is in his remarks, saying, alliances made the country safer. and if any one were to question the importance of these alliances, once again a, that's a, that's a sideswipe i taught donald trump, then you know, they would be severely mistaken. and one of the highest profile release is that a wall street journal report to evan cosca, which, what can you tell us about his case? indeed. so there has been a lot of coverage of evan gris,
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cuz it's his case. our viewers might remember those images of hand, but watching court room proceedings unfold around him as he watched up from behind a glass cage, evan, grotesque of which is a reporter for the wall street journal. he was detained in russia while on assignment for his paper. so he was detained last year. last months, he was sentenced to a 16 year sentence on espionage charges. now, evan grace could, which is a cause, became really a rallying issue for the international press community. because essentially of endorsed coverage, of course, was arrested for merely doing his job and on. and then he found himself, of course, uh at the center of this plot as the kremlin not as a crumbling use them as upon to try and go to their own russian prisoners fried. but of course, no evan or gas cabbage has been included in this deal,
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to the relief of his friends and family and of course, of his employer. the wall street journal. the wall street journal coming out with a big page shot today saying, w. s. j reporter evan brokovich is for you, and you can really send, saw a sense the relief and the joy of embedded and dot announcement. okay, thank you for that. downtown durham alone in washington. ron has declared that israel will pay for the assassination of her masters. political data is mail hobby and the tax around strike thousands gathered during the uranium capital for his funeral. isabel had said that it would kill him, but has remained silent about his death. i go over the killing, i'm asked if a top has block him on the invite route just hours earlier. the race phase of escalation in the region. the anger boiled in the muslim world. after you smell honey, you was killed along with his body guard in an air strike on his residence in tehran
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. you run quickly blamed israel, which is out to kill him and other from us leaders after the october 7th attacks in eastern bulls sunset. it was a wake up call and in the month of the month is melania is an important milestone on the road to palestine becoming an independent state. i say this with full belief, you will see that was lethargy in the atlantic welled. a revival will begin with the mazda dom of honey. this revival will bring an end to the israeli terrorist instructions that formerly attended. there were more protests from tunisia to a rock. to park as the new year was seen as a moderate voice within him, us. many protesters, so he's killing is another sign that is real believes that can act with impunity, which on israel is attacking syria level known iraq and iran because of the support
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of the us. we are protesting against the american government and the occupying scientist forces diplomats around the world reacted as well, urging israel and the wrong to avoid escalation diplomatic negotiations. i don't know malaysia's prime minister on mar abraham, the condemned honey is assassination on facebook. only to find that his post was taken down. this, he has accused facebook's parent company metal of cowardice deep. we know where was honey is death felt as strongly as in the palestinian territories. janine in the is really occupied, westbank was filled with palestinian protesters and the militants of some were brandishing weapons and waving the flags of him, us and islamic jihad, both themes, terrorist organizations, by many countries, the message was clear, new is dead, but palestinian armed resistance would continue to let's get more on this from. i'm
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out dave from dw arabic out. welcome. i'll talk with sort of some of the reactions in the out of world regarding the kings and phase bees, hamas and hezbollah, latest, i mean the reactions in the ad world have ranged from anger to contamination to calls for revenge, but also to some questions on the on how these assistant nations took place in the capital of iran and also in the capital of middleton very securely type locations. on the, on the diploma we have seen and your report, the reaction is on in the streets and many took the streets to express the anger but also on the depend on the diplomatic level. we have with this many reactions from the i was perhaps the most volk of was the cuts out of the actions. cut side, which is mid da thing between him us and israel has expressed its anger and it's
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a disability. if it's, how could israel assessing 8 the one who is leaving the limitations? well, of course we haven't yet had a conformation from is roadside, whether it was responsible for honeys assistant ation. but all fingers are pointing on israel in the i was st. lois for this, this nation of hezbollah commander, we have also seen reactions and see or is it to be honest, in the region of escalation of further escalation, many countries like door then a cup tied as i mentioned to needs. yeah. but also egypt have expressed fears that these are refer, committed by israel as these countries say would lead to more escalation in this conflict. we've also heard today from has by luxury for hass on natural law. what has he been saying? i think his most important message today is that this war has entered and you live and by that the, the, the, the level on which these vs as well as the reaction and other fraction other
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militias. auctions in the region has been, has been somewhat calculated. these 2 assistant nations opened the door and unlocked and you level and this conflict a has well as really a during the slow is very firm and sitting but has blocked, will react and will retaliate the killing of its command or the question remain when and how he pointed to him many things he pointed out, this could give us an idea of how will this reaction happen. he mentioned that in the following hours or even days, israel has to be ready for this for this retaliation. but also he hinted at the district's evaluation might be an in coordination with iran and it's other allies in the region. meaning that is right. it will not exactly know who will in fact it'd be, the man responded to these actions so different magically then who is doing what's to try and continue in the situation. the west is mainly being very active. loved
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and on today was a beehive, many invested. there is money for an investors of the gemini, of the united states, but also u. n. a, you and personnel is have been flooding uh the, the, the, the current um, the government in attempting to talk to the lebanese government to de escalate the conflict. however, i think the most important um visit today was from british ministers for and with this minister and defense petition minister, they were very, there were various meetings to they enjoy your that took place in reference to the escalation. the key word is, will hezbollah listened to at least 4 in the months are saying or will it continue? what it thinks is the proper reaction to israel's action? just just on that because it's, it's difficult for the government to 11 on because it has the law is all for a single mac address, right, but effectively independent. so when these foreign diplomats talk to the 11 east governments, they have very effectively around the sense not,
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not necessarily there are, these are, they are getting these messages from ambassadors from the before and, and for, for an political actors in, in the west and in the united states, they con, in a way to transmit this message, to has bullet. in fact, many met with a disability that the speaker of the parliament who is a close ally, a tune us for law. however, listening to has been a select speech to they can tell us that as well that is will retaliate, and this retaliation would make a difference. and this ongoing conflict presents for to history that so clearly i'm out. i'm open from dw everything. thank you. let's take a look and saw stories making headlines around the world. now we're starting the bandwidth dash by the government has bands and opposition policy play. me get for dosing master student protests. your math is allow me to see it has been outlaw
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with as a millicent, tara organization. and also it covers it students with a student with other associates and groups, and with the accuracy, weeks of antique, protesting which more than $200.00 people. protest as have taken to the streets of nigeria is the largest faces, make us an booge of binding. the government for a cost of living crisis in st. food and fuel prices skyrocket. government officials, according to protest, assume a peaceful the police have the lowest tier gas in some states. just undermined to that top story based out of the largest presence of office environment on the west since a cold war has been completed in kentucky, american journalist, evan cosca, which is one to 26. the timing is exchanged in ankara along with former us marine and security executive. so we, some of the prisoners return to russia off having crossteck often is convicted of murder in june of next day on dw interview with jim is defense
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minister on these countries involving defense of policy. if the light of multiple security crises felt exceed the taiwan strait that's in just a moment, i'll be back at the top of a good day. the welcome to put tire time. that's kinda sofas. thanks tourism. what do you get here? you can't get anywhere else in the world. in germany, if you go to a prostitute twice or 3 times as much and the other half the service. in 2023, a documentary, uncovered corruption on child abuse. the youngest one, for example, let me show you this was her now the phone team investigates the the was.


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