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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 1, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm CEST

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the, the, this date of the news line from the tuck a now it's, it's a historic prisoner swap between russia and western countries and the largest such exchange with moscow since the cold war. i'm curious as the american reports. i haven't just give it just one of 20 detainees being freed alongside former us marine and security executive pulled. we live also in the program around the promises revenge against israel. so the killing of a mass political leader is now on the thousands gather into front of the funeral of a mountain regard. advised the west as a terrorist with whom many palestinian sol as the fights of that cost. and israel
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confirms that has killed her massive military leader mohammed today was killed in australia, come gaza in july, and was thought to be one of the planners available to over 710 of the feel good. welcome to the program. turkey has confirmed a major prison, this walk between russia and the number of western countries. $24.00 have been exchanged with incorrect efforts, include american germans, devon casket, which former us marine pool wheeler, and several russian test events. most of prisoners being returned to russia is by the am crossteck off who was convicted in germany of killing the former chechen rebels in a pock in but live power and say on the owners of moscow security services. this wolf is the biggest between moscow and the west since the end of the cold war. a us
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president joe biden acknowledged germany's role in the deal, particularly on a great sense of gratitude to the chest. the manager making a may required me to get some significant concessions. germany or state originally concluded they could not do because a person question. but everybody stepped up post typed up, some of the stuff to turkey stepped out. and it matters to have relationships. really does like correspondence in washington, janelle durham alone told me more about the president's speech. so, you know, just watching that speech. i think it really did highlights one of biden's key strengths and that. so the ability to combine the political with the personal starting with a personal i don't know if you caught that moment where he. 7 the entire room to
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sing happy birthday to the 12 year old daughter of one of the prisoners getting released also commercial. and because it is her birthday tomorrow, she's turning 13. so that was a very moving moment. but the core of his message also centered on the white clinical message. and that was on the importance of alliances. she made references to the fact that it was his relationship with the countries involved in this deal. it was at his requests that these country, at his request, that the countries got together to make this deal happen. and really there, he was all trying to strike a contrast between himself and donald trumble. famously not a fan of multi multi lateralism famously not a fan of international cooperation. and re, uh, really you played that sound bite earlier where he talked about how it was his personal relationship with the chancellor or la shots that to help this deal and
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move forward. because of course, so for germany having to release so that in cross a call the, the, uh, the f s b a. so the, the css in was quite a difficult thing for germany to do because he has to do with that. this was a crime that was perpetrated on german soil. so of course germany was hesitant, but uh, the president biden made the point of that. so he was able to get germany to concede on this point. and this was a point that he returned to very often is in his remarks, saying, alliances made the country safer. and if any one were to question the importance of these alliances, once again a, that's a, that's a sideswipe i taught donald trump, then you know, they would be severely mistaken. and one of the highest profile release is that a wall street journal report to evan cosca, which, what can you tell us about his case? or indeed. so there has been
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a lot of coverage of evan gris, cuz it's his case. our viewers might remember those images of hand, not watching courtroom proceedings unfold around him as he watched up from behind a glass cage. evan gross garbage is a reporter for the wall street journal. he was detained in russia while on assignment for his paper. so he was detained last year. last months, he was sentenced to a 16 year sentence on espionage charges. now, evan grace could, which is a cause, became really a rallying issue for the international press community. because essentially of endorsed coverage, of course, was arrested for merely doing his job and on. and then he found himself, of course, at the center of this plot as the crumbling, not as a crumbling used them as upon to try and go to their own russian prisoners fried.
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but of course, no evan or gas cabbage has been included in this deal, to the relief of his friends and family and of course, of his employer. the wall street journal. the wall street journal coming out with a big page shot today saying, w. s. j reporter endorse coverages for you and you can really send saw a sense the relief and the joy on embedded and died. announcement. okay, thank you for that. downtown durham alone in washington, dw political correspondent alex gas can tell us more about what president biden single germany on for a special mention. welcome alex. vladimir putin was especially keen to see this vadim classic off fried germany was reluctant to hand him over. what do you think change balanced mind a while the german government actually just has released the statement. they said it was a very difficult decision for them. but then they made the decision in favor of the
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unlawful imprisoned german citizens and russian and publishing prisons. and they also highlighted that this decision was made in solidarity with us and its interest . let's not forget to you. this is a very big step for the german government because it would not in your cost because he is a criminal. he is another right. he was convicted for killing it to a georgian citizen 2019 here in berlin, and he was law for the sentence to life imprisonment and to receive the fair trial here. so none the less now the decision has been made to swap a prisoner for a criminal and to the head of the foreign affairs committee. he and the german parliament. and he has defended that decision by saying that in this for the sake of, of humanity. sometimes it is necessary to make a deal with the devil and to us we said to him not to be put in there. and many of the release the prisoners are coming here to jim. and what do we know about them as
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well? we know that not all of them actually, german citizens, for example, the russian opposition figure would not even, you know, kind of go so is among them. but also, for example, 2 german citizens, the and those 2 cases really have made headlines syndrome and the one that's the case of rico k. he was imprisoned in bed a ruse for na scenario and terrorist activities. we should take that with caution, because we cannot independently verify if that really was the case. we just rely on what the court and better, russo said, and what state immediate and better was saying he was sentenced to death and that death sentence has been listed just days ago. and he was key to use to pressure germany. and the, the better was the government and better roost. they have released public in the video off week. ok at where he confessed to it, to the integrations. but again, it is very likely that this was, this was rather the fullest confession. the other case,
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it was the case of patrick as so he will also be a free man. he wasn't present in russia because when he entered restaurant early of this year, the sweets were found on him at sweets containing a small amount of cannabis, 20 grams, a gulf of sweets, and in those 20 rooms a small amounts of cannabis were found. and he clearly had to go on the go showed while he was held in a cage while being in court. and but he will also be a free man soon. and a quick word about the other germans in russian prisons being used as pawns. as you know that about 25, the germans are still held and are still being held in russian prisons. this is the latest on the couple of months spec released by the german government. and the 4 ministry warns of entering russia. so driven citizenship was interrupted because of those what the for a minister quotes arbitrary detentions, and a few that to that to yeah, germans because of us even more in the future as,
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as bargaining chips as we have seen today. so the german government is really keen to get it sit inspect, and then it is even willing to overturn the court decisions as we have seen today. so that definitely possible corresponds to alex guest. we are on says israel will pay for the assassination of how mazda is taught politically to israel . honey, he was killed in an ass strike intake from thousands gathered in the writing and capital for a funeral, honoring the leader of the palestinian party. i'm to militant a group timeouts. i mean, it was also chiefly goes to 12 saying to reach the cx 5 with this ro, rainy and supreme data. i have how they come in. i suppose that the certainly around homes as well, responsible for the killing, said that will make isabel redress it. well, honey is death of that of top has block amanda in a but i'm fact of a top has block command and the baby would strike
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a by israel just down salia. i've raised concerns about the escalation and the reason i'm going over the killings has spread a far beyond the gaza and the west bank. anger boiled in the muslim world. after you smell honey, you was killed along with his body guard in an air strike on his residence in tehran. iran quickly blamed israel, which is out to kill him and other from us leaders after the october 7 attacks to induce danville sunset. it was a wake up call and in the month of the move is melania is an important milestone on the road to palestine becoming an independent state. i say this with full belief, you will see that was lethargy in the as manic weld. a revival will begin with the mazda dom of honey. this revival will bring an end to the is really terrorist and structure that formerly attended. there were more protests from tunisia
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to iraq. to park is done. new year was seen as a moderate voice within him. us many protesters, so he's killing is another sign that is real believes that can act with impunity. which song israel is attacking syria, living on iraq and iran because of the support of the us. we are protesting against the american government and to the occupying scientist for all the diplomats around the world, reacted as well, emerging israel and the wrong to avoid escalation diplomatic negotiations. i don't know malaysia's prime minister armoire abraham, the condemned honey is assassination on facebook. only to find that his post was taken down. this, he has a cues. facebook's parent company, metal of cowardice, wayne. nowhere was honey as death felt as strongly as in the palestinian territories. janine in the is really occupied,
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westbank was filled with palestinian protestors and the militants. some were brandishing weapons and waving the flags of him, us and islamic jihad, both themes, terrorist organizations, by many countries. the message was clear, honey is dead, but palestinian armed resistance would continue. so let's get more on this from. i'm out of deb from dw i. rebecca, welcome. i'll talk to sort some of the reactions in the out of world regarding the kings and phase bees, hamas and hezbollah, latest, i mean the reactions in the world have ranged from anger to contamination to calls for revenge, but also to some questions on the, on how these assistant ations took place in the capital of iran and also in the capital of bid ruth and very securely type locations um on the, on the different we have seen annual report um the reaction is on in the streets
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and many took the streets to express the anger, but also on the depend on the diplomatic levels. we have with this many reactions from the are of, was perhaps the most volk of was the cuts out of the actions. cuts out, which is mid the 18th, between how much the end israel has expressed its anger and it's a disbelief that's how could israel assessing 8, the one who is leading the limitations of course we haven't yet had a conformation from is roadside whether it was responsible for him, he is assistant ation, but all fingers are poor thing on israel and the i have was same goes for this as nation of hezbollah commander. we have also seen reactions and fear as if to be honest in the region of escalation or further escalation. many countries like jordan a cup tied as i mentioned to needs. yeah. but also egypt have expressed fears that these are refer, committed by israel as these countries say would lead to more escalation in this
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conflict. we've also heard today from hezbollah chief warehouse on nash rolla. what has he been saying? i think his most important message today is that this war has entered in you 11. and by that the, the, the, the level of on which these of the, as well as the reaction and other fraction other minute says reactions in the region has been, has been somewhat calculated. these 2 assistant nations open the door and unlocked and you level and this conflict a has well as really a, during the slow is very firm and saying that his blood will react and will retaliate the killing of its command or the question remain when and how he pointed to him many things he pointed out, this could give us an idea of how will this reaction happen. he mentioned that in the following hours or even days, israel has to be ready for this um, for this retaliation, but also hinted at the distribution might be an in coordination with iran and it's
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other allies in the region. meaning that is where it will not exactly know who will in fact it'd be the main responding to these actions so diplomatically then who is doing what's to try and continue in the situation. the list is mainly being very active level. non today was a beehive. many invested, there is many for an invested. there's of the gemini, of the united states, but also u. n. a u n. personnel, those have been flooding uh the, the, the, the current um, the government in attempting to talk to the lebanese government to de escalate the conflict. however, i think the most important um visit today was from british ministers, foreign british minister and defense, british minister. they were very, there were various meetings to the input your that took place in efforts to the escalation. the key word is, will hezbollah listen to these 4 and the 2 months are saying or will it continue
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with it thinks is the proper reaction to israel's action? just just on that because it's, it's difficult for the government to 11 on because has the law is all for a single matter of straight but effectively independent. so when these foreign diplomats talk to the 11 east governments, they have very effectively the relevant not, not necessarily there are, these are, they are getting these messages from ambassadors from the before in the, for, for him political actors in, in the west and in the united states they con, in a way to transmit this message, to has bullet. in fact, many met with a disability that the speaker of the parliament who is a close ally to us for law. however, listening to hesitant to fill a speech to they can tell us that his bullet is will retaliate, and this retaliation would make a difference in this ongoing conflict. okay, thanks for talking us through that. so clearly i'm out. i'm open from dw everything
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. thank you. as well, most of our agents are killing you. smile. heavier may stem from a hamas is october. the 7th, the terra attacks in israel. but the animosity towards him stretches back much further. is man nia, greet surrounds new president in what would be one of his last meetings just i was off to attending the president's integration. he and his body guard would killed in a strike on his residence in tehran. nia was the political face of hamas. the militant islam is carried out via october 7th terror attacks on israel nea had not lived in guns for several years. but ron, how must from cut to where he lived in exile, he became the palestinian prime minister in 2006, and continue to rise through how mazda is ranks, eventually becoming its political chief in 2017. how mazda is gone and lead
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y'all, he, us in law is believed to be in the most the minds of the october 7th. the tax was near represented. how much internationally and moved around the region for diplomatic meetings. he was a key player in negotiations to stop the fighting in gaza. some see a he's killing will be a may just set back to achieving piece in the region. and he has death pain just i was off to israel said it killed celia. hezbollah, come on. the ford screwed in. they went the, the attack also kills at least one woman and 2 children. and we did thousands israel says it targeted shopping in retaliation for a rookie to attack on us soccer field in the is really occupied golan heights. the $212.00 children and teenagers is well blamed his beloved and wound the military
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route. it would pay a heavy price. sure code had being one of his beloved, needing military figures since it was established by iran revolutionary god, move in 4 decades ago. off to the israel. how much will broke out on october 7th. so crude was accused by his right of being behind many of the drone in missile attacks that his belie loans to against israel. so crude is the most senior has block amanda to be to since 2016 when most of the bad reading the groups minute 3 come on. the in syria died in an explosion in damascus. global lead us via the death of to see me and he does, of is around the greatest enemies when tensions were, where the boiling point could now from an old out regional bull. meanwhile, israel has confirmed that 8 killed how mouse is military lead. i'm a how many dave and then asked,
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striking gaza last month is really ministry says dave was that killed on the 13th of july. and the strike on the outskirts of fun. eunice. they just considered one of the planners of the october 7 october attacks last year. israel's ministry has been hunting the secret to a 57 year old for decades. so i tried with this defense minister i spoke to dw is mikayla cruz now about the situation in the middle east on the urgent need for diplomacy. currently there's a huge concern that there could be an allow for in the middle east to offset the how much leader was killed in a wrong is that a new but also meeting member has pulled out your american counterparts. lloyd austin says that the rule can be prevented is what is your assessment of? well, of course load austin does, right? it can be prevented, but it has to be need to be that needs to be preventative because nobody can, lucia can, you can even imagine the escalation of the region. we don't need that. we don't
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want that and we have to do to try everything add to making floating, so available, available to all actors in the region, not to escalate and pay attention to the escalation and to do everything for getting peace back in that region as soon as possible. what does this mean for them and weapons deliveries with his commitment towards israel, but most of them needs participation in of refills on the 11th. you feel is a lot attached at the moment we, we continue. we proceed with our engagement over there. of course we, uh we assume the situation every, every day, every. busy but we, so we stay there, we want to make a national decisions over there as well as the german defense. but it's about his best taurus. and mr. visto, this is currently in hawaii, 2 of the saved the participation of german troops in the pacific skies. ministry exercise savings of training in the,
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in the pacific of by western and regional palm as he led travel to south korea and the philippines for by natural talks. hundreds of german soldiers, $24.00, a wolf, an ad craft. and a frigate. this is just part of what german defense meant. his stomach virus is torrijos has deployed for one of the largest ever. yeah, welfare exercises in the, in the pacific while in the region for by that a little talks with partners. he also visited german troops, taking part in many to be trainings. the aim to do to china. pacific skies is a series of 5 exercises with a german air force participates with the u. s. u or p and, and regional partners at different places across to be in the pacific. the 1st 3 legs and alaska, japan and hawaii have concluded the multi national exercises taking place in
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australia set to end this week before the planning to india for further training. but why is germany's involvement and these exercises as a priority football in germany is strengthening. it submitted to re presence in the in the pacific. and the rising tensions between china and taiwan. tensions between the 2 present the threats to peace and the region along with the safety and security of international shipping through the taiwan strait, which is part of the south china sea and came by badging, the. china's increasing power play, including bidding military facilities on items in the hotly contested seats has seen conflict of a trade routes. all it and gas deposits and fishing rides with germany being one of the world's largest exporting nations, and almost 60 percent of all the global economic output being generated in the in the pacific. but it needs to ensure trade can flow freely. gemini chips will pass through the south china sea, but defense minister bowers, this tories has not yet announced whether they will also go through the tie when
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straight and move, which would show the upset, but didn't stop trading partner china. but take a look now it's an old story, is making headlines around the world. a 3 minute use of processing. the september 11th terrorist attacks of agreed to plead guilty to avoid a possible death sentence being held that the us going to she of prison in guantanamo bay. almost 3000 people were killed on 911. the deadliest of attack on american soil flooding caused by heavy rains is killed at least 3 people in the 4 in easton pakistan homes and roads were inundated, bring daily life to a standstill as parts of the country. i've seen xtreme rainfall in recent months with our si size. the number of rain relates in the desktop. a 100 in july like the government of bangladesh responds an opposition party blaming it's a stoking mass. the student protests, the democracy is lani poxy has been are sold as a militant character organization. the bundle. so covers it students weight and
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other associated groups. and se weeks of anti government, protesting which more than 200 people of died protests as if they came to the streets of nigeria as largest cities, lagos on a boom, just like me. the government for a cost of living crisis that seemed food and fuel prices skyrocket. government officials are calling on protests to main peaceful, but police of lowest p a got some, some searches is reminded about top story of this. as the largest president swap as invested in the west since the cold war has been completed in turkey, american john the stuff in cosca which is one of 24, the timing is exchanged in on current along with forming us marine secures executive pool freeland long. the business being be tons and motion on fact, team crossing costs was coming up in the, in june of next. don't think w global us looks at how sheets, drought and heavy rain for the taking that told on coffee office. that's just
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a moment. i'll be back at the top of the the,
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the, the china climate perpetrator, old climate pioneer. one of the world's largest soda power plants as being built in mongolia. almost a said if the countries electricity supply comes from renewables. and yes, china is investing more than ever in coal based pallets on that home. the environments isn't that
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a contradiction logo on next? on d, w, this are fine over here in germany will be the 1st of its kind of during the continents there remains large, independent on china to source materials. international demand for lithium is growing and germany wants to boost its material processing this lithium refinery be made in germany in the ceci minutes dw, the phenomena susie is concerned about his jobs. i mean some optical, if you do us do a nazi from fighting st. history, remembering the crimes is especially important in germany. the box
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rejection of the topic is throwing class on the next as default as mission. i will transcribe who caused by the to the fighting to remember the post recall. so this weekend on dw, the living room, single pools, green facades, out of the heat exploited workforce. raise some brazil's coffee conversations, the sense of trouble brewing, how climate change is impacting the cultivation of all things. what comp, the coffee, the world 2nd most consumed beverage and so ingrained in our lives that it's made
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it into pop culture. and i guess.


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