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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 1, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news life from the historic prisoner swap between russia and western nations and the largest such exchange with moscow since the cold war american we for the advent gustovo, which is one of the 2014 trainings being freed alongside former us marine and security executive, paul, we live also on the program. germany plays a critical role in the swab. the chance of the show says it was a difficult decision to release the impression convicted of a killing. describe. the state sponsored tara iran promises revenge against the
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israel for the killing of per box. political leaders who swell, how many thousands gather in time around. so the funeral of them on the got it by the west with terrorist question, many palestinians, so as a fine to for that coves the, i feel welcome to the program, the largest business wall between russia and the west. since the cold war has been completed in turkey, things changed to places and career air force and they felt 24 adults and 2 children. and a high profile christmas held in russian childs have been released. bank clued american journalist, evan gaskin, which form a us marine poll freelance, and several russian residents amongst the prisoners being returned to russia is for deem crossteck off. he was convicted in gem, they've killed in a former chechen rebels in a ballad pock probably on the owners. of moscow secuity services,
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this president joe biden acknowledged drum and his role in ensuring the deal was sailed after wednesday negotiations. a particularly great sense of gratitude to the task manager and making a may required me to get some significant concessions. germany originally concluded they could not do because the person question but everybody stepped up post adoption of the step tough turkey step down. and it matters that relationships really does like corresponding to in washington, janelle dom allow toby more about the president's speech. so, you know, just watching that speech, i think it really did highlight so one of biden's key strengths and that. so the ability to combine the political with the personal starting with a personal i don't know if you caught that moment where he got the entire room to
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saying happy birthday to the 12 year old daughter of one of the prisoners getting released. also karma shove up and because it is her birthday tomorrow, she's turning 13. so that was a very moving moment, but the core of his message also centered on quite political message. and that was on the importance of alliances. he made references to the fact that it was his relationship with the countries involved in this deal. it was at his requests that these country at his request, that the countries got together to make this deal happen. and really there, he was off trying to strike a contrast between himself and donald trump famously, not a fan of multi multilateralism famously, not a fan of international cooperation. and re, uh, really you played that sound bite earlier where he talked about how it was his
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personal relationship with the chancellor or life shots that to help this deal and move forward. because of course, so for germany having to release a volume cross the call the, the, uh, the f s b as, uh, the css and was quite a difficult thing for germany to do because he has to do with that. this was a crime that was perpetrated on german soil. so of course that germany was hesitant, but uh, the president biden made the point of that. so he was able to get germany to concede on this point. and this was a point that he return to very often is in his remarks, saying, alliances made the country safer. and if any one were to question the importance of these alliances, once again a, that's a, that's a sideswipe i taught donald trump, then you know they would be severely mistaken. and one of the highest profile release is that of wall street journal reports. evan. gus, given what can you tell us about his case?
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or indeed. so there has been a lot of coverage of evan gris, cuz it says case, our viewers might remember those images of hand, the watching court room proceedings unfold around him as he watched up from behind the glass cage. evan gris coverage is a reporter for the wall street journal. he was detained in russia while on assignment for his paper. so he was detained last year. last months, he was sentenced to a 16 year sentence on espionage charges. now, evan garcia of which is a cause became really um, a rallying issue for the international press community because essentially of endorsed coverage, of course, was arrested for merely doing his job and on. and then he found himself, of course, uh at the center of this plot as the kremlin uh, as a crumbling used them as
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a pond to try and go to their own russian prisoners fried. but of course, no evan or gas garbage has been included in this deal, to the relief of his friends and family. and of course, have his employer the wall street journal. the wall street journal coming out with a big paid shot today saying w. s. j reporter evan brokovich is for you, and you can really send, saw a sense, the relief and the joy embedded in thought announcement. okay, thank you for that downtown durham alone in washington. a russian president vladimir posting was especially chain to say if i deem classic golf afraid. but germany was reluctant to hand over a mountain convicted of killing someone in the heart of the gym and capital. and then at the trial, these, the trial judge described a states terrorism. let's hear from jim and sean. so the whole options, you know, try to, people was not an easy decision to the pulled a convicted murderer who had only served
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a few years in prison after he was sentenced to a life to we had to way out. enforcing that sentence with the dangers posed to the freedom and in some cases the lives of those on justly and present in russia. and also the political prisoners helps the. and that's why i wrote the cation to protect german citizens was important to us. and also i was told to direct to you to watch the united states in west let's go for my political corresponds into alex gas that welcome alex. what else did the johnson this have to say? or what we just heard, the german shines the they're saying that it was not an easy decision, but it's basically just to show it to him for it was a very difficult and very hot decision because there are 2 things at play. he had to consider one is the state interest, of course, it is in germany state interest that the convicted criminal about even cost because
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that he remains in prison because he has killed someone he enrolled in a couple of years ago. and he received a fair trial here, so it could be in the state interest that he stays in prison. on the other hand, we have the interest of the citizens, the citizens interest. the drum instead were held in prisons and russia and but a ruse. and they, they didn't receive any field trial here they, they do, we've had to undergo show trials. and the interest of course is to, to receive adjust to treatment and freedom. so this is what shows this outlined, those, those 2 points and the government. then the indian chose it's obligation to protect its citizen over keeping a criminal here in prison and the head of the foreign affairs committee. he and the drummond problem. and he has defended that decision by saying that sometimes and for the sake of humanity, it is, it is necessary to make a deal with the devil. and to us, we send to russian leda,
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letting the food in there, many of the race prisoners coming here to germany. what do we know about them as well? we know that not all of them are german citizens. so for example, the russian opposition figure was that the media and outcome, melissa is a, is he, in germany now? it is among them and also to german citizens whose stories have made headlines over the last month. one is the story of rico case and he was imprisoned in bed or ruse for nothing airy and terrorist activities so that we should take this with caution . because this is just what the better was court has said, but we can not independently verify what really has happened there. he was sentenced to death. that death sentence has been lifted just a days ago. and he was getting used to pressure of the german government, the better it was of the government and but loose. and they have been released that propaganda video where he has confessed to the integrations. but it is likely that
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this was a forced confession. the other german that it will be free is, is patrick, as he was imprisoned in russia, because when he ended russia, 20 grams of sweets were found on him. but those weeds contained small amounts of cannabis. so he faced the e. a long sentence in russian prison, but he will also now be a free man and a brief word then about the other germans who are presumably other in russian prisons being used as bargaining chips. now the german government has a released a couple of months back. um the, the information that around 25, the germans are still in russian prisons in prison. there could be even more because maybe the german government does not know about every individual case. and the german 4 ministry warns every german to not end the rush had because of those arbitrary detentions, and the germans. they, they, they could be used as bargaining chips as we have seen today. and this will put
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pressure on the german government because it will do and agree to a lot to get its citizens back. and to even basically over tuning at what quotes you and jimmy have decided. and that is something by the way, that will also lead to, to debate over the next 2 days here in germany. okay, thanks, alex. i dw political correspondent alex guest. take a look. now it's the most doors making headlines around the world. the 3, medicare's, the flossing, the september 11th terrorist attacks have agreed to plead guilty to avoid possible death sentences are being held that the us military present in guantanamo bay. almost 3000 people, book held on 911, the deadliest an attack on american soil flooding, caused by heavy rains as killed at least 3 people in the whole in eastern pac. this done homes in roseville inundation bringing david life to
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a standstill lodge parts of the country of saint extreme brain. for the recent months, with our to save the number of writing related, dest topped a 100 in july, along the government of bangladesh, as brandon opposition party binding it for stoking master student protests. h, i'm not, e is allow me potty has been out orders and never sent out. a group of bundles that covers that student ring and other associated groups. don, good day seemed weeks of anti government protests, which more than $200.00 people died around says that each row will pay for the assassination of how much these top political leader is male jaime a. he was killed in an as striking to run thousands gathered in the writing capital for the funeral for months who led the palestinian tossed me i'm give us a group. how much on it was also the chief negotiation tool. same to reaching a ceasefire deal with each right? the right data i have kind of how many folks at the server around host israel
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responsible for the killing 100? he's the death and that's of the top has gum, has block command, and then these ready as dry on by route, just hours earlier, raised concerns about ministry escalation in the region under over the cubing says the spread beyond the gaza and the west, back the anger boiled in the muslim world. after you smell honey, you was killed along with his body guard in an air strike on his residence in tehran. iran quickly blamed israel, which is out to kill him and other from us leaders after the october 7 attacks in east on both sunset. it was a wake up call and in the mountains in that is melania is an important milestone on the road to palestine becoming an independent state. i say this with full belief. you will see there was less energy in the atlantic weld . a revival will begin with the amount of them of honey. this revival will bring an
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end to the is really terrorist structure that formerly attended. there were more protests from tunisia to iraq. to park is done. 3 new year was seen as a moderate voice within him. us many protesters, so he's killing is another sign that is real believes that can act with impunity. which on israel is attacking syria, living on iraq and iran because of the support of the us. we are protesting against the american government and the occupying scientist for all the diplomats around the world, reacted as well, emerging israel and the wrong to avoid escalation diplomatic negotiations. i don't know malaysia's prime minister armoire abraham be condemned, honey is assassination on facebook. the only to find that his post was taken down, these he has accused facebook's parent company matter of cowardice deep. we
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know where was honey is death felt as strongly as in the palestinian territories. janine in the is really occupied, westbank was filled with palestinian protesters and the militants, of some were brandishing weapons and waving the flags of hamas and islamic jihad, both themes, terrorist organizations, by many countries, the message was clear: honey is dead, but palestinian armed resistance would continue to come on maxine lectures and international relations with the focus on iran at the university of sussex in the u. k. welcome to the w. as understand that iran is to meet all of its proxies in the region to discuss retaliation against israel. how is that retaliation likely to be different from what we've seen to now, as well as you know,
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this is not the 1st time there is the situation arising between your on and isn't right back in a print when his right that tactic runs cold, select and damascus, killing some senior uranium come on, there's a bio gc um they're ranging um leave the shift in closing got to a family hard to death because the cost a lot closer to, to, to arrange an entire 3 year on was obliged to respond directly from iran and as is several 100 ms 1000 rows, where were 5 that is right. given that this time, this assessing nation has taken place inside it wrong. so logically your in your response would not be smaller than the one back in april and could be even larger, not place because the assassination of this month on your end to iran, shortly follow destination of a senior husband. i'll come on the 11 and find some attacks on it,
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raining and perhaps the forces in iraq. so it's quite possible that iran coordinates with the so called texas of resistance forces, including the who sees in human history, align lebanon. and there's some, uh, sheer groups and iraq to text him, obtain leslie israel with the like. last time iran, we'll try to inform israel and united states before and to minimize the damage on casualty as to pre empt lodge. a response from his room that we need to wait and see, but the, the fact remains that iran is highly likely to directly retaliate against israel. i'm with, with seeing. i'm just looking at the news. why is that here? data be we're seeing that already tonight has bella has launch rockets at north and israel presumably in retaliation for the killing of it's combined for what should i show? correct. so it has started. that's correct. i mean pro has gl,
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uh, channels on social media suggest that this is not the actual response, the one which happened tonight. this is a preliminary sort of attack and a logic attack is likely to follow. maybe this is an attempt by his ballade to sort of soft and up. is there any targets or forced iron? don't to use it's, i mean, nation. i'm not normally 3 expert, but it seems that what his block did tonight is not commentary runs with the scale of the last it test software. it's in the shape of scaling of fod shocker, a, a senior aide and a major commander, and as well uh, who was killed in the, in, on that type of uranium, bob eyes, really a airplanes a couple of days ago. okay, so we should probably expect more and was i'd like you and your thoughts on this new york time is reporting, but rather than an ass strike is male honda here was actually killed by
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a bone heating 2 months ago at a guest house run unprotected by b is lubbock revolution we got so if that's true, what does that tell us about? is really intelligence? i mean, data about elements of the revolution regard as well when it comes to data, randy, penetration of the annual security unintelligent stablish mind. iran is indeed like a piece of swiss cheese. i mean it's not the 1st time is right. it has carried out so many operations inside your on in some cases of flying drills from within your right, the entire tree, attacking emulate to installations and drone bases. and so on and so forth. so there is no doubt is rain, has massively penetration is irena intelligence and security system. the last, this particular story seems slightly far fetched. it might be that iran is
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trying to feed this story as opposed to one which suggests is read, use that or plays or missiles it to sort of justify as smaller than expected, responds against, is written because let's not forget that iran well is bound to retaliate. is, is quite afraid of a full scale war with israel into which united states is bound to be direct. so you're on, it is not interested in, in a full scale. well, because it, it can activate all sorts of political fractions within it wrong, given the popular discontent on the basis of protest which has to happen in recent years. and that they need expand. the weakening of the regime can lead to an internal kind of explosion. but nevertheless, iran is, is a bound to and has to is response given the nature of this attack and uranium soil . and a supremely this position on this map says, which is that the around should not be seen as weak fives adversary's in the region
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. and definitely not from these very perspective. okay, thank you for that. come on my team from the university of sussex in the. okay, thank you. so thank you very much. i. this is what i was concerned that it killed. how much is military lead? i'm a how many days and an ass striking garza last month in the ministry says dave was killed on the 13th of july and the strike on the outskirts of hong units. he's considered to be one of the planners available to over 7 attacks last year. israel's ministry has been hunting the secrecy, 57 year old for decades. the germans defense minister has been speaking with the w is michela, clifton, about the situation in the middle east and the need for diplomacy. currently there's a huge concern is that that could be an allow for in the middle east to offset the how much leader was killed in a wrong is on the but also a leading member has pulled off your american counterparts. north. austin says that
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the rule can be prevented is what is your assessment of? well, of course load austin does, right? it can be prevented but it has to be need to be that needs to be prevented because nobody calisha can. you can even imagine the escalation of the region, we don't need that, we don't want that and we have to do to try everything add to making floating, so available, available to all actors in the region, not to escalate and pay attention to the escalation and to do everything for getting peace back in that region as soon as possible. what does this mean for them and weapons deliveries with his commitment with israel, but also for them in these participation in a refill on the lebanese folder you feel is love to attached at the moment we, we continue. we proceed with our engagement over there. of course we, uh we assume the situation every, every day, every. busy about a week,
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so we stay there and we want to make a little decisions over the so the 1st is us overshoot value to monetary has used up all the resources that product can be generated in a year. the global footprint network calculating today every year by factoring how much we consume and how many people the draining resources on, while the top plan is overshoot, they just passed the date for many individual countries. k o u guitar was the 1st to use of all of its renewable resources. the us followed on the 14th of march gemini, on the 2nd of may, equity and indonesia, a last on the list. in india, people who adapt to fixing things of doing that pots to reverse unsustainable consumption. electronic devices has to come in the sensible austin so cheap that they are replaced by the parents. last year, 1390000000 mobile phones were sold globally. and over 5000000000 mobiles were
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estimated to be thrown away. the waste now mixed up the majority of our overall toxic waste. one reason is that people are choosing to buy new gadgets rather than repair 7000. or what do i want to move you to the demand for electronic devices increases in years boss, you could use an electronic product, but at least 5 to 10 years according to what nowadays. that's degrees to one yet. that's the main reason for e based level because government schedules have been accused of being designed for the dump. india has now tightened up regulation, so manufacturing equipment now needs to have a longer shelf life. the countries also working on solutions what to do with the huge mountains of discarded appliances in claim by tour and the state of time you and i do efforts are being made to collect sort ends a cycle if, if you had percent on the equipment plant,
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the team 1st thoughts that you guys buy type separating household appliances from consumer electronics. 2 2 another group takes care of all devices related to data processing. c c then other data on a sunday, the data destruction process mixed up with id electronics like photo albums and left the always the data. so powerful job and that's what i stored that the to the couple. so i'm a product somewhere like that in and out of the laptop. i need somebody to be published been focused on the. c the plan to process $900.00 tons of erased in 2022, feeling the recycled devices to retailers and wholesalers. we use as one way to ensure more sustainability. india also launched a portal to ensure its citizens have the right to the parents around 50 companies have signed up so far. on paper they will provide information how to repair and provide cheap and original spare parts for 3rd parties. but right now,
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this framework is voluntary. it hasn't been tabled or passed as a bill in parliament. and that can be a long process after this ask, as so often for an exemption or a delay the us already gone further since this year, all citizens and the $27.00 member states have a documented 5 to prepare. i just time to remind you about top stories on this. i will be lodgers present swap between brush and the west since the cold war as being completed into american journalist, evan cosca, which is one of the 24th, the chinese exchange student. entre along with former us marine and security executive all week, long fitness returns have brushed off by the trust me cos, who was convicted of murder in jeff. iran has filed, defend jones, is ran through the claims for us oxidizing, comma political indeed is ma'am, i'm here in and test drive in the tech crowds of gathers in the right need capital
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for a funeral for his funeral, with big drawings for years of a why the regional conflict, so the prime minister benjamin netanyahu assistance countries is prepared for a set you up to date states, you know, for the day will take a long to look at that massive christmas wall between russia and the west. and find out how speculates how president, by the money just against the russian big german chancellor to change his mind does not releasing a russian assassin. that's next on the, to the,
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the, the, the wall of the week process. launching the fluid surprises as weapons date in popular expense from the atlantic. cool, so i forgot to do this. so these asia, russia is targeting ukraine's agricultural sector, destroying the world's grain supplies, leading global inflation to spread sad, and foster in 45 minutes on d. w. the
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my name is elizabeth and i'm the calls back said wow, thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. as soon about saying it loud. things would have been, you know, they like good everyone to ok. retiring into the microphone, sorry. check out the award winning outcome. don't hold back to this and find the other size. some hostetter video see whatnot. publishing fighting st. history, remembering now the crimes is especially important in germany. rejection of the topic is throwing class on the nicest will follow this mission. i will transcribe it will cost the 2 years fighting to remember the post recall. so
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this weekend on dw d. w news on a couple days in the note. surely we are living sir historic times today. so the biggest prisoner swap between russia and the west since the cold war, 24 prisoners left detention in russia, germany, bella, roost and the united states amongst others. and they landed in the attacker's capital. after various checks on health and identities and middles sides were satisfied, then not a form of presidents got on board new plains and flew off to freedom. so what did it cost to do? the steel? i'm feel good handling value and this is the day the
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