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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 2, 2024 5:00am-5:16am CEST

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the the, this is deal of the news live from bring in a head start prisoner swap between russia and western nations. american reporter evan grocery of which is among those freed by the kremlin russians, released by the west, include a convicted murderer freed from jail in germany. is ready, ministry says it's ready to respond immediately to any thresh, this after a run trans retaliation for the suspect. it is rainy assassination of how much leader is my i me yet in to run the
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on top of oh really? yes. welcome to the program. the largest prisoner swap between russia and the west since the cold war has been completed in turkey, the exchange took place at anchor airport and involved 24 hours and 2 children, many high profile prisoners held in russian jails have been released. they include american journalist, evan goose cabbage, former us marine poll whelan, and several russian descendants. vladimir putin personally greeted the prisoners who returned to russia among them by the cross because he was serving a life sentence in germany for what just called a russian state, ordered killing in a berlin park on germany played a key role in the prisoner x range, transfer or life shells met some of the former detainees when they landed at cologne airport. a child, let me say, i'll surely shall die. i was able to talk in great detail with those will arrive to
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you and to be released from campus to have it to you and russia. probably get crumbs and that was very moving things. how many didn't expect this to happen now? i'm just still very full of the feelings associated with suddenly being free for the whole entire design. so can create many feed for the health and the lice. this must be stated very clearly, and that's why it's also so important that we have now made it possible for them to be safe. short gifs, yeah. adverb to tom. well, as we mentioned, american journalist evan goose could, which was among those released in the prisoner swap job in gaithersburg is the ceo of the committee to protect journalists. i asked her for her reaction. i was up to date tonight. we've been campaigning for evans release for more than a year. he's been in detention for 9500 days, much of that. and so the confinement of to has been prevented from leaving russia
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since may of last year. so this is a fantastic moment to see those pictures to see those images of evan analysis. you free and soon to be meeting that families. but of course it's such a sweet we know close to things individuals are in a sense, they committed no crimes. although the russians tried to accuse them of espionage, but the kind for the fact that they were john, unless you would then use this political hostages and they've been exchanged, unfortunately for convicted criminals, as you say, such as an assassin who was convicted in a german cools let's talk a little bit more about what you just said there actually. um, which is that many observers have set declaration of its arrest is essentially a russian policy that amounts to hostage taking. so how much of a problem has this become the present gets becoming increasingly a problem. this is effectively state sponsored hostage taking. it was clear from
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the outset that the kremlin wanted a high level prisoner with whom they could swap for the individuals that they wanted out. of course, what you get with a gun and s as you get a sort of double results because you get a political hostage that you can hope for the exchange. but you also send a powerful signal to other than this that perhaps they might be next or has a chilling effect on journalist and journalism in the country. and that was sent me to in russia, of, to evans arrest research on an, as needed in the country we saw in museums putting out the janice. and so that i think there was a real risk, especially now that we've seen this effective theme is be successful for the kremlin that we may see it repeated in future. toby reporting from hostile regions of the world, as we all know, comes with that with many dangers, let's say, is there anything that can be done to strength and protections for journalists who
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are simply carrying out their work? absolutely, i think 1st of all, you have to raise the stakes so that it is not attractive to raise james, to take done this hostage in this way that they knowledge, for example, the government and individuals who infringe on john this human rights and march report freely might fit, find themselves faces functions, for example. and we have to make sure that the countries like the u. s. like germany continued to advocate strongly for press freedom, not just internationally, but also on that home territories. leave it there, jody ginsburg from the committee to protect journalist joining us from new york tonight. thank you. ok. well, here's a quick look now at some other stories making headlines around the world. or at least a 3 protesters have been killed in northern nigeria after police open fire protesters taken to the streets of the earth, right?
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the country blaming the government for a cost of living crisis. they received food and fuel prices skyrocket. southern unleashed by heavy rains as killed at least 3 people in lahore in eastern pakistan, homes and roads were inundated, bringing daily life to stand still. large parts of pakistan. unseen. extreme rain for in recent months, already say the number of rain related deaths topped 100 in july alone. chinese media site july was the hottest month in the country since full records began in 1961. authorities of issued a huge warning in the southern city of shanghai and surrounding regions. much of china is in the grip of a huge wave with forecasters predicting more extreme temperatures in the days to come. for people have been killed and 5 wounded and then is ready. air striking the science of life and on the militant group. has paula says, a fart, a number of missiles into northern israel in reprisals is paula. and israel have
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been exchanging near daily fire in the area since the kaiser more began last. october. 100 solvers reilly's of marched through tel aviv to demand the return of hostages held in gaza. thursday's demonstration marked $300.00 days since the guys of war started with the large scale. how much terrorist attacked on israel seized $251.00 people joining the attack on october 7th. last year. a 111 are still held in gaza. 39. so i had these really say these ready ministry says our debt to negotiations to return the hostages are indicted. following the killing of hamas . his political leader is maya m e a n t. ron on wednesday funeral services for how many of were held in the reigning capital area on thursday. thousands turned died for the ceremony, which was also attended by rainy and supreme leader. i atalla come in
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a ron blames israel for the kenning of any answers threatened to retribution. it's ready military spokes person. daniel, a gary says the country's military is ready to respond to any attacks size himself because the idea is on high alert and both in defense and in attack, what's on audio forces aren't deployed in the air, etc. and on land it's going to enter prepared for any scenario and especially for immediate offensive action. mommy, honey is death on wednesday came just hours after israel assassinated a top as well as commander flood shore. court was buried in a route on thursday. he was killed in an as rainy air strike in the city lights on choose day and sorry, anger over the killing. so spread through the region. anger boiled in the
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muslim world. after you smell honey, you was killed along with his body guard in an air strike on his residence in tehran. iran quickly blamed israel, which is out to kill him and other from us leaders after the october 7 attacks. to induce done bull sunset, it was a wake up call and the monkey didn't move it's mail, honey is an important milestone on the road to palestine becoming an independent state. i say this with full belief. you will see that was lethargy is remich welled a revival. we'll begin with the mountains in the near future. this revival will bring an end to the as railey terrorist and structure that formerly attended. there were more protests from tunisia to iraq. to park is done new year was seen as a moderate voice within her most many protesters. so he's killing is another sign that israel believes that can act with impunity. which on israel is attacking syria
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level known iraq and iran because of the support of the us. we are protesting against the american government and the occupying scientist forces diplomats around the world reacted as well, emerging israel and the wrong to avoid escalation diplomatic negotiations. i don't know malaysia's prime minister on more abraham, the condemned honey is assassination on facebook. only to find that his post was taken down. this, he has accused facebook's parent company metal of cowardice deep going. nowhere was honey is death felt as strongly as in the palestinian territories. janine in the is really occupied, westbank was filled with palestinian protestors and the militants. some were brandishing weapons and waving the flags of him, us and islamic jihad. both themes, terrorist organizations, by many countries, the message was clear, new is dead,
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but palestinian armed resistance would continue. ron has threatened to retaliation for the killing of any yeah, i asked the band, i'm band lab you of the foundation for defense of democracies. what he expects to happen. well, thank you for the invitation. great to be back with you. uh. in short these womic republic remains. com. does it have the thresholds and in balances and the military relationship fees of the israel. but nonetheless, the april 13, april 14, direct, overt, and kinetic military operation by the islamic republic against israel essentially means that an overt shooting war is essentially a non 0 chance. how many has use the same language to talk about punishing israel here as he did with respect to the us and january 2020 after the killing of costumes, to lay money by the trump administration in iraq, by a drill and strike. so fast as pro longer likely is going to be an element that are
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running response. there was an i r g c, a press release that actually mentioned that would be a specific iranian response, as well as something from the act of resistance. so if one has to be a bedding person, perhaps april, 13, april fortune operation might be a baseline. but a more integrated access response be to, from places like hezbollah 11 on, or that would be some yemen, or even sort of the she and militias. any rock? all right, so we're talking about a reference there at the, the a for an attack, of course, the drone of missile attack that we saw against israel. and you mentioned there as well. a coordinated attack of sorts is that where we could be seeing the proxies in the region 4, in the region forming part of, of some type of response it's, it's highly likely, i mean, when we're looking at the proxy operations in the region, we're all dealing with a question of volume because these are already 567, depending on how you account fronts that are active against the us, against the user, against these relatives,
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and against the international community. for example, in october, november the season, the m in the 1st the in to target southern israel, then they began to target the most of the maritime routes and the red sea in the call. so they didn't. and then as you know, much more recently had they had a drones, right? that killed one person in tennessee. and one of the longest, reaching around him, provided, growing strikes on record over 2600 kilometers. so it's really a question of volume at which one of these militias may provide what kind of fire power and how it might be integrated as part of the larger iranian response. do you expect much of a shift in how around deals with the current situation in the region under the new or rainy and present message position? can i think position was promoted relate to the position of president of the as nomic republic. and just recently he was sworn into for parliament. he's now the 9th president obama can public. but he was promoted essentially to buy time, i think on the big picture security issues from the west. and that's largely the
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nuclear issue. that's what forget october 2025 is this big political deadline in the un resolution. kind of finding the nuclear deal for snap back. that's the last time the p 5 can actually legally restore a baseline for international pressure at the u. n. s. c against the run on us nuclear file. and so in essence, i think because actually on will attempt to west into some kind of d confliction talks or uh, the potential for an even smaller limited nuclear agreement. that caps rather than rules back some of the new 3 games the regime is made with respect to the region. that's essentially a portfolio for out of his controls as mama joe, it's a reef who was his radio campaign manager learned when he was foreign minister rose, but we're gonna have to leave it there. oh, it was interesting talking to ben. i'm ben. tell i blew in washington dc, the foundation for the defense of democracies take care. i and you are of today's coming of next german defense minister far as the story is, talks to dw news. don't forget,
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