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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 2, 2024 10:00am-10:28am CEST

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or the, this is the, the news life from berlin, a historic prisoner swap between russia and west of nations. america default ever gets coverage as welcome back. and americans are, and by the president and vice president. he's a month 20 for president, swapped in the biggest deal of it's kind since the gold was also coming up as food and fuel prices sold and nigeria protest to stick to the streets, calling on the government to act. we bring it the latest from lagos. and the us democratic policy is called things like full size as the election campaign heats up, the president of hopefully coming out harris wants to win back support that wants to donald trump in trinity trinity.
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the advantage plan that you're welcome us to, unless evan getsco bridge has the town home from a russian. james, often a historic prison nightstands, dean, president joe biden, and vice president coming to harris, welcome getsco, rich and the other american detainees. off to the landing at andrews, a base they flew in from kentucky by the prison. i exchanged a place by the next all is the difficult diplomatic choices that have to be made. and the key role us allies played in this. well, the top is call this one for other ask them to do things against are meeting self very difficult to use the last minute chance
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the kremlin released. explain people john this distance and others call top intentions between the west and letting me to pull things. russia, west of nations have released a to prison. i was among them a russian agent convicted of my, the in berlin. it's the biggest swap of its kind since the end of the cold war 30 years ago. it's the news they've been waiting for in the wall street journal news room for full 191 days. that colleague, the gentlest evan gasket, which has been freed from prison in russia. well gosh, give it. she is the best known. he's one of 20 full people entitled who were released from the negotiations were complex and involved some of the difficult choices may of me and another within wasn't assurance of jim and chancellor or laughed. schultz played a key role in the swap. that's because the key fig of attending back to russia was
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this mine vadim classic off. he was sentenced to life in prison for the 2019 the in the land of a georgian who had fought along side chechen minutes since it was a politically complicated decision for jimmy, not least because of the brazen this of the murder. it took place in broad daylight in it, but i didn't talk just minutes away from the parliament in chancery you know, try to talk to my nothing makes this decision to depart in the last sentence to life in prison months after only a few years in jail. an easy one, the state's interest in enforcing the prison sentence had to be weighed up against the freedom and change it to life and then of innocent people imprisoned in russia and those of just in prison and for political reasons. us president joe biden acknowledge gemini pivots who rolled in the deal are particularly on great
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sense of gratitude to the task manager and making them a required me to get some significant concessions from germany. state originally concluded they could not do because a person question it seemed as something of a wind to both sides. and it's clearly something the russian president intends to make political capital. from a time vladimir putin made a rather public appearance, meeting days. returning to russia, the apple and offering hugs, flowers and rome woods. while the day away stop the board in ukraine, all men broken ties between most given the west. it is some rag good news, full of sites and shadows, dw political correspondent, judas identity with more on why germany released
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a convicted model as part of the prison as well as well as we've heard from chancellor all of shows himself, it was not an easy decision to go ahead with this prisoner exchange and the german government and shots himself had to weigh the state's interest in keeping someone sentence for murder in jail with the safety, the health and the freedom of prisoners detains. and russia ends in belarus. and we have seen from how this has gone that the safety and the life of those prisoner has prevailed. and we've seen that uh 5 german citizens have also be been a freed. we've seen that russian political opponents of loving me a poor thing has also been freed. and but this also comes because all of shows has also said of the friendship with the united states. jeremy wanted to show itself
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and solidarity with the us. but also because of a certain pressure we kind of imagine coming from the us counterparts trying to push germany to finally agree on this release. and this prisoner swap could not have happened in this scope had germany not agreed to release about him could i think of so several of the exchange, the prison as you said, but german citizens, what do we know about them? so the one name that has been more prominent in the news lately is that a sequel key guy. he's a 29 year old german citizen who had been sentenced to death in bella. ruth, last june on accusations among others of terrorism and claims that he was acting on the orders of the ukrainian secret service, the ukrainian intelligence. these are all claims that have not been proven and take a visa, we seeing that the german government had been relatively quiet on his case. they wouldn't go into detail when asked about it. and she was suddenly pardon, by the,
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by the russian president on tuesday. and these were all signs that were pointing to possibly negotiations going on in the background. uh, another german citizen is kevin nick. he is a german russian citizen. 19 years old. he had been accused of high treason and had been arrested when he was still a teenager going to school. we also have 2 other german russian citizens, one a lawyer and a cycling activist in saint petersburg and another as a political scientists. and finally, one other german citizen who had been arrested on arrival in russia because he had found been found in possession of a 6 gummy bears containing cannabis. and he was accused of drug smuggling believe at the for the moment. but thanks so much for joining us. today indeed, the political correspondent join us on the date of those who are we got bureau to you if you need a shuttle told me why russia wanted convicted, motto about him. caustic of to be released to things lodging. caustic off is
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the kind of t play i this swaps and the options got in voltage. this will be close. crossteck are forces that are um, independent research by our colleagues has shown that the trust because as a secret agent may have committed to the mode on behalf of the nation state supported and who himself are both a secret service agent for decades and worth abroad is a former to jar for this put you into who has always said so that you can leave it outside, which means in rush. and we want to let our people down for these lot in it, putting it was important to prove that the volt, that she keeps, he's bored, am off the old. it's not just by the drastic of what all the on the come up for the russian state abroad. and it's not just the all the secret service people who have no been really used to be sold them yesterday is the apple. but wait a many more who might continue to work, a girl with a spies for the russian state. the russian president also took the unusual step of
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meeting crossteck off, and the other alleged the agents on the air for you. and as they arrived back in russia, what message was he sending the yes to get him to help as a 1st and foremost, it's a cigna. what was the, the country and the bulk of the employees of secret service, the support incense of a signal in unmistakable boards and the apple perception of a solid. he said that the russia, the brush i had never forgotten, is russians. and this is despite the fact that we are dealing here with convicted criminals. but it should be clear to everyone as a secret service will not let you down. you can continue to rely on the secret services and on the old people, and also to say for the russian state, international propaganda media as a whole. now being celebrated as great heroes and all knowledge of with the highest state of war. it's about this is also a signal to the outside world, which is ready to release his political prison. there's a button, not all over the left, keep in mind, the swap should have taken place in march back then we'd all explain of all the.
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however, with an apparently didn't want to release him. this is also the biggest to present to exchange joe with russia as in the cold war. does it set some sort of a precedent? yeah. as well. i think it's clear that we are dealing now with this one for always starting the dimensions dimensions. here is a positive, it will also slope spot one for bottle one for 2, and they will buy lots are all exchanges. now we have 8 countries involve this means that, that disease, 6, west them countries plus 30 plus russian continue to maintain their intelligence contexts. regardless of of the ukraine and yeah, i think these contacts are sometimes even successful. we are seeing now is he, i would also like to highlight the 0 of your key which acted as a kind of media age. because ad one gives good relation relation to a to,
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to letting me put in. and that just means that if they're all, for example, to be any yeah, peace negotiations in the future with the ukraine to, to quote, once again, play an important mediating role. or, you know, leave it there for the moment. thanks so much for joining us today. the, the guy here that you, if you're in a shuttle are now joined by holmes duck option lab from the non profit counter extreme is in the project. tons, welcome what this entire prisoner swap have gone through. if vadim cossick of want involved? no, i don't think that russia was interested in any of the other individuals that were released. the key was this murder, a full rated 2 reasons to make sure that he gets rewarded for being willing to be an assassin, but also to make sure that there will be future assassins willing to do that. and no sooner were those rational position politicians on an airplane into freedom,
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a russian politician event on social media unsafe these old writers. and they better change the names with because we are coming after them. so yeah, the cycle will continue and for that to be able to continue, you need to get your motorist out of prison rush as a fraud steward s thing west to nose and then releasing them in exchange for its own citizens. i mean, this has been categorized as hostage diplomacy. is that a fair characterization where i mean is host is negotiations? i think the word diplomacy is, you know, giving it a veneer, hopefully to mislead that. it really doesn't have what happened to you. it was very different from the cold war, where, based on spies caught by the soviet union were exchange for the soviet spies caught by rested by the rest and countries. here we do have spies and murderous on the one side and oppositional politicians and rest and citizens who being caught up and
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charged for lucas charges or sentence to loot because sentences for small infections. so there is no equivalence here in the exchange except a moral duty for best and government to protect the citizens from governments that are now pretty much run like a criminal organization. is this going to be the no, no, in the coming years, difficult to predict what's gonna happen in the future. but obviously russia is not going to stop sending people to, uh, the west uh, to germany, to do other nato countries. we are in a hybrid more fair. um, as i said already, those opposition politicians have been 2nd by official russian officials. so this will continue on the sides. truth is if russian spies and russian assassins i caught in the rest, we will have to expect again, the best and citizens to be arrested and arbitrary. leech option was a, we were talking about the, about the math classic off and yeah released from germany. so is it fair to say germany played a key role here?
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absolutely, this was the most high profile case. and the most heinous case, this man is the matter. and the german court found to be a murderer and a mode route on behalf of the russian government. so this is, of course, the most difficult case to release and murder are only after just about 5 years in prison. in exchange for, for some fitness we really did not have committed any serious crimes and rush at all. i'd like to talk about the role of tech asia as well because all of these exchanges happened under the auspices of the turkish intelligence service is ducking now effectively the bridge between russia and the west. well, we have seen not for the 1st time that turkey play some kind of a mediator role. a lot of the prison exchanges of soldiers between the ukraine and, and the russian armies have been negotiated and actually in inactive in turkey. turkey has the advantage of being a natal member, but not in a human, but so it is actually perfectly positioned on defense between both wealth um to,
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to be able to be a managing facilitator in these kind of very tricky situations. when i leave at the for the moment, construction live in the context stream as in project. thanks so much for coming into studio. thank you so much for having a question about some of the stories making headlines around the world. japan has formerly aust denmark for the expedition of anti waiting company enough for watson, the founder of the sea shepherd active. his group was arrested last month on an international bought and then his trip dropped in greenland. tokyo once. what's a non charges of breaking into a japanese vessel in the antarctic ocean in 2010? japan has just had it's hot us july and record temperatures are more than 2 degrees celsius, higher than average, that made it the hottest july. sins records bigger than a 126 years ago. the new record comes as extreme heat waves fuel by time with change in gulf, many parts of the go press the operations on the way in india after months and down
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falls caused flash floods. in one of the countries and malia and states, at least 13 people have been getting sofa professional sir helicopters have rescued . hundreds of people stranded there are renowned him to sign in the region to the us next. where for the past several generations, black americans have overwhelmingly supported the democratic party. but in the 2020 election, some bolts showed a shift towards the republican candidate. donald trump, especially among black men, with vice president, couple of hers expected to win the democratic nomination. she sent a clear message to black voters. that's how fast campaigned events she wants to hear about. this is the mood democrats are hoping for. your in canada harris 1st big valley. people here in atlanta, georgia, celebrated the shift away from jo. bites comma
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into the white house. the not crazy. and i think our policies are really great and i think we represent the country mean something new. and you know, it's on newton's as a black america and our family. really hard for this opportunity. and i will not, not lay down on the academic can she bring back the crucial black voters to the democrats? away from the bubble of the hard core supporters situation is more complex. so this sunshine smith is a 30 year old onto renewal and run through own has selling business out of a share. so no, you know, a lot of people that, that lean towards trump, they think about the dollar aspect. they're gonna, so how the money in their pocket going to get in their pocket, right?
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so she needs to explain that to them. how are you going to keep the money in here? because you said, you put money out all the time. you get money to this country that country, but how are you going to keep the money here? and that's the biggest thing that's gonna help get the trump supporters on her side . so who she bought for i still wouldn't know. i still don't know. i would say come on, i would definitely have to show me where the growth is as far as the american is going to be for short without, without honestly, i would have bought it for a job and by the end didn't step out of a range and what about the black male community or group? the polling showed trump gaining strength every week. a large group of black men and boys come together in the atlanta to discuss issues. we're this time tamela harris is at the center and to the vice president entered the race.
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i think a lot of like men and the young man in particular were really not that interested. they just thought it would just be more of the same one or the very important issues for me personally as a, as a lawyer and as a professor that is the issue of reparations. i think that conversation has to happen. i think we also have to look at ways of strengthening our age. we see use our historically black colleges and universities with funding. we also are concerned about policing in america for me. it's it's, it's a, it's a black, the 1st african american female that can potentially present out this country. i have a phenomenal mother, grandmother raised in the house with a mom and dad. and a lot of times the fema runs the home. so why not can a female run this country vegetable by eunice,
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balder now hundreds of is rarely have marched through tel aviv to demand that a ton of hostages held and goes up thursday's demonstration mark $300.00 days since the guns are, was started with the lots kids come off to harvest attack on these rel. i'm off, sees 251 people during the attack. on the 7th of october last year, a $111.00 austin being held in garza including $39.00 these very ministry series are did. most of these hostages appear to be student in the custody of a mos who's a political leader is mind. honey air was performed to be assassinated by israel. and this week on thursday, his body and i've been doing up there, i had a funeral service and he's burial on the i have lived in caught them for many years, multiple officials and really just need those are expected to attend the service. it comes a day off to thousands, turned out for the memorial service for honey a and the eating and capital pat on attended by it on supreme leader. i have to
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love how many, how mazda is expected to name and success at the need. it's political being so one of the speculation is rife as to who might get the job, or whoever replaces the smile honey, a as a mazda is new political leader has to decide on how the militant group will continue its fight with israel, and also represent him us on the world stage the man accused of orchestrating the tober 7th terror attacks on israel. yes. yes. and warm is considered more radical than nia boats, in war is believed to be hiding in the groups tunnel network beneath the guns a strip. and he's expected to remain the chief of homos in gaza. experts believe i'm more likely contender to replace honey to be. this man colored michelle, a veteran homeless official. he was previously the leader of homeless, his political office directing the group from exile in 1996. he survived and his
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really assassination attempt in jordan. michelle is considered more moderate and he has good ties with cots are in turkey. but his relations with syria, iran and has the law soured over his support for the 2011 era of spring protests. another possible choice to replace honey a is cultural ohio, a senior hamas leader who also lives in exile. he was the target of an as early as, as a nation attempt in 2007. l hi is viewed as a powerful figure within her moss who was close to hernia after honey is death. l high, a valid to make israel pay a heavy price? well, her mazda has a record is moving quickly to replace assassinated leaders. the selection process this time will be more challenging. many members of the groups main consultative body. the short council are in gaza. so a full leadership meeting is unlikely, or at least 2 people have been killed in nigeria to security,
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forces fired live rounds and tear gas to acquire the process across the country. a youth led movement has called for 10 days of demonstrations against the government's handling of cost of living prices. and that has seen food prices. so, and the zip to the worst economic downturn in decades did not lose christine one of our reports. this is lagos, but there was, seems like this in cities, across nigeria, as thousands of people pulled onto the streets to protest against the countries was cost of living crisis because he is on food and seal prizes. a soaring in nigeria and people blame the government. what's in this country? it seems to have something government is b as in good. i don't know how to put it. there is actually in the land. people are only people come the rooms off for to see the golf night where i'm much more about the to
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find out about that. i found the friend for my family. well, not because i'm not had walking by because i knew it since taking office most me president bullet teen who has introduced economic reforms that have decimated people's purchasing power. the cost of living crises as being aggravated over the past driven by 2 major issues before stop. so the removal on the unification of the exchange rates of, of the not to the dollar to allow me to go races. uh those 2 things. i very weird combo to help them together. and the implication is up prizes of cairo. the country's budget is also ties with the expenses for exceeding income. but the
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government is still spending hundreds of millions on pay and perks for politicians . presentable came in. the glazing under the most subsidy after that your sacrifice. but there's more obligation on for governance to steal. there's no accountability, the governments i know develop in the states that they've gotten true for what they usually get default in terms of our location. but there's no justification for that location and the national assembly, the fact that they are each uh, you know, or so the politicians are leaving the fact that bestbuy is of the people. it's the reason people will quote out to really end of the banner and bad governance, but to announce was low compared to the installs purchased that broke the south of the country to a stand still in 2022. there was the strong police presence at the main pro chase location here in lagos, with heavily armed officers from different units of the police. it's part of the reason many stayed away today. they said that the police would use violent force to
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disperse the process. organize the say they will continue to come out despite what they call police intimidation. the better cuz if you has been imposed in the northern kind, who stays with leased by a live bullets, hot water and t a guess at demonstrates is always the say protest they will hijacked by side polluted and destroyed prophecy. and remind them of the top story of your folding for you at the this the president joe biden and vice president coming to harris have both come to a group of americans freed from russian prisons in an exchange dean john mr. evans, guest of age and others. were freed in exchange for russians held in jails in the west, in the biggest deal, if it's kind since the cold war ended and with that, you're up to date coming up. next off of the break. all special programs use an effort gap from all news. you will find updates on our website. that's the deputy
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com and our social media channels i handle is at the deputy news i'm british manager invalid. thanks so much for joining us. back again in about 30 minutes from now and see you then the by the media channels i handle is at and t w's. i'm british manager invalid. thanks so much for joining us. back again in about 30 minutes from now and see you then the by the media channels i handle is at and t w's. i'm british manager invalid. thanks so much for joining us. back again in about 30 minutes from now. we'll see you then to by the media channels i handle is at and t w's. i'm british manager invalid. thanks so much for joining us. back again in about 30 minutes from now and see you then by the.


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