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tv   DW News Africa  Deutsche Welle  August 2, 2024 10:30am-10:53am CEST

10:30 am
the media channels i handle is at the top videos i'm british manager invalid. thanks so much for joining us. back again in about 30 minutes from now and see you then to by the media channels i handle is at videos i'm being expanded, your invalid. thanks so much for joining us. back again in about 30 minutes from now and see you then the by the media channels i handle is at d. w, and use i'm british mandatory in berlin. thanks so much for joining us. back again in about 30 minutes from now and see you then to by the media channels i handle is at and t w's. i'm british mandatory invalid. thanks so much for joining us. back again in about 30 minutes from now and see you then the by the media channels i handle is
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at and t w's. i'm british manager invalid. thanks so much for joining us. back again in about 30 minutes from now and see you then to by the media channels i handle is at and t w's. i'm british manager invalid. thanks so much for joining us. back again in about 30 minutes from now and see you then to by the basic education is compulsory for the 1st 9 years or foremost school. and it's free in government, all schools. but there are only a few of these. so most people up to a private school that many of them are around for this have been really expensive every time it needs a place to relax during the weekend or after a long the mostly leg. oh, so that's also a luxury. the challenge is about turning kind of lagos, rice, to the, to airlines. i provides these essential facilities for the be,
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for all millions of citizens. so those are some of the challenges identified 5 by 20 flat rates to be put into the mega problems facing urban 10 is i pulled up, was the 1st time we went up and be at the at the university will try legs on daily basis in terms of having access to quality also if you look at the population we were living in swamp and these folks on that housing and so is this huge. so. busy we need to talk ways of uh, accommodation, um, probably transportation to this and uh, people uh, able to move freely. it would lead me to, i mean, we need to ankle processing on the daily routine on the limo bridge. what is the solution for housing? how should city plan is be thinking about making sure or
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demographics can access housing the major usually use these 80 percent of policy unix in their goes uh to kill or developed by the entity to us know government almost agencies in all the population of the residents and amigos. the of the rights. i know homeowners in problem solving tough arrangement by going to actually make you talk with him to make people off his house. that means they're really nice tool, puts the policy is in place. the court has dots. the and flush allowed ministration on stipends. what they call it goes forms with legos owns what is this that the government is trying to. and i introduced mortgage assistance because i mean i go to uh more. ready systems now i do have more
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business, i would go to the bank to borrow money to give as result in 5 percent or they're about. so that means most people kind of do it on their own. so do you have to rely on ranging on anything in agent cities, for example, we see the pets and will building up and also in europe because of the limited space. is that something that lagos will perhaps resemble this with this quote awesome uh for us about the possibility of being fox. cool. well, you guys loan challenges argument visuals for designs you was a good infrastructure. elizabeth the for instance, because anything above 4 or 5 flaws you was the beauty of goes to place a most of individual to take people. so you don't have electricity, so we'll have you want to pump. what time will you need, or that is the to do that, so that is the mutation for now? do you get the impression that fuel for tease of thinking in, in the right way,
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in terms of making lagos more livable for, for the millions who already lives yet and the 1000000 small? who are projected to live here in the coming years? yeah, and transfer the lords, oh man has good intentions, but the problem is not in long as, as really when they've turned by the implementation of the plans. the ministry department on agencies will go into, i know probably for the need to do this then that, that the we fit safely implemented as long as you just to be added, pointed to transport and housing as the 2 biggest challenges facing labels to now use only such a cool one knows his way around town, even when the exact roots can be a challenge to navigates as someone who is always altima balance and the fits your biggest difference in my destination on time. i think the quickest way possible is almost a daily talk. it's to how can one get from point a to point b after because most of
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philosophy, the roadside spot is the most come on in the city of lagos, in cost point for the parts buses just like this. but he has the bad news. they've got this right, so what i'll do was take this into a world when it comes to traffic, right? that's fucking, it's trying to avoid it. you don't have any optional. godrays is. so the most authors, and it's obvious that we see the problem, this new. we have to, you know, it's always way to the, with this comments traffic. we could be here for more than 3 hours, even more when it's ready season. so times of front of that means of commuting in
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lagos. this is illegal, it's blue line. last the step 10 by 21, a pretty good call moves thousands of precedents as daily and is welcomed as a quick way to move around the lagos, preinstalled transports, when i spoke in trust, but at least one that wants to be before it gets a agreed what's not least we did 10 or 15 minutes to be very agreeing. i mean, he says me time for the kind of drug that i do. time is a very valuable asset to me. so i'm able to go and return back to my home in regular time, and i think it also gives me value for money as well. so that's one of the quickest i less stressful ways to move around the lagos my days. i know that the,
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in the last couple of years, what about the nice thing about increasing the number of buffing just is getting more popular? i mean, what's like the book on starting to broad dispatchers in lagos, in less than an hour? lagos is essentially surrounded by water, as you know, we can do that once. it's also stays on, is definitely the next frontier, illegal. it's has the metal time savings. um, it has the capacity to has worked through the last to and so that of course it is less couple emissions to environment. so it's environmental friendly. it's conducive. it says you type, i mean the benefits are endless. simply back on dry land. i have another way to get around the city. cycling is definitely healthy and clean up the present. some challenges to i would id my way to get some food. see a list that you can what they improving. that's the wheels can be good, but what can break the stranglehold of the internal combustion into?
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well, i suppose to live, you know, in sit diploma transport. commissioner for the legal state. government road has been the dominant mode of transportation falls for many years. all right, and split into considerations as nicholas has a very fine night's land match, which means it's already determined, he's not going to go any more than that. and i'll place you on keep screwing out on explanation rates. you'll get to a point where you can't really have so many calls on the roads. and then when you add to that, that legacy is less with an abundance of what to but that way yet to make an appreciable impact in terms of its usage. then clearly that means that he owns root . we have to look to the other 2 possible modes of transportation for legal stage, which would be the real, which i'd went to some extent on to what's out which one are doing to any level
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that. so let's pick up with what is transportation. it's been described as the next frontier for mobility in lagos. what kind of potential deserts has lake us as us as a states has a very huge what's up buddy? like i said earlier, which we haven't used at all. if you look behind me now, especially we're getting to what's pick time. now, you see that the calls almost at a standstill, very slow moving traffic, but just be young that to see the what the ways of virtually. and so that means that the intelligent way for what for us as a people is to transfer a lot of that appraisal that was put on the roads onto the waterways. so that we can convey people in large numbers from different parts of vegas to the next 2 to watch. so it's one of the points to be made is that we're not just
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talking about passenger traffic. and that also called absolutely, you'll find out that the the reason why uh, quotes are not as efficient as it should be. we have one of the least efficient ports even in africa. the statistics of that is because most of the cargo virtually up to 90 percent of that move through the root low. it's not even real. it's and of course winful that's frazier. even from the cargo comes on the road, it has to be congestion. in addition to the passenger one, so as you put pressure on passenger on the what we also need to move kind of go through the waterways, the content ask on one barges. what kind of investment will it take to be able to scale up water, transportation. so as to alleviate the pressure of the countries, roads and reduce that congestion put it this way, we do invest a lot of money on the vehicles that play roads any way i'm talking about private
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cause i'm talking about commercial vehicles. so we spend the money on those as well . even government spends a lot of money on the buses, all the buses that they go say drugs. most of them i was i, let's say government. and then when the culprits organization spend a lot of money on stuff, policies and those sorts of things. so those sorts of money is need to be deployed to acquire uh what, uh, crafts. you make the case that governments should subsidize transportation. could you, could you elaborate on that? if we were to bring of goods, quality international stand that my spouse petition to the reach of that come on that there has to be some element of government subsidy and it's done all about it was given in developed countries. what is the potential for rail transportation?
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well, the good news is they go see, it has invested in massively rail. you'd have seen in recent years with commission on the rail, the blue line which started the red line is they bought to come on stream. but you must, i must tell you that expenditure investment in real is very capital intensive. so it's not really is one of the most expensive in terms of cape x, kept on it to get it stopped it. you know. so that is ongoing middle states plan for the real should continue, but i think that needs to be the same measure. it's not a higher. busy concentration of investment and what a transportation will be much cheaper to achieve the same results and it will give us the diversity that we need to population allies, all those modes that a whole bunch of negative with natural resources. so the gifts that we have but perhaps the biggest shadow hanging of a lagos is climate change in here,
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the full cost, a worry, take a look at these projections for the areas below the annual flooding levels in the city, in sweets, cheaper c. so that's a combination of the projected sea level rise and the annual floods. the rate areas have no natural barriers to the lagoon at opened ocean looking alfonze rouble. those low line areas become by 2100 foss. tracts of the city are set to be rented uninhabitable by flooding, as the water eats its way into the landscape of late. and that could yet be a challenge for one of the most impressive attempts to turn lagos into a modern and sustainable city. this huge estate being raised out of the sand on victoria island is basically a city within the city. and what makes it unique is that it's built on what used to be was this spring development is
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a new coastal city under construction. on victoria island in lagos, echo atlantic is built on 10000000 square meters of land reclaimed from the atlantic ocean. the area was land about a century ago that ocean so it just caused it to you for some developers pulled vast amounts of sand into the ocean to make dry land for the city to keep the seat in its place. engineers built the great hall of lagos and ate columbus. a buffet made of 12 layers of rock increase, going as deep as 18 meters underwater. the project is far from complete, but the vision is to build the dubai of africa. louisville is one part of that plan staff to task due to task residential. then we have a commercial podium that seats um, shopping complex is offices um cinemas. um,
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multiplex in entertainment studios. then also we're going to have a split the center, which is sitting on top of the retail, most of where cleaned up floating spots cool up. we are in to do many more projects . we seem to say, nicholas has them ensuring that we put the mca full set to be leaving in major and in africa worldwide. a co atlantic is seen as part of the solution to the housing shortage in labels. plants shows estate has the capacity to accommodate up to 300000 residents. but in apartment $2.00 costs, maybe a 1000000 us dollars making it an enclave for the super rich. it's been almost 15 years since the eco atlantic project started. and it's still pretty much an mc construction site invest is, has been slow to put their money into the developments. but in sharp contrast, informal statements like this. springing up and growing rapidly in lagos. millions of people in nigeria is economic have live in communities that get on without
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public services. people i have most people cannot afford it. that's house with money g. well yes. blue for the government's leave of state because there's no way to now we leave off to get the house is noisy. thank you. they do. they should build a patman for us. for the ones with kitchen, the kitchen, they say 5 for the living room. those are the toilets. that was what we want. we want rural urban migration has been the main drive of lagos is population growth. once a fishing village, lagos is today, a large metropolis on its way to becoming the world's biggest city, making it more livable for the millions already here. and the millions most of come will be most muffins. and he has the thoughts to end on.
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if these full costs come to pause, they'll be more people living in lagos, then the whole of germany. well, it's been good having your company. and as i said, as we started this journey through africa's biggest mega city, i'm a new company. yeah. and i've been keeping a photo diary of my 1st impressions. i want to share some of those pictures with you as well. next slide by the,
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the, the,
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each one of them together, they create special style archipelago . this takes in the atlantic discovery, make sure and people and then allow for the case, the founder of the 15 minutes on the w. when i was younger, kind of the 1st one of the most part of choice. it was stigmatized my generation, these cannabis as a part of our culture. no, we're not doing bad. v. as in marijuana. cruz strongly conflict, but sometimes to unexpected reason. we the new young generations want to change our
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region lucky, older generations, equal rejected legalization. and then when generations class go in 19 minutes, dw, the phenomena susie is concerned about his job. as soon as some hospital, if you do receive a nazi from fighting st. history, remembering the crimes is especially close to in germany. rejection of the topic is throwing class on the nurse as default as mentioned, i will transcribe and we will post the 2 years side thing to remember the post recall so this weekend on dw, so either in spring and feel the same way you expect and more
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different things to life than your parents. i just want to pursue what that's my thought or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, reasonable stopping port is those nonsense? i was under the dr. joe in the canal. it's time to get from your generation was a sleep asked and then when generations flash watch now on the tune dw, don't you mentioned this kind of fun? it feels like therapy the
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this is the, the news life from berlin. historic present swap between russia and west of nations . american people to evelyn cass coverage is welcome back to the american, signed by the president and vice president. he's among 20 for prison, swapped in the biggest deal of his kind since the cold war. the british part of you're welcome us john list. evan gas coverage has the ton.


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