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tv   The War Over Wheat  Deutsche Welle  August 2, 2024 2:15pm-3:01pm CEST

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the, the growing up innovation as a palestinian and live and we don't expect much living with a bare minimum without civil rights and with no trust. this is not a good environment. yeah, no, not for my children. and favorite shadow stats oldest good. on the w the new york september 20th 2023 pits of state and government. from all over the world came to new york
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for the general assembly of the united nations. they came to listen to a man whose country had been brought in rough award for the question of unimaginable brutality from within a year and a hump. that man was ukrainian president for 11 minutes and then sky. it was entering the serena for the 1st time. he needs to make clear that russia is a threat to his people were still, they were using a new weapon with the destructive potential to threaten the secuity of the entire planet. rises launching the fluids prizes as weapons in exchange for recommendations for some. if not all of the capture territories, the impact spence from the atlantic coast of effort gone to the southeast asia and
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this is the threat scale. we have to stop it. we must be united to make it anyway ill do it. so that will gain the, to do this with it, and denounced by president semanski work. how was letting me have to, to them deploying it and to watch. and in order to understand the extent to which food can be used as an international instrument has power. we must go back to the stop, the invasion, the
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back to february 24th 2022. it's fine. if i hit the 1st russian bones were dropped and ukrainian cities the few hours, nicer columns of tanks and to train charging me a push and closer to the middle of treat special operation. but in reality, this was a total invasion of ukraine. the biggest military operation to unfold on the european continent since the end of world war 2. the,
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the objective, the village of the kremlin, was to take the capital t's in order to set up a regime most serving. if he's interested. the at the time was still on to the tuition, was also pursuing a campaign that would lead to the systematic destruction, the few crane in agriculture all over the country. funds were attacked the uh, the, the bomb dark production facilities, soto power stations. and they've been our workshops going to take them to our office to consult on awesome on even the thank you very precisely that we didn't have any military equipment here. and there were no ukrainian troops here in atlanta possible and serious. presumably they found it exciting to watch,
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everything flew into the air and collapsed and you're still thoughts on it because wonder. so they wanted to demonstrate the strength of their country to show their army was strong and make us fear them from the point in the show who no, no the do they wanted to rank or harvest or food in regards to a viable impossible. so there's 2 reasons why nibble that's the way i see it any way. the way that the of the, the control of the coast was not the frame of the criminal and the stars at the innovation that way exports of ukrainian grain via the us off and the black seas could be prevented by or available me.
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the russian naval vessels blockaded ukrainian black c ports for months while to mind its territorial waters toward off and the landings. the lots of lots of the show will find me kind of what you what are you not samuel? you have to know that in recent years, late ukraine had started systematically exporting agricultural products, including green, to international market. since we were consistently among the top 5, ex borders of corn, you know, wheat and barley piano explore faddie. what was that? some is to just make more than 90 percent of the exports were shipped via the black sea. they've been most of it sort q x portable if law and showing them one, especially, and you've told them there was a few ships were damaged during the 1st days of the invasion. they were in the ports of odessa and nicolai's ships carrying agricultural products as well for
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a typical day september 11th. which is nice and that's where i got off my producer . mixed the words to, during the 1st days of the war, russia declared the northwestern black sea, a zone for so called anti terror operations on their nation. as i can, long as i can over here on the truck. as on the scene was undoubtedly to the navigation on the black sea, my visible nibbler to make it so there's a route for transporting goods, was no longer usable. hope to talk with you on the same exposure and having a neighbor to of during this period. no ukrainian commercial shipping was able to lead the shoals of the black sea. russia's blockade of the ports was threatening global food security . you clean, accounted for around 10 percent of global wage. exports making is a leading. we're exporting country. within a few days,
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the price of we'd sold from around $300.00 to $400.00 euro's a ton. at the start of may 2022. it was even selling as a risk or price of $438.00 euros to tom the . with these attack on ukraine flooded me, a pollution destabilized the global grain trade, putting tens of millions of people in dangerous dis by simon. we'd never would have dreamed anything like this would be possible. it is not just decimating dynamically ukraine in the region, but it will have global context impact beyond anything we've seen that the world war 2, the impact of the war is global and systemic is certainly 6 gun to the discount on russia and ukraine for more than houses that we seen parts, including some of the porters and most vulnerable countries of the world,
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the egypt, but its population of a $110000000.00 people is among the most fragile holding a 3rd of its inhabitants livid standards below the poverty, not president of those thought to us c. c has ruled egypt for 10 years. he knows the skyrocketing prices could have dramatic consequences. his country consumes more than $20000000.00 tons of which annually. half of that comes through approach, mainly from russia and ukraine. bread is the most important, don, actually strength of egypt. the country is the world's 2nd largest importer of weight. i want somebody to know why they made a little man and none of renewal document could be to keep them. most of the knowledge in egypt right is called a huge thing,
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which literally means life. i know most people are very dependent on it all without bread. there is no life, isn't it? and that's why we call it a huge headlight. again, if you want, but legacy at every meal is served with bread and egypt and i've been, is back in the week is the main staple food for the population of a month. that a 100 and have enough a ran into hey, are produced from we 2 in deep wood that are the most important animal feeds in boy . so we feed humans and animals the like i, on the top on a lot of is that in san, with the access to affordable bread is part of the social contracts between the government and the people of egypt over the, by the fifty's, the government to decided to regulate and monitor its production and sale. since then this being a jewel system, the says bridge. it's available for free. the fluctuation price, which reacts to market forces and bridge at a fixed price,
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which is set by the government and subsidized. the 5th from fed is yeah, if you down level, this could be the government covers the price difference on the fed. bread is more than 50 percent subsidize over. that's how the state helps the poorest of the poor . around 70000000. egyptians by the subsidized bread, that means that close to 70 percent of the population lives from the spread them and dollar lifecycle down. yeah, awesome. uh so awesome. i have someone else. um i have one who i no longer have who has the regime is afraid the social consequences of hunger and poverty could be to uncontrollable uprisings like that just have to come there. yeah, i mean, perhaps they would even be a civil war with great destruction. my getting that in or you connect the wow, every egyptian is aware of this today, monica being did the what have thought that had the last, the unrest tier would have serious consequences for everyone when the flow i'm at the high but then the could break the state apart,
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yes. to an alarm because we haven't done well can pull the f u as in umbrella, come as of course president, toll c. c hasn't forgotten the resolution. we slows and move. the arab spring has 2011 people in cairo top to the street. some cold for bread, freedom injustice dislike to the last of his previous as a host name or bark. so he'd been in power fits soon as he is subsidized bread and shoes. the stupidity is all ceases regime and he must import weight no matter how high prices rise to replace the lacking weight from ukraine. i'll ceasing increase the amounts he ordered from flatter me of food in the spring of 2022 of the, the russian leda has made his country into one of the world's leading grain exposes
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since 2016, russia has been the largest exposure of weight worldwide. how did the revitalization of russian agriculture take place the when flooded, they have to didn't change of power. at the end of the 1999, the situation in russian agricultural was disastrous. and with the supply the food, the whole, through the 19 ninety's, the country was heavily dependent on agricultural impulse above home from the u. s . by the middle of the decade, russia was the largest consumer of us, poultry. plugging it pollution decided to act hey, we'll do a shopping creation, but we decided to put an end to the humanitarian invasion of our country with goods
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from abroad. i think we were able to put a hold to this development in 2090. and this is good, you know, probably the most part. and yet, the necessity to revive rural areas that says, that's how the describe the cultural sector into increased productivity. and modernize technology was quite clear. there are both, i have some sort of question. the starting in 2005 vladimir fusion declared agriculture a national priority, and started the 1st government to investment programs the but a completely different crisis gave this policy and twist at the beginning of 2014, most korea up to the mind. john squared protests in keys by occupying the crime in financial and russia begin supposing,
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separatist movements in parts of the don't pass region in order to isolate from the rest of ukraine. the these 2 events actually mock the wheel stops of rushes, invasion of ukraine. the west reacted with sanctions on most good. so it took me a to some. and so it was an immediate embargo, one or wisdom, the food for the putting on that bill. we all got a good, don't look at the, on the market the way to you know, who to and told us people. so i told you that yes, we'll have shortages of meet fruit and vegetables and dairy products for a time. and also i forget about french cheese and complete don't support fully equipped the entire agricultural system to grow green movies. here, the russian state mobilize and even greater meetings with the exports of green oil and gas sources. so starting from around 2020 rush, it became almost
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a fully self sufficient in terms of agricultural products and food. as you move to pull, you're going to go to the motel. the really parts for i see is converted industries saving 6 that are considered really tech. those are the sanctions imposed on russia by western countries when russia to look around for new alternative markets on weeds plays a central role in the markets of egypt. and algeria are not saying it's kind of a might to ensure it missed in 2022. we x, quoted huge quantities, their hips and they've always reader with the person that they're expressed to more than 1000000 tons. the system best serve young busher and you don't on the bush. me don't, don't you know, julia, we enter the market that had been firmly in french hands before. the last name was now we're competing directly with france there. oh,
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it's assessment. i'm bridge. i'm just leaving a computer. nope. to push the appraisals group and rush. i became stronger as an agricultural power when your bill, me to the more the means allowed in the greater of the striving for all tarkey and rest of vacation of strategic areas that domains type, digit salt, the cook. i so i feel so yeah, according to the slogan, buckle. so we'll build our own green silos ourselves up. and rather than ordering them from foreign manufacturers who don't i called spectrum and to see to do an equal cellphone, it goes up to man the best. and maybe we won't even use the global financial system to organize in finance versus easiest to come math. so if you know, so we'll just found our own agrarian banks and holding specific exit gone, all that meant don't like the or the non tusa the . this was the last step towards recitation. within 20
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years, vladimir putin had made the russian farming and food sector into one of the world's most productive, just like his oil gas and armaments industry that gave him a new instrument of power and the invasion of ukraine. a country also known as the bread foster to the world, gave him an opportunity to try his house. the russian armies withdrew from the northern parts of the country without successfully taking kids. it was a piece of deceit for vladimir tutoring, the the so he gave his troops a new objective concrete and the lucrative pos, if you train the agricultural regions in the east and south of the country. that's
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where the st. blanco's fortune knows is location. soil that some of the world's most famous heil the lion's share of you, trans wilson grain is founded on this soil. for may 20th 2022 patients troops took control of the strategically important course of money will pull the battles to the city is horrifying. 90 percent of the city was destroyed the more than $20000.00 people. okay. c the
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blood, to me, a cushion had achieved his goal and amex, ation of the sea of salt. and with this russian dominance in the region, fee is we're growing. the russian troops would push for the west and take odessa until the war, around half of old ukraine's exports was shipped out. 5, the country's biggest black c port, the the, we'll see you at the show and how to show me that russia is waging total more be, i mean, it's not a war. and the conventional stands with strictly military means that it was getting when it gets a war, applying political, social, and economic weapons disappear of anguish. so was economic, it's clear,
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a country would be weekend without a working economy show of the consent them. and that's what the russians are aiming for, striking against the most important sectors trying to for, to elizabeth and let's talk some because if we can't work on agriculture is i don't understand, we won't be able to finance the ukrainian armed forces sufficiently to get them because building a single thing, but if we can sell something as a country and have income for the, then we can support the military with the wind partners most go systematically taking grain from russian occupied areas and transporting as l squared. way for the dollar since a bad decision to talk to somebody before the war. we worked 75000 hector's of land and during the war we lost 25000 hector's and the russians harvested the wheat on our fields. the grain for our bread and polyps and they show on 3 pulse keep runs to naples on company. it's one of the biggest agricultural
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enterprises in ukraine. his father alexi is that a tool skeet found the company in 1991 and transformed into a flagship for the country. it was a symbol of independence from russia. maybe he's on his present on those of the country and become a military targets at the start of the pool. i didn't want that if it's a uh, socialist, not confined ukrainian green. so those are still in areas that are sometimes occupied by russia. the largest post office is up on a certain amount. yeah, around 140000 tons of green had been stolen from us since the start of the invasion of combining bushes almost always had complained firestone bore as a boy that's really compromise or operation way. and i said, were interested in things, but a lot, it's only running at 30 percent. and by now it doesn't dollars, but meaning actually what's left of it. and then the letter is up to, to assist
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a i say, although it's not get clear how many agricultural operations of phone and interruption hands. what is 2nd is that the kremlin is laying claim to the entire we top us in the place is adult coupons. at the end of 2022, that would be about $6000000.00 tons, part of which was destined for expos, hundreds of seized or stolen trucks transported ukrainian weight to cry. mia, which was annexed by russia in 2014. the destination is the commercial portion of sebastopol task, calling the boy e, and i'd like to make the observation that there's never been that much green and crimea, and there never will be the best years even before crimea was annexed. there never
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been such a large quantity of grain for exports on board and now with the war, the porter service topo is becoming a real hub for all the ships. a space thomas sold in the between may and june of 2022 at least 12 prices, but at the same dog, sylvester pulled screen terminal as soon as they were loaded with grain from the occupied territories, they officially set cause for 11 or turkey. but as soon as they reached the high seas, the ships disappeared from cracking. rachel or the may 2nd 2020
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to an empty russian fraser the much for us person to teach the it's of us to put in on the 29th of may. it turned up in the swimming pools of latasha fluids unloaded. wait the to put the nicholas name cape or kaiser shop dishes. you'll help as little safety satellite imagery show. most of the grain went to syria. you have to know, syria is one of the few countries that supports the russia, an aggressor state. there's continual trade taking place between the 2 countries. yeah, that's, that's a 14 a 40 page and i'm saying with the, so all the facts of this deal must be no, no secret. even yet the responsibility lies with the leadership of the aggressor state. yeah, it's a, it's a dime is so. okay, and this talk to you now. hello. so you may see much more show. we all see that exported. ukrainian green is continuing by our crimea, today's odyssey almost every day we can see satellite images have got another ship being loaded with ukrainian green. i was on top of that, so claims comes along the
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us through yet the cost of the war and ukraine was over the many pigeons dollars. some of that money flowed into rushes, military machine, the systematic destruction, that's best and confiscation have been unparalleled in europe since the nazi occupation during world war 2, the, the kremlin was for lowering is another global objective with these actions. removing you crying as a market competitor. so
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this gets exposed to dillman, pulling into lucy, and you can even before 202230 percent of these exports worldwide came from russia and ukraine. of course rush, i wanted to annex the eastern ukrainian old lessons that were more weakened corners ground just solely humbly. if i did that, i'm a spike. so in that way, rush, i can further increase the chair of the global market for a week. and always, while reducing ukraine's chemical personally maximilian to do it on this, you can use it, especially given that russia had a record harvest in 2022, which further increased its exports and don't expose the men mckinney mando. don't really know either cheat openings. disclosable disco, hollis, will not my destroying ukrainian agricultural sector. russia is, in fact trying to eliminate one of its biggest competitors on the global market for a week that are seen last week and drive it out of other markets for agricultural products as well into, into a scuffle. disclosure along with the book seat the
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and there's another threat that has come with the attack. couldn't ukraine, letting me a tooth and has the diffused tooth ticking time bomb and not the global economy of balance. it's inflation the don't think they need to mean of under minimal deal. see these out in 2021. 2022 good. that we already had 2 years of food inflation, which was triggered by the pandemic. right now. since the value creation chains had changed on national and then continental, and even global level. so you don't like this. wildfire had already started referring to this now. and then february 2022, the german humanitarian aid organization. bate home that have said the price in the it's for food to get a new record. high numbers and at the end of the month, rush attacked ukraine. we made no sense for that with just one more spark added to
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a fire that was already burning. and that produced more inflation and tension, although it's done for us generally. and it also the, the situation quickly goes out of control in the weakest countries. like in egypt with prizes climbed 45 percent by the end of 2020 to the lowest auto was. is that because of rising fuel prices? the farmers compared their situation to a wedding reception where someone dies as well? yeah. when i was of the man, joy becomes greece, kind of, i have the most of the time, the very big guys have been seeing one of the 3 of them is the price rises for natural gas. i mean gasoline and other oils and get us farmers hard. mike, i'm my yo, but how did the war with them and it fell out. so i have a water pump that's even good. if prices go up,
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everything gets more expensive than the fact that a, some of the, including the use of the pumps motor with a girl, i got to say that she had on the side as well. you feel man, that sometimes i need workers to help me because it can do it all on my own. then it seems to start of the world and ukraine. wages have risen sharply. a work or they used to earn 70 or 80 pounds a day. now gets 150 pounds. wages have doubled, also place the inflation sprayed with a lightning speed due to the cumulative impacts of the attack on ukraine. waste and sanctions. and the corona virus pandemic, which affected countries pool and rich in the south. and in the north extensively, in order to show goodwill vladimir putin said he was ready to negotiate the
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today. there is a beacon on the black sea as the beacon of hope, the beacon of possibility, the beacon of release. you know, well that needs it. more than ever. on june 22nd 2020 to 5 months after the start of the war, russia and ukraine signed in a cold, under guidance of the united nations kentucky. image pollution to me said ukraine to resume exports of grain. 5 of black seats. the 25000000 tons stored in ukrainian silos could finally be loaded onto the ships and
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brought to people in the southern hemisphere where it was desperate. they made it a few days off to the cold was signed. there was another bombardment. on july 30th 2022. a hail of rushing missiles rained down on the ukrainian port of the clive. the target was alexys to tools, ski, the founder and ceo of the echo cultural holding company. and if you lose a symbol of the independence of ukrainian foaming federal dorski resisted the russian naval blockade and was considered a national hero. the part of the house where he and his wife slept, was obliterated. both of them were killed instantly. the grain expose agreement gave rush or vice that it could tighten and loose and it will. ocean was showing ukraine and the rest of the world that he alone was calling the shots. i
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estimate for the city of oakland uh towards the really display of patriotism in the multiple scroll. over the years, the man made himself a fortune to more limited his age because it could have been living anywhere in the world. i live is alyssa some thought to the state in his hometown, nikolai. he did everything he could to get x sports from ukraine running lewis's visiting with the experts that i thought oh, clean a day off to the death of alexi that a toy sky on august the 1st 2022 a ship called the rezone left to this and went to see loaded with 26000 tons of grain. in accordance with the code of the 22nd of july was the 1st ship allowed to enter the black sea from the ukrainian coast. after was inspected an assembled, it continued through the bus for us on its way to the mediterranean. the claim
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opened an additional weight shipping brutes in the south, west and parts of the country. the shipping terminal was built in the port on the den. you put the, at the remaining board, hundreds of trucks daily was supplying tons of great work quickly loaded onto the boxes, the destination, the romanian pools of constance up further to the south. this new routes was part of a new solidarity lanes. plant. kids had managed to persuade brussels that it could explore to training drain via e u. countries without being required to pay customs. today's the a year laser and july 2023. ukraine had exported around 13000000 tons of grain
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a 3rd of weight. but the situation remain tends the neighboring countries with displaced some a few cranes, crane was faintly and suppose it online through the use hold was one example. what's more grain, you control by ha, since the war stuff is the russian vice was clipping tyesha. then eva, at the end of july 2023, there were many russians thrown in missile attacks on odessa and the danube terminal, which is just a few 100 nations from romania, the many thousands of tons of grain went up in flames. flooding me, pollution again, caused panic on commodities markets for those and yet is out of my ways
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deal difficulty just throwing out the solution. solid deal upset this what was it? i see the front of the initial friendliness that goes away may as he did at the start of the war, the russian dictates were gain or to the blockade of oil. ukrainian black c ports from the end of july 2023. ukraine responded with military measures to use off to the russian invasion. you're trying to fax. 54 percent of the occupied areas, the since the beginning of the votes. russia had sold more weight than ever before. in the 2020 to 2023 season. that was 47000000 tons. the unprecedented amount came thanks to school check book diplomacy. the
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pure annoying, even though we see you still enables you to pay for a year and a half, the russian limited classic grain exported, pen nationalized, we trading p, you it sells wheat at different prices to friendly countries that you'll, according to market conditions of quality, be reluctant and critical countries are threatened with having green supplies cut off the old units. what we're seeing is black males. diplomacy can do salt, those on cool may est, that's easy. and your frontier from a couple of or a backwards from, from out of mind. course countries maintaining normal relations with russia who societies do not stroke russell phobia in the media on the international stage. i don't that will always be in a position to negotiate agreements, including long term want us now frustrating as i say, up as a small one, they might say, well, these are countries that try to maintain reasonable relations with russia, which rest on the 2 principles i mentioned to you about the source paper stick to your don't globally simple and they'll tell tomorrow if at the bottom you should rush, i has
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a tight hold on everything at the moment what the queen puts and says old molten, if you need me. yes, i've raised prices and costs chaos, and some of global trade did. you can this doing business with me is a risk of it is going on, but you won't find any other week right now, but, but i thought would you be a you wait diplomacy? inaction can be seen most clearly at the united nations. the general assembly is now working on throughout the solution can titled underestimate gas through crane. let's go back to the 2nd of march 2022. when a week after the ukraine conflicts began, a resolution against depression, aggression was passed, the 40 countries still refused to support the resolution by the voting against us or abstaining. among them was 17 african and many asian countries. the 6 months slideshow on
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november 14th 2022. there was another voltage this time to demand reparation payments from russia to ukraine. the resolution was adopted by majority of $94.00 countries, but they were for say no votes, including from china and south africa. i'm 73 extensions. i give them the boy in the it'd be a fuck. i'm the one of the overwhelming majority of the countries of africa and the middle east have chosen to adopt a neutral position on the russian ukrainian war. viewed from an economic standpoint, jessica and the rest of remains. an important partner for these countries with russia is also a military presence in a few african countries. they have to watch a smuggler. mercenaries are deployed all over. that's the whole region in russian snipers can be found in libya. sedan with molly and bertina saw so what the last several saying the motor to the via so don mileage looking for
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the to do school did you? is it a group of $10.00, you know, square feet with them, especially because we see in this country say we're not taking sides, we don't want any trouble with russia the undergoing the naturally, there are authoritarian regimes among the almost like many big democracies have this position to be honest, we want to remain neutral and expand our relations with russia because we need to discuss with him as well. so if you did, you put the, let's just take india or brazil home, they will close to big democracies that are opposing their political and diplomatic and economic relations with russia. despite our sanctions, which are meant to isolate russian who's on q one who you know, claim which one have well is what it always did. you want us to do in the, the war and ukraine reflects the growing gap between the absolute west and the rest of the world's population. also known as the global south,
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the since the status of the invasion. so gay law for all of the, if it present russian foreign minister has been struggling in a for kevin and relates to spread rushes message, which is, it's vladimir who's, who can guarantee his partner, stability and independence in this new multi polar world. as opposed to the west, which is becoming ever more hedge, a monic ingredient, the president saloons, key takes every opportunity to present this. now actually, he wants latest not to be phones, but the kremlin is using its agricultural power to deepen global divisions. even further old mass as to pollution is defending russian interests by any means as he
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disregards the aims and principles of the un. what when this water will continue from there, simply isn't any other option in, hey, elizabeth james, if we could picture late, it's not clear what will happen next on. yes, come on, get some food and won't just stop with ukraine. another believe it's up to what we've got to bring this tyrant down and restore order is to put it on the how long will he continue to terrorize europe and our whole planet, and also simply input that are to 0 and everything comes to an end at some point a single because you can use the . 2 the. 2
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2 2 2 2 the. 2 the mushrooms chelsea or dangerous agencies good to meet you seriously ill and provide healing treatment the wild mushrooms, funky, or magic mushroom. let's go foraging in good shape. in especially minutes on the w. i. g major difference, visionaries with
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a project get involved to create a future experience. eco, india. in 90 minutes on the get ready for an exciting, i've been trying to look surprised. i am shopping and i am ready to dive into the hands of gentlemen to us with you. have you have a one the front porch, and come to invest deposits on the spot. and the unexpected side to side. the
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50 dw dues live and from berlin, the biggest prisoner swap between russia and the west. since the cold war is now a done deal. you know, that's one of the same results over ireland in canada, into america. americans, paul, we lived and haven't heard of it, char, on us soil again after hundreds of days in a russian prison, there among 24 prisoners swap between russia, the us of germany and other countries, also coming up the body of a mazda his political liter. smile, he has arrived in guitar to be buried in law and has blamed israel for his assassination and has found revenge the.


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