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tv   REV  Deutsche Welle  August 2, 2024 3:15pm-3:31pm CEST

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the the key about the video that goes to the media may google, google, i've got that done, but again, i'll just stop into that and i'll give you a go or them and you are you able to pull it up? joe, media dog coverage. the more people than ever on the move world wide in such a base in life to jump be able to use a minute, they can t mess with the audio. the megs of appears in the original does our peers
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administer useful? or them was moved, he gets expose. go to lunch when you find out about all the story info, migraines, reliable news for language, wherever they may be. the practice sounds truck drive is a duel that painted laurice. this is my bed where i can rest on route for the drawing says it's a matter of pride to make the might not wash their faces, but they'll spend cash in their trucks. they become a means of cultural expression for pakistani. reflects the nations mood, the vibrant colors of pakistani truck comp a spreading around the world. a tony roads, a loud and busy and traffic towns are common size. but
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now and then you'll spot them eye catching view. uh its own wheels full truck cops . we drivers have made this truck with lots of love. you could say that it's our home, the amount i get a what design should be put on the back of a truck, a sword, or an animal in run equity to show us how they transform a simple laurie into a beautiful piece of ox on wheels. depending on the data for everybody up here, 1st we create a vehicles frame. then
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a fitting starts. when it arrives in this workshop, we paint the hood and then hand it over to the artists for decoration. we do all the work here where the truck cost is an established parts of pakistan's transport traditions. you can see colorful symbols, funeral designs, scenery and animals on pack a stony trucks, some even feet just funny poems. the different vehicles have distinctive designs, for example, and painting a lion. now, there are various element. it's depending on what the truck owners want
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to tell us in advance. along with company logos, drivers and their bosses submit their design requests. each truck is highly personal, expressing the individual likes and tastes of those who spend thousands of hours behind the wheel. rashid, his vehicle is much more than a mode of transportation. regarding mrs. my truck, one symbol is supposed to be loaded in below just and, and drive it to karachi like which can take $3.00 to $4.00 days. if we get tired. this is my bed where i can rest on roots for me. we decorate our truck with hearts and passion. i'm going to go to egypt so you get this one of my vehicle. looks good . i feel good now moving. go so you know you, if it's not nice,
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then i do not like it to even move on. our journey usually takes 3 days because we drive with a heavy load. the load with the singles in lake. yeah, they are up to when your tires take the did it up so yet the little when we're tired, we take a break and sleep like immediately we have a bed and everything else. got us in lou, it's nothing legal. it's like our house. yeah, that was the only way it was like we only spend a little bit of time at home compared to what we spend in the vehicle who are not a mid system. so it's being 9. kids already have got a piece of i love my truck, a lot of things. it's our entire world. google's side of the news, our home do some of the team is gonna get things moving. cuz the one of the use of cost is $1.00 of the countries busiest truck jobs on the outskirts of colorado. cheap, hundreds of heavy vehicles come here from across the shrink from dancing and paintings to the fine arts of colorful decoration. every thing is possible here.
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transport truck service central to help run the country's business and it runs workshop, dozens of trucks of painted each month. this has become a regular source of income for gara, jonas mechanics and autism. we receive over 20 trucks per month. this is one week's work. now we have 5 trucks at the workshop. this one will be done in 10 days, and then we'll send it for wiring. so every team works one after another. not us how we work. we're in good money. painting costs 200000 rupees. that $670.00 euro is stickers,
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cost 800000 rubies. and then we have extra lighting and decoration costs. next to the bill can exceed 300000 rupees around a 1000 euros. 1 truck cost is a mass shop, it's visual motif from packets. tony, coach of language, politics and history. this deeply rooted tradition was initially a way for truck drivers to attract attention. but now it has become a means of cultural expression. the these floral designs now not totally painted on trucks and buses, but don't cause pain. speeches, neural a sand stock of old truck costs as even become
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a total of sports and cultural diplomacy. to understand the progress of this form, we met ali salman ancient cultural entrepreneur and founder of the cold patty truck cock projects. this art is not only limited to pakistan, but we also brought it to the world. we have decorated trucks and buses in several countries, including the us, germany and china, english to promote this art internationally to create more job opportunities. unesco featured us as a creative audit, removed from pakistan because of our contribution to the creative economy. several souvenirs are small tracts and rick shows are being designed for gifts. the whole community is benefiting from this art. our project is entrepreneurial, which is created awareness and jobs. truck art is recognized locally and internationally. the local artists are the primary beneficiaries.
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after a long ways rashid is now ready for another jenny and his beloved truck ready to hit the road again, the a visit to no one in the flat. like a scene has long been established in turn it back. my colleague woman is going to show us around today robin and i are good friends, the best known as the drag autism colleague con. no, no. and so new back we're in the middle of much tacit and we do this is a the basically gates and the burden was that you're supposed to be famous from like this seventies or eighties. you know, and burning was still divided. and this was really like the big scene was going on
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here. david bowie was living here at the time. so yeah, the oh, it's good send. i think we should talk about the clock and associates and stuff. that's it because the streets, it has quit book stores and sex clubs, the sex clubs, restaurant right next door and both sex clubs and let's not forget the appropriate fits of shot. the civic really invalid is for exhibit, but it still need size spaces. the
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mushroom healthy or dangerous agency is good to meet you seriously ill and provide healing treatment the wild mushrooms phones or magic
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mushrooms. let's go for jean in good shape. next d, w. i g major difference, visionaries with a project get involved to create a future experience that eco, india been 60 minutes on the do you know which should vc industries has the highest c o 2 emission rates which
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is good. concrete, transforming business to live is on to figure out what's the real new deal. just reimbursing the watch now on the, on the long voyage through the ocean. and mother, i'm back laying with her car for a long time. they had to be humans on the journey, but now the premises have to come there, protect the, the north of ocean conservation of september.
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the german dw 12 or emphasizing the award winning offer is available world wide. every language level. reading gentleman has to go. welcome to put tire time. that's kind of sofas. thanks tourism. what do you get here? you can't get anywhere else in the world. in germany, if you go to a prostitute twice or 3 times as much and the other half the service in 2023, a documentary, uncovered corruption on child abuse. the youngest one, for example, let me show you this was now the film team,
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investigate the was executive has changed the red light, dark shadow, 6 tourism the fingers on the buzzer. tiers. today's top quiz question. what exactly are fund guy a, a tasty food, full of goodness. be dangerous pathogens that can damage the skin, lungs, and intestines. for see drugs with hallucinogenic effect which may help against depression. the answer is a, b, m. c. how can that be time to take a much closer look uh get it welcome to in good shape the
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