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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 2, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw, these live in from berlin, the biggest prisoner swap between russia and the west has the cold war is now a done deal. you know, that's one of the same real. so over ireland, in canada, into america, americans, paul, we live in devon, yours could, which are on us soil again after hundreds of days, and a russian president there among $24.00 prisoners swap between russia, the us, germany, and other nation. also coming up burial services for her bosses. political leader is my own. i need taking place into char, your run is plain is real or the assassination and has value revenge. and food and fuel prices are soaring, and i,
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jerry and protesters are demanding that the government do something about or bring you the latest from like, the hybrid golf is good. they have you with this on this friday. they are prisoners no more today the united states and russia completed their largest prisoner exchange since the fall of the soviet union. it was a massive swap involving $24.00 detainees, 7 countries, and months of behind the scenes negotiations. then us citizens released into the overflow of the texas early in the morning for medical evaluation, journalist, evan juris coverage and former marine paul whelan were 2 of the highest profile prisoners released the one side, several russian opposition figures. inactive is a earlier, the group was greeted at an airport in maryland in the us by president, by who talented diplomacy as key to bringing the prisoners hall
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newly freed and back on us soil. a joyful reunion to these american prisoners and their families, accompanied by president joe biden, and presidential candidate pamela harris. several reporters from the wall street journal were waiting to greet their colleagues, evident gosh, can fetch. after 491 days of waiting gas code, which is the most high profile prisoner involved in the slot, he was jailed in 2023 and convicted of espionage charges. that he and the us government vehemently denied. he was one of 24 released 16 by the west, and 8 by russia. they include former us marine poll whelan and us russian radio
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journalist as to carma schafer. the c exchange was complex and involved some difficult choices. president biden acknowledged concessions made by countries like germany and slovenia. wines is big matter law she russian site is also counting a win convicted hackers on several russian nationals detained in the west for spying. were welcomed home into the open arms of president vladimir putin. among them, a russian couple convicted of spying is trevino, along with their 2 children. its relations between russia and the west has been at
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an all time low since moscow's full scale invasion of ukraine. but this prisoner as well shows that at least some channels of communications remain open. you're going to have law as a russian human rights lawyer in exile earlier today. i asked him if he sees this exchange as one where you have russian criminals who are traded for westerners who had been held on trumped up charges. yes, it's a, it's a through. and of course, so you know, my poor jim shows he's, he is very, you know, when a so when he just the way to rush and see the events on a 2 kinds of little, the sheer one group is he desirable and it, and as i grew like human that i ex tv sir, like i see electives like amp a more activities like undesirable. was it easy and they they
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bring home. are you available? uh huh. yeah. i took away. i have some people who i'm designing. let me ask you about the release of the volume crossteck all to you may know yourself in murdered and exile discipline right here in berlin. the fact that he has been released the fact that he is a basically a free man. now, in russia, does that make you worry more for your own safety? the thought that a, a murderer can be sent back to russia who could possibly murder again. so we, we actually, you know, if maybe you think about this very purposely, if you will be finalize our work, of course, you know, you're going to be as out, could i speak up? and um, you know,
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we have enough at least to continue our work a mix. i know what we are on stands that i put into the resources to, to, to make manual obstacles for us. what you want to phoenix science. so, but the email thinks too much about this, it will be finalize our work. we try not focus on it. what do you think the message approaches message is with this exchange is part of the message to suppress those who speak out against him inside and outside of russia. and i think this as a mess i'd share um yeah for you know, informational community and i understand that for the now 91 look like a be school person who is in good shape zable. who able to, who able to make, i'm guessing ations p b, 's full,
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i'm guessing ation. and he wants to, to demonstrate like a good example that he can, i think he's person that international community can speak please. so it's assigned for an international community, and of course for, for, you know, community point 7 o, o d. and so because he bring productions call, but nobody speaks him inside that shows that he's software. yeah, mazda, nonsense. you know, he drops off work. he, he just push them out. but the optic, my, mr. bit about the optics of this or how, how it looks. we know that by them you're putting is very aware of his image and of the optics surrounding him. this looks makes him look like he's a winner, doesn't it? and he's operated from a position of strength. he's been able to force basically the west to negotiate
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with him to get his people back. i mean, this has been a of a win win for him, hasn't i think so. i think so he, he will fly. can we, are you in, in basic shape children and of course we grab that. i, our cortex who was the pain many years. so already in the reason i now he's that they are free, but unfortunately the restaurant you have a lot of political prisoners inside and you know, they and if you try to use girl for their lights. yeah. and um, unfortunately, unfortunately this doesn't have so many supplies to, to make exchange them on a, on a adoption, probably to go prisoner. but before i let you give us a bet, but let me just ask you, let me ask you about the timing of this. why do you think vladimir putin agreed to this prisoner swap now? because you know, it's, you know, it's not only about what you meant,
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but even for them, if you would just use them of the special forces. and uh, you guys to go and, you know, uh like, uh, you know, you know, he's in bed or, you know, carl, so he told that he wants uh class to go, but he wants that could isaac or was it on production? and he, he is an id to make him go fish. and all of the, you know, all of that, the stem beach stands behind zipper within like half the special forces. like i diplomatic corp was, started the, the water committee purposely is that through the door. i'm good issac a back, the rush. yeah. they, they started to so far. yeah. we, we use the, you know, boarding uh, cortex. now that's what i now now could i actually go back and that the system now do you most today?
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is that for just that my you know, that it works very well. okay. excel drugs and human rights attorney, yvonne pavlov missed a couple of we appreciate you taking the time. we know this is not necessarily easy for you to talk with this. thank you. but we are learning more about the swap the kremlin now making a we're admission that some of the prisoners released by western countries were in fact intelligence agents, criminal spokesman, dimitri pest golf. today, confirming that a couple of release from slovenia were under covers fives, known as illegals. he said that the couple posed as ex pants from argentina and relate orders to other sleeper agents rush into. they also admitted that vadim pricey coffee was convicted of murder here in berlin. was one of its spots. the decision to release him was anything but easy for the german chance of the most of
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can some of the prisoner exchanges. a delta coach voss have of the circumstances, but this one had particular relevance. the gemini young and jim and chancellor laughed. schultz played a pivotal role in executing the swamp. that's because the key figure returning back to russia was this man vadim classic cough. he was sentenced to life in prison for the 2019 mode, and berlin of a georgian who had fought along side chechen militants. it was a politic complicated decision for gemini, not least because of the brazen this of the murder. it took place in broad daylight in it, but in puck, just minutes away from the parliament and sean slurry. nothing makes this decision to deport and the address sentenced to life imprisonment. after running a few years in prison, an easy one. the state's interest in enforcing the prison sentence has to be
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weighed up against the freedom and danger to life and limb of innocent people imprisoned in russia and those on just to be imprisoned for political reasons. us president joe biden acknowledge germany's vital role in the deal are particularly on great sense of gratitude to the chest. the design manager making a may required me to get some significant concessions from germany or state originally concluded they could not do because the person question a collaborative effort then the required co ordination, cooperation, and some sacrifice among allied partners. but a successful outcome. so those brought time and very united that last with that families were here's a quick look now, some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world. the us an
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argentina have recognize venezuela's opposition candidates, edmondo gonzales. as the victor and last weekend's presidential elections, incumbent nicholas my 0 was declared the winner without clear evidence sparking widespread protests. business way lives, election authority is under pressure to release a detailed vote count and to prove its claim. japan has formerly asked denmark to extradite anti wailing campaigner paul watson, the founder of b. c. shepherd active. his group was arrested last month on an international warrant when his ship docked in greenland took you once watson on charges of breaking into a japanese vessel in the and arctic ocean back in 2010. a chinese authorities are racing to locate does is that people still missing in who 9 province after the most powerful type food of the year, written through the region. officials say at least 30 people are already confirmed that the more extreme weather is expected while using this month to month. so it's
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usually if i'm here. so in terms of hundreds of people have gathered at a mosque in doha guitar for the funeral of slain and loss leader is male honey. visuals and religious leaders are attending. i knew you had lived in guitar for many years and exile. he was assassinated in what iran says was a missile strikes on wednesday. you lation is now why it's about who could succeed him as the leader of hamas as political we what are on top from us leaders are expected to meet soon to name his successor. whoever replaces a smile. honey, a, as a mazda is new, political leader has to decide on how the militant group will continue. it's fine with israel and also represent thomas on the world stage. the man accused of orchestrating the tober 7th terror attacks on israel. yes, yes, in war is considered more radical than honey. a bus in war is believe to be hiding
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in the groups tunnel network beneath the guns a strip and he's expected to remain the chief of homos in gaza. experts believe i'm more likely contender to replace honey to be. this man colored michelle, a veteran homeless official. he was previously the leader of hamas, his political office directing the group from exile in 1996. he survived and his really assassination attempt in jordan. michelle is considered more moderate and he has good ties with cots are in turkey. but his relations with syria, iran and hezbollah, soured over his support for the 2011 air of spring protest. another possible choice to replace honey a is holly ohio, a senior hamas leader who also lives in exile. he was the target of an as early as, as a nation attempt in 2007. l hi is viewed as
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a powerful figure within her moss who was close to honey a. after honey is death al hi about to make israel pay a heavy price. well, how much has a record is moving quickly to replace assassinated leaders? the selection process this time will be more challenging. many members of the groups main consultative body. the short council are in gaza. so a full leadership meeting is unlikely the sky rocketing cost of living is that the center of a crisis in nigeria? at least 4 people have been killed. that for security forces fired live round, and tear gas to grow approaches. over soaring prices for food useless movement has called for 10 days of demonstrations against how the government is handling. what is male? nigerian worst economic downturn inject. use christine. one of our reports from lagos. this is lagos, but there was, seems like this in cities,
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across nigeria, as thousands of people pulled onto the streets to protest against the countries was cost of living crisis in place. he is on food and seal prizes. a soaring in nigeria and people blame the government. what's in this country? it seems to be going off something government is this, i don't, i don't know how to put it. there is actually in the land. people are only people from the rooms off towards to see the golf night where i'm much more about the trying to find out about that. i found the friend for my family. well, not because i'm not had one team because i knew it since taking office most me president bullet teen who has introduced economic reforms that have decimated people's purchasing power. the cost of living crises as being aggravated over the past, driven by $2.00 major issues before
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a subsidy or a mover and the unification of the exchange rates of, of denial to the dollar to allow me to prices. uh, those 2 things i have very weird combo to help them together. and the implication is up prizes of cairo. the country's budget is also ties with the expenses for exceeding income. but the government is still spending hundreds of millions on pay and posts for politicians presentable came in. the glazing under the most subsidy. activate your sacrifice. but there's more obligation on for governance to still there's lots of debility the governments i know develop in the states that they've gotten true for what they usually get default in terms of our location. but there's no justification for that location. and the national assembly, the fund that'd be already to, you know,
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or so the politicians are losing the fact that the space of the people. it's the reason people will quote out to rarely under the banner, in bad governance. but to announce was low compared to the installs purchased that broke the south of the country to a stand still in 2020. there was a strong police presence at the main prototypes location here in lagos with heavily armed officers from different units of the police. it's part of the reason many stayed away today. they said that the police would use violent force to disperse the process. organize the say they will continue to come out despite what they call police intimidation. the better because if you has been imposed in the northern cano stays with leased by a live bullets hot was a and t, a guess at demonstrates is always the say protests they will hijacked by side who looted and destroyed prophecy in the united states. black americans,
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it traditionally supported the democratic party, but in the 2020 election, some polls showed a shift towards the republican candidate. donald trump, especially among black men. what was the vice president come over here as expected to win the democratic presidential nomination this month? she is sending a clear message to black men and women. this is the move democrats are hoping for. your in canada harris 1st big rally. people here in atlanta, georgia, celebrated the shift away from joan bite. to the white house. and um, i think our policy is really great, and i think we represent the country and you know, this time returns as a black america and our families are really hard for this opportunity. and i will
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not not lay down on it. and i'm going to activate can she bring back the crucial black voters to the democrats? away from the bubble of the hard core supporters situation is more complex. so this sunshine smith is a 30 year old onto the canoe and run through own has selling business out of a share. so no, you know, a lot of people that, that lean towards trump, they think about the dollar s that they're gonna. so how the money in their pocket going to get in their pocket, right? so she needs to explain that to them. how are you going to keep the money in here? because you said, you put money out all the time. you get money to this country that countries, but how are you going to keep the money here? and that's the biggest thing that's going to help get the trump supporters on her side. so who she bought for i still wouldn't know. i still don't know. i would say come on,
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i would definitely have to show me where the growth is as far as the american is going to be for short without, without honestly, i would have bought it for a job and by the end didn't step out of a race. and what about the black male community? a group? the polling showed trump gaining strength every week. a large group of black men and boys come together in atlanta to discuss issues. we're this time pamela harris is at the center and to the vice president entered the race. i think a lot of like men and the young man in particular were really not that interested. they just thought it would just be more of the same one or the very important issues for me personally as a, as a lawyer and as a professor is the issue of reparations. i think that conversation has to happen.
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i think we also have to look at ways of strengthening our h. b. c. use our historically black colleges and universities with fund a um we also. 1 concerned about uh, policing in america. um for me uh it's a black uh the 1st african american female that can potentially present out this country. i have a phenomenal mother grandmother raised in the house with a mom and dad. and a lot of times the fema runs the home. so why not can a female run this country? with the world renowned that single adult will be trading the lights of las vegas for some special unit moments. the southern german city of squared a deal for a 10 concert series and a pop up stadium built, especially for adel. and so since she won't have to fly from city to city, this is a win win situation. at least that's what both sides are hope. a superstar adele is back in europe after 8 years,
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but this time shall only be performing in the southern german city of unit. taking a break from her las vegas presidency. she'll be on stage here for 10 performances in august. the city one over the british singer with this gigantic pop up marina bill, just for adel on the munich exhibition grounds. it can accommodate some $80000.00 visitors per performance and it features a theme park adult world that a record breaking. 220 metre long spray. and i just want to see your face and night too. so the screen is enormous and the amount of cameras that will be doing live volume michael, me will make, you know, may 8000 people for like it's just me. and one of them which ticket prices ranging from $75.00 to $430.00 euro's not all dates sold out. so organizers recently announced lucky dip tickets for just 35 years, much to the annoyance of fans who have paid far more. the bavarian capital hopes of bells many residency will be a major p or boost on here because the news went from here to the other side of the
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world, which as a result, munich was the mentioned into the causative context of analyses to is recognized worldwide of course that's just madness. they move on to the cities head of economic development expects concert goers to bring in more than half a 1000000000 euros in revenue. thanks to adel unix hotels are already well booked in the otherwise quiet month of august. i don't think we have a good infrastructure then that's our high hotel capacity. and of course, our experience with major events like the october 1st and major trade fast. and that must have convinced her in the end to see what sort of a london native adela has worked her way up from humble beginnings to the top of the pop charts, winning 16 grammy awards and selling more than 100000000 albums. the
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we think of this is to think it was, i think this is something that can be a blueprint from munich, but certainly also for all the cities around the world for you to understand. so these are you attract visitors to the city of the artist has the great advantage that she doesn't have to move around. but to have to see if we can, we had seen was environmental experts down. this model is more sustainable. but for now it's time to raise the curtain on a dell in music. they're building a stadium for adel. amazing. alright, here's a reminder. now the top stories are following for you. you as president, j bogging and vice president, couple of the harris and welcome to a group of americans freed from question prisons and historic exchange deal journalists, evans, girl scripts, and others were freed in exchange for russians, held in jails in the west. in the biggest deal of its kind since the end of the cold hope you're watching the w. here's my colleague, feel hill is up at the top of the hour with more real news. i will see you next
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week. have a good weekend everybody. the, the, the,
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he has hopes he could make it to your assistant warehouse. now probably use back in his home country of gambia, in west africa. trying to set up a business with us of an international aid organization. but this capital one is this plan also destined to fail home again. next on d, w,
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the phenomena susie is concerned about his jobs. i mean, some hostetter if you do receive a nazi from fighting, saying, history, remembering nazi crimes is especially important in germany. the rejection of the topic is brewing glass and the next as default as mission i will transcribe and we because the 2 years fighting to remember the post recall. so this weekend on dw, my name is the calls back, said thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud. it seems, would it be, you know, they like good everyone to ok,
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so to be cheering into marker for, i'm sorry, the award winning talk. com. i don't hold back the .


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