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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 2, 2024 6:00pm-6:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the, the news life on sunday and for the russian christmas pole, prelan and evan. just give it your back on us soil after hundreds of days in a russian prison. you know, that's one of the same real slow over ireland in canada, into america. americans around 24 prisoners swaps between russia, the united states jumping on to other countries. and the biggest such swaps since
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the cold war. also on the program. the funeral of how masters political leader is male honey, takes place in cook top. iran says it will take revenge on israel for his assassination. and the governments of bangladesh brands the opposition germonti is allow me talking, planning 8 for insights and destiny violence. a recent student demonstrations, but students say the ruling party should be held accountable for the death of over $200.00 proteins. the feel good, you're welcome to the program, the crime. it has admitted that some of the 8 prisoners released on 1st day by western countries and a major prisoner swap was intelligence agents. criminal spokesman to meet your past cost confirmed that a couple of release from slovenia were on the compass. why is known as illegals is
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to pass? go said a couple of posts as odds and time ex pats and be like orders to other sleeper agents. they went on to say that back to children, spoke spanish on to those. he just learned that they were, in fact the russian accredited also admitted that for the him class, the cough has been convicted of murder here in the lane was also a russian spy. and germany's chance of i said the decision to release cross because had been difficult the box up can someone the prisoner exchanges a delicate voice, half of the circumstances. but this one had particular relevance. the gemini young and jim and chancellor laughed. schultz played a pivotal role in executing the swamp. that's because the key figure, returning back to russia was this man vadim classic gulf. he was sentenced to life in prison for the 2019 mode. and berlin of a georgian who had fought along side chechen militants. it was a political, the complicated decision for germany,
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not least because of the brazen this of the murder. it took place in broad daylight and input in puck, just minutes away from the parliament and sean slurry. you know, try to talk about nothing makes this decision to default and the address sentence to life imprisonment. after running a few years in prison, an easy one. the state's interest in enforcing the prison sentence have to be weighed up against the freedom and danger to life. and limb of innocent people imprisoned in russia and those on just to be imprisoned for political reasons. us president joe biden acknowledge germany's vital role in the deal are particularly on great sense of gratitude to the chest, to the manager and making them a required me to get some significant concessions. germany state originally
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concluded they could not do because a person question, a collaborative effort then the required co ordination, cooperation, and some sacrifice among allied partners. but a successful outcome for those brought time and very united that last with that families well in around. so i think that some of the russians, dissidents of free by moscow will hold a press conference at the company's headquarters in bon, closely watched by the head of our eastern europe desk, krista, and strip or welcome chris you. what more can you tell us? that's why we are expecting these 3 prime in aggression dissidents. these prominent opposition presentations to speak out for the very 1st time after the release from russian jail to give us a 1st hand account of what they went through in russian prisons and in russian labor come and total loan from them,
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how they see the future from mister pollutants, raising the 3 men were a part of that group of political prisoners that has been exchanged and incorrect les, yesterday they were flown to cologne airport. this is some 20 kilometers from where i stand. now. it's dodge developers broadcasting center. as we've seen in the film, john chancellor, all our phones had had edge to cologne, paused last night to meet these men, to greet them, and to talk to them after that time in russian jail. then the whole group was transferred to a drug military hospital to go through some medical trip check ups after that time in prison. this was for sure, unnecessary. and then today are reports of judge of a to approach them to ask for an interview. and then they asked us if we could help out with some facilities with some rooms so that they could meet withdrawn and international media to tell this story. and that's exactly what we are waiting for
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in a couple of minutes. okay, so who expecting to meet sped? 3 people will make the panel though, the group of former prisoners was allowed to about 3 will show up here. one of the most prominent triggers as well, the me a come on with both bridge or spend russian citizen, a lawyer and a vocal critic of mist approaching through for many years now. he had been poisoned twice under circumstances which were never fully disclosed. and he was sentenced to 25 years of labor come because his criticism of the law in your train and he is now sort of the head figure of the russian or physician optimist. the body's death. so a month ago. and he'll take the slow sorry, can you repeat that? who will take the flow? besides letting me a cut on the side, there will be another lawyer i. yes,
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she who had been sentenced to 8 and a half years of prison. also for criticizing or the russian army is doing. he spoke out about some alleged master, comfortable, automatic, a small crimes and he is expected to be here on the panel as well. ok, thank you for that to kristin. so if i did of this had of i eastern your desk to leave all the americans have been celebrating the release of vast citizens by russia. and they were floating to texas early in the morning for medical evaluations to the highest profile business, released by john list evans guest eviction form and marine, a pulled, freeland, alongside us. several russian opposition figures and accidents of the group was greeted us an add ports in maryland by us present to buy new types of diplomacy as kate to bring the prisoner sent you the freed and back on us soil. joyce, the american prisoner,
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as accompanied by president joe biden, and presidential candidate pamela harris. several reporters from the wall street journal were waiting to greet their colleagues, evident gasket, which, after 491 days of waiting gosh, good! which is the most high profile prisoner involved in the swan. he was jailed in 2023 and convicted of espionage charges. that he and the u. s. government vehemently denied, and he was one of 24 released 16 by the west and 8 by russia. they include former us marine poll whelan and us russian radio journalist as to carma schafer. the c exchange was complex and involved some difficult choices. president biden
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acknowledged concessions made by countries like germany and slovenia. wines is big matter law so that's the united states and germany kicked off alice, what's going on in russia? well, full of moscow bureau chief, your english joins us not from regus, since dw has been banned from reporting in russia. welcome yours. what sort of reception have russia's free prisoners received a whole look. a seo in russia is this prisoner. it swap is also the topic. a number one is the media, but as is so often the case. so you simply have to turn our west and view by 180 degrees throughout the whole. russia sees because of the board who's the best celebrates we saw it as condemned in russia,
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which means that the russian political prisoners, cool on now in germany or in the united states in germany, at least officially, can see that the traitors who belonged behind boss. hello, president for the default on telegram, it would have been better if a traitorous had died in jail. let them know, protect themselves under the, with this protection programs that is a clear threat of mailed up by contrast. now to your question, all that awesome. so have returned to russian from best and presents us celebrate. that is big, big heroes. okay. just just on the phone that you, you, you raised there. that's a slightly tells me that. so even though this deal has been done, they are not necessarily sites those, those russian decisions well, i think that does the whole world. so last night that to put in the put in cost the welcome to these people at the local airport as it was a big red carpet was that was slower us from the president. and he even personally
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hawked almost all of them this way to show that these people will not simply criminals, but random russians who will invest in prisons for some real crime. but they walk very, very special people. and among those special people, they both probably one particularly special one, so to speak. that was binding crossley co from known s as in the other of t a gotten. why does the president give him the other at hawk? probably because he's an important associate of so what happens to them now or they will be or not as it will be awarded in the kremlin, putting promise to them to give them metals of the highest level. so i think we'll see them soon if they're traveling in the big ceremony. it's probably the best for the 1st time that's at 3 off the exchange russian prisoners in the west, west spies, a why make this admission now? well i think that, um,
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what do you have to admit already it with you with this very, very welcome and welcoming ceremony at the airport that these people a very, very special people and it was an addition already and knowledge is official as a whole world. so this yesterday and the kind of just said what we already knew. so it was, once again we will see a lot assume the campbell and the big ceremony of all knowing that people. and what about russian political prisoners who were still behind the boss? can they hoped to be freight i don't think so. i'm the, according to russian human rights activists. and there are currently almost 1400 politically motivated cases in russia. so many people have to suffer because they disagree with the police policies of the state and open the show it and they, they are still in. but the high boss, many of them have connie and sentences in recent years since this thought was
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a boy and ukraine. russia has a even passed, many knew what was going to continue to risk free freedom of expression. so it's very good that a few of the political prisoners have now been released, but they are only if you ok. thank you. i forgot to your to your she has a, a, a riga as well as you heard from the christian chip. uh, 8 about half an hour or so will that take you in life to d. w. 's headquarters in bond level here from some of the russian at dissidents fried by moscow, will be holding a press conference that will take a quick look. now, lots of all stories of making headlines around the u. s. and our container recognize the advantage, wayland, opposition candidates, edmondo gonzales as the winner of last weekend's presidential elections, incumbent nicholas madura was declared the weather without clear evidence. spock in one spent practice and his wife is elected also, she's under pressure to release a detailed vote county to prove its claims. japan has fully asked ben bob to
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extradite and t waiving campaign to pull watson. the funds of the st shepherd activist group was arrested last month on an international warranty when he shipped off in greenland tokyo once mister watson on charges of breaking into a japanese vessel in the topic ocean and 2010 stars in china and trying to locate the dozens of people missing into non profits after the most powerful taxes and as the rips through the range of official site, least as the people have been confirmed that from that time from cambridge lloyd stream, weather is expected at 6 months. and i want you to come on suits you see if i'm your sanction survivors in your opinion, officials of pay their respects to robot. and since the victims killed by the nonsense, the memorial knox 18 yes and smaller than 4000 people were killed in a massacre of the circles of gypsy family. compet our fence. it's estimated as around half a 1000000 roman. i'm 50 people were killed across, not see a reply to your hundreds of people,
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including officials and religious negatives. have gavin to, to mosque in dow high and cut off for the funeral of a slight and how massively the east male honey. mister honey, had lived in kentucky and exile for many years. he was assassinated in what a ron says. well, i'm isn't writing, missa. how striker wednesday is now i've speculation about who will succeed him as anita off. how much is a political way top? how mass leaders are expected to meet soon to decide whoever replaces you smile. honey. a, as a mazda is new political liter, passenger side on how the militant group will continue with find with israel, and also represent thomas and the world stage. the man accused of orchestrating the tober 7th terror attacks on israel. yes, yes, and warm is considered more radical than nia boats and war is believed to be hiding in the groups tunnel network beneath the guns a strip. and he's expected to remain the chief of homos in gaza
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