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tv   Cape Verde  Deutsche Welle  August 2, 2024 6:15pm-7:00pm CEST

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interesting negatives of gavin to, to mocking dow high and cut off the funeral of a slain. how massively the smell honey, honey. i had lived in kentucky and exile for many years. he was assassinated in what a run say, as well as i'm using writing, mr. how striker wednesday is not have speculation about who will succeed him as a leader of how much is the political way? how come ask leaders are expected to meet soon to decide. whoever replaces the smile, honey, a as a mazda is new, political leader has to decide on how the militant group will continue with fight with israel, and also represent him us on the world stage. the man accused of orchestrating the october 7th terror attacks on israel. yes, yes, and warm is considered a more radical than honey. a bets in war is believed to be hiding in the groups tunnel network beneath the gaza strip. and he's expected to remain the chief of him . us in gaza. experts believe i'm more likely contender to replace hernia to be.
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this man colored michel, a veteran her mazda official. he was previously the leader of homeless, his political office, directing the group from exile in 1996. he survived in his early assassination attempt in jordan. michelle is considered more moderate and he has good ties with carter and turkey. but his relations with syria, iran and his bloss towered over his support for the 2011 era of spring protest. another possible choice to replace hernia is cultural, ohio, a senior hamas leader who also lives in exile. he was the target of an as early as, as a nation attempt in 2007. l hi is viewed as a powerful figure within her moss who was close to honey a. after honey is death al hi, about to make israel pay a heavy price. well, how mazda has a record is moving quickly to replace assassinated leaders. the selection process
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this time will be more challenging. many members of the group's main consultative body. the short council are in gaza. so a full leadership meeting is unlikely. let's pick up some of those points with ally for tal on the job. who's from the center for middle eastern global order, that's a think tank base to invalid is also order a lot of iran in any emerging a new world order from this unit on to a real honey welcome to the w face. so who is being talked about as a successor to is now hon here as political need of a master. i think at this point we don't really know. i mean, the names that you mentioned in your report are part of the discussions, but it's going to be decided within the mouse. but so this also may not be the most important factor here, although it's uh, you know, the top leaders are important. it's not going to change the strategic
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direction of any of those organizations, while the targeted assassinations, arvizo against the commanders of the so called excess of resistance means still fear in the us. on the other hand, they're not going to do away and uh, you know, destroy the salt with resistance. so it's more a kind of a network that as i play here, proud to region in the middle east. so figures are alone are not the main story, right? that's that's, that's the end you make an interesting point that so the strategic, the objective remains destroy israel. so whoever res picked will just slough into that framework. so how directly would the is the rainy and leadership likely to be involved in these discussions within how boss? so i think how mazda is opposed, stressful is
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a different story because when you look at, you know, relations between one and has. but those are much more closer and they'll go back, you know, since the start to the, around the resolution. and that's basically the iranians who, uh, you know, uh, traits, it has been law the, the, some of the others regard court. right after the run in the run revolution in 1979, where as also what your report suggested, there had been some tensions between you wrong and how about us over the question of how to react to the arrow spring, arriving in syria. where is it longer supporting the sarah dictator bushel? i said there was a kind of, you know, estrangement between the iran and i'm us, uh, you know, for quite some, some time back from. so i believe that when it comes to hum us you're on is not
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going uh, you know, to be able to call the shots relatively speaking, if you could compare it for, for instance, if such a thing would happen within has split up. but then again, also has went off and also how mass, those are organizations, although they are heavily supported by here on there. can they have to be contextualized nationally as well? how do you i was involved in phase finally go sections of overt godsa. what happens to that process? well, a mass blames israel for killing that chief, and he go to negotiate. and indeed, while his successor is still being sold as well, for obvious reason, this process that has been on the ongoing and the capital of the has been for now at least the fact of torpedo. so it is going to very much and it's going to be a difficult, much more difficult process. i had. it has been a very difficult process. up until now, what we heard of more lately is that,
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you know, they're being a, quite a golf between the 2 sides between the home us, the israel side. so it doesn't bode well, of course for the combination of those talks to achieve the cease fire and also to free are the is ready of hostages. so this is um, at least for now i have a blow a to these negotiations. and just on that point, i do think that's the, the, the fact that if we presume that if this was an age, riley killing, but the fact that it, it, the israel went for the sky. this uh, seeing the hamas leader effectively torpedoing ceasefire and hostages. negotiations does not mean that israel has puts destroying her mouth. now above, i'm guessing the hostages home alive or well, it said well meaning that,
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but um, actually this may have been the case already before. uh because um, you know, it is really questionable whether he's wrote some of the truth strategy that has been announced from the very beginning of the war has been adequate in achieving the goal of freeing the hostages. as you know, there is tremendous debates with any as well, whether, you know, this kind of strategy that is promoted very much by the prime minister in the time of yahoo is going to lead to some results. and as we know of, you know, there been, uh, of course, within this kind of broad based, um, you know, non targeted manner of israel. it's miniature operations and probably there been, you know, hostages who are be already have been killed in the end this process. so, you know, there is a lot of opposition also to this kind of military strategy of israel by the
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families of the hostages. so this is quite a strong contradiction that has been in play well before that the media, assassination, etc. so fascinating analysis and we thank you for it, at least tell them to judge from the center for middle east and global order. thank . thank you. so it depends the dash where the track done on descent is continuing. the government has found the opposition party jamal is allow me and it's june twink, bangladesh is reading poverty, blames them for inciting violence, doing based on student protests, police of arrested more than 10000 people in 2 weeks. an attempt to stop the protests, at least 200 people have died in classes between students and police. the domain to seek justice. it's the teacher and the students who are speaking up for those skills. and what dc was,
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one of them was due to the track down in recent years despite the beautiful just and violence that i'm afraid to ask for accountability. i don't know where to say. we don't lose none of us, of the internet to stick to losing the deals that show for these 2 dollar d have shop to many of the week for good. the student demonstrations against government job go does start that large the piece for me. but try stroup, see the 5th use and or if we force in an effort to grow, to protest from 200 people,
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mostly students and young people who think in tens of thousands of people who are suspected of attending the products or the express bit. i'm good at the document are being wrong, the top the un has us for 2 and spinning investigation of the situation. the secretary jones is concerned about reported mass arrest of thousands of young people. e is also alarmed by emerging reports about the excessive use of force by security forces, and credible evidence of human rights violation. step on whether she government leaves the opposition parties of inciting violence in the recent news. it has done one party, the democracy, swami and it's associated groups calling them vote. militant detritus, organizations began since invasion of a 3rd party who got into it and started attacking the government, establishment of many of the gulf,
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but on the public properties this started attacking and also killing. but you also look on solution to many who towards the government responsible for the violence on its own people. for them, the ongoing defiance is not dying down. then they get justice skyrocketing, a rocketing cost of living is at the center of a crisis in nigeria, at least $4.00 people have been killed as a security forces 5 live rounds and tear gas to crowd protests over soaring prices . restoring food prices are used like move on, so as close to 10 days of demonstrations against the way the government is handling what is now the country's worst economic downtown for decades. christine monthly reports from lagos. this is lagos, but there was, seems like this in cities, across nigeria, as thousands of people pulled onto the streets to protest against the countries was
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cost of living crisis because he is food and fuel prices. a soaring in nigeria and people blame the government. what's in this country? it seems to be part of something. government is this. i don't, i don't know how to put it. there is actually in the land. people are only people come along golf course to feed the golf nice we're. i'm much more about the trying to find out about that. i found the plan for my family. well, not because i had was bad because i knew it since taking office. most me, president bullets, you know, who has introduced economic reforms that have decimated people's purchasing power. the, the cost of living crises as being aggravated over the past, driven by 2 major issues before
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a subset of remover on the unification of the exchange rates of, of the narrow to the dollar. to allow me to go raises those 2 things. i have very weird combo to have them together and the implication is up prizes of skyrocket. the country's budget is also tides with the expenses for exceeding income. but the government is still spending hundreds of millions on pay and posts for politicians. presentable came in. the glazing under the most subsidy, actually i did also sacrifice, but it doesn't look into an awful governance to steal. there's no accountability that governments are not developing just it's the they've gotten to for what they usually get default in terms of a location that there's no just sufficient for that location. and then that's not simply the fund that'd be added to, you know, or so the politicians are leaving the fact that as of the people it's the reason
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people will quote out to rarely under the banner, in bad governance. but to announce was low compared to the installs purchased that broke the south of the country to a stance to in 2020. there was a strong police presence at the main prototypes location here in lagos, with heavily armed officers from different units of the police. it's part of the reason many stayed away today. they said that the police would use violent force to disperse the process. organize the say they will continue to come out despite what they call police intimidation. the better cuz if you has been imposed in the northern kind, who stays with leased by a live bullets hot was a n t, a guess at demonstrates is always the say protest. they were hijacked by side who looted and destroyed prophecy. and united states black americans have traditionally supported the democratic party. but in the 2020 election, some polls showed
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a shift towards the republican candidate. donald trump, especially amongst black, met with vice president to come with harris expected to win the democratic nomination. she's sending a clear message to black men and women. this is the move democrats are hoping for your and come with the harris 1st big rally. people here in atlanta, georgia celebrated the shift away from joan bite. to the white house. the not crazy. and i think our policy is really great, and i think we represent the country mean something new. and you know this on returns as a black america and our families are really hard for this opportunity. and i will not, not lay down on an amber acrobat. can she bring back the crucial black voters to the democrats?
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away from the bubble of the hard core supporters situation is more complex. so this sunshine smith is a 30 year old onto renewal and run through own has selling business out of a share. so no, you know, a lot of people that, that lean towards trump, they think about the dollar as that. they're gonna, so how the money in their pocket going to get in their pocket, right? so she needs to explain that to them. how are you going to keep the money in here? because this set, we put money out all the time. you get money to this country that countries. but how are you going to keep the money here? and that's the biggest thing that's going to help get the trump supporters on her side. so who will she vote for? i still wouldn't know. i still don't know. i would say come on, i would definitely have to show me where the growth is as far as the american is going to be for short without, without honestly, i would have bought it for
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a job. and by the end, what about the black male community? a group of polling showed trump gaining strength every week. a large group of black men and boys come together in atlanta to discuss issues here. this time pamela harris is at the center and to the vice president entered the race. i think a lot of like men and the young man in particular were really not that interested are they just thought it would just be more of the same one or the very important issues for me personally as a, as a lawyer and as a professor that is the issue of reparations. i think that conversation has to happen. i think we also have to look at ways of strengthening our h. b. c. use our historically black colleges and universities with funding. we also
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. 1 concerned about policing and america for me it's it's, it's a, it's a black, the 1st african american female that could potentially present to this country. i have a phenomenal mother, grandmother raised in the house with mom and dad. and a lot of times the fema runs the home. so why not can a female run this country? well, if i'm missing an adult will be trading the lights of las vegas for some special music moments. the southern german cities scored a deal for a 10 concert series and a pop up stadium built, especially for since that elevated have to fly from city to city. it's a win win situation. at least that's what each side helps are pop superstar adele is back in europe after 8 years, but this time shall only be performing in the southern german city, given unit. taking a break from her las vegas presidency, she'll be on stage here for 10 performances in august. the city one over the
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british singer with this drug down to pop up a rena bill just for adel on the munich exhibition grounds. it can accommodate some $80000.00 visitors per performance and it features a theme park adult world that a record breaking $220.00 metre long screen. and i just wanna see your face and night too. so the screen is enormous and the amount of cameras that will be doing live volume i going me will make, you know, may 8000 people for like it's just me. and one of them which ticket prices ranging from $75.00 to $430.00 euro's not all dates sold out. so organizers recently announced lucky dip tickets for just 35 years, much to the annoyance of fans who paid far more. the bavarian capital hopes of bells many residency will be a major p or boost on here because the news went from here to the other side of the world, which as a result, munich was mentioned and causative context of analyses to is recognized worldwide. and of course, that's just madness. they live on to the cities head of economic development
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expects concert goers to bring in more than half a 1000000000 euros in revenue. thanks to adel unix hotels are already well booked in the otherwise quiet month of august. a good, we have a good interest to me then that's our high hotel capacity. and of course, our experience with major events like the october fast and major trade fast. and that must have convinced in the end of the london native adela has worked her way up from humble beginnings to the top of the pop charts, winning 16 grammy awards and selling more than 100000000 albums. the, the think of this is tough to increase. if this is, i think this is something that can be a blueprint for munich, but certainly also for all of us cities around the world for you to understand. so these are you attract visitors to the city of the artist has the great advantage
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that she doesn't have to move around or to have to see even reach them yet. singles, environmental experts doubt this model is more sustainable. but for now, it's time to raise the curtain on a dell in music. a little bit gears of the day is this massive present, a swap that has happens between russia on the west. we've heard from some of the released business in the united states. and in the next few minutes, we're hoping to hear from some russian political dissidents who paid released to us here in germany. and we'll be covering that press conference to live dw before sir . he's a gosh, estimate. allstate has been following the story. welcome to try. gosh, so what can we expect? yes, so we are expecting the 1st appearance of those prisoners that were exchanged yesterday, that actually a raft of germany. now order, then, in the case of those prisoners for who came to the us or to russia, we didn't see any of them after arriving,
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killing german soil. they came in the night with 2 plans through the airport in cologne. and then they were transferred to a hospital, so we know that they arrived to the hospital around free am in the morning. and now, 15 hours later, this would be this 1st public up to us of free of the men that came to germany in the auction. the drug had cut them. what does the end under the people bottles, permanent russian position figures. and we will be listening in to issued their 1st hug pen the account of the exchange, but also all the time in prison. they are russian critics of the kremlin who are imprisoned at the time of the, the time when russia is waging war against ukraine. and so we will be listening to in, to hear about what time they might have next, whether they are planning, stay in germany or what's, what's 3rd time, next and of,
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and obviously what's their message to russians and 2 other political prisoners who are still in prison soon and present in russia, so really interesting as a ring columbus, this whole story way we've been hearing about people from various countries outside of russia, being so up, so russian for his us. and here we have russian dissidence at leaving russia. i coming here to jeremy. so these 3 man, you mentioned a political dissidents. tell us more about them. yes, all of these men are in the early forty's, but they are over the veteran, russian and opposition figures very prominent figures and their names ring out behind. many, even though to most of the actions of the russian to positions in the last 20 years easy. i should've let the me to cut them. what does the end on 3 people, bottles, they were already active during the big wave of protest against that the me a puts in between 20112013. they were close elyse off the bodies
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nymphs of the russian position. the opposition for the edition was guns down, killed rice next to criminal as wolfe, and in 2015. so they took on his mission and the continued the states in russia. they were active and they were actively um, organizing against driving it, putting now and then the war against ukraine happened. this was obviously a big, a big, big change because many opposition figures left russia at the time now in the ocean . and the academy was either side of the state in russia, and they were arrested and sentenced to prison soon after i caught them. what is the the cut them was that is a dual russian, british national. and she was arrested in 302022 initially for disobeying police. but the child just escalate. the very quickly of she went and she was
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sentenced to 25 years in prison for a treason. and then you have the option to pause, also arrested the notary 2022 for criticizing the conduct of the russian army in ukraine in bucetti, condemned russian war crimes there and was sent us to 8 and a half years in prison. and the last man of the free this we are expecting to hear any time now is the people, bottles, she was already in, in prison when a russia and marched into the ukraine. in february 2022. the she was a neither of a, in a position group, both in russia. let me just interrupt you, cause a gosh because of the we've just been monitoring what's going on at the w's the bottom headquarters. and it looks like something is about to start. so let's cross over and listen into this press conference being held by these 3 of russian dissidents were now in germany. all right, but i was
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in the meeting was my friends of said, oh, you should just stalled festival, but i'd like to so we were very happy to see you a couple of days ago. we still the one we have in our little sales. one is my land school on in korea, one of the homes, and now we see all the people in front of us. now, this leads to a lot of emotion. we're very happy. and since i've stopped, i would like to say things. we are very grateful to everyone who has tried the best for this to happen to us. let's let me start getting money. go through the show of ways, gemini, and the chancellor. he made us at the airport. this was of course, wonderful. and thanks to everyone who helped to make this happen,
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i know there's still a lot of with the thought, how to be done. it was supposed to be really clear to all of us. and of course it's wonderful for us to be here. and i personally would like to find my friends that have always been at my side. i also would like to think my friends and my assembly because without the support of a dia, ones, nobody would have been able to survive. you know, nobody can say that no so many people that's a was freed. well, let me say it's important to state that many of my friends were saved from this yesterday i missed a couple more slides. so when you, so i have his plan data, but uh, i didn't think that would suffice uh, life was given to me again and it is very important to us. and yesterday i also
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thought about all the questions that would come our way. and i sort of, i mean, had i been not on this list, i would be still sitting in korea in my presence. so another view for the hot hot heard about this event. i would have known the to this as an encouragement also to those who are still the impression that it's a sign of the of lights in a way. there's thousands of people that are still in russian prisons on the they have to suffer 10 of the conditions and i think they would be happy to hear that it's possible to be safe once again. thank you for all the help. and also would like to say a few words about the plans that have occurred to me after all of that to happen to
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you know, if you are in prison, you don't have to do anything. you just hear all these stupid, stupid lessons. you'll have nothing to do or if you just come to think of it and i heard so many words that were absolutely correct. you should not think that all the people in russia follow the policy of our stay. there's so many citizens that do not agree to what is happening. of course, they are afraid because not everybody wants to end up and nothing was in place and like we did. and of course, i also would like to say to the western world, old propaganda you'd is to say here. uh so if russia is the only country that is surrounded by any means, this is not true. and i can just turn to the international community. and i good
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would like to ask you, talk to the people in russia, reach out to them, maybe that makes it easier for people in russia to suffer every thing that is happening. and of course, some simple things like education, the visa for young russians. so the russians can see for themselves, they are not enemies outside of the country. it is possible to be free at the people, the reach out and also helped to get education. all of that would help us a great deal. and the 2nd thing i'd like to say, yeah, you know, some of those eco shows, but most of the i have received letters from friends have received information and there was this one moment for those do, when i heard this is we wait for something and for the so
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that reason all of us will know free on all of those who were freed before us. we need to support those people who need assistance. we should do it step by step and we should not wait. we should take action to support those people that are under pressure at know, and i think this is what we're going to do. what i'm doing today and my friends are going to do, we're going to continue to work towards having the rush or that is free and democratic and that everybody, it could be free and russia. so i guess it was the difference between as low as i can just to support what my friends say to be a very happy to see you. oh yeah, it is the 2nd time that i see the sink, but i'm in a cell. i see some kind of film going on on a big screen before me and i was inside the area just the week ago.
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so yesterday we were in the a, i think, look forward to the prison. and then we're here know the price conference on the wonderful ryan river. it's like so real. the actual thing that is happening to us is your 1st and foremost, i would like to say a few words of length or it is very symbolical that we are here and on the full mass capital of germany. it's a simple because in our life today i would, russian life many is profiler very, but the conditions of the, of the cost have come to live against the traditions of and also retiring and power . the tradition of aggressive morse. and it is also a tradition that has been revived again, but to not respect the rights of people. and so it is so wonderful and it was i
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sure to see the next to these by the traditions, the good ones and you guys still suffice. i think, and i think one of the very good traditions of free and democratic countries and here we can get a minute precisely traditions of germany, the display as to what are to take initiatives to do every thing. they come in order to st. political christmas on hey, or i think of course 1st and foremost from our country, which is v as i can. we think of stories say there's 3 very important to present us at the soviet christmas and russian crisis that we're able to go 3 times to the initiative of the germany. that was uh, alex and associates him who was also feed from they live for to the present like we did when we lift them this store. and that's what is your run ski in 86
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who was exchanged on the bridge between the pods some and once a. and it was also mr. cut a close game to somebody who was also freed from a korea late by compromise. and like my colleague, mister people, var of fee was extremely rude to me. he was bitterly bro to berlin and using the plane of a former minister of foreign affairs. mister again. since yesterday we flew to uncover them. um, that was the 1st time to continue this good tradition. we have talked to about a thought to mister schultz, the german chancellor. we know it was not an easy decision to be taken by the general government in democracy. it is very difficult to, to find an easy decision, isn't easy. decisions are taken by dictate as well. everything is following the
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come onto the leader. they are cynical considerations leading to simple decisions. but the difference between dictatorship and democracies thought. the human life is the transfer ultimate thought or value of the democracy. and this is not the case in a dictatorship. it's like oscar she unless a list for 5, she has moved and you say it's based on the tone. mood. if you save one life, you save the life of human kind, says not since yesterday 16 human lives was saved to my story. i don't think that the media that didn't, they slowed that could be something that is more important than saving human life. and that is why i'm grateful to the for the federal republic of germany, and i'm very grateful to the u. s. government who is actively being involved in
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what happened yesterday. i am also grateful to the united kingdom on its government, and i could the quotes so many organizations, so many people have help on that. we are grateful to such a we would be sitting it for 4 hours or so. let me to just say things to all of you . all of you who you well so many years have held for me to insure it for free russian. i'm of prisoners or any of conscience. and you still do that because we have hundreds of those people that are still sitting in prisons. so i only be course they have specific political views. and, and among those political prisoners, there our tend to citizens that stand up against the brutally aggressive war. that putting through team is waging in ukraine. in russia, they have many people who are against thought, i mean, against,
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put into work and su crane. don't believe the lies that are being disseminated by the criminal propaganda. this may sound funny, but i mean, we can get you to me. i was in the prison for a couple of years and i still believe in the, the russian people because i have received so many letters from all over the countries. places i've never heard about. i received letters from people who sent the support there. so the deputy, they were not afraid to write to me that they are against the work. of course in the prison you corresponding is being a racist that is being read. but still, they said they are against this war. and i know this war is just the peak of the iceberg. and here i would like to support what was said by missed a piece of our, of a minute ago. don't think that putting stories beam is russia or criminal
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is propaganda wants to make you believe the whole country supports the aggressive war in ukraine. and the reason, even though this is a law, you don't believe this crime little life and you don't believe that this is yeah, really, truly reflect reality yesterday when we already caught up with the, with the lift the look of as well a airport when i was plain sight of i, i remember thinking a dissidence the has spends lots to use in the russian comes in. yeah, he's one of his books. he says, says there was a me, an exchange of prisoners into rig. so where needs to come back to the louise cove alarm was exchanged and kolscott then said to me about this exchange line,
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yet in a country they come. we feel like this will bring people into a prison for a good reason, and they cannot free people. i remember the words because for half a century or so, nothing has changed in a country practical side or frustrating for the right company, of course when we look cartridge. so what happens in the recent is that you have to us cause a great leader with, according to the cost of the constitution to be freed. right? we have said, we're not asking full grace. we're not going to ride to put in on say we can get our food, please free us. we will go to sleep where we are. yeah, most of our take and 51 of the russian constitution has been prohibits a segue to evacuate to or to take people out of the country against the somebody
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with that. but i don't want to kind of just like i have to realize, but they did this to us. they put us on a policy. and they sent us a rewards card because they gave us a, uh, which is our passports. we came to germany with a simple yeah, no for now let you know, identity card. it is only filled in russian. there is not even the the let the, the international version of is the id. we do not even have an international, a passport. so they forgot to put us into prison without the reasons. and they sent us out of the country, not respecting the laws of the country. oh, it was okay. we went on the 1st plane yesterday for an order for me on a set of keys to somebody who was not sure well, so it was exchanged all the 16 person hub, a personal
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a if is b h and to accompany them. uh, we already my, if is the agent who was at my site when a plane took off of, oh, he said that was mother. it's like a, you know, look at this stuff and you're going to see your home country for the last time. and i said to that, if it's the agent, of course they were not wearing a uniform, were in sibley and clothes clothes, as i said, you know, i think life, i believe. and i even know for sure that i, i'm going to return to russia. all of us are going to come back to russian. and there will be a day for all of us when russia will be 3, will be a norma, a civilized european country. i have no doubts that this is going to happen. you have to see what, let's do everything we can in order to make sure that this day will come true to
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the us to those. yeah. good evening. friends about social security is i'm very happy to seal it's really true because what could i be able to get through it? and just with which i would say it's answering, but it's very openly very conflicting feelings today. lots of y'all make sure it's kind of thing. yeah. you've cleaned it up like i've of course i'm very happy to be free. my body's cute to see my dear and loved ones, my friends. and i hope very soon my parents are going to be here. so that i can finally talk them again with the supervisor leaving a it's important to me. yes. and i have to do it is very, very nice and lots of course that springs about a 100 for new motion. right. and of course i'm sincerely grateful. and here i can
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just subscribe to what was said by my colleagues. i'm very grateful to all the people who have helped me and them to bring these very difficult them big exchange . yeah. which for us, i pretty much, i do understand the human humanist motives of all the people that have made to a we are being freed. and that includes the german government. i know these papers, the old, motivated by the will to save human lives. it's a very good motive, i understand it while we can suppose, but at the same time i also understand the difficult ethical dilemma, thoughts the time and government and transmission like not to overcome. yesterday, we talked about that when we met mr. souls, the time and chancellor, i talked to said to him, i very well understand the difficult situation you were in when you decided just
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to free and the address a person that's very openly gunned down a person in the center of a european capital. helium. i know it's a difficult was going lemme to take my address to free him in order to free 16 innocent people that have never committed the crime for it is so difficult dilemma because she knew of course, it motivates, postponing to take new hostages. eights of motivation for putting in order to make conditions of political prisoners even was i do understand that. i know you think chancellor schultz understand it understands it. and of course, also the critics the to hear and read about in the media, understand this dilemma independent of the they react. so of course,
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i'm quoting would never shy away from taking hostages. this is what dictate is, do they take cost, which is what they exploited them in order to evoke humanness, in most sense of the, the leaders of other countries. their opponents, who behave like real people's tyrants dictators, always told, mentoring people. and this is what we do the quote and is doing. he is going to do that independent of what to do with this government and the way still going to do ignore those people or save them. you put your name on, put in is not alone. luca sankoh does the same thing of for so many as you've been doing that. and lucas sank. who is a very good pupil? oh, but mister po, channel likes, but still it is so difficult to accept.


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