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tv   Cape Verde  Deutsche Welle  August 2, 2024 11:15pm-12:01am CEST

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as anywhere else in the world, gym and needs if you go to the cost that you pay twice or $3.00 times as much and the other half the service in 2023 it documentary, uncovered corruption and child abuse. the youngest one, for example, let me show you this was now the film team, investigate the the was exactly, it has changed the the red lights, dark shadows, 6 tourism in time and stuff. over 16 on dw, the an archipelago in the middle of the atlantic cape. the 3rd residence of these
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cranky volcanic mountains looked out over an endless expanse of c, the in contrast to the rugged landscape, the special sound of cape for music is luxury and soulful. and melancholy, the best thing is the knowing that though in the 15th century, portuguese sailors discovered the uninhabited archipelago. the mostly barren volcanic islands are fringed with endless speeches, fishing, agriculture, and tourism. are the main sources of income for the cape for dns.
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the deals are li shaking things up around here. that's new to the drummer. it's only 4 weeks to carnival, a beloved cape verde and tradition. it's the most important date in the countries calendar. nuno has 2 things to take care of before that. building drums and finding more drummers for the carnival parade. the sports field is a wash with new talent, not just athletic, but musical to take 12 year old jobs on most of the, the 1st yet,
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this years. this 1st time. he's never played as a carnival before. he doesn't know how to do it yet. we're doing basic training here. but since i'm novice, i've got a piece pumps ready. i've never done this before and i don't want to do anything wrong. the an independent african country cape virgin islands are located some 600 kilometers west of synagogue in the atlantic ocean. 9 of the islands are inhabited. there are also smaller uninhabited islands. santa and tell is the greenest and perhaps the most beautiful of the cape virgin islands and serves as the islanders, fruit and vegetable garden.
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the sugarcane flowers is here. a long side coconuts, bananas pie, a bread, fruit trees, and a condos. the coffee beings grew on the mountain slopes below. the less for tile island of selby sent a is kept well stocked with fruit and vegetables. thanks to its neighbour. its capitalism in dello is home to the largest port in cape 3rd and is a meeting point of a globe trotting sailors. the cheap for it is not a prosperous country. it lacks industry and natural resources,
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but it does have a homegrown treasure, a special genre of music, known as more now the sound here is a young musician. she's actually studying law, like a friend of mirrors. yeah. but music is her passion. she takes the bus down to the beach to compose a new, more, not the style, jake, melancholic, life affirming music of cape 3rd. saudi a wants to keep the musical tradition of cape virtual life with her songs and earn some money in the process. just like her role model, she's aria able to made cape birds. more noise indicate for to famous the world over a central theme is so dodgy, the pain of leaving cape bird and the longing for home cheap bird has long been a country of emigration. the
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like many here because out here is catholic and deeply religious legacy of the islands. portuguese colonizers, the this is anya, able to is buried in them in gallo cemetery to this day. she's a role model for the young generation of female musicians who like saudi a hope for a better future. many of their songs address the cape verde and dilemma to stay and suffer or leave long for home. others are about love, poverty or more to base. the local, pre owned word for hospitality. saudi,
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or takes inspiration from cape fluids, stunning natural landscapes. the newest song celebrates monte carter. the mountain with the face of famous been landmarks the, the, the, the sooner she will be performing this new song. for the 1st time, the close to the beach human dello, the capital of so if you send
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a to see seems close enough to touch the there is an abundance of fish in cape bird, but house is outside the capital are not connected to the water supply system, all the water comes from a single to say of the nation plant. if you're not going to to its pipes, the canister is your only option. the at the highest point of the island, miguel antonio has been especially creative. the peas worked out how to procure the precious water he needs for irrigating his
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garden, on the cliff. he fishes it out of the clouds, the books. which meant that you don't get the reset me here in this net. the washer condenses during the night is thinking. in the contest, i mean the, the gwinnett gets west at night. the more you and the washer course of the bronze diet duper and then flows into the cistern. this is the cistern where miguel collects water vital both for himself and his garden every
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night 50 to 60 leaders of water accumulate here. think that this i could do that will hold 4000 liters. a a lot grows on his for child 100 square meter plot. then we carrots, aniseed central. now let's is rosemary and others. is he happy with his live? is it? yes, very happy. who is continue the garden and the water or his livelihood along the road just above his garden. he keeps a small stand here, he transforms his curves, going to t n. shops and sells them to the locals and tourist the rest. he keeps for himself
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from the inspect calculator, cliff top garden begin, antonio has a magnificent view of the islands capital min dello the on the neighboring island dose on to one tow. a piece of sugarcane from the roadside is a popular snack on the way home from school. there was a school bus for the pupils who live further away. pupils like new jersey, the 16 year old jews era lives with her grand mother, uncle, and, and their children in one of the small mountain villages. her father is not present, which isn't uncommon in cape bird. and her mother is also absent. is that, is this, the, the money is tight,
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the legal minimum wage is about $130.00 heroes per month to 0 must also contribute to the family income after school. she earns extra money with donkey deliveries, spectacular as the landscape is. it's not easy to navigate. many journeys are only possible by donkey, and many people also rely on donkeys for the crucial resource of water. pipes are often out of service and some areas are not connected to the water supply system at all. l ton has 3 donkeys which you rinse out to school girls like ju 0 when he doesn't need them himself. it will take choose era and the donkey an hour and a half in the scorching heat, to transport this heavy canister to a house high up on the mountain.
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stands puts in port tons where there are many elderly people living in the houses here. and there isn't enough water and the pipes apply isn't reliable. so we have to load the water onto the donkeys. and we also bring them their groceries from me . so for the, for this completion to 0 will earn about 2 euros from elton for the strenuous time she's expected on the mountain top goza, i have to take the water to the house up there. so i always do it. when i come home from school, he seemed to get some money for it fell out. he was just c h to the it's a difficult journey with a stubborn donkey for the place itself is special.
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the the newsletter beneath is this. it's beautiful here which causes the houses and the green after the rain, super to keep the same coverage. if you listen, no, you can only see it from up here. the window viewing the made it the mario suicide leaves here with his family. it's 5 kilometers by foot to the nearest village guy because the,
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the, the, to the passport who, who am looking for the don't keys vital for survival. yeah. there's a transportation for the we to have no water without the donkeys. you know, the level of loose could cut the case, but we'd also be missing each other by 6 to move a section of materials for cement and stones, et cetera. everything new who, who is in flux meant not to do good, don't key. so important look or simply people don't use it until the end of the fruit and vegetables supplied by sun to one child to the neighboring islands are also transported by donkey in the market hall, i mean dello cloudy a and a friend museum are shopping they want to cook, cape birds, national dish coupon. so with that,
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you could also put a meet filling in it. so we have everything for that. got you? huh? yes. is the current in the bag the right one for catch you bob? thank you. the, the traditional recipe includes both meat and fish, the,
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they take the bus home do we cut it into pieces or wash? priced are the main ingredients of cut coupon or corn, beans, vegetables, meat, and fish. the hardy su simmers for hours on a medium heat. once cooked the traditional dishes, reheated and eaten over several days cut out. he now lives in one of the most expensive neighborhoods near the beach cheese
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a dentist and a huge fan of carnival this year. a very special challenge lies ahead for the 1st time. she's a carnival queen in carnival. the queen's dress plays a central role. it has to be unusual, respect to traditions and have a theme or some meaningful carnival is fun. but it's also culture and tradition. i'm interested in social equality, having a balance between the winners and losers, best this dresses, catalina's design. it requires a lot of fabric. and much like the responsibility of being queen it's waiting. my dress has a metal base. the costume represents the balance between rich and poor.
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colossal shaw this but it also has to be a big, sexy yes, of course. there's this part open with pearls. the more beautiful of the dress, the better or has a dentist contract. tina earns good money. the dress will cost around $300.00 euros . being a queen requires a lot of investment um, dina has a sewing studio and one of the poorer districts of the city. it's also cloudy as neighborhood farm from the beach closer to the mountains. for weeks before carnival, it's all systems go here. dina enters,
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seamstresses have their hands for making costumes for carnival. dean is dressed. most carnival costumes are fairly standard so they don't cost much so queen stress is a big exception. and so the stress is a job for the boss that dina and this is how it should look the yeah know, put into the advantage and that gives you the chance. can it be done in time for carnival or yes, yes. that's hard or easy. hard does it look queenly? this is too much. do you see?
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see yes. yes. the um the the circumference of the extravagant dress is recorded on the floor. dina isn't thrilled. she's under a lot of time pressure. every one is relaxed except her. steve. it's always the same because everything comes at the last moment just before a carnival, and i only have 4 weeks. the 3 weeks later, there's not much to show yet. first they try out a model. an employee serves as a substitute queen the
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we will there be enough time before carnival more or less the time is running out for new though to use red suit and matching red hat still have to be made for carnival. the band leaders outfit is obvious. able to is on the present in new knows workshop. there is no money for drums or costumes. they create everything themselves,
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including the music. if they don't go full so he lived there and then go to i've come up with my very own prism for the carnival dell 1st. i mean you both did so kind of mixture of sky reiki and galloping horses as we move up to the deep no cheese bowers. okay. just removed. jump out of here and like i saw the movie bashing visiting me. right, right. you the right next to this is anya ever a cemetery is guitar maker and this settles workshop more not the music of cape
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bird also serves as the collective memory of the cape verde ends, its central theme. so dowdy expresses the melancholy and yearning for home, so by those who had to leave their country due to poverty before the 1st performance of her new morning songs. saudi a wants to give her old guitar an overall on the set to the guitar maker is not very impressed with her plastic backed instrument. you need to re okay, 30 and get. all right, we have the best ones here. i'll show you our videos and desire to be friends in classic this movement and what your thoughts on what to talk. somebody else, may i try one, a cloudy,
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i can't afford. i'm a settled guitars, but there's no harm dreaming. activity if i can pay the one, i think the guitar she has is no longer adequate for so do you agree? i don't enjoy for my kind of music. one of your guitars would be great for a brief time. she gets to hold a really good instrument. it costs around $600.00 curos. far too expensive for cloudy and she'll be sticking with the old guitar for now. the
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new places somewhat harder, faster with them. about to cut us are the drums sections of the carnival parades. the key part of the cape, 30 and musical culture mean dello, the 2nd largest city in cape bird is the cultural center of the archipelago. new knows drummers are rehearsing on the soccer field as they do every evening before carnival jostens in the lineup. some $150.00 drummers will come together for the event. the neighbors can forget about sleep during these weeks, but most of them are taking part any way,
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either as musicians or dancers. every evening is rehearsal. the noodle is you for it. we were the 1st group to start rehearsing. at this point, i'd say, will be ready for the what looks like and i do like the beach was one so place of har for some 3 centuries. this beach was a sight of one of the world's largest slave markets. the under portuguese colonial rule, thousands of africans were chained to this pillar before being sold onto the
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americas and the caribbean. 2 days, the dungy valia, the former capital is a world heritage site. after centuries of portuguese colonial rule, cape bird finally became independent in 1975. the the country's modern day capital is about 15 kilometers away. it's called prya,
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which means beach. like the old capital. it's located on the cape birds, largest island, santiago, 70 percent of cape birds population. the creole descendants of both and slaved africans, and the portuguese colonizers. the cape bird. creole language developed from the communication between slaves, engines slavers, both portuguese and creole, still spoken in cape for today. around 20 kilometers from the capitalize the tranquil town. oh, so domingos. the keywords where pasquals lives. use the last cape verde and who can still build and play the traditional instrument of being slaved. the symbol it's base is a hollow down gord se swimming pool, a symbol a wants to maximize the, symbolize the oldest string instruments and k,
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but it goes back centuries and has made the european know are american origins. it has to have come from the african continent. and as mentioned in slave accounts from the time scraps falls, each file, government bank mostly along the exact yeah, this happened is not such a group of slides flipped to the mountains. they would dump the bad guys because a me in nature, they found the materials, they needed to build an instrument, then your one time for you being the gun. remember to live there must be the keep them so simple a replica was created. so the 1st and k, the to month reports to you lesson boeing, double good. the, the, the laptop is mostly in this
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box. the beginnings of the 1st, specifically k for the music shown, right? coe about to go there are still goats in the mountains today. just like back then pass, go on, needs their skin for the sound box. the animals can't be too young or too old. the to the next part is more difficult. horse tail hair, the boat and the strings are made from it. says, you know,
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i saw a time, not here. feet literally and here when for them was a few more so because of the for now the instruments can already be given a rough tunic. what size as each loomed up. so it's important to basketball, the distribution be kept alive and with a, the memory of slavery banking, so be sent. it's nadia is also working to keep the keep dirty and musical tradition alive. her next performance date is approaching. she's excited, but it's difficult to practice when her mother wants to see her studying law. claude, his thoughts straight from her studies to her new compositions and the performance
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. music is a refuge. her father left when she was very young. i mean, you feed the us, you my life never been easy, lose use, explain part of my life for as long as i can remember it. i was singing along to the radio when i was to and my mother got me a guitar when i was for basketball. sadie a couple of the leaves this area, a bar i showed people morning music and made it big. ella x and brought cape bird to the attention of the world. see me yelling mean the only thing did my job as a young woman living here today. i see that many other young people aren't listening to music anymore. yeah, there's no cutting charging the got a model of the music starting to disappear too cool. let me see good stuff with you
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for me is offering it won't go back for my part. i didn't. if i was more now, i can't allow us to lose our roots interest. that's why i sing more than a lot of, you know, it's difficult to make a living for music. things are extremely expensive. a square the socialism is got us take the price of a loaf of bread recently and shut up from $150.00 to $250.00. your school knows the equivalent of around 2 euros. 50 o loaf of bread is often too expensive to buy. hello. do you have some cookies or conflicts? yes, sure. or anything else t cookies. thank you. the sound. yeah. and make sure to leave some cut too, but for her mother to eat,
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when she gets home late in the evening from her job as an accountant toddy is mother doesn't earn much. and most of it goes towards her own. the daughter's tuition fees about a 130 years each month. and it's a constant battle with my mother. she keeps telling me musics, no good, my child. and i tell her, yes it is. use it as a part of me. and then she'll say cloud, you go and study cape virgin, use the one, pay away ill. do you know good of the blue scarf stair done. have you forgotten anything? it's already 9. 15 pm
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in the evening of the 1st performance with the new saw, it's about to begin the, the key will earn her around 30 years. but it's true. where is greater? saudi is songs are helping to keep, keep birdie and music alive the that song she wrote on the beach about the mountain with the face. now it's live on the concert stage, the
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contravene a to is preparing or rather be prepared to be queen the this year's queen's dress has been kept secret from the public until the last moment the the catalina is nervous. people are already gathering outside for the carnival under queen stress isn't ready yet.
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the dina is at the end of her rope and catalina to needs all her strength right now. first to get into the dress. but how the it's a bit difficult. this dress difficult to get into meeting, but what dean is conjured up in the last 4 weeks is truly spectacular. the last few weeks of taking their told on dina. very, very, very tired. i haven't slept for 24 hours. i've worked non stop. no, not $2430.00 or so
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it turned out beautifully. her parents are here too, and they're so proud the but the biggest challenge is yet to come. how to get up there onto the carnival float. would that help with the construction? because they head up, but it's not very stable up. she goes the, it's shaky. it's to be. will it gets there the,
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the queens and replace high above the people just as she should be. down below, there is cheering, the, now we can begin carnival the highlight of the year in cape 3rd, the,
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the, the different part of the parade. for new know, it's the combination of months of preparation. is red hat and
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suit somehow got made ready just in time. the but he doesn't seem entirely satisfied. the, even the sound of his whistle can't be heard. and the deafening dain attention you have to watch me the somewhere in the middle of it all is just on the soccer player. barely recognizable under all the make up. his 1st carnival. and this is there, saw there and some 3 things you need in life, health,
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money and to love. the parade only lasts for one day for one glorious night. but they've been waiting and preparing it for a full year in cape bird. it's the music that brings every one together, the keys, make a difference. visionaries with a project get involved or to create the future. experience that eco india. in 30 minutes on the new will tell you
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the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold listed to use force and for the future in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. news africa. in 90 minutes on the w, the enjoying the views and come to take a look at this. al tv highlights me every week. email inbox, subscribe now. who is concerned about his eyes and some optical future? we'll see what nazi publishing fighting st. history. remembering now the crimes is especially important in germany. rejection of the topic is
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growing, glass and the nurse has to fall those mission. i haven't started with the post the 2 years. fighting to remember the post. recall so this weekend on dw, the is this thing that we can use a visa, top stories, is it stay as a russian christmas fried as part of a major swap on 1st day of how the press conference at dw is headquarters in germany? well, grateful to be free by expressing misgivings about leaving the country. by so many compadres remaining prison, i went on to say they would continue to work for freedom in the homeland. mister putin, couple of harris is officially security. the support from democratic delegates in the us to win the policies presidential nomination to receive the folks from party
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delegates just 2 days into a 5 day virtual row coal nomination.


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