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tv   Eco India  Deutsche Welle  August 3, 2024 12:30am-1:01am CEST

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story about survival. the home and you go get the tennis. i was the only one. what lies luke? music in nazi germany. watch now on youtube dw documentary. the way of reducing waste at an alarming. and humans gone. because we will be left with very few resources in the future. hello and welcome. i'm sorry because the body and you're watching equally and we need to look at the waste as a resource. i'm do you need to figure out ways to extend the life of the things that we use on an a, b, b. and there are many possibilities and opportunities your starting from the water that we use to brush our teeth in the morning and the short on your back. let's
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start with what a deadly during the c office. heat wave in june phase don't want to price the city side of the shots of 50000000 gallons of water a day. then what was the flight and then easily only city that has been trying to figure it out ways to 3 bits wastewater and expand that capacity. however, that is not enough. so let's take a look at some of the challenges i'm solution. that's myself. what are we following? 60 percent of the largest, centralized treatment plans in india, cities. i'm not properly functional. that old for the maintained, and often that is a shortage of brain to start off. yet the potential of 1st water treatment is huge, even if they are able to do these cycling, do use 3040 percent of what it means that much more water. they may live in sort of us to keep it good to go again. but just in the front of the hygiene with the help of sensors and data screens, a number of up at the top,
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the potential of waste water treatment for women and the sun going to be hot area accessing dean waters and daily struggling with over 1000000 inhabitants it fishes lodges on authorized calling me located only 20 kilometers from the indian, found them in the area lies. buckley beyond the cities bought a supply network. the state globally operational only once a month. the ground water level is simply too low. the only option for presidents is to get water from done, cuz that's expensive and often not enough. the situation is desperate. the water is going to be used for cooking. it has high level of science. the water is so dirty that our water filters good. the as far as this goes to outdated, indian capital can only meet around 75 percent of its water needs. and most of the
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water is distributed and fed and some heavy as there is more than enough. you know there's, there's almost nothing up to 30 percent of the voters last 2 leaks. what does it feel invested? there is no reason why they cannot meet its water supply and provide water to everyone of it. that's good supply level. one way to do that is with improve vist water treatment. less than half of that is best water is recycling. and only 18 percent of the water treated actually gets use the flights of the $35.00 centralized treatment plans on dilapidated. and a lot of water goes to base treating the waste water where it is produced on site could be a solution. in some indian, a states decent or life systems, or mandatory in residential and commercial complexity. in google drive, a tech hub on the outskirts of the this upload phase,
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the 80 percent of the decent their lives systems non functional. one reason is bored maintenance. the wastewater treatment plant in this residential complex processes, 130000 liters of waste water. previously it was monitored by stuff on site, but no monitoring is largely digital. got done by database company digital bonnie: the company uses what's called a plug and play model, which integrates machines on side with the modern digital function. we're not trying to infer fully automated, 100 percent distorted assets because the costs and the benefit has to also clue for the customers. so bureau is proposing a hybrid set of operation, very blending in technology, various useful rows. see, the company's technical expos explains the benefits of sensor based monitoring. the other mega started, the system used to be a kind of black box and you had to go and investigate if something went wrong. let me know behaviors towards morning thing,
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sense of and then the system is clean. we notified the operator. we also take the amount of water. if water is lost, we can find out there. let me know that the company claims that the system now purifies 20 percent more of water than before, that the water quality is better and energy consumption has dropped significantly. the treated water is suitable, so flushing the toilet and watering gardens. there is no need for locals to buy extra water back and send them the hot b unauthorized supplement with as it doesn't have to buy expensive water is just 45 . that is of water available per person per day here. but, but the 1000000 inhabitants a vast amount of best waters dedrick. yeah, to be centralized water treatment could significantly improve the situation according to what he's in study. only half of the supplements wastewater should be treated him daddy's centralized loan. the other half of so normally hard, which is very dense. it's the but it system. and so mark,
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this would be connected to the centralized points out sites and them behind in the for the stadium. and it can be an idea in flu. the created vis, bought a good recharge, the small lakes and water reservoir is located around. so i'm going to be hard. uh, so uh, recycling go base water wastewater treatment has the most road to play. uh, considering in a climate constrained uh, society. now that uh, range all these more extreme groundwater, the charge is not very high. according to a decent study, 80 percent of this water in india could be treated and reused. for example, for vacation in the agricultural sector. this would leave much more clean water for drink. as we saw in this report,
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it is important to decentralize waste water treatment. and since we are talking about this, let's have to draw many a country that treats 96 percent office waste for. so we imagine an engineer in berlin who has found a way to recycle water within homes, which means the clean water that we're using in our wash basins to wash out hands. gotten busy psycho within the is done to allow me of the house and then used for the for other purposes. what's wrong with this every day scenario and having gemini, perfectly good volta useful bushing and flushing the toilet. a neat displaced, an engineer from valen tells us think for 13 waters are most important food stuff, and food doesn't belong in the toilet tool. seeing potential to optimize germany's water consumption f in no developed a wasteful to treatment facility for residential buildings. in this case, a student dormant tree view. these type in the, in this case we only recycle the grey water from the showers and the water from the
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sinks for us. so in here, in this building for now, that's enough. this isn't up yet. the rise just for the hours. the 1st step is to collect the voltage separately from the showers and things and then clean it and these tanks in a series of stages without the use of chemicals. instead, the job is done by little fame, kids containing micro will conditions that develop with young welcome bacteria. and finally, ultraviolet light is applied to kill off and the remaining pathogens. this to me, it tree, and berlin has had one of knows as well to restart goes up and running since january 2023 or she does go up to or is a graduate research assistant to move in to this to room apartment c. and off to what i see, what are as, as, as an essential resource for us to live. and i know that so many parts of not just
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the word, but even in germany, where i come from in india, we had expected to doubles the requirement of water by, by 2030. and we're not going to have enough water. most of the students living in the dormitory on to even aware of the recycling set top, including maria from ukraine. despite the high tech facility, her rent is full 100 year raise a month, far lower than the typical rate, simple and don't. what trees does meet the price is seem the rents are always high and balance the prizes being so this was a really nice surprise to me and that's what i would the, there's a rise finish. recycling volta pays off in the long time, especially with new buildings, and not least thanks to every nodes are constantly improving his innovation. if you become recent, king gray will tell you for 25 years ago and has since moved up to incorporating heat recovery to that means using the thermal energy from baltimore to for sink.
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some show is to heat up the fresh water from the mains. these are these hiking on august bounded. i just recycling unit helps us to save 30 to 60 percent of the drinking water and wastewater hydrogen is easy, cool. it has 0 hygenic risk and no loss of convenience. and we were able to prove that it saves not only water, but the energy to find that and the, the entire system is more environmentally friendly than the usual side of this. i suppose. the 1st ones to be of, isaac, it must be a type. the 2 dormitories without by the municipal housing association, making them the 1st and the felon. brandon beg region to recycle grateful to dr. involved investing more money 20 year, a small past square meter, but that's an investment that evidently was while with plans for further construction projects. of the snake, john, how did the unlikely fuck, you know, does it delivers exactly what it's supposed to? how much is it as an economic amortization of 12 years spot is gonna save drinking
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water, c o 2, an energy by feeding it back into the system that you saw on it. so it's actually a good package all around and is an excellent option for residential buildings. and so you have one left in. the system also works and countries suffering from water shortages and pull power supply needs a very small energy input one and a half kilowatt hours per cubic meter of water. the same amount as a bicycle light was not kind of the centralized water is cycling is definitely recommended in places with no properly working wastewater system. so if the power supply is poor, then we need solar panels on the roof and, and the system could also work at night. and we just need a small battery. these, an ide score one and a half kilowatt hours per cubic meter is a lot. and relatively easy to handle. the engine air is proud of his recycled voltage quality microbial tests of showing that it will make smart just lots of drinking water, making it suitable for eric 18 pox and goblins, for example,
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and actually fall too good for flushing toilets. good. how can we discuss waste and not bring up plastics, drugs even within plastic, single use plastic straws are a big menace. and we all the way. and now these paperless draws are imaging as a solution. much honestly, i'm not the biggest fan. nobody likes destro auto ending into a sole geek low cost of the $2.00 bedroom. so he has an even better solution. these as girls are made from dry coconut leaves, they are all done. it is the single use plastic straws and a 100, but somebody to get to the and chemical free. i picked up a few of those leaflets, took it to my apartment and then i started steaming it. and then i saw that if it has its own not to the backs the natural backs with the new pin, so it makes it difficult and hydrophobic. and that's why i started, i talked why not big stores i saw you were these and his team are aiming to convert
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this a good country. ways to will eliminate the use of plastics. cross plastic in the plastic causes a lot of stopping to goes goats. people and so on as it is known body to do but it damages the environment and that is why they were given the training to make these equal stores and doing get 20 k. as in india it produces a lot of the volts coconuts. but in the process of dried coconut leaves to mostly go to waste. so that's an ideal value that i think again, that supply chain. you know, that the beach was considered as a feast. we're not adding value to it. it's as increasing though the family's income. at the same time, it's not all making for a different line of production. that's when the beam have adopted a so called hub in the stroke market to produce destroys spokes, a leave collection centers in the hops of production centers at the spokes leaves
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collected from phones of boston and come to the required sites. then they'll send to the production unit with the machine room, giving the 1st layer of each to scroll the necessary strength and instructor. and often that sounds so long going back to long students strips that stuck up. was it each other and out. so that'd be the, it'd be a good word to mysql. so this complete this process, the final, the straws of send to the post processing unit to be sterilized and packaged. each a scroll is prized between $2.02, rubies around to your sense of depending on the size, the district is going to stay in beverages for 3 to 4 hours and have a shelf life of 9 months. where he says that these are far better for the environment compared to popular than it is like different schools. above all, the theme is proud of the fact that it is women who are on the show. there are over
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a 100 female employees to whom brutal employment opportunities and make a huge difference. stopping them in the beginning. they used to get 2000 a piece of 2500 piece. now, that'd be at expedius and right. and our false in doing well, we take 4500, you're basically hoping to get more in the future. and i got mattered when i was 18 . i have never worked anywhere since then. i used to be just at home. but as soon as this company opened, i don't, earlier, i had to ask for anything and everything from my husband, but now it is not the case. i don't ask him for anything. i look after my expenses on my own from the money i have owned and i'm very happy about it. look at it. but think calling people to use 9000 as girls, but the girls do leave processing centers and 3 scrub production centers that we have in place on that. you know, all the 11 states school can bring series of india. so we see a huge, huge possibility to put it in climbing. our goal is to teach one to go and
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implement 1000 members in the next 2 years. with more and more countries restricting plastic use, the company has already been able to win many customers abroad with its sustainable innovation the since we are talking about ways today we partners for things to come behind me is decades of legacy least and like any other landfills. this mountain of garbage has everything from bio medical ways to dex, sideways and because it's all been sitting here for decades. also a lot of guess. so how can this humongous mountain be conquered? and all of this waste roll says, well, you're awesome on says foot scraps, plastic bottles, pizza boxes. think about how many things you throw weight each day, depending on how in where you leave. this might different a lot. different indian thought is all 500 trends of garbage every day for the
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average american. it's 2.2 keels. by the way, the us as the roll champion in waste generation per capita. this file growth along with cds and the rising standard of living on the planets right now. we're 8 feet and people producing 2100000000 tons of rubbish every year. according to this new wednes, 3038 percent ends up where it shouldn't of some 2700000000 people like access to basic waste management services. so no protection multiplan, no disposal, due to ramona's, the technical director at the international solid waste association. she's one of the supervisors of this study. so for the lack of those options, what do people end up doing? they take the risk based dr. blown on don't pay the $1.00 single hole and dump that we spent. and so this is leading to a practice on dumb site is with data. absolutely, new environmental control when it drains the water filters through the waste and
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from leach it potentially toxic cook, tell us many heavy chemicals and back to re, among other things that so called of the trash saw leaking into the environment either to your water ways, your soil is, or your air uh, by open blending and so all of these are emissions that are ending up in the environment that are arming. sure. one hand, it's harming the environment. and when i talk about your with health, essentially, if you have contaminated waste is going into a fluid systems under this mountain of thresh, where there is no oxygen. something else is happening. make a t a breaking down organic waste and producing meeting one of the worst greenhouse gases in the short term. it's over 80 times more quote in the taking the planet than carbon dioxide. landfill operators use several ways to tackle the problems of dumping trash. to protect the ground from toxic chemicals, they started with a large hole in the ground line with giants in front of the layers of synthetic
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materials. kind of like a huge into swimming pool with a big plastic sheets in it. at the bottom, there's a drainage system to remove the lead shape that generated sensors can also be placed at the bottom layer to detect any possible leaks after delete to district that it is turned into a usable water. now with days, an engineered land. so can also capture most of the mid day to meet it by making a kind of trash livonia. that stops most of it from going to the atmosphere. as the garbage is dumped, heavy tractors compact it and then cover it with an impermeable layer. dump compact cover repeat over and over again. then that kind of system of pumps. 6 out most of the gas is generated, including the mid thing the methane capture can be burned to a process called flaring. that turns it from a super harmful greenhouse gas into a regular home for one c o 2. but this is a huge waste. the 2nd option, me think, can generate heat electricity or renewable natural gas compar vehicles. for example
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. this technique promised to reduce methane emissions by 60 to 90 percent. however, not all solutions and dispute need to be so high tank disease recommendation to reduce methane emissions from landfill is much simpler and more straightforward. reduce the amount of organic waste in them because the methane emissions from landfills are produced when organic matter decomposes underneath a pile of garbage without oxygen. in countries like india, where around 50 percent of the garbage is what waste avoid them using landfills can be really effective and some places are being quite successful in implementing this policy. take my sewer, for example, with a population of more than one median. it produces between 40500 tons of waste daily . the 3rd is designed a decentralized system in which trash gets collected, segregated, and come posted inside their neighborhoods. here it is important to remember that
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composting is primary anaerobic process with oxygen, where micro organisms breakdown organic matter. it can relate small amounts of meeting if it's not properly done. if there isn't enough, the ration that is quite, quite often you'll see people turning the compost regularly in my through about 50 percent of all waste is come posted so that the collector goes from door to door. residents don't properly separate the trash do be find officials say only 5 percent of the trash goes to landfill, their goal is 0 waste. the compost produced is sold to local farmers and the horticulture department, closing dump sites and making landfill better is a challenge and come to a long process. but it can be done. look at this graphic. it shows region steps to have a huge number of heat and dump sites. in this case, some experts suggest that moving from dump sites to lentils would already be a step forward on the top of that separating at least organic trash before sending
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it to the landfill. like in missouri is something we can do when a global level of test reducing waste is the top priority to can also be reached worldwide. let's face it right now. we're producing more in more trash worldwide. the power of smart waste management is that it can reduce costs in the long run into more ways to collect in a controlled way, the less hon. it does to the environments. and the less money is needed to clean up this mess. the utility is great, but can we see use to create something beautiful? when yes, it's down here and any that us 7 and fox designed to down up slices waste. and the culture was that i'm many office to use waste as that choices for creating. we met an artist in hungry, who was never on auto wrong with you do this for har dot because we generally it's
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me, i need to $1000000.00 or 6 sideways you to all which also happens to be hard choice, offer all materials for creating something. every year it's an integral part from greece and zora festival. a rich kaleidoscope of colors comprising lens of fabric, ranged in large scale patterns. and what small, that old thoughts from used materials, mostly discarded clothes. the majestic installations will come to the by mg left has from the city of page in the southern part of the country. in 1997, she turned her love of spinning nothing and weaving into a business concept. and 2 years later, she started recruiting stuff for her company, retakes deal, many of her employees of people with physical, mental disabilities for them. it's a welcome opportunity to join the workforce. that text to go. i know we're kind of
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doing with a pool that i rework materials and use them to make cop. it's under the items you have phone push better. that's important because we otherwise be drowning and trash would more than you could say. we have recycling the fabrics. you know, her solution to europeans threw away 11 kilos of close per head every year with just one percent being recycled. these days, the majority of people's clothes are not made of cotton or other natural materials of the of the sierra loads and it has it just wasted categories. most clothing items and made of synthetic materials, read names, you cannot take that can still in the fabrics. processed by latex deal at the native by local residents, plus a 2nd hand store in the area hands of the items. because so interested parties can place orders for the new items,
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buyer and online shopping. they often come with information on the proportion of use fabrics and the amount of manual labor involved. it's about quality and respect . every year re tech steal process is several 1000 key looms of used fabrics, materials that we typically end up in a landfill. a given the, a new lease on life, yet the so much can be reused, recycled upside cooling, basically prevented from turning into waste. are there any such things you do to prevent waste immunization, or did you will see it in your homes or in your offices to let us know you can email us or reach out to me directly on my social media handles. i will see you next week until then take care. good bye. let us, gosh, the
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the new will tell you the story. we have a, getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use force and for the future in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. news africa. in 30 minutes on the w. tackling the task with passion, maneuvering mcgee, loves everything about head jones behind the wheel with head truck at each. she is
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the owner of yours. she wishes that one more women have profession in 90 minutes on d, w. the one of the main kinds, oldest ambitions could be within re what do you see? it really is possible to reverse the researchers and scientists all over the world. for you know, race against time. they are peers and rivals
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with one daring goals to help smart nature. the more likes watching it on youtube, dw documentary on the long voyage through the ocean and mother, i'm back with account or for a long time, they had to be humans on the journey. but now the premises have to come there, protect the ocean conservation september the
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. this is needs to be confir parties. presidential candidate reaches a new milestone. a virtual roll call of delegates to the democratic national convention doesn't end until monday, but she's already received enough folks to win the parties nomination. also in the program, one of the 3 freed russian dissidents tells reporters that he refused to beg vladimir putin to be released. i can take him to be a dictator or you said, and i'm not. and i'm not going to sign any petitions for leisure to him. let's surprise winning right here. vladimir kyra moore's and his.


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