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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 3, 2024 12:00pm-12:16pm CEST

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the, the, you're watching the, the unit who's coming to you live from berlin. at least 32 people are killed in an attack at a popular beach resort in somalia as capital police say more than 60 others have been injured in the assault on a hotel in mogadishu, it has been claimed by all kinds of east africa philips officer, bob was coming off on our show today, the u. s. boost is military presence in the middle east of protecting us personnel and defend israel. um its soaring tensions in the region. this comes out for iran and its regional allies of val retaliation for the killings that they have mass leader in toronto and a has block commander and they root fueling fears of
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a broader conflict. and one of the 3 russian dissidents freed in an international prison, or swap between the us, russia and germany. so her porters that he refused to bags, why them or pretend to be released? i consider him to be a dictator. i use that kind of murder. and i'm not going to sign any petitions from ashley to him. killed, surprise winning, right? or vladimir car a more the and his fellow overcame opponents say they will keep fighting for freedom in russia. the clair richardson. thank you so much for joining us. we'll begin with some breaking news coming out of somalia, where police say at least 32 people have been killed in an attack on a busy beach in the capital. mogadishu, more than 60 others,
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have been injured. be all kind of affiliated group. i'll show bob have claimed responsibility for the attack, which was carried out by a suicide bomber and several gunmen, according to police. they also said that security forces ended the attack and have killed a 5 gunman or the deadliest attack in somalia. since twin car bombs killed at least 100 people in october 2022 and we can speak to a journalist who said mohammed on the phone now from mogadishu to get the very latest here. who's saying what else do we know about how this attack has unfold as a thank you very much clara. it, um some shop can lean on it, so somebody talk it, it'd be the beach in the mobile edition. somebody's got the call on friday. evelyn, where did you go these a lot, enjoy you in a late night about starting a started when it started bump. uh try to get to it. so did um did you go lease?
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if i move with the additional little beach, i didn't, didn't meet on foot, just bought the shoot qualities and they were shooting as the one on the beach. and then they promised me either leave me leave the people can you hear me? i can hear you just fine. it sounds like a terrifying screen you are describing please continue. yeah, a no. a they, the doctor did speak to you about settle with them. did you go to, to shelter and they was started getting everyone at least 250 to uh, on west q as in delta 5. i'm more than what a job i need a beach uh is the min, a beach in the dishes in the dish, has somebody's cubby fall, and it has to be a target of but, but it's just a socket. back in 2015. that was on the attack on me to see good hotel where
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at least you can before. why kid. last year there was a huge i park on a hook up to me or leave the beach where of a 20 people walk unit to leave the beach. uh is a bubble of beach where people, the tech sometime late, they've been in every night on friday. indeed, as you say, this is not the 1st time we've seen. i'll show bob at target this area taking responsibility for these attacks. can you tell us a little bit more about our shop as an organization and why we might see them target civilians like this? oh sure. well it's um, i think it's a good book. uh that was published back in 22007 and it was published by some this is who i printed on for that long. besides, i live on a militant group in renaissance back in 1990 is the main objective that the blue
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was created was to the top of the federal government un fucking supplement and to start to shut out low in the trunk. the group has been fighting for almost getting on they, they, they thought they did go from such as a peacekeeping. forces us bosses on either for $40.40 another to act. but uh yeah, it's, uh, a whole bunch of sundays i get every 40 on, not in somalia to thank you so much for joining us with that update. that is journalist who's a mohammed on the phone from olga do show we very much appreciate your time and thank you very much. we're gonna turn out to some other news and is really air strike on a vehicle in the occupied west bank has killed a homeless commander. that is, according to a media outlet link to the group, which is classified as a terrorist organization. by many countries,
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is rarely military has confirmed the attack. seeing it targeted a militant sell around the city of a tool car. it is the latest in a series of strikes against a mazda of leadership raising concerns about a potential spill over a for. this comes a day after the groups leader is maya, and yet was buried in the could tarry capital, doha thousands attending that funeral service he was assassinated and then alleged is really attack into ron on wednesday. i'm off and around. have vowed to retaliate . the us says it will send additional fighter jets and warships to the region. so now that we are a few days after the death of han yet, and also a prominent, how's the law commander for a truck of 11 on? i asked 8 of these very to bureau chief mohammed traits at what kind of response we could see from has the law. let's understand the overall situation. we have to see this from has been lost perspective. this attack on beta with suburbs early this
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week is according to has the law in his way, the offensive on living and not a retaliation whatsoever. since hes below is denying any responsibility for last week. so talk on march the shawn cindy occupied a lot. and this is a very important details because this determines the nature off, has been lost response on the talk at all. and it's a strong called in data with the has the law. and the has been clearly saying that the tele ation is indivisible. on the basis of that, this is an offensive on the been on that this was carried out in a civilian residential complex. it caused the death of innocent civilians and a target and a senior his beloved military figure. and therefore, we have to personally read into the throttle of the speech. and in that sense, especially that in the event of the coming office might need you in to francis the left side of the region entered a new phase of the escalation. and i would say that that this indicates that we are
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far beyond just a supporting funds, but less than a no allow toward. but then in such moments of high tension, it would be really ridiculous to dalton all for. so what kind of diplomatic efforts have we seen to try to prevent this from becoming a much wider war in the region as well? you know, we've been following on on the very active and intense political end to kinetic efforts to de escalate. the situation to pressure has beloved to exercise restraint and avoid a big retaliation. but we need to sounds far fetched the heavily on group that rejected all calls and actively been rejecting or goals to reach a deal that would stop the confrontation with the is vital based on the you and resolution. 1701 would stop. the war between the ban on end is waiting in 2006 at 2006 as well. i've been constantly cleared about that that that would only be interested in, in stopping to fire and suckling for negotiations. and that one's
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a ceasefire and gaza is inactive. but thank you so much as always, that is indeed at least beverage or of chief mohammed. a straight to germany says it is also planning for a possible escalation in the middle east. berlin is among israel, staunchest allies. answer the government has repeatedly stated that israel has a right to self defense. defense minister wars for stories has ruled out deploying german troops to the region, but he told d w. the government is watching the situation closely. while we are assessing the situation every day or every half day, was it together was a 5 minutes to end the transfer 3 and re preparing for what it might be coming, coming, had like about creation or whatever else. but at the moment, we are only in the phase of preparations, not an actor has germany's defense minister. of course, the story is speaking. we can now bring you up to speed with some other world news
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headlines at this hour. u. s. presidential candidate donald trump has agreed to debate vice president connell, a harris on fox news on the 4th of september. his post on his troops social platform, came hours after harris secure the democratic party is presidential nomination, so i can make it is not yet fair. if you're is herself in the hospital agreed to the debates again, to an idea of security forces of clash with protesters, an ongoing demonstrations over food shortages and corruption. it writes groups as 9 demonstrators have been killed, one police officer was also killed as the military threatened to intervene to put down any violence 3 russian opposition activists freed as part of a major prisoner swap on thursday, have spoken about their shock at suddenly being released and about their misgivings about the terms of the deal during your press conference at dw is headquarters in germany. they spoke about their experiences in russian prison, free again and ready to tell their stories, brushing dissidents,
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flooding mere car more. so la shien and andre prove offer of spoke publicly for the 1st time since being released from russian prisons. the moment now plain was taken off. uh, he told me, look out the window to the last time you're seeing him on the line. and i turned to this guy and i laughed once again. my says that i didn't know his name. i didn't know his rank. obviously, that didn't feel the need to inform us of all those things. i told him, look, man, i'm a historian by education. i don't only feel, i don't only believe i know that i'll be back in my home country and it'll be much quicker than you think. car morris was charged with treason and sentence to 25 years in prison, for speaking out against russia's invasion of ukraine. now he's free and so is the
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only i have seen who was sentenced for reporting and brushing military atrocities. despite the ordeal and russian prisons, the message they sent was one of the determination to make russia a better place even from abroad. video. my goal is to return to russia. i'm a russian citizen, i'm a russian politician. and i'm a russian patriot to. my goal is a free and happy russian. all my efforts will be direct to the guessing my home on the bottom and to achieve a peaceful, prosperous, free, and happy russia. with that, i have dedicated my life to this level that i will continue to dedicate my life to this. yep. sweet, you're welcome. so it was reading the procedure for me. andre proof offer of had been do since 2021 again and again, he tried to run in elections while he is now also free man. he reminded the public that others are less fortunate for the people. it is still in russian prison. i may have to suffer
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a terrible conditions. i think they will be happy to hear that. is it possible to be saved on your supply that with a did she leave with a wealth of men's release as a when for diplomacy? it is also fueling a debate over whether it is justified to treat convicted criminals for the unlawfully detained. dw, as former moscow bureau chief, uri russia. so assess is what the release of important opposition figures could mean for russia's opposition in general, for wallclear's direction to position such as we know, it seems invest in sense, does not exist and it has been systematically destroyed by letting me put it over the last quarter of a century, i've had this effect, but it's also effect as it is, there are individual courageous, political, active russians who, despite of this destruction, are still fighting against booting against the ruling political system in the russia. and yeah, they do so despite risking everything as they are freedom,
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enter their lives. and these people are no doubt including body because that if you actually just sort them into a lot of who have now been freed from prisons and they are fighting spirit is an example for thousands and perhaps millions uh critical of critical by the presence of rote and even russia, internationally, this prisoners pop has been seen as a major diplomatic crew has the reactions, been the same inside russia as well in russia is this is also the number one topic . but unlike here is the best that the freed this dense and not celebrate at this heroes, but as tre doors who should have died in prison. and that is what for my president a dataset. and it was a clear death threats at the signal to everyone else. hello, you, i'm not safe anywhere. i'm on the other side. the russians who have returned to rush from the best i've treated quite differently, of course, spies and the employees over the intelligence services. and even visual colt,
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another off to you about cross that go because they are all celebrated as heroes and will be soon avoided state prizes. vibe, letting me put in in the kremlin was your, your shadow. and that is your show. unclear richardson in berlin. thank you. so much for watching the we are all set and were watching closely for him to bring you the story behind the news. we wrote about unbiased information for free money, who phenomena susie is concerned about his uh, some hostetter video, see what nazi publishing fighting history. remembering now the crimes is especially important in germany. rejection of the topic is.


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