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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 3, 2024 4:00pm-4:16pm CEST

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the the, this is dw news line from berlin. at least 32 people are killed in an attack at a popular beach resort in somalia as capitol police a more than 60 others have been injured in the assault on a hotel in mogadishu. it's been claimed by al qaeda is east africa affiliate l. shabani violence players and the is really occupied westbank. several palestinians die in an air strike on a vehicle in a rural area near the north and city of til conk. israel says those killed were planning an attack in paris has been transformed to welcome athletes and visitors to the olympic games. but local and the french capital have mixed feelings about
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hosting the game, the and one. welcome to you, our viewers around the world. i'm michael. ok. we start in somalia, where people say at least 32 people have been killed in an attack on a busy beach in the capital, mogadishu, more than 60 others have been injured. the all kind of affiliated group alger. bob has claimed responsibility for the attack, which was carried out by a suicide bomber and several gunmen, according to police. they also said that security forces ended the attack and killed 5 gunman. it's the deadly as attacking somalia. since when car bombs killed at least a 100 people in october, 2020 to drill as you say, mohammed in mogadishu told me more about how the attack unfold. thank you very much for that type of started up that she said,
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but i knew from mrs. football shut off, i thought it would be the beach and the fish on friday afternoon. and she said somebody to meet you outside the hotel where the dozens of the scholars to enjoy and especially so that was like that must be a bubble of teaching somebody else. and the other kid we need to be job, you know, has a target of the property to get another 20 people wants to live up that i'll show up a packet. butyllithium shut down with the painted by the shut it, you know, one of my favorite discussion money to i'll shut off at a discount to pay them because i get to know, i shut off the collect approximately one $100000000.00 from the finishes cuz i bought a new she has only contact officially enough additional on other boxes of the country
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. what. what do we know about the victims the most of the business? well, well, luckily 2 of these go as we get from the nissan fan in the area, i know 40 is sort of a long time. i've a big kid that comes there. they go on the piece with somebody to one of that stuff. that was the last piece right from the start. she has the sinus put on top of siblings to publish what also let me talk to somebody to go with when you choose to select and that's ways outside i stopped in the country. this is for management. i just had some issues applying for an individual information of the beloved once again, al, sure. bob has claimed responsibility for this attack. some viewers will recognize that name, but do tell us more about who they are. i'll show up. and then we'll
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stop misha into this, a 7 to tumble young government government on implemented, shut it all over the country. and somebody at the group was established by this time. this is what time is on the started back in 1990 way. that assignment home a stop and it should be 5 pm to learn the kind of basic has happened. she and how we can help these before we did, i was shut off. you made a lot of fucking, however, the repub succeeded to the country district. i'm thomas punched in sort of somebody, and i think that the, the, the somebody got it. that is a journalist who st. mohammed in? mogadishu. many thanks. you. thank you very much. i and is really air
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strike on a vehicle in the occupied westbank has killed the moss commander. that's according to a media outlet link to the group, which is classified as a terrorist organization by many countries. the is really military has confirmed the attack, saying it targeted a militant sell around the city of til car. it's the latest and a series of strikes against the mazda is leadership. raising concerns about a potential spill over the war in gaza. and comes a day after thousands attended the funeral of the groups leader is my own hon. yeah, in the guitar a capital d o, a nia was assassinated in the ledge, is really a task on wednesday. around revolutionary guard says a short range project. i was launch from outside his resident into rock moss and a ron have vowed to retaliate. us says it will send additional fighter jets and warships. do you know what to do? jobs go along with the pop up. i mean now earlier i spoke to konstantin agger dw,
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corresponded in jerusalem, told us more about the tool con operation. it will, these rarely officials are saying that to, it seems like it's a veritable bevel. that's what's going on until the cut them today. the is really all we confirmed that it had to strike from us fighters again with another drone strike. they did confirm that they eliminated uh 5 people in this 1st draw strike. they were in the car and they said that the local come onto over is a dean, some brigades, which is essentially military. the wing of hamas was eliminated in the strike. it seems like all the fighters may have been killed in the battle with these really so. um yes. to cut them today was definitely a flash point bought up to that. uh the um is really, i mean this is really security forces. uh said that the uh truck uh,
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a car truck uh his bulk come under uh, in the south of leveling on today. so it's a completely different area. it comes in different country. so it was a very, very unplugged day today and his ro, well with the war still raging in gaza daily classes in the west bank, a bona fide northern front along the israel lebanon border, which you're just now referring to. and a threat of retaliation from a ron and its proxies. are we seeing a shift in is really strategy or well i, i would say that it's not you have to front in the north. although of course, the situation becomes more and more tens, their own, the 11 east bulls are. as for this strategy, i do think that this is ray of these really governments, these really security establishment is arm establishment. always a consider the possibility of a warrant to from so i didn't know think it's anything spectacularly new. but yes,
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i think the, the, the cumulative effects of these many collections produces this feeling that the situation is indeed very, very hot. and yes you, you feel it here in is are alone though. i looked out the window today is it seems like very quiet in jerusalem. but at the same time, michael, oh news keep coming. that's more and more airlines, for example, casting leaf lots to is run into neighboring lebanon. so india attention is growing a dw corresponding concept to exit there in jerusalem. let's take a quick look at some of the other storage making headlines around the world as we speak. ukraine says it has attacked an air base inside russia. heating ammunition stored, their verified video shows huge explosions at their motors offs, airbags more than a 100 kilometers from the ukranian border. boscoe says that quote, warehouse facilities sustained damage. there is one of 3 attacks inside russia that
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ukraine said it carried out overnight. crowds or once again taking to the streets of bangladesh, student leaders, or demanding the prime minister, step down and want justice for the more than $200.00 people killed in classrooms with least during the last months rounds over the government's job for the system. they are calling for a nationwide civil disobedience campaign. 3 rushing, the opposition active as freed, as part of a major prisoner swap on thursday. i have spoken about their shock at suddenly being released and their misgivings about the terms of the deal. during a press conference at dw is headquarters in germany. they spoke about their experiences in russian prison, free again and ready to tell their stories, brushing dissidents, flooding mere car more. so la shien and andre prove offer of spoke publicly for the
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1st time since being released from russian prisons. the moment now plain was taken off. uh he told me, look out the window to the last time you're seeing your model name. and i turned to this guy and i laughed once again. my said look, i didn't know his name. i didn't know his rank. obviously, that didn't feel the need to inform us of all those things. i told him, look, man, i'm a historian by education. i don't only i feel i don't only believe i know that i'll be back in my home country and it'll be much quicker than you think. car moore's. i was charged with treason and sentence to 25 years in prison, for speaking out against russia's invasion of ukraine. now he's free, and so is he o? yes, she who was sentenced for reporting and brushing military atrocities,
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despite their ordeal and russian prisons, the message they sent was one of determination to make russia a better place even from abroad. failure. my goal is to return to russia. i'm a russian citizen, i'm a russian politician, and i'm a russian patriot to. my goal is a free and happy russian. all my efforts will be direct to the guessing my home on the bottom and to achieve a peaceful, prosperous, free, and happy russia. still with that, i have dedicated my life to this level that i will continue to dedicate my life to this. yep. sweet. you're welcome. so i was reading the proposals with associates of them, andre football for of had been do since 2021. again and again, he tried to run in the elections while he is now also free. man, he reminded the public that others are less fortunate for the people that is still english in prison. i may have to suffer terrible conditions. yep. i think there will be happy to hear that. is it possible to be saved on your supply that with
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a did she leave with a wealth of men's release as a win for diplomacy? it is also fueling a debate over whether it is justified the trade convicted criminals for the unlawfully detained. well, millions of people have made the trip to paris to witness the olympic games of clothes. but howard locals reacting to olympic fever and how different is the french capital now? our correspondent lisa louis, who has lived in paris for the past 20 years, has more of this couple. it has come from the southern city of tools to see the games and paris this new temporary landmark. the hot air balloon symbolizes field and pick fire and the historic to really gardens, the new installation rise to fame during the games opening ceremony. the ceremony was so beautiful, we instantly tried to get tickets to see the balloon from up close material. i know
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it's the design of the balloon and the olympic torch us, which bolt the fire here. so somebody bits a symbol of freedom of if you ask people to join the picture of freedom that they would draw a bird, hot air balloon or somebody that flies all the time slots for a close look at the balloon. i already sold out, but several online petitions are now asking for it to stay on after the games each evening. the balloon is sent up into the sky, but we don't have time to wait for this. i've got other things to show you the olympics are making the mach across the city at iconic places such as the plastic con, called the, to look at the hole, and the eiffel tower behind these wooden walls, beach volleyball. those are giving it their old neutrons for even a c k p. those. so people like me without tickets and i can't even go to the show
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on the box below. and just over there to have my traditional summer picnic proxy drive. that's meanwhile complained the olympics are not springing them gold and are asking the government for compensation for lost income. truly, for all the parisians of like to say to you, i'm a to is to for walking. they don't take texas in marci pump. i think. see, the river send has become a giant swimming pool for the olympic try a throne, despite concerns of a high levels of fi code. bacteria, thanks to the olympics. they are plans to open permanent swimming zones in the river next year. this will be one of a sides royce over there, but to be honest, i don't think i'm going to happen if i'm not sure the water is clean enough. i might just enjoy seeing the semester from here. and we'll ended there coming up next to mid growing support for the far right in
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germany, our series reporter takes a look at what the country is doing to ensure the atrocities of its history are never forgotten. now michael looked and thanks for joining us and bye for now, the i sorry. one on 6 times to please come and see more people than ever on the move worldwide in section 1135 because it's very hard to say very difficult john to find out about time and store info. my grands in my name is the calls back said wow, thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that.


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