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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 4, 2024 1:00am-1:16am CEST

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the the, this is dw news life from berlin, tens of thousands demand justice in bangladesh. students cool on the prime minister to step down, as well as civil disobedience after a deadly police crackdown on protesters. also coming up, the crowds gather a rude airport. after western governments urged their citizens to leave 11 on, immediately, officials warn the region, wide conflict could escalate, leaving them strand. plus at least $32.00 people are killed in an attack at a popular beach resort. in somebody else capital mortgage, or cottage east,
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i forget affiliated out ship. bob says to be carried out the attack. the pablo finally asked thanks for joining us. we start in bangladesh were tens of thousands of students under supporters of gathered in the capital duyka to demand the resignation of prime minister shea casino. they blamed the government for a violent crack down on the sand, which left at least 200 people dead in reason to protest against the government job called us as defined. why says put the emotions running high funds of the students on the streets again. now they are demanding that the countries prime minister step down and that the government face try and put a deadly collect down that has good at least $200.00. most of the students and
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young people she must resign and she must face trial. and not only she has seen her hate cabinet and the government must resign this regime and the stash just really must be a ball if it's like a bundle dish has that as to thousands of people then and nobody can, bobby has bought the crack down on this end the violence left many bit serious injuries. evicted you, i can feel the suffering and pain. i cannot express my pain when i'm lying in this hospital bed. i cannot move my legs, which are fractured in a place since i was not in the movement was why did they shoot me?
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these student protests and started peacefully against government, job poor does. and even though the go does what is good back, the police click don't, continued the students continued protesting, seeking justice, put those goods which suited justice again and again say we have nothing in our hands. we never hold any wisdom. we are normal people. we just want to live a life without discrimination in such bruce and killing as me, but acceptable and the democratic country from the so called upon the protested to sit down with her to put an end to violence. to protest as the disclosure for reconciliation has come to lead, putting us government continues to struggle to control and one of the most intense protest movements in bunch of these history. let's get more on the story from those
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are our child re associate professor of anthropology at i'm hearst college in massachusetts, in the united states and author of paradoxes of the popular crowd of politics in bangladesh. thanks for joining us on dw. so despite the recent debt, the violence, people, as we've seen, are back on the streets, protesting what is it that's making them demonstrate. so as you know, that the photo started to reform, the, quote, a system that the students. so thought was discriminatory. but given the kind of excessive force that the government has used more than 200 people have died, which is a conservative estimate. according to you and his subset is 632 children have died . now the, the demand has shifted to a change in the political hierarchy of the country itself because the students and
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the ordinary citizens who have expressed their solidarity with the students have actually realized that the, the quota system is just a kind of a symptom of a larger problem in which this regime for the last 15 years has been using excessive force and has been mostly unaccountable for the violence and the repression that has affected the ordinary citizens for a long time. so it's not surprising that the movement has now shifted to becoming an oppositional movement, rather than one that is more focused on the quote, the reform itself. all right, now you just touched on it there. so the students have just at one demand that they previously had a list of 9. so if prime minister, shy casino, concedes that one demand an steps down, would this be the end of the protests?
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so that's really hard to den we are actually um, standing on very unsteady grounds. it's a set of unfolding events. clearly, the events of the last 15 days or so have shown us that there's a lot of grievances, there's a set of, there's a lot of resentment against the way in which ordinary citizens have to have and their lives have been affected. so there should be some kind of an outlet for uh, for that kind of resentment for those kinds of reasons as right. so it's hard to tell what would happen if the political hierarchy shipped. but the fact that a movement that had nothing to do with politics in the larger scheme of things became such a became confused around one political demand at the moment. actually reviews that there has been a kind of long history of some of the men of ordinary citizens that are being met.
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and not only that, that when of the students or primary school teachers or environmental is have tried to make demands. they have either been dismissed, they or they have been subjected to violent repression, or they have been slender, like it has happened this time that either the, you know, they belong to the opposition party or the, the so collaborators who, you know, had sighted with the west like you son, is doing the war of independence. so this is a kind of rhetoric that the students have really timed on its head and now is demanding actual changes. all right, well have to leave it there and was rush thanks for joining us on dw nozer, i tried to re associate professor of anthropology at, i'm hearst college in massachusetts, is moving on now. how much says at least 15, that palestinians have been killed and in and is raise the air strike in gaza. the
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strikes hit a school building in guys, a safety for thomas says was housing palestinians displaced by the fighting in the territory. these ready ministry said it struck a school being used by homeless as a command center to manufacture weaponry mass is considered, and it, tara group for the us, germany, and other many other countries. meanwhile fears of a wider war are growing as around threatens israel with a broad counter strike for the killing of east miles near to around blaine's israel for assassinating the hamas leader on its soil. the west and 9 states sending additional fighter jets and ships to the region to help defend israel in lab and on the roots. international airport was busy as the u. s. the u. k. and other governments urge their citizens to leave the country as soon as possible. us embassy in lab and on is telling it citizens to leave on, quote,
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any ticket available after several airlines suspended and cancel flights to be re, british nationals. i've been told to quote, leave now by the u. k. government. well, i made fears of the conflict in the region escalating. we asked dw correspondent, tanya grammar and teresa to tell us about the mood and israel or? well, i think it depends. so you always coming genuinely, some people i talked to you over the past week, they said what it had to be done. you know, the strikes and they roots but also into wrong, which is what it has not taken responsibility. but they see this as necessary for as well as deterrence. others have said a, now what does that mean then for the hostages that are still being held and goes on for the talk. so to bring them home. but generally speaking, here they moved is a bit, it's of waiting period. everybody is now talking about what will be the scope of this rotation, the anticipate to retaliation by husband law and by a wrong. and when will it happen?
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iran hospitalized and indicated that it will be a multi layered attack involving also the other yvonne's proxies like the she had munitions in iraq. the who sees in yemen, husband alf course and iran itself. that reminds a bit people here. the attacks in april when a wrong nordstrom's and missile, as there were at the time, intercepted mostly by the defense. but still, you know, this at the moment, the home phone guidelines are, have not been changed. a daily life continues. the most visible sign maybe is that also here for an airlines house. and um, so this suspending flights in the coming days. so it is a waiting period right now. what is that to happen? what would be the scope and also then of course, the question, how would it's read and respond to that? and whether that is to start over in more intensifying conflict here, you don't lose time your crime are there. all right, let's take a look now at some other stories making headlines around the world. ukraine says
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it's attacked in everybody's inside russia, hitting munitions stored their verified video, shows huge explosions at the models of air base. more than a 100 kilometers from the ukranian border. moscow says that quote, warehouse facilities sustained damage. there is one of 3 attacks inside russia that ukraine said it carried out overnight. a piece of theme deployed across the u. k. and made fresh protests after a mass stopping that killed 3 young girls sparks several nights of riots. protesters have been galvanized by far right. social media channels. quoting for an end to immigration after the perpetrator was wrong, the identified as a refugee and then his way to rival march is in support of the government. and the political opposition are taking place in several settings in cities including the capital, correct us, finish reading. origins have ratified me for last night. who goes election victory last week about a growing number of nations including the united states, argentina as peru recognize his opponent as the true winter
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police and nigeria has made dozens of arrests on the 3rd day of nationwide protests over economic hardship. authority say they've arrested hundreds of people since thursday rights group, and i'm just the international says security forces have killed 13 people during the protests placed an id allegations. police in somalia say at least 32 people have been killed in an attack on a popular beach in the capital of mogadishu. more than 60 others were injured. the arcada affiliate group ocean. bob has claimed responsibility for the attack, which was carried out by a suicide bomber and several government, according to police, 5 of silence were killed and one was captured alive. i'll sure bob has been waging and in search and see against them. i'll use government for at least 17 years. what's amira guide is a senior horn of africa analyst at the consultancy focus insights. we asked her
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what message all should bob is trying to send with this attack of the group has been under serious attacks on the government for the past 2 years. unfortunately, those attack stopped october last year when there was setbacks in the field. and because of that, they have been on the no, and now this was the will be announcing the return to the, to the city 3, announcing their the existence intending for government. and not only the government because this attack focused on civilians, not government officials. it was to remind us of williams of distilled very much in please. and to return that tara and you initially begun as what was received a nationalist movement, a group that was fighting against if you can envision that was to install the ts. and she, at the time, it was meant to me also sized into uninstall agency, a terrorist group, and a terrorist group. that is okay. does this topic affiliate over the past 17 years, up to the of pushed out of mogadishu in 2011. they went back to the insurgency roots and they just focus really now on terrorist attacks, complex attacks in hotels,
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and obviously some security forces around the country. so the important thing to know is that they collect taxes across the city. they are across the country, the, i think ok the most profitable tourist organization. next to the latest from the piracy olympics, where julian alford flew to the elliptic women's, 100 major type lynn powers to make history. i st. lucia's 1st ever medalist out of games. alford breeze convincing lead to the gold medal crossing the finish line and 10.72 seconds. leaving heavy favored american shall carry richardson well behind. and 2nd prize us gymnast simone biles dominated the women's bold finald to win her 3rd gold medal at these games bile scored 15.7 on her, your chunk of double pipe to beat out her becca and raji of brazil, and claim her 7th ever olympic gold and you are up to date has stay with us as there is more sports in just a moment. sports life is next. with
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a deep dive into the double life of an ethnic, vic asinique in mexico. i was plenty more news and information on our website of the com and even the following social media for me and the team here. thanks for watching the get ready for an exciting auburn toyota to look surprised. hi, i wish up. and i'm ready to dive into the hands of human to you. have you have a window of quote on that. we've got a spot on the on expected side, so slight phenomena. susie is concerned about his eyes on his hostetter. if you do see whatnot fighting st history, remembering the crimes is especially important in germany. rejection of the topic is.


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