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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 4, 2024 2:00pm-2:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the w news. why? from berlin? dozens of people have been killed and hundreds more injured in protest in bangladesh. student demonstrators are calling for a civil disobedience and demanding that the prime minister step down. after a deadly police cracked down on protesters. also coming up, fears, grow over the prospect of a wider conflict in the middle east. several countries urge their citizens to leave 11 on has tensions in the region. continue to mount nase real to people are killed in a stabbing attack in a city near televi. the
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i michael local, welcome. more than 20 people have been killed in fresh clashes with police and ruling party activists in bangladesh. it's the latest round of demonstrations demanding. the resignation of prime minister shake has seen it. unrest has prompted the government to shut down internet access. protesters blamed the government for violence, police cracked in on descent last month. that left more than 200 people dead. and marchers against government. job quartz. a tech the who is a regional researcher for amnesty international as south asia. welcome to dw ser protesters in bangladesh are now calling for a country wide disobedience movement. where'd citizens are being asked? not to pay their taxes or utility bills,
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how wide spread and how effective would this be as a tactic frontier. so 1st i'd like to say that the death toll is actually not climbed to $43.00, according to put them on the largest newspaper. so it's doubled in the past hour and in terms of that civil disobedience movement, i mean it could, it has the potential to be extremely effective given the very ex, uh, volatile. so shipping on a position of bundle dish for, for, and reserves have been depleting the rising cost of living and are also migrant workers who sent lucrative amounts of remington's of also mobilize to organize a remnant has been struck down to all these could really trigger a severe economic crisis, i'm done with this, and i must mention that. and then a history of fungus is independence. it is a civil disobedience movement that's let's do. the venture of independence have found the vision in 1971. so it is a deep seaters. uh, you know, practice within the rubric of bundle dish point. well, taken a tech there, you might call this a new wave of protests observers called the police is conduct before brutal. are we
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seeing better conduct from authorities now as well after the protector is returned to the streets? and in the past week, there was a period of relative calm where we didn't see much bloodshed. but today's news is of course very hiring again because we're seeing the comparable levels of killings that were in the initial space. so we've seen reports that people are being admitted. scores of people are being admitted with bullet injuries. so my sources underground still say that protests are remain armed with only stick sling shots and breaks. and we must remember that bundle. this is a country where the security forces enjoying almost total monopoly on the use of firearms. but there are reports suggesting that ruling party activists selective on the desktop to lead have access to fly around. so that's very concerning as well. so we will of course, only know the extent to which on level for us was used once we've had
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a chance to verify. but for now, the report suggests again, uh, you know, an increase in the bloodshed that we've witnessed that earlier as well. we urge an immediate end to the use of this on the full force. understood the government had promised to investigate the past crack down of police. has that happened and do you trust them to do it objectively? a well under square, a significant concerns about the possibility of an independent investigation and bundle this year, i might point to the fact that the rule of law index, which is a global measure rank bundle, is almost at the bottom of 142 frontiers at 127, you know, keep the civil society members have called for an independent un investigation because they have no faith in the domestic judiciary. the case of the site was the 1st known student to be killed as quite telling them. so it was clear from the evidence that was available because of the video that was captured evict was chartered by police, but eventually they had arrested a 16 year old student,
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a high school student accusing him of being killed, killing on both sides. it's only after massive backlash that they eventually released him and then yesterday they suspended to police officers. but that's the case alone was quite emblematic in the possibility of independence or impartial investigation. i must also add that we have now seen lots of students being arrested and you know, so, so there has to go to mass arrests that we are currently seeing. also effects the people's lack of, you know, a trust in an independent investigation. what i'm hearing is there is not a reservoir of trust there at all. a prime minister shake has seen a requested protest or sit with, with, with her for constructive dialogue. is there a chance for reconciliation, or are we beyond that point? as well as stepped words of the protest? leaders are anything to go by. they've set the time for dialogue has ended. i mean
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so they are quite adamant under one claim demand. in fact, reconciliation would probably only be possible if a neutral, you know, arbiter kind of oversaw the process. that's in fact, just to date. as long as this university, a teachers network published a demand for an in term of governance mechanism that would be comprised of the students, leaders and that protest leaders and civil society members. so it seems like they mean they've been very categorical. if you see their words, they are looking at this as a liberation movement for liberation. and so uh, yeah. got it. that is a tech do who do nbc international regional research or for south asia? many thanks you sir. thank you. let's take a brief look now at some of the other stories making headlines as we speak during president go to upload to the business has called for an end to the nationwide protesting quote, bloodshed rights group. amnesty international say security forces have killed 13 people during the pro test,
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which started last week over economic hardship. police say that 7 people die but denied responsibility in venezuela arrival. march is in support of the government and the political opposition have taken place in several cities, including the capital caracas. authorities have ratified. nicholas endorses election victory last week, while a growing number of nations including the united states argentina. andrew recognize his opponent as the 2 winter, or at least 4 people have been killed in flash, flooding, and landslides in south west. the china, within 20 others have been reported missing. nearly a 1000 residents have been evacuated from these trucks. village in china is which one province fears are growing of a wider conflict in the middle east. jordan's foreign minister is to hold talks in iran and made increasing tensions in the region t. ron has been reading,
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it's response to the killing of the political leader from boss a group considered a terrorist organization by many countries. early on sunday, the lebanese militant group has full fire dozens of rockets into israel in response to recent is really air strikes. rock and fire lit up the sky and level not as has blo lunch barrages of ordinance at neighboring israel across the border. israel's iron dome system intercepted the rock at this time at least there were no reports of damage. a lot of observers viewed the resume killing of senior mazda and has been the leaders could have moved the needle closer to open conflict between israel and his beloved. and it's a rainy in bankers as tensions ratcheted up long lines are forming that they roots international airport. the us, the u. k. and other governments are urging their citizens to leave lebanon as soon
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as possible. the was embassy 11 and told it citizens to leave on any ticket available after several airline suspended and canceled flights to be route. yes. i'm very, very scared. but i'll pull myself together and go. i've already booked a ticket. i'm now at the airport. they're saying it's going to escalate. okay, so i'm scared. honestly, i'm very scared. i'm scared. i won't be able to leave this country and i'm dying here. and yeah, i'm scared. meanwhile and gaza, the violence continues unabated. this was the scene after and is really striking on the school compound is really the claims of school was being used as a from us weapons factory. but local officials say the building was housing thousands displaced by the fighting. 6 the after they struck,
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we came here and found the school and the houses complete the destroyed. and they have a people who were injured, the size of a wire on the streets behind the school. i never killed an engine paid so many is really is are calling for an into the fighting and the deal to bring home the hostages still held by him us and gaza. but with negotiation seemingly stalled intentions rising. that's looking increasingly unlikely for now to and in israel, 2 people have been killed and 2 others heard in a stabbing attack. police say a suspect who they described as a resident of the west bag, were shot and killed by responding officers. the attack occurred and hold on a city new. tel aviv, a police statement called it a terrorist incident. dw is on middle east analysts there. shawnee rouge honors is with me now in the studio showing. let's start with this stabbing near toby this
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morning. what do we know? well, we need to look at the perpetrator coming from the westbank. this is just one indication of what we've been seeing in the west bank and last weeks. what's been very slowly simmering has been actually boiling in the last couple of months as well as the idea of forces find themselves very much engaged with, you know, major cities in the west and trying to curb the resistance there. and the violence there. and of course, this is just one of the friends that is really is dealing with and for, for seen where the leader of him, us in the, in, in gaza. this is exactly what he wishes for. he wishes to see escalation, who wishes to see more friends that are being opened within, you know, is, are the territories with, with the policy and that live in israel with the west bank. and of course, everything else that we've been seeing like has while out you're on and so on. so it's very little in no incentive for how much i time to try and talk about a deal. they see their goal was actually being met. well, i think anybody watching this will notice that there is been a change in dynamics and talked to crap and there is clearly more than one front
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that israel is facing right now. indeed beyond. gotcha. and the last week has been very consequential. and it seems like it was also somewhat planned or if it's very much at a conscious decision that these realize have been making, you know, instead of just trying to maybe wind down, we are approaching almost 10 months to this war soon. and, you know, new to the old made it to the stage to the, to the capital, asking for more have more support, more weapons in order to do exactly what he's been doing with it. just doubling down, you know, just, just putting more efforts in trying to send out a very clear message of israel is completely fearless, very much, you know, adamant in, in, in, in pushing strong at all front against everybody. feeling like maybe in between, you know, the pressure is really wrong. his bala and, and so on. despite the, you know, their assumption to israel cannot deal with many fronts of the same time that to be out. and his cabinet just trying to say, we're not afraid we're going strong,
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and it's been a few days now since the death of a has bla, commander, and of course, a mazda is a political leader. what kind of response are we expecting to see from iran? and or its proxy from the very fact we haven't seen anything yet, tries to maybe tell us what we might be seeing. and we see that the ranges are being very calculated, very much strategically trying to plan their next move. maybe a joint coordinated move with more of their proxies, their allied, you know, military militias around the region like human and the who sees that we've been seeing his by 11 and, of course, iraq, syria, yvonne has enough of, you know, operators around surrounding israel and the region that it can work through and they will also we need to keep in mind would happen. april 14th of april was basically the red line that was crossed. yvonne for the 1st time in a direct attack against israel. and that was sort of a precedent. it's set and maybe also set a threshold, it's going to be very hard for the wrong to do something less than that. so the
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expectation is for hundreds of, of the cells meet as all sorts of missiles shot at israel, from different ranges, and from different uh, geographical locations. probably. oh, thanks is always to a d, w middle east expert shawnie rose on you. i'm sure we'll see you soon. i with a touch of tears olympics news now. and us and gymnast simone biles dominated the women's vault final to when her 3rd goal metal at these gains, bio scored 15.7 on her. you're trying to double pike to beat out rebecca and roderick of brazil and claim her 7th ever olympic gold. as the human sports world gathers in parents for the olympics, the dog world stay with me, has seized the moment for a little support of its own. the world surfing dog championship took over pacific estate beach, south of san francisco. dog lovers and other spectators gather to watch the
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horrible k nines ride the waves. the annual event aims to raise money for animal charities and perhaps to match new owners for loan. the purchase up for adoption. stay with us, some reporters of an ex with a look at germany's a checkered modern history and its culture of. remember, it's a michael open for new use at the top, the next hour, the let someone else to the see the highlights of selected for you. you every week in you a box, subscribe. now. i tried several times. i went down 6 times to greece. is what i have to spend life from 50600 currently more people than ever on the move worldwide in such of address in life you know, is a very difficult journey. and one is very hard
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to ever.


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